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SAMANTHA: Never Say Never (The Powell's Book 2)

Page 11

by Serenity King

  He gave them a gentle smile. “Kayla will be okay. I’m running a few tests—mostly to rule out things. However, she does have a double ear infection, which could be the cause of the spiked fever. My concern is that it’ll go down, and then spike again. I would recommend keeping her overnight to be on the safe side. Don’t panic, Mrs. Powell; it’s routine observation when a child’s fever spikes for an extended period.”

  “Okay. Will we be allowed to stay with her?”

  “Of course. One of you will have to go down to admitting to fill out paperwork. She broke out in hives—I gave her Benadryl—she’ll sleep for a while.”

  “I’ll stay with her,” Adam said. “Go do what you have to do sweetheart.”

  “Okay, I’ll be back as soon as I can,” she said. Samantha rushed out the doors.

  “What’s happening,” everyone asked at once.

  “Nothing really. They said she had a double ear infection. They’re keeping her overnight for observation because her fever keeps rising. They’re still running tests. I was on my way down to admitting. Adam’s with her until I get finished.”

  “Adam is always good with Kayla,” her mother said.

  “Yes, he is. You all can go back—well not all at once—you know what I mean.”

  “Go do what you have to do Sam,” Tracey said.

  “Yes, okay, I’ll see y’all in a bit,” she said and rushed off in search of admitting.

  “Is anyone as interested as I am as to why Samantha and Adam showed up here together, and now Adam’s back there with Kayla?” Austin Powell asked.

  There was a hush that fell over the room.

  “Hmm, I guess not,” Austin frowned.

  “I was wondering the same thing,” Declan said.

  “They did look pretty familiar with one another,” Barbara Powell said. “What do you think, J.D.?”

  “I think I’ll just wait for word on my grandbaby and leave all the other stuff alone.”

  “You’re right of course. It’s just that I like Adam,” she said, and everyone laughed. “What did I say?”

  “Nothing, Mommy,” Tracey comforted. “I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry,” Declan and Austin said simultaneously.

  “Leave my wife alone. She’s eating for two,” Shane said.

  “Well take her to get something to eat. We don’t need her getting sick too,” Declan said.

  “That’s a good idea,” Shane said. “Let me pop in to see my brother for a minute. Sweetheart, I’ll be right back.”



  “How are you holding up?”

  Adam looked up from his seat next to Kayla’s bed into his brother’s face.

  “I’m okay.”

  “Good. You know everyone is asking about you and Samantha, right?”

  “I figured they would. I don’t care, and neither does she.”

  “So you two are a couple now?” Shane asked.

  “Yes,” Adam smiled.

  “Good. I take it y’all have been together on this vacation Samantha suddenly needed?”

  “We went to the Bahamas. She was stressed, I offered to take her away, and she accepted. Now I’m wondering if it was a good idea with Princess here sick and all.”

  “Adam, Kayla will be okay. You two needed to get away. I’m happy for you. Samantha’s a good woman.”

  “Yes, she is. I have to meet with you after all of this. Ashby threatened her,” Adam said.

  “What?” Shane asked.

  “I’ll tell you all about it later.”

  “Make sure that you do. Well, I’m taking my wife to get something to eat. She’s hungry—again,” Shane chuckled.

  “I suggest you go feed her. I’ll catch up with you soon.”

  “Make sure Samantha rests.”

  “I will.”

  “Hi Shane,” Samantha said, as she joined him and Adam at Kayla’s bedside.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Shane said. “How are you holding up?”

  “Better. Thank God for your brother. I was a wreck.”

  “Understandable. Don’t overdo it.”

  “I won’t. The nurse said Adam and me could stay with her. She’ll be moved to a room shortly.”

  “Good. I’ll let the rest of the family know. I may as well book into a hotel close by.”

  “You all flew down together?” Samantha asked.

  “No. Declan and Austin came down together. Your Aunt Bernadette was here but left earlier.”

  “Did you reach Mom and Dad?” Adam asked.

