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Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Book 2)

Page 23

by L A Cotton

  A secret that, if unveiled, I knew could change everything.

  "Are you ready?" Jackson's voice brought me back to the room, and I blinked taking in my appearance in the mirror, butterflies fluttering like crazy low in my stomach.

  I hope he likes it.

  With a nervous smile, I inched out of the bathroom door. Jackson was busy on his phone, propped up against the headboard of my bed, his legs stretched out in front of him. I leaned against the doorjamb and just watched him. He looked so handsome in his dark wash jeans and black dress shirt with open collar and rolled up sleeves. Noticing me, he looked up and his emerald eyes swept over me and down my body. When they found their way back to my eyes, they were wide with surprise…and something else. The emerald sparkle was gone, replaced with something darker. Like the sea in a storm. My mouth dried as he pushed off the bed and stalked toward me, never once taking his eyes off me.

  He stopped in front of me and reached out a hand, tucking away the soft curls framing my face. "You look…wow, you look beautiful."

  Color stained my cheeks, and I suddenly felt naked standing there in the jade green sundress Elena had talked me into buying for my birthday. I eventually caved because it was the color of Jackson’s eyes. I dropped my head, breaking eye contact with him, and dragged my lip between my teeth.

  Jackson's hand cupped my chin and lifted my face back to his. "What's wrong?"

  "I- this, this isn't me." I motioned to the dress and pumps on my feet.

  "So change." His fingers glided along my jawbone until they were buried in my hair, tugging me closer. "I don't care if you're in your jeans, a dress, or a damn paper bag. I love what's in here." His other hand came to rest over my heart. "I love you, Ana. You. Any way I can get you."

  Oh, my.

  I gulped back the tears threatening to spill out. "Let's go. Everyone will be waiting."

  Jackson frowned and laughed, shaking his head. "You figured it out? How? Wait, don't answer that. I should have known that I'd need to be sneakier around you."

  He dropped a kiss onto my head and led us to the door. "Happy Birthday, Ana."


  "So when you let it slip there was a party, I didn't think you meant an actual party. I thought you meant us, the guys, that kind of party." I sucked on my mocktail, smiling at Elena through my straw.

  Elena let it slip at the end of March that Jackson was planning something special for my twentieth birthday. I didn't need him to know that it was my less than discreet roommate who gave him away and not my investigative skills.

  "Your boy went all out, didn't he?"

  We scanned Dante's. The place had been transformed. Clusters of metallic green and white balloons decorated each table, and a banner hung above a buffet table. It was a little over-the-top, but Elena told me that after everything, Jackson just wanted to give me normal. One normal college experience.

  "I don't even know half these people."

  Allie caught my eye across the room and waved, bouncing up and down on the spot. Even Talia had showed up with Jarrod, much to my surprise. But he and Jackson seemed to hit it off after he came to apologize for his ‘crazy-ass cousin.’ Landon Smith had been locked up as well, and Jarrod promised Jackson he’d no longer be an issue.

  "Most of them know you, though." Elena chuckled and I threw my napkin at her.

  "Allie is sweet. We have poetry together."

  "Oh, so she's the one always making googly eyes at Jackson?"

  Rolling my eyes, I pulled at the hem of my dress again. It was a little shorter than I felt comfortable with, and I'd spent most of the night tugging it down.

  "For the love of—" Elena muttered something in Spanish. "Will you leave it alone? You look beautiful. In fact, you look hot. Want to put it to good use and dance?"

  My eyes roamed over to the makeshift dance floor where a small crowd of girls was dancing away including Lydia and Cassie. They waved over at us.

  "I'm good, but you should totally go."

  Elena hopped down off the barstool and wiped her hands down her wet-look leggings. "Okay, but I will have one dance with the birthday girl before the night is over." She winked and left me sitting at the bar fiddling with the straw in my glass.

  “This seat taken?” a deep voice asked, causing my whole body to tingle. A voice I would never tire of hearing.

  I turned to Jackson and smiled. It wasn’t strained, or false, or even uncomfortable. It felt refreshing to do such a simple thing and not have to worry about the consequences, or what was around the corner.

