The Little Big Things
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Complexity and Systems Destruction Officer, 324
compliments, 149–53. See also “thank you”
compression hose, 6, 210
condescension, 267
confidence, 95–96, 495
connections, 93–101, 185
acts of deliberate relationship enhancement, 100–101
importance of relationships, 93–95
making friends, 95–96
making it personal, 97–99
conscience, 81–82
consideration, 85–88
Constitutional Convention, U.S., xxiii–xxiv, 129, 137–38
consultation, 164–65
Container Store, 284, 288
contingency planning, 45–49
Conway, Jill Ker, 220–21
cool industries, 17
“core competence,” listening as your, 327–30
Cornog, Evan, 73
Covey, Stephen M. R., 94, 475
craigslist, 311
Crane, Frank, 249
crazies. See weirdos
credibility, 30
credo, 483–87
Crile, George, 236–44
crisis, 25–31
China and India, 31, 281, 283, 446
good things coming in threes, 28–30
“critic” and “champion,” distance between, 163–65
cross-functional collaboration, 177–79, 231, 324, 423, 454, 473
crowdsourcing, 324, 472
Crownover, Jim, 99
Cruikshank, Jeffery, 312
curiosity, 345–49, 477–78
asking questions, 345–47
gossiping, 348–49
rewarding DNK (Do Not Know), 347–48
Customer Comes Second (Rosenbluth and McFerrin Peters), 94
customers, 201–5
angry, 203–4. See also apologies
calling, 133–35, 201–2, 470
external vs. internal, 169–73, 423
overcommunicating, 204–5
customer satisfaction, 173–75, 388, 424, 445
customer service, xxviii, 22, 201–5
attention to details, 389–91
D’Alessandro, David, 113
Daniels, Phil, 53
Danko, William, 36
Darwin, Charles, 342
D’Aveni, Rich, 422
daydreaming, 366–68
de Beauvoir, Simone, 461
decency, 34, 83–85, 88, 185, 471–72, 492
Decency of Conversation Among Men, 80–82
decentralization, 47, 323, 400–404
decisiveness, 46
deep vein thrombosis, 6
De Geus, Arie, 460–61
Delaware, xxiii–xxiv, 138
deliberate relationship enhancement, 100–101
Dell, 308
Democratic National Convention (2004), xix, 121
demographic trends, 23, 37–39, 479–80
demos, 222–24, 266
De Pree, Max, 73
derivatives, 27
design, xxviii, 373–83, 474
centers of excellence in, 315–16
emotions and, 382–83
is everywhere, 373–76
as “lickable,” 377–78
“design mindfulness,” 373, 382–83
design sign, 378–80
details, 385–95
attention to, 59, 389–91, 490
branding, 391–93
caring about, 394–95
cleanliness of restrooms, xxi, 1–2
flowers, 3–4, 60, 392
two-cent candies, 385–87
deterrence, passion as, 241
development of talent, 273–75
development track record, 277–79
DFI (Director of First Impressions), 118
differentiation, 74–75
Dilbert, 51, 193
Director of First Impressions (DFI), 118
Disney, 56, 118
Disturbers of the Peace, 320–22
diversity, 48, 323, 427, 472
DNK (Do Not Know), 347–48
“do everything” approach, 224–28
dogmatic thoughtfulness, 90–91
“do it now” lists, 463–64
Donoghue, Paul, 331
Do Not Know (DNK), 347–48
Dorling Kindersley, 375–76
dramatic frenzy of value creation, 459–62
Dream Manager, The (Kelly), 94, 434–35, 477
dreams (dreaming), 434–35
drilling, 215–16
Drucker, Peter, 241, 245, 431
Dry Basement Science (Janesky), 35
“dumb” questions, 345–47
