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Twilight of Empire

Page 35

by Greg King

Levantine Heritage: The Story of a Community, at

  “Sensational Find at the Austrian National Library Reveals Passion of One of History’s Great Affairs,” press release from Österreischische Nationalbibliothek, August 2, 2015, at Österreischische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna.—at-the-Austrian-National-Library-reveals-passion-of-one-of-history-s-great-affairs#.Vbzsg3hLrwx.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your ebook. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  25th Infantry Division

  36th Imperial and Royal Infantry Regiment


  Abdul Aziz I, Sultan

  Ajdukiewicz, Tadeusz

  Albert, Prince (Queen Victoria’s consort)

  Albert Edward, Prince of Wales

  Albrecht, Archduke

  Albrecht, Karl

  Albrecht, Thomas

  Alexander, Prince of Battenberg

  Alexander, Tsar

  Alexandra, Princess of Bavaria

  Alleen, Maureen


  Andrássy, Count Gyula

  Anet, Claude

  Anonymous author, The Last Days of Archduke Rudolf


  Apponyi, Count Ludwig


  palaces given to

  service in the army





  parties and balls

  pedigree of

  Armas, Justo (pseudonym)

  Army High Command conferences

  Army Reform Bill (1889)

  ashtray with inscription “revolver not poison”


  Auchenthaler, Dr. Franz

  Auersperg, Princess Aglaia von

  Auersperg, Prince Karl von



  Austro-Hungarian Empire

  Bachrach, Adolf

  Bad Homburg

  Bad Ischl

  Baden (village)


  Baltazzi, Alexander

  arranges for Mary’s burial


  plan to marry Mary

  Baltazzi, Aristide

  Baltazzi, Elizabeth (married Albert Nugent)

  Baltazzi, Eveline (married Georg von Stockau)

  Baltazzi, Hector

  Baltazzi, Heinrich

  Baltazzi, Marie Virginie (married Otto von Stockau)

  Baltazzi, Theodor

  Baltazzi brothers

  Baltazzi family

  Baltazzi-Scharschmid, Heinrich

  baron (freiherr), title of

  Bauer, Georg


  Bayer, Edward


  Bernhardt, Sarah

  Bismarck, Otto von

  hostility to Rudolf


  Bombelles, Heinrich von

  Bombelles, Vice Admiral Count Karl von


  Boyer, Charles

  Bragança, Dom Duarte de

  Braganza, Duke Miguel of

  Braganza, House of

  Bratfisch, Josef

  asked to wait to return Mary to Vienna

  heard to say “the Crown Prince is dead”

  Rudolf’s favorite driver



  travel to

  Brook-Shepherd, Gordon

  Brucks, Otto

  Brussels, travels to


  Buska, Johanna

  Bylandt-Rheydt, Count Hendrik von


  Capuchin Crypt

  Carmelite nuns

  Caspar, Marie (“Mitzi”)

  introduced to Rudolf, becomes favorite mistress

  later life

  money of Rudolf’s bequeathed to

  Rudolf speaks of suicide and a suicide pact to


  refuses suicide burials

  Chambige, Henri

  Charles V, Emperor

  Charlotte, Empress of Mexico (Princess of Belgium)

  Chotek, Count Bohuslav

  Chotek, Countess Sophie

  Christmas celebrations (1888)

  Clemenceau, Georges


  Congo Free State

  Corriere della Sera

  Corti, Egon Caesar Conte



  Czernin, Count Ottokar von

  Darrieux, Danielle

  Dediè, Father Malachias

  Dual Monarchy

  Dubray, Gabriel


  education of elite children

  Eliot, T. S.

  Elisabeth, Archduchess (Rudolf’s daughter “Erszi”)


  called the Red Archduchess

  guardianship of

  later life

  Rudolf tries to see before leaving for Mayerling

  Elisabeth, Empress

  assassination of

  attitude toward Marie Larisch

  attitude toward Stephanie

  avoidance of imperial duties

  equestrian circle of

  films about

  infected by venereal disease, by Franz Josef

  lineage, and mental illness

  mourning for father’s death

  and Rudolf

  attitude toward Rudolf

  informed of Rudolf’s death

  as parent

  Rudolf’s final letter to

  upset at Rudolf’s mental derangement

  worries about Rudolf

  tomb of

  travels of

  Elisabeth, Princess of Thurn und Taxis

  Elisabeth, Queen of Romania

  England, relations with

  Esterházy, Prince Nikolaus

  Esterházy, Prince Paul

  Eugen, Archduke

  Eugénie, Empress of France

  Eulalia, Infanta

  Feigl, Erich

  Ferdinand I, Emperor

  Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany

  Ferenczy, Ida von

  Festetics, Countess Marie

  Festetics, Vilmos

  Ffoulkes, Maude

  Flatzelsteiner, Helmut

  France, relations with Austria

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke

  assassination of

  denied useful role in government

  as heir

  morganatic marriage to Sophie Chotek

  Franz I, Emperor

  Franz Josef I, Emperor

  anger at Marie Larisch

  attitude toward Stephanie after Rudolf’s death

  falsely rumored to visit Mayerling

  fifty-eighth birthday

  at German embassy soiree

  guardian of “Erszi”