  “Why is the birthday girl sitting at the bar all on her own? I leave you for ten minutes and this is how I find you?” He leaned in close, winding his hands around my waist, clamping us together. “I shouldn’t have left you.” The mocking tone of his voice turned serious and I frowned at him.

  “Jackson, I’m fine. Elena just went to dance.”

  He glanced at the dance floor to confirm my words, and then turned his attention back to me. “Did I do the right thing here?”

  “The party? It’s great, really. It’s just, hmm, weird, you know. I haven’t done anything like this since—” The words lodged in my throat, but I forced them out. “Since the accident.”

  Jackson’s face twisted with anguish and guilt filled me. “That sounds all wrong, I- I just mean…” I drew in a long breath, trying to order the jumble of thoughts muddying my mind. How did I explain this without making it sound like I was ungrateful?

  “Ana, talk to me.” His voice soothed me, wrapped itself around me, and gave me the strength to continue.

  “When I came to CFA, I was lost, so lost; I didn’t know who I was anymore. And then Elena started chipping away at my exterior and I thought maybe college…life didn’t have to be that bad with her on my side. But you didn’t chip away, you crashed straight through. And I was scared, I felt guilty. So guilty. But I couldn’t switch off my feelings. Even when I turned to see you standing there in your jersey, talking Braiden down from almost killing that guy. Even then, I knew it was too late.

  "But the secrets, the hiding, the lies…who lives like that? I wanted to be invisible and knowing you, being with you, meant the limelight, not the shadows.” My eyes fluttered downwards, and my voice came out small. “It’s taking some getting used to is all.”

  Jackson flinched like my words hurt and I panicked, gripping his shirt.

  “No, no, it’s not what it sounds like. You saved me, Jackson. You brought me back to life. And I want to live. I don’t want to be in the shadows anymore. But I don’t know how to be that girl; she disappeared a long time ago.”

  “Ana,” his voice whispered. “She’s in there. I see her every day. Every time you open that smart mouth of yours. Time, all you need is time. All we need is time. I’m not going anywhere. Never again.”


  Time sounded perfect.


  “So what exactly does he want to talk to you about?” I kicked my legs out to try to make the feeling come back. Studying for end of term exams was kicking my butt and my legs, apparently, which were numb except for all the pins and needles.

  “Not me, us.”

  My head whipped up to meet Jackson’s intense eyes. “Us?”

  He nodded and smiled a half-smile. I knew that smile—the one that meant that was all I was going to get from him.

  “Fine. I can’t wait to go meet with the man who kept you from me. Lead the way.”

  “Ana,” Jackson’s voice warned, but I wasn’t done yet.

  Slamming my textbooks shut, I leaped off the bed and grabbed my jacket off the hook. “Come on then, let’s get it over with.”

  Jackson was in front of me before I could say another word, wrapping me in his arms and lifting me to his eye level. “Ana, stop. I know this is a surprise, but you know things are different. I mean, they feel different since Braiden. Marcus has been...well, he’s been nice. About everything. I think he’s going to give his blessing and let me walk away. For good. With
no hard feelings. I really think this is it, Ana.”

  I wanted to say the words. To unveil the secret that I’d been keeping since before Christmas, but they stuck in my throat threatening to choke me. How could I do that to him when he was looking at me with such hope?

  “Please. Do this. For me. For us.”

  Unable to talk, I pressed my lips to his and flicked my tongue over his bottom lip. A low groan formed in the back of his throat and his hands came to my waist, skimming down to under my butt. Jackson gripped me, hitching me up and forcing my legs around his waist.

  "Please," he murmured into my mouth, kissing me deeply while walking us back to the bed.

  Laying me down gently, Jackson covered my body with his and tilted my head back, giving him full access to my neck.

  "Please, Ana."

  He was playing an unfair game. Sucking and nibbling at the soft skin along under my jawbone sending pangs of desire shooting through me. I moaned.

  "Is that a yes?" his deep husky voice asked.