  “Yes, they told me to keep them informed. They just got back from Paris. They’re tired. I better give them a call. They got worried when they couldn’t reach you.”

  “Thanks, Shane. Let them know that I will call them in the morning.”

  “Will do. You two get some rest. Talk to y’all later.”

  “Bye, Shane,” Samantha said, giving him a kiss on his cheek. “You can forget about checking into a hotel, Mommy and Daddy will never let that happen.”

  “I know. I figure I’d give it a shot. Your parents already has a full house, with Declan, Kent, and your Aunt Bernadette,” he said.

  “They’ll make room. Trust me,” Samantha grinned.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Adam awoke stiff as a board. He’d slept in a chair all night. He’d let Samantha have the foldaway bed. He knew that she was tired. Kayla’s fever had spiked several times during the night. One time it had gotten so high she’d started to convulse. The doctor had assured them that the seizure was from her fever being so high. Still it was one scary sight. He’d had to calm Samantha down several times.

  “Unca Adam.”

  He heard the soft voice call his name and jerked his head in her direction. Adam looked over at a sleeping Samantha and got up to walk over to Kayla’s crib. They’d put her in a toddler crib to keep her from falling out of the bed during the night.

  “Hey, Princess,” he smiled, letting the rails down. He picked her up, being mindful of the intravenous in her arm.

  “I thirsty.”

  “I’ll get you some water in a minute Princess,” he said gruffly, trying to stem the tears from falling. She was okay, he repeated over and over in his mind.

  “She’s awake?” he heard Samantha ask.

  Adam cleared his throat before answering. “Yes, she just woke up. She’s thirsty.”

  “I’ll ask them to bring her a juice box,” Samantha said, coming to stand by him.

  “Mommy,” her daughter smiled weakly.

  “Hey, baby,” Samantha smiled.

  “I thirsty,” Kayla said again.

  “Mommy’s going to get you something to drink now.”


  Samantha pushed the button to the nurse’s station.


  “Hi, can I have a juice box or something for my daughter. She’s awake and thirsty.”

  “I’ll send her nurse in.”

  “Thank you,” Samantha said. “They’re coming now, sweetheart.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “I see someone is awake and thirsty,” a bubbly nurse came in and said. “Let me get her temperature first. You’ll have to lay her down.”

  Samantha glanced at Adam and smiled. He was holding Kayla tight—her little arms were around his neck.

  “You’ll need to hold her arm with IV in it a certain way so that it will flow properly,” the nurse advised. “Looky here 100.9, much better,” the nurse smiled. “It’s a good thing she wants something to drink. We want to keep her hydrated to keep her temperature down. Dehydration causes fever too and other symptoms as well.”

  “Okay,” Adam said. “Her temperature is still a little high.”

  “Yes, it is. She does have the ear infections. I suspect once we get enough of the antibiotics in her, the temperature will go back to normal,” the nurse said.

  “Did any of her tests results come back?”

  “I believe they did. I’ll ha
ve to check. The doctor will be around in a little while. Let me get the little one her juice box.”

  “Thank you,” Samantha said.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “I’ll bring her some Motrin™ too. It’s time for her dose,” she said and walked out of the room.

  “You have to get better Princess so we can take you home,” Adam said.

  The nurse came back a few minutes later with Kayla’s juice box and a medicine cup with Motrin™ in it.

  “I don’t want it,” Kayla complained.

  “Princess you have to take it so you can get better,” Adam said.

  Kayla started to cry, and that was it for Adam.

  “She doesn’t want it. Can’t we give her something else?” Adam asked.

  “Adam she has to take it. Kayla doesn’t like medicine period. No matter what you give her she’s going to have a problem with it,” Samantha said.

  “Yeah, but she’s crying,” he said.

  “Because she doesn’t want to take the medicine, but she needs it,” Samantha said firmly.

  “If you say so, but let me give it to her. Maybe they’re not giving it to her properly,” Adam said.

  “Adam, please!” Samantha chastised. “These are doctors and nurses; I’m sure they’re qualified enough to give out Tylenol™.”

