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Salvation and Secrets (Chastity Falls Book 2)

Page 24

by L A Cotton

  “Jackso-” Marcus moved toward Jackson, but he cut his uncle off. “Don’t. I don’t want to hear it.” He raised his head to look Marcus directly in the eye. “And I don’t want the job.”

  Jackson didn’t say another word as he stalked straight past me and out of the room. I sat there unable to move. Things clicking into place. This was Marcus’ way of hanging on to Jackson, of keeping him in the family. He never intended to let him walk. And me? I was the leverage. Marcus had invited me here to witness this conversation because he thought I’d talk Jackson around.

  Because no one said no to Marcus Donohue.

  Without consequences.

  Rising from the sofa, I tried to avoid making eye contact with Marcus, but just as I turned to leave the room, his voice halted me.

  “Miss Parry, it would be in Jackson’s best interest, everyone’s best interest, if he agrees to this. I trust you’ll help him make the right decision.”

  Our eyes met as the veiled threat sunk in.

  We were not free.

  Not by a long shot.

  Chapter 28


  “Jackson, calm down,” Ana pleaded from the passenger seat.

  Calm down? How in the hell was I supposed to calm the fuck down when Marcus pulled that kind of bullshit on me?

  I pushed my foot harder on the gas and the car flew down the road. What I really needed was to get in the gym and hit the weights or the punch the shit out of the bag. Marcus was selling out his own son to let me take the reins. It was ten shades of fucked up.

  The whole time—over the last month—Uncle Marcus had given me a sympathetic ear; letting me vent about all the crap Braiden and Briony had pulled on me. He even had it out with Briony demanding answers. And I’d fallen for it. It was all a ruse. The interest in Ana; telling me that if she was really as important to me as I said, he would bend the rules. He was just trying to win me over to his way of thinking.

  “Please, talk to me.” Ana’s voice cracked and I sighed in frustration.

  I knew I was probably scaring the shit out of her, but I was too wound up to think straight. He played me.


  “What? What in the hell do you want me to say? You heard him; he wants me in for good. It was all a game to him. Getting me on his side, playing the ‘I understand your pain’ card. I thought he really understood. I’m fucking stupid.” My fist came down on the wheel hard and Ana flinched beside me and sniffled.

  Fuck, I’d made her cry.

  Easing my foot off of the gas, I reached across the car and linked our fingers. “Sorry. I’m just…fuck, I don’t know what I am anymore. I thought this was it. Our out.”

  Ana brushed her glassy eyes with her sleeve and smiled, but I could see it was forced. “We’re never getting an out, are we? If it’s not Braiden, it’s Marcus, or Calder, or the next Calder. There’ll always be someone waiting to take their place.”

  I didn’t answer—I couldn’t. She was right. Marcus was our last hope at having a normal life in Chastity Falls. We needed his blessing…and the only way we were going to get it was if I agreed to sell my soul to him.

  “I can’t do it.” The words rushed out of my mouth. “I’m sorry.”

  She stared straight out in front of her, never once glancing in my direction. Nothing. Something felt off. My girl was shutting down in front of me, when I expected more fight from her.


  She closed her eyes and turned her head away from me and my chest cracked in two. How was I supposed to fix this? Did she want me to agree to Marcus?

  I’d do anything for her—she knew that.

  But I couldn’t do that.


  “Shall I come up?”

  The words hung between us. For the rest of the journey, the distance had grown and grown like a cavern. I could understand her frustration—even her disappointment, but surely she didn’t want me to say yes. To give myself over to Marcus.

  It made no sense.

  “I need some time.” Ana’s eyes were downcast as we stood in the parking lot of McGinley and her hands fidgeted with the hem of her sweater.

  Everything had gone to shit. Just like that. All in the space of a few hours.

  “Ana, don’t do this… don’t pull away, please.” My voice cracked and I gulped down the tears pooling in my eyes.

  Couldn’t she see what she was doing to me? I needed her in this with me. Not pulling away from me.

  “I just need some time. Please.” Her voice pleaded and I lifted my head in a slight nod as she turned away from me. Taking my heart with her.

  Fuck. I slammed my fist on the hood of the car as she disappeared around the corner. Fumbling in my pocket, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed Dennis’ number.

  “What’s up, man?”

  “I need to hit the gym. You in?” I asked.

  “Sure, meet you at the gym in ten?”

  “Make it five.”

  I pocketed my cell and climbed back into the car, glancing up at McGinley. Ana wanted time, so I’d give it to her. But I needed to hit something.

  Five minutes later, I was parked at the gymnasium watching Dennis stroll up to the doors.

  “You okay? You sounded off.”

  “Weights first, then I’ll talk.”

  He followed me into the locker room and we stuffed our hoodies, keys, and cell phones into a locker. I wasted no time in heading straight over to the bench press. While I got situated, Dennis loaded the weights.

  “More,” I barked, flexing my forearms to warm up.

  Dennis cocked his eyebrow. “Are you sure? There’s already three-ten on here.”


  He shrugged, adding another two weights to either end of the bar. “You’re all set.”