Dunbar, Robin, 349
early birds, 138–39
Easterly, William, 264–65, 268–69
eBay, 311
education, 358–61
EEM (Emotional Experience Management), 119–20
Effective Apology (Kador), 158, 159–60
Effective Listening Skills (Kratz), 331
“18-second managers,” 332–33
Eisenhower, Dwight David, 95–96, 217, 234, 467
Elderclass. See Boomer/50-Plus Market Potential email, 20, 357
“emergent leadership,” 310–11
emotional connections, 93–101, 185
acts of deliberate relationship enhancement, 100–101
importance of relationships, 93–95
making friends, 95–96
making it personal, 97–99
Emotional Experience Management (EEM), 119–20
Emotional Intelligence (Goleman), 95
emotions. See also emotional connections; passion design and, 382–83
empathy, 46, 87–88, 265
employees. See people; talent
enabling dreams, 434–35
“enemy” ruling your life, 416–18
energy consumption, 41
engagement, 64, 105–7, 117, 327
Enough (Bogle), 27–28
Enron, xxii
enterprise, 411–20
“enemy” ruling your life, 416–18
loving your competitors, 418–20
“people serving people,” 411–13
PSF Mandate, 414–16
enthusiasm, 63, 147, 342, 467–68
entrepreneurial flair, 339, 431–32
entropy, 325, 481
envelopes, lack of attention to, 389–91
environmentalism (green building), 39–41
EpiPen, 380–81
equations, 182–87
ESPN: The Uncensored History (Freeman), 312
Evans, Harold, 320
Excellence, 9–15, 17, 59, 482–83
“navigating,” 493–98
“Excellence Manifesto,” 491–92
excitement axiom, 290–91
execution, 15, 47, 116, 187
executive assistants, 169, 183
exit atmospherics, 119–20
Experience Economy, The (Pine and Gilmore), 113
experience marketing, xxi, 445
external vs. internal customers, 169–73, 423
extremism in the defense of WOW, 450–51
eye contact, 116
“Eye-sparkle Factor,” 103–4
“face time,” 172
face value, 117
Fadem, Terry, 331
failure, celebrating, 52–54, 323
fanaticism, 271–73, 454
Farson, Richard, 54, 373, 376
Faulk, Rick, 153
favors, 183, 184, 238
feelings. See emotions
Field, Sally, 341
Fiery Peace in a Cold War, A (Sheehan), 234
50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America (Novelli), 37
final moments (last impressions), 119–20
finances (budgeting)
1 percent drill (clearing away a world of “slop”), 407–8
everything passes through, 126–27
following the
money, 239
people budget, 286–88
realism about, 437–39
financial crisis of 2007–2008, xxii, 25–29, 33–34
financial derivatives, 27
Financial Times, 26, 293, 376
First, Break All the Rules (Buckingham), 273
first impressions, 116–18
first-line supervisors, 273–76, 476
fitness mental, 69–70
physical, 58, 68–69, 499
Fitzpatrick, Ellen, 301
Flagman, 109–11
“flat world,” 19, 50
Flexner, Eleanor, 301
flowers, 3–4, 60, 392
FMCs (Foul Mood Carriers), 107–8
“fold ‘em,” 55–56
Forni, P. M., 79
Forster, E. M., 93
Foul Mood Carriers (FMCs), 107–8
Frampton, Susan, 77–78
Frankl, Viktor, 64
Franklin, Benjamin, xxiii
Freeman, Michael, 312
free time, 366–68
Friedman, Tom, 353
friends, making, 95–96
Frito-Lay, 6, 263, 414
Frohman, Dov, 366–68
frontline employees, 22, 423
fun, 190–93, 325
Funky Business (Nordström and Ridderstråle), 460–61
fury and innovation, 320–22