  “Didn’t she say it was Motrin™?” Adam asked.

  “Oh good Lord! Move aside,” Samantha said.

  “I’ll give it to her,” Adam said. “Come on Princess, take the meds so you can get better, baby.”

  The tears rolled down Kayla’s face, and Adam refused to give her the medicine. Samantha grabbed the Motrin™, put the little cup up to her mouth, and said. “Drink Kayla.” And she did. “See that wasn’t so hard now was it? Now drink some of your juice box baby.”

  “She has you wrapped around her little finger doesn’t she?” the nurse smiled at Adam, causing him to blush.

  “She’s only a baby,” he said, his face bright red.

  “I have a feeling she will always be your baby. Lawd!” The nurse left, shaking her head and chuckling at the same time.

  Samantha smiled and shook her head.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You’re a big ol’ softie with Kayla,” Samantha said.

  “So are you!” Adam said.


  “Do you think she’ll be able to drive back to North Carolina once she leaves here? Or should we fly? Maybe the altitude won’t be right for her,” Adam said.

  “We’ll see. I’ll ask the doctor when he comes in.”

  “She’s falling asleep,” Adam said.

  “I’m just grateful that she’s almost back to her old self. It was not fun watching my baby sick. I’m so glad you were here with me Adam.”

  “There’s no place I’d rather be,” he said. “You want to go get a cup a coffee? Princess is sleeping again. She just drops off just like that.”

  “It’s the fever. I’ll go get a coffee with you. I need a shower and a change of clothes,” Samantha said.

  “Our luggage is in the rental in the parking lot. I could grab one or your cases and come back.”

  “That would be fantastic. We’ll take turns.”

  “I wish we could shower together,” Adam said suggestively.

  “I do believe the staff would frown on that. Come, you owe me a coffee.”

  Adam raised the rail back up on the crib, and then left with Samantha in search of coffee. They met Dr. Eason halfway down the hall.

  “Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, I have the test results back for Kayla. Everything appears to be normal. I’m thinking she had some nasty virus, coupled with the ear infections and the allergic reaction. If her fever stays down, she may be able to go home later today,” Dr. Eason said. “I was just going to check on her.”

  “Her fever was still a little high. She just had some Motrin™ and is sleeping,” Adam said. “We were going to grab a coffee while she slept.”

  “I won’t disturb her now then. I’ll make my rounds and come back later to check on her. Go have your coffee, you’ve been here all night.”

  “Thank you, doctor. For everything,” Samantha said.

  “You’re welcome. Have a lovely day,” Dr. Eason said, and then turned and walked towards the nurse’s station.

  “He’s an excellent doctor,” Samantha said.

  “I agree. Have you called Kayla’s regular pediatrician?”

  “Oh shoot!” Samantha cried, palm smacking her forehead. “I forgot. I’ll do it after I’ve had my coffee,”

  “Call your parents too. I know they’re worried.”

  “I’ll call them just as soon as I get to the coffee shop. Knowing my parents, they just may already be on their way here,” Samantha said.

  Sure enough, making their way down the hall was Mr. and Mrs. Powell, and Declan.

  “Where are you two off too?”

  “To get some coffee,” Samantha said, embracing both of her parents. “Kayla had a rough night but is doing much better this morning. She’s had some meds and is sleeping now.”

  “Do you they know what’s wrong with her?” Declan asked.

  “The doctor said that all of her tests came back negative. He’s thinking she may have a virus coupled with the ear infections. He’s not sure what made her have the allergic reaction.”

  “Maybe we should have a specialist look at her,” Declan said.

  “Oh Lord, you’re worse than Adam. Kayla didn’t want to take the Motrin™; she started to cry, and Adam wouldn’t let the nurse give it to her,” Samantha said shaking her head.

  “She didn’t like it,” Adam said in all seriousness.

  “Kayla doesn’t like any medicine. I tried to tell him that.”

  “I didn’t see a reason to upset her any more than she was already. She could’ve had a relapse,” Adam said.