  My hands found the bottom of his shirt and dipped underneath, needing to feel the heat of his skin, and I ran them up over the defined planes of his chest, eventually tugging the material over his head.

  Jackson pulled back and looked down at me, a suggestive sparkle in his eye.

  "We're supposed to meet Marcus at four, but right now I really need you to make me feel."

  I couldn't help the smile that formed on my lips as I let him pull my blouse over my head. His fingers brushed the inside of my arm leaving a trail of delicious tingles in their wake. Once my blouse was taken care of, I lifted my body off the bed and Jackson peeled down my jeans and panties, dropping them to the floor. His own had followed before he settled back on top of me, skin on skin, slanting his lips over mine.

  He hardened against the curve of my thighs and I squirmed, desperate to relieve the ache forming low in my stomach. Our tongues swirled together as my hands raked up and down the taut muscles in his shoulders. Jackson shuddered underneath my touch. It was always the same, like my touch burned him. But the desperation in his kiss, the way his fingers gripped my hip holding on for life, told me it was a good thing. That he felt it, too. The connection between us. Our need for one another.

  "Ana," he breathed against my cheek as he rocked into me, clasping our hands above my head, kissing the corner of my mouth.

  My eyes fluttered shut as I panted, overwhelmed by the feel of Jackson moving inside of me. One of his hands skimmed down to my hip, pulling me closer, fixing us together.

  And all thoughts of Marcus Donohue melted away.


  Jackson's hand brushed mine across the seats as he continued up the driveway. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I felt his touch, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from the huge house at the end of the road. No, house didn't do justice to the small mansion standing proud against a backdrop of Douglas firs.

  After spending the afternoon wrapped in each other, Jackson finally persuaded me to get ready to go meet with Marcus. My stomach felt queasy but not for the reasons Jackson suspected. He thought I was just feeling uneasy about meeting the infamous Marcus Donohue. But it was more than that. I was about to face the man who killed Jackson's father.

  On the short ride over, I had to swallow down the urge to gag. What was I thinking coming here?

  "Hey, you okay over there? You look a little white."

  Pursing my lips and biting back another wave of nausea, I forced a smile.

  You can do this.

  Jackson parked to the side of the house, next to a brand new sleek black SUV and a silver sports car. The slither of sun cutting through the clouds reflected off the metallic paintwork almost blinding me as I climbed out of the car on unsteady legs.

  Jackson came around to take my hand and I took a deep breath trying to calm the nerves churning my stomach.

  "Come on, we're late."

  The inside of the house was just as grand as the outside. A huge deep stained wooden staircase filled the foyer with a crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. Jackson chuckled at my gasp.

  "It's impressive, right? This house has been in the family for years."

  I nodded unable to form words. The place reeked of money. Something you'd expect to see in an old mafia movie. Now I knew why Fallen House was so grand. It was modeled after this house.

  The town's crest was everywhere—carved into the huge wooden doors off to the left of us, painted onto plaques hanging on the wall, even woven into the pattern on the thick luxurious curtains covering the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  "Ahh, there you two are." Marcus Donohue appeared from one of the corridors off to the side of the staircase. He looked like the epitome of refinement in his tailored black suit and slicked back hair.

  "Good to see you, Jackson, Miss Parry." He extended his hand and I took it meekly, unsure of what to say or do.

  My mind was screaming murderer, murderer, and I blinked, trying to force out the thoughts. I had to hold it together.

  Jackson frowned slightly and I silently cursed, wishing he couldn't read me so well, and hoping he just suspected that Marcus intimidated me.

  "Hello, Mr. Donohue." The words almost choked me, but if he noticed, he didn't let on.

  "Shall we?" Marcus swept his arm out and motioned for us to follow him. Jackson held onto my hand, running his thumb over the curve of my skin, and I was thankful for his touch. It usually grounded me, but it did little to quell the tremor vibrating through my whole body.

  Marcus led us to a living room. The rich claret leather sofas were big enough to seat four or five people. Jackson dropped onto one like there was nothing odd about the whole scenario and my heart ached for him. Because whatever was coming wouldn't be the news Jackson wanted. I didn't need to listen to the hollow in my stomach to know that.