Gagarin, Yuri, 446
Gandhi, 65, 214, 503
Garcia, Jerry, 443
Garcia, Manny, xxviii–xxix
Gardner, Howard, 73
gaspworthy, 447–48
Geek Squad, 286, 415
GE Energy, 169–70
Geisinger Clinic, 210
Geithner, Tim, 29
gender issues, 269, 293–305, 478–79. See also women
General Motors (GM), 13, 262–63, 397–98
Gilbert, Brad, 353
Gilmore, Jim, 113
Gilpin, Laura, 77–78
Gitomer, Jeffrey, 3
Giuliani, Rudy, 6, 224
Glass, David, 54
GlaxoSmithKline, 315
globalization, 19, 20
gloom-sprayers, 60
Godin, Seth, 75
Golden Rule, 249–50
Goldman, William, 316
Goldman Sachs, 294
Goldsmith, Marshall, 65, 157, 158, 471
Goleman, Daniel, 66, 95, 247–48
“good enough,” 197–99
Google, 191, 271, 308
Gore, Al, 219
gossip (gossiping), 348–49
Grant, Ulysses S., 232, 357, 496–98
Grayling, A. C., 341
Great Grunge Removal Game, 405–6
Green Architecture (Wines), 41
green building, 39–41
Green Building A to Z (Yudelson), 41
Greenleaf, Robert, 145, 282
Grenny, Joseph, 66, 94
Gretzky, Wayne, 217
Griffin, Elisabeth, 301, 304
Griffin Hospital, 78, 117, 210
Grimké sisters, 302
Groopman, Jerome, 332
grunge, 397–409
clearing away a world of “slop,” 407–8
common sense, 408–9
cost of rigidity, 397–99
decentralization, 400–404
removal game, 405–6
Gunnarsson, Jan, 94, 146–47
Gurion, Michael, 296–97
Gurko, Miriam, 301
guru gaffes, 17–23
Hamilton, Alexander, 400–401
hand-sanitizer dispensers, 6
“hang out axiom,” 474
“hard is soft,” xxi–xxii, xxvi
Harris, Judith Rich, 349
Harrison, Steve, 88, 94
Hartville Hardware, 444
Hastings, Max, 73
Hatchards Bookshop, 355
“Have-Yous,” Top 50, 422–29
Hayek, F. A., 225, 462
health care reform, 209–12
“hearing” vs. “listening,” 330
Heller, Joseph, 28
Hewlett-Packard (HP), 141, 255
Higgins, Andrew, 217
Hilton, Conrad, 490
hiring approaching with unabashed fanaticism, 271–72
criteria for, 324, 467–71, 477–78
equations, 186
Hock, Dee, 340
HOK Guidebook to Sustainable Design (Mendler, Odell and Lazarus), 41
hope, 46
Hoppe, Michael, 331
Hornery, Stuart, 43
hospital stays. See patient-centric care
hostmanship, 146–47
Hostmanship (Gunnarsson and Blohm), 94, 146–47
Howard, Robert, 366
How Doctors Think (Groopman), 332
How to Ask Great Questions (Lee-Thorp), 331
How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 83, 96
Hughes, Howard, 320
human resources. See people; talent
humor, 46, 121
Hunters, The (Masters), 215
IBM, 414–15, 419
ICD (Inherent Centralist Drift), 402–3
impact, 459–64
“do it now” lists, 463–64
“dramatic frenzy” of, 459–62
implementation, xxviii, 230–34
equations, 182–87
impressions first, 116–18
last, 119–20
“I’m sorry” (apologizing), 125, 157–60, 165, 184, 467
incivility, 79–80
incrementalism, 229–30, 450, 454
India, 31, 446
indirection, 219–21, 223, 266, 269
Influence (Cialdini), 95
In Her Own Right (Griffin), 301, 304
initiative, 47–48, 133–41
getting up early, 138–39
public effort, 139–41
showing up, 136–38, 183
three-minute calls, 133–35
innovation, 307–25
14 ideas for, 322–25
adhocracy, 309–11
Berserk Standard, 311–12
Disturbers of the Peace, 320–22
prototypes, 318–19, 322
R&D, 307–9, 324
S.A.V. (Screw Around Vigorously), 316–17