  illegitimate children of


  long life, death in 1916

  marriage to Elisabeth

  and Mayerling tragedy

  actions after Rudolf’s death

  informed of Rudolf’s death

  reaction to Rudolf’s death

  viewing Rudolf’s corpse

  mistress of (Katharina von Schratt)

  opinion of Leopold II

  personal life and interests

  lack of interests

  lonely work routine of


  political role

  abdication rumor

  assassination attempt

  as divine ruler

  early rule

  heir of

  learns of Hungarian conspiracy, supposedly

  political views

  and Rudolf

  attitude toward Rudolf

with Rudolf

  disregards Rudolf’s ideas

  has Rudolf introduced to sex

  insists on Rudolf marrying

  not aware of the Rudolf-Mary affair

  as parent to Rudolf


  tomb of

  Franz Karl, Archduke

  Franz Salvator, Archduke

  French Revolution

  Freud, Sigmund

  Freudenau racecourse

  Friedrich, Empress of Germany (daughter of Queen Victoria)

  Friedrich III, Kaiser

  Friedrich August, Crown Prince of Saxony

  Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince (later Friedrich III)

  Fritsche, Lieutenant Viktor von

  Fugger, Prince

  Fugger, Princess Nora

  Galimberti, Monsignor Luigi

  Ganglbauer, Cardinal Prince Cölestin

  German Confederation

  German Embassy, soiree at (January 27, 1889)

  German Empire, Habsburg Empire alliance with

  German language

  German National Party

  Gieslingen, Baron Artur Giesl von

  Gilded Age (America)

  Gisela, Archduchess

  notes alarming change in Rudolf

  Glaser (chorus girl)

  Gödöllö, palace of

  Gondrecourt, Major General Count Leopold


  Gorup (inspector)

  Grant, Julia Dent

  Graves, Dr. Armgaard Karl

  Greene, Graham

  Gross, Jenny

  Grünböck, Abbot Heinrich

  Habrda (police superintendant)

  Habsburg empire

  court balls

  decay of

  end of, in World War I

  growth through marriage

  Hungary in

  male heirs to

  Spanish etiquette of court

  Habsburg family

  Family Statute of 1839

  genetic flaws in

  protocol of

  rule of

  sentimentality about

  Hamann, Brigitte

  Hamilton, Lord Frederic

  Haslip, Joan

  Heiligenkreuz monastery

  burial of Mary’s body at

  Mary’s grave at

  Heine, Heinrich

  Helene of Bavaria (sister of Empress Elizabeth)

  Hertz, Cornelius


  Hirsch, Baron Maurice

  Hofburg imperial palace

  Augustiner Bastion

  indoor plumbing installed by Stephanie

  Rudolf’s bachelor apartments in

  Schweizerhof Wing

  Stephanie’s apartments in

  Vetsera Staircase in


  Hofmann, Professor Eduard

  Hohenlohe, Prince Constantine von

  Hohnel, Ludwig Ritter von

  Holler, Gerd

  Holy Roman Empire

  Hornsteiner (gamekeeper)

  horse racing

  horse society


  Hotze, Major Friedrich

  Hoyos-Sprintzenstein, Count Josef (“Josl”)

  finds the two corpses

  at German embassy soiree

  at Mayerling

  memo on tragedy at Mayerling

  Hungarian language


  nationalism of


  Apostolic King of

  aristocratic estates in

  conspiracy to separate from Empire

  independence movement

  Rudolf’s love of

  Husarentempel at Mödling

  Ireland, travel to

  Italian provinces, loss of

  Jahoda, Agnes

  Jarosch, Dr. Klaus


  asked to speak to Rudolf about his dissolute life, his outrage


  Johann Salvator, Archduke of Tuscany (later known as Johann Orth)

  renounces titles, and disappears

  Judtmann, Fritz


  Kálnoky, Count Gustav

  Karl I, Emperor

  Karl Ludwig, Archduke

  Karl Theodor, Duke in Bavaria

  Karolina Augusta of Bavaria

  Károly, Countess Lajos

  Károlyi, Count István (“Pista”)

  telegrams to Rudolf

  Kégl, István

  Kerzl, Dr. Josef

  Ketterl, Eugen

  Khevenhüller-Metsch, Franz Karl, Prince

  Kinsky, Count Eugen

  Kinsky, Count Karl

  Kirschner, Ferdinand

  Klein, Alois

  Klimt, Gustav

  Königgrätz, battle of

  Kossuth, Lajos

  Krauss, Baron Franz von

  Mary’s disapearance reported to

  Mitzi reports Rudolf’s suicide threat to

  Kubasek, Rudolf

  Kundrath, Hans

  Larisch, Count Georg von

  Larisch, Heinrich Georg (illeg.)

