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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 43

by Sy Walker

  I didn’t think much of it and then I heard sirens. They were getting closer. I saw the black smoke coming out of the window of this old brownstone. Suddenly, there were flames and the fireman that was going up the ladder was almost thrown clear.

  Two more windows exploded and it reminded me of how the fire had started that killed my parents.

  I was stopped at the scene by a policeman that had cordoned off the area. People were looking, but not doing anything to lend a hand. That smell in the air had me back on my carpeting crawling across the floor on my hands and knees to the window.

  “I’m afraid that’s, as far as you can go kid. I suggest that you take an alternative route to where you’re going.” The officer was talking, but my mind was occupied with the memories that were now fooling me into thinking that I could be some kind of hero. “This place is done for. The fire is spreading and the fire department is trying to stop it from taking down the whole block.” I don’t know why he was telling me any of this, but somehow my meek and mild persona made me a non threatening entity. I was pretty much wall paper.

  He turned his back. I got off my motorcycle and put the kick stand down to make sure that it didn’t fall over. I still had the tinted helmet on. I think it was that feeling of anonymity that had given me something that I didn’t think that I had.

  I heard a child crying. I slipped underneath the yellow tape and into the crowd. For some reason, I felt like I was finding that hero.

  Everybody was preoccupied and I could hear the chief of the fire department talking to the rest of his men. “I appreciate that you all want to go in there, but I’m afraid that we need to let this burn out. The best that we can do is try and stop it from spreading any further.” They all looked dejected, but the chief was only trying to do what was best for his people. “I don’t want any of you to think that there was anything that you could do.” I cautiously went up the stairs and opened the door with my black leather gloved hand.

  I felt the heat, but it didn’t even occur to me that I was putting my life in danger. I saw the flames licking at the walls and melting the wallpaper. I couldn’t see very well, but the visor was helping me to mitigate smoke inhalation. I ducked down, knowing that the air was breathable on my hands and knees. I saw the stairs. The wood was making good fuel for the fire that was dancing its way down the banister.

  “MOMMY… I want my mommy.” The voice was coming from the next landing. I crab walked up the stairs, when somebody grabbed me on the back of my leather jacket.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but this is no place for a civilian. Let me get you out of here, before you cause more harm than good.” Normally, I would feel compelled to do what I was told. This time was different. I kicked out my leather boot to push him away. He fell on his ass with his fireman uniform protecting him from the elements. He scrambled to his feet, but a beam came down right in front of him to block his path to me. “I don’t think you know what you’re doing.” He tried to get past that beam, but more of the structure was starting to fall in on itself. “Good luck…you’re going to need it.” He disappeared through the black smoke, leaving me with only one option.

  I couldn’t go back and the only thing that I could do was go forward. This was not exactly something that was in my comfort zone. I was stepping out and doing something that was ill advised. This was a person that I wanted to be, but was never in a position to finally realize that I had this in me all along.

  I looked to see that my leather jacket was on fire. I used my leather glove from my other hand to put it out. I was getting close to where I could hear the child still calling for his mother. I was able to see the little boy holding onto his teddy bear wearing his Scooby Doo pajamas. I reached out to him and the floor in front of me gave way.

  Chapter two

  I was never more terrified in my life, but that wasn’t going to stop me from making that leap of faith. I crossed my hands over my chest and looked towards the ceiling. I wanted god to know that this was my decision and that I would live with the consequences of my actions. I breathed deeply and steeled myself for what was to come. I moved back a distance. I took one more deep breath and then I ran with all the speed that I could muster. I found myself catching only air and then suddenly I was landing on the other side. I teetered on the edge, my body swaying with the smell of acrid smoke getting into my lungs.

  I finally dropped down onto my knees, looking up to see that the kid was quite mesmerized by my feat of bravery. He wasn’t the only one. I really didn’t think that I had it in me to do something extraordinary. I lifted him into my arms and I held him against me to shield him from any of the elements.

  “Stick with me, kid. I’ll make sure that you get out of this in one piece. You may not believe this, but this in my first time doing something like this. I feel like