  I rolled back my shoulders, gripping my hand on the bar at an even distance. Taking three deep breaths, I waited for some of the anger to dissipate. Once I felt centered, I tightened my grip and inhaled, pushing up on the bar. It rolled off the brackets and Dennis’ hands appeared in my peripheral view as he spotted me.

  The burn from the extra pounds was exactly what I needed, and the force of the weights caused my whole upper body to tremble. But I welcomed it. The focus I needed to steady the bar meant I had to block out everything—all the shit storming through my mind. If I didn’t, three hundred and fifty pounds of steel would decapitate me.

  “You got it, man. Push.” Dennis’ steady voice perforated my concentration, but not enough to be a distraction.

  My arms resisted the weight, but I pushed through the pain demanding they extend until I was holding the weight at arm’s length.

  “Slowly now.”

  The reverse movement was even harder to control and I had to give it all my strength to hold the bar steady. Dennis’ hands eased down either side of the bar, as it dropped back into the bracket.

  “Fuck, that was awesome. Want to go again?”

  Drawing in a long breath, I shook my head, testing my body’s strength to pull myself up. Once I was seated on the bench, I said, “Marcus wants me in.”

  Dennis frowned. “What do you mean in?”

  “He wants me on point, running things. He wants me to replace Braiden.”

  “Fuck.” His hands scrubbed at his jaw. “And what happens to Braiden?”

  “He stands trial.”

  “Fuck. And you had no idea this was coming?”

  “None. I mean, I knew Marcus had changed when he returned; he was more interested in me, my life… Ana. He didn’t flip when I told him about everything between Braiden and me. I thought it was just regret over Braiden or something. But now that I think about it, he seemed almost pleased. Like he was waiting, waiting for me to walk and Braiden to fuck up enough to hand me the reins. It’s so fucked up.”

  Dennis blew out a breath like he couldn’t believe my words. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m not doing it. I won’t. I can’t. I wanted out, and I meant it.”

  “What’s Ana have to say about all of this? You took her down to the house, right?”

  “She won’t talk to me about it.”

  “So, go make her.”

  Was he right? Was that the right move here?

  When I didn’t answer, he added, “Seriously, what are you doing here with me when you could be over there talking this through with your girl? She’s stuck by you this far, what makes you think she’s going to walk away now? That girl has balls of steel.”

  “I have to go,” I said rising from the bench.

  “Yeah, you do.” He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him. He was like the motherfucking guru when it came to this kind of shit.

  “I’ll catch you later. And listen, man, thank you. I owe you. More than you’ll ever know.”


  “Ana, open up. It’s me.” I banged on the door again, my frustration levels growing. “Ana.”

  The door rattled and then opened. Ana rubbed her red eyes and I immediately felt like a dick. She had been crying.

  Without thinking, I backed her into the room and cupped her face in my hands. “What’s wrong? Talk to me. Please.”

  Her eyes fluttered shut and her fingers gripped onto me like I was the air she breathed. “I-I can’t.”

  “What do you mean you can’t? You can tell me anything.” I gathered her into me and wrapped my arms around her. I shouldn’t have let her walk away from me. I was always fucking things up.

  She sobbed into my hoodie and I wanted to push her to tell me what was wrong because my gut was telling me it had to do with more than just Marcus earlier.

  “Shh, I got you, Ana. I have always got you.”

  Ana stilled in my arms and pulled back, sniffling back her tears. “We-we need to talk.”

  Shit. She was really going to end things. The air left my lungs and I gasped, “Don’t. Fuck, please don’t do this. I need you. You can’t do this.” I looked down at her, begging her to see how much I needed her.

  “Jackson, wait, I’m not breaking up with you. This isn’t about that.”

  It isn’t?

  “Then what is it?” I guided us to the bed and sat down, scooping her onto my lap. “Please, this is killing me.”

  “I- I don’t know how to say this… if it’s even the right thing to say.”

  “Ana, please.”

  “You have to say yes to Marcus,” she rushed out.

  The fuck? My mouth opened and then closed. She thought I should say yes?

  “What the fu-”

  “Let me explain. I found something out about them, about Marcus.”

  I was completely lost. What did she mean she had found something out?

  “Found what?”

  Her eyes softened and flashed with something. Sadness. Regret. It was hard to place the emotion when her whole face was a red swollen mess.

  “It’s about the accident that killed your father…” The room closed in around me sucking every last ounce of air out of my lungs. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything. “I thi- I think that Marcus discovered your father wanted out and he killed him.”

  Laughter bubbled up and tumbled out of my mouth. “You’re joking, right. This is some sick kind of joke.” I shoved her off me and started to pace.

  “Jackson, please. Let me explain.”

  “You’ve been digging into Marcus? And you didn’t tell me?” I accused, the hurt in my voice obvious.

  “Jackson,” she whispered the sadness from earlier returning to her face. “You are missing the point. I have reason to believe Marcus killed your father and you’re going to make this about us?”

  “How long have you known?”

  We weren’t really having this conversation—it wasn’t real. It couldn’t be. The girl I loved wasn’t really ripping my heart to shreds. It wasn’t possible.

  “For certain? Since Christmas.”



  Double fuck.