  Larisch, Countess Marie

  delivers Mary for Mayerling

  exiled from Viennese court

  facilitated Rudolf-Mary affair

  given a locked box by Rudolf

  later life


  notes alarming change in Rudolf

  Larisch, Marie Henriette (illeg.)

  Latour von Thurmberg, Colonel Josef

  correspondence with Rudolf

  opinion of Rudolf

  Le Figaro

  Le Gaulois

  Le Matin

  Le Temps

  Leiningen-Westerburg, Count Reinhard von

  Leo XIII, Pope

  Leopold, Archduke of Tuscany

  Leopold, Prince of Bavaria

  Leopold II, king of Belgium

  Leopold Salvator, Archduke (later Leopold Wölfing)

  Libényi, János


  Liechtenstein, Prince Heinrich von

  Listowel, Judith

  Litvak, Anatole

  locked box, Rudolf’s

  with code RIUO


  Lónyay, Count Elemér

  Loschek, Johann

  finds the two corpses

  gunshots heard


  Louise, Archduchess of Tuscany

  Louise, Princess of Coburg (Princess of Belgium)


  introduces Stephanie to Rudolf

  later life

  marries Philipp of Coburg

  Ludovika, Princess of Bavaria

  Ludwig, Duke in Bavaria

  Ludwig I, king of Bavaria

  Ludwig II, king of Bavaria

  Ludwig Viktor, Archduke

  madams and prostitutes


  Magyars. See also Hungary

  Mahler, Gustav

  Margutti, Baron Albert von

  Maria Antonia, daughter of Ferdinand IV

  Maria Josépha of Braganza

  Maria Theresa, Archduchess (wife of Karl Ludwig)

  Maria Theresa, Empress

  Maria Theresa of Braganza

  Marie, Archduchess (sister of Ferdinand I)

  Marie Antoinette, Queen of France

  Marie Henriette, Queen of Belgium

  Marie of Bavaria (sister of Empress Elizabeth)

  Marie Valerie, Archduchess

  attitude toward Stephanie

  diary of

  dinner to celebrate her engagement

  informed of Rudolf’s death

  mother’s pet

  notes alarming change in Rudolf

  Markus, Georg


  incestuous, in Habsburg lineage

  Rudolf’s cynical view of

  Marschall, Bishop Dr. Gottfried

  Mathilda, princess of Saxony

  Mathilde of Bavaria (sister of Empress Elizabeth) />
  Mattacic, Count Géza

  Max, Duke in Bavaria

  Maximilian, Archduke, Emperor of Mexico

  Maximilian I Josef, King of Bavaria

  Maximilian II, King of Bavaria

  Mayer, Dr. Laurenz

  Mayerling hunting lodge

  description of

  imperial jurisdiction of

  Rudolf goes to (January 28)

  Rudolf planned to go in February

  transformed into a convent for Carmelite nuns

  Mayerling tragedy

  books and memoirs about

  facts of the case

  the bullets and the gun

  discovery of bodies

  gunshots heard

  informing Vienna about

  Mary naked

  Rudolf decides to go to Mayerling on Tuesday (January 29)

  sight of corpses

  after the tragedy

  films about

  investigation of

  investigation called off, reporting ceased

  official concealment of facts

  rumors about what happened

  Taaffe papers on

  motives for

  Habsburg descendants’ desire to find other motivation than murder-suicide

  “secret” of, alluded to by Otto

  speculation of cause

  quotes about

  “anything was better than the truth”

  “death alone can save my good name”

  “I am not worthy to be his son”

  “I have killed”

  reporting of

  foreign accounts of

  news of, in Vienna

  newspapers on

  stories and theories about

  abortion story

  arrest-for-treason story

  assassin story

  castration story

  Champagne bottle strike story

  conspiracy theories

  cover-up story

  French assassination story

  German assassination story

  gossip and rumors about

  heart attack story

  Hungarian plot story

  killed-by-wronged-husband story

  love affair story

  Mary shot at raucous party at Mayerling story

  mental derangement story

  as murder-suicide

  official stories about, changing

  poisoning story

  political motivation story

  raucous party story

  Rudolf-didn’t-die-but-disappeared story

  shot-in-duel story

  struck by a bottle or stick story

  suicide letters claimed to be forgeries

  theories and stories about, because of official concealment of facts

  vengeful gamekeeper story

  tourist sites relating to

  what actually happened

  a plausible version of events

  Meissner, Florian

  Mendel, Henriette (Baroness Wallersee)

  Menger, Karl


  Middleton, Captain George (“Bay”)


  archdukes serving in

  language used in (German)

  venereal disease in

  Miller, Emil

  Miller, Theresia

  Miramar, Trieste

  Mitis, Baron Oskar von



  Montenuovo, Prince Alfred

  Montez, Lola

  Monts, Count Anton


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