skunkworks, 313–16
In Search of Excellence (Waterman and Peters), xxi–xxii, 9, 214, 215, 255, 358, 418, 448, 480, 506
“inside game,” 173–75
instant communication, 20. See also email; phone calls; Twitter
integrity, 46
Intel, 308, 366
“interior superiority,” 466
internal customers external customers vs., 169–73, 423
satisfaction, 173–75, 388, 424, 445
internal vacations, 67–68
interruptions and listening, 332–33
interviews (interviewing), 334–37, 475
Invisible Ninety-Five Percent, 236–37
IPM (Integrated Project Management), 415
irate customers, 203–4. See also apologies
Isaac, Brad, 136
I Was Wrong (Smith), 158
Jacobs, Jane, 462
James, Henry, 79
James, William, 156, 339
Janesky, Larry, 17, 21, 35
Jefferson, Thomas, 400–401
Jensen, Rolf, 74
Jim’s Group, 34–35
Jobs, Steve, 56, 342, 376, 377, 449, 456
job titles, 253
Joffe, Brian, 404
John Paul II, Pope, 470
Johns Hopkins Hospital, 210
Johnson, Elmer, 397
Johnson & Johnson, 483
Jordan, Michael, 54
Jungle Jim’s International Market, 443–44
Junkman’s Daughter, 444
“Just do it,” 212–13
Kador, John, 158, 159–60
Kahneman, Daniel, 4–5, 119
br /> Keeley, Stuart, 331
Kelleher, Herb, 216, 290, 490
Keller, Helen, 339
Kelley, David, 54, 376
Kelly, Matthew, 94, 434–35, 477
Kelly, Walt, 398
Keyes, Ralph, 54
Kibert, Charles, 41
kindness, 60, 61, 77–83, 85–88
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 109–10, 111, 459–60
“know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em,” 55–56
Komansky, David, 26
Kopp, Wendy, 225–26, 227
Korea, 226–27, 316
Kratz, Abby Robinson, 331
Kratz, Dennis, 331
Kraus, Max, 140–41
Krugman, Paul, 25
Krzyzewski, Mike, 88
Ladies of Seneca Falls (Gurko), 301
Lafley, A. G., 323
Lamb, Karen, 343
Lambert, Andrew, 493–96
Langone, Ken, 339
Lasseter, John, 56
last impressions, 119–20
“last two-percenters,” 289–90
Lawrence-Lightfoot, Sara, 88, 94, 334, 339–40
Lazare, Aaron, 158
Lazarus, Mary Ann, 41
LBUAA (Leadership by Unilateral Attitude Adjustment), 64
leaders (leadership), 143–53, 476
as dream enablers, 434–35
getting down from the pedestal, 262–63
helping others succeed, 143–44
hostmanship, 146–47
“organizers” vs., 238
people leading people, 277–79
positive reinforcement, 149–53
as sacred trust, 147–49
“sucking down,” 167–69, 182, 423
at their service, 145
wandering around, 255–59
Leadership and the Sexes (Gurion and Annis), 295–97
Leadership the Hard Way (Frohman and Howard), 366
Leading Minds (Gardner), 73
Leading with Questions (Marquardt), 331
learning, 351–61
education curriculum, 358–61
lifelong, as mission statement, 351–53
reading, 355–56
studying, 353–54, 471
writing, 356–57
Lee, Robert E., 496
Lee-Thorp, Karen, 331
legacy, 503–5
LeMay, Curtis, 234
Lewis, Peter, 455
Lexington VA Hospital, 159
Liberation Management (Peters), 229
Libert, Barry, 153
lickability, 377–78
lifelong learning, 351–53
life success, 278, 477
lifetime employment, 50–52
Light, Larry, 453
Light of Day, The (Swift), 356
Limited Brands, 53
Lincoln, Abraham, 158, 497
Liniger, Dave, 277–78, 290, 477
listening, 327–37, 475
“18-second managers,” 332–33
books on, 331
as “core competence,” 327–30