  “Jackson, are you listening to me?” Ana was off the bed and standing in front of me, looking at me with her soulful eyes. “Marcus Donohue killed your father. The man who raised you, who wants you to take his son’s place killed. Your. Father.”

  Her words hit me, finally penetrating my walls.

  My world shattered.

  I dropped to my knees and a strangled cry escaped my lips. Ana joined me on the floor her slim arms pulling me into her while she soothed me.

  I hadn’t wanted to believe her. To accept what was staring me in the face, but now things were starting to click into place.

  “I’ll kill that bastard.”

  Ana’s grip tightened on me and she cried, “Jackson, you can’t. You can’t.”

  “Shh, shh.” I buried my hands deep in her hair and pulled her face to mine. “I can’t just do nothing, Ana. My dad, fuck… Dad.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  And like an epiphany, it came to me.

  I knew exactly what I needed to do. Marcus was smart. Calculated. And he wanted me on his side.

  Well, he was going to get me.

  I would be the snake in his lair—I would find out every ounce of dirt I could use against him.

  And then I would take him down.

  “What are you doing?” Ana asked as I fumbled in my pocket.

  “What needs to be done.” I drew the phone between us and scrolled down to his number and hit call.

  “Jackson, I’m glad you called. Listen, I didn’t like how we left things-”

  “Uncle Marcus, stop. I’ve been thinking, and you’re right. This falls to me. If you accept Ana is with me, then I’m in.”

  I heard him smile down the line. Could picture the look of victory on his composed face.

  “This is the right choice, Jackson. We can talk details tomorrow. You should take Miss Parry out and celebrate. She’s a part of this family now.”

  Like fuck she is. I gritted my teeth and grunted out a goodbye.

  “Jackson, what did you just do?” Ana’s wide eyes searched mine, and just for a second, I wondered if I had done the right thing.

  But then I pictured Dad’s face and I knew.

  This wasn’t just about me, or Ana, anymore. It was about justice.

  It was about finding out the truth.

  And one way or another, I would.


  Salvation and Secrets Playlist

  You can listen to the playlist at

  Back From The Dead – Skylar Grey

  Wicked Games – Parva Cuva

  Things We Lost in the Fire – Bastille

  Only Human – Cheryl

  Drown – Bring Me the Horizon

  Over My Head – A Day to Remember

  You Ruin Me – The Veronicas

  Habits (Stay High) – Tove Lo

  Love the Way You Lie – Eminem and Rihanna

  I Know You Care – Ellie Goulding

  If You Wait – London Grammar

  This Is What Makes Us Girls – Lana Del Rey

  Never Let Go – Florence and the Machine

  Try – Pink

  Team – Lorde

  West Coast – Lana Del Rey

  Take Me To Church – Hozier

  Salvation – Gabrielle Aplin

  About the Author

  Author of NA Contemporary Romance, L. A. Cotton loves writing about those first looks, first kisses, and happily ever afters.

  A wearer-of-many-hats, L.A juggles being a full-time mum to two little people with two part-time jobs and college. In her spare time (and when she’s not camped out in front of the laptop) you’ll most likely find her immersed in a book, escaping the chaos that is life.

  Official Website

  You can connect with her at:

  Or email he
r at:


  Since I hit publish on Loyalty and Lies (book one in the Chastity Falls Series) I have connected with so many amazing people that I’m a little worried I’ll forgot someone or leave someone out. So, on that note: THANK YOU. To each and every one of you that has read these books, reviewed, spread the word, told a friend, left me a message, shared a teaser… just thank you!

  Now that’s taken care of – a few specific mentions!

  Firstly, to my awesome beta team: Amy, Caroline, Jenny, Jennifer, Kirsty, Lucy, Louisa, Nelly, Sarah, and Shelley, LA Cotton’s Candy Sparks, and all of the Chastity Falls Fallen I’m glad I have you all in my corner - thank you for everything!. You all rock!

  Next to my amazing #teamjackson supporters: Sam and Yvi over at BFF Book Blog, S M Philips, Keren Hughes, Tara over at Lustful Literature, Bea from Cover to Cover Book Blog, Wendy at Your Next Hot Read, Vikki of Vixen Living Vicariously, Sophia at D&S Book Blog, Lucy, Nelly, Jennifer, Jenny… you guys have been huge cheerleaders for this series and, for that, I can’t thank you enough! THANK YOU. Thank you for believing in this story – for wanting more Ana and Jackson and for spreading the word. I love your messages and support, but most of all I love that you love Ana and Jackson as much as I do! And a special shout out to all of the blogs that I have gotten behind me and this series. There are too many of you to mention, but I appreciate each and every one of you!

  Writing a book is so much more than just an author hammering out thousands of words. It’s a process. Thank you to the two people that make my books beautiful inside and out. Natasha, these covers are just amazing! They embody the series to perfection and you are a pleasure to work with. When I see your name flash up in my inbox I get all excited about what awesomeness awaits me! And Jenny – editorextraordinaire (yes, I totally made that up) I’ve gotten to the point where I pretty much to ‘accept all’ because I know your edits are going to be that damn good! Here’s to many more!


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