  “Oh stop it,” Samantha chuckled. “It’s amazing. I was a total disaster last night when she had the convulsions and was sick throughout the night—Adam was the voice of reason. She gets better and don’t want to take her meds, and then he loses it.”

  “Girls will do it to you every time, son,” Mr. Powell grinned.

  Adam could feel his face turning red.

  “While we’re here why don’t you two go get a change of clothes and a hot meal?” Barbara Powell said.

  Adam looked at Samantha for confirmation. “It will feel good to get out of these traveling clothes, and breakfast is the icing on the cake. Sounds like a plant to me. What do you think, Samantha?

  “I don’t know,” she frowned. “Is there a hotel close by?”

  “Go to the house. Shane and Tracey are there,” Barbara Powell said.

  “Oh, no! Kent and Aunt Bernadette plus those two; we may as well stay here,” Samantha said, shaking her head. “I need caffeine, not tea leaves, and that’s what Auntie will try to feed me.”

  “I know what you mean,” Declan scowled. “Tried to feed me a damn Veggie Burger. What self-respecting man eats a Veggie Burger?”

  “Declan watch your mouth?” Mrs. Powell reprimanded.

  “A Veggie what?” Adam asked.

  “Man, you don’t want to know,” Declan said. “She’s always off on some adventure and then comes back and tries out different stuff on the family.”

  “I’m pretty sure that men eat veggie burgers, Declan,” Barbara Powell said.

  “Who?” Declan, Adam, and J.D. said simultaneously.

  “Oh away with you all,” Mrs. Powell scoffed. “I’m going to check on my grandbaby.”

  “I have my cell. Call me if you need me,” Samantha said.

  “I’ll need to charge mine,” Adam said.

  “We’ll talk to you two later. Go on now,” Mrs. Powell said. “Come on Declan and J.D.”

  Adam watched the two men follow after Mrs. Powell. “She’s a force, isn’t she?”

  “Always have been,” Samantha giggled. “Let’s go. All of a sudden I’m hungry.”

/>   “Your wish is my command,” Adam smiled and grabbed her hand. “We can use the GPS in the rental to find a local hotel.”


  Chapter Nineteen

  Samantha and Adam checked into a local Garden hotel.

  “I’ll have a quick shower first and then food,” Samantha said, rushing over to the bed and flopping down on it. “Boy, this feels lovely.”

  “Don’t get too comfortable, suga’, we still have got that shower and food. I have a feeling if I get in that bed, I won’t get out of it for a long time,” Adam chuckled, depositing their cases on the floor. “Besides, we have to get back to the hospital just in case Princess needs us.

  “I know. Okay, let me grab something to wear and get in the shower…unless you want to shower first?” she asked, looking at Adam.

  “Or, we could save time and shower together,” Adam, said suggestively, reaching down and pulling her up from the bed and into his arms.

  “We could, but then again, we’d never get out of here.”

  “I know. You go first. I can order room service if you’d prefer?”

  “Sound good to me. Make sure they send up plenty of coffee,” Samantha said, grabbing her makeup case that held her toothbrush and other necessities. She laid a pair of shorts and tank top on the bed, grabbed a set of underwear, and went off to take her shower.

  “Will do,” he called after her, grabbing up his leather toiletries bag. He then went to his suitcase and grabbed a pair of khaki shorts and a plain classic fit pocket tee-shirt. Adam picked up the guest services phone to dial room services and decided against it. He’d rather wait until they’d both had their shower before calling down for a meal. Adam made a quick second decision, he shucked his clothes and made his way into the bathroom to join Samantha.

  She startled as he walked into the bathroom.

  “Adam!” she whispered.

  Adam pulled the shower curtain back and joined her in the shower.

  “On second thought, why don’t we just go with the original plan and shower together,” he said, pulling her wet body into his arms. The water from the shower cascaded down his back. He stood facing her, her arms, instantly going around his neck.

  “Yes, but I thought we agreed that it would be best if we didn’t. We’ll never get back to the hospital at this rate,” she breathed.


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