  Tugging me down next to him, Jackson accepted the drink offered by Marcus, but I refused. Preparing myself.

  "Thank you for agreeing to come, Miss Parry. Jackson has told me a lot about you. About what you've been through. And for that, I'm truly sorry. Jackson has also assured me that you can be trusted, and that is good enough for me.

  “I can't speak for Cole Calder, but I can speak for my son, Braiden, and what he and my daughter did to you last year was inexcusable..."

  Marcus' lips continued to move, but I heard nothing past his apology. Marcus Donohue was allowing me into the fold? Apologizing to me? It threw me for a loop.

  Jackson squeezed my hand, bringing me back to the moment.

  "...anyway, as I was saying, I wanted you here as I think what I have to say also affects you.

  “I'm not sure how much Jackson has told you, but as you are aware, Braiden was arrested that night. He almost killed Cole Calder. I did not sanction his actions. He was acting on his impulses and his alone. I do not have room, in my line of business, for the kind of hotheadedness my son displays. That is why I have taken the difficult decision to ensure he serves a punishment appropriate for his actions.”

  My mouth dropped open, shocked by Marcus’ statement. Jackson had implied that he didn’t know what would happen to Braiden, but like most of the student population at CFA, we both doubted that he would ever see the inside of a prison cell. Marcus had money, power, and most of the local law enforcement in his pocket. The look of confusion on his face suggested this was an unexpected turn of events.

  “Wha-what do you mean serve appropriate punishment?” Jackson asked, rubbing his forehead harshly.

  “Exactly what it sounds like. After consulting with Derek.” Marcus cleared his throat and looked at me. “Sorry, Miss Parry, let me clarify. Derek Petrelli is our family lawyer.” His eyes moved back to Jackson, and he continued. “Derek was concerned about the damage this would do to the family should we let Braiden walk away with just a slap on the wrist. It was decided that he won’t face charges for attempted murder, but he will stand trial for aggravated assault.”

  Jackson moved to speak, but Marcus sil
enced him with a simple look. A hardness of his eyes sent chills rippling down my spine. And I could see why he earned the reputation he had in Chastity Falls. There was just something about him. His calmness was unnerving. Calculated.

  “Anyway, I have not brought you both here to discuss my son. Braiden will face the consequences of his actions in time. His absence does, however, leave me with a quandary. I’m sure you are not unaware of my son’s extracurricular activities on and off campus, Miss Parry. Well, with Braiden gone, I need someone to step up to the plate and continue the business side of things.” Marcus took a sip from his tumbler and rose from the leather armchair he was seated at, moving over to the window.

  “It comes quite timely that events have played out as they have. Maconey is now running things in Reibeckitt and this serves to secure business for us. A renewed partnership and Maconey agrees, as do I, that Jackson should fill Braiden’s place. For the foreseeable future.”

  Jackson leaped up from the couch and started pacing up and down, the tension in his face evident. “You wa-want me to run things? Me? Is this a fucking joke? I thought I was coming here to get your blessing to get out. I want out, Uncle Marcus. Ana has been dragged through enough.”

  Marcus regarded Jackson with stern eyes but gave nothing away. His jaw ticked the way I’d seen Braiden’s do whenever he was pissed, and I realized I was getting a glimpse of that side of him. And the thought terrified me.

  “Jackson, you’re good with people. You’re level headed, you know the business, you know Maconey. His guy Perkins speaks highly of you. I need someone like you around. I won’t be around forever; I need people I can trust. I want you on my side. I’ve always wanted you to take the reins. You.”

  Jackson froze on the spot and whipped his head up to meet Marcus’ eyes. I felt like a voyeur watching a conversation I had no place witnessing. But something about the whole thing nagged at me. What did Marcus stand to gain by having me here? Surely, he knew I wouldn’t support Jackson taking over for Braiden. No, there was something bigger at play.

  “How long have you been planning this? You have, haven’t you? When you said you had something to talk to me about… it was this? Before Braiden even put Calder in the hospital. You were planning this all along, waiting for him to fuck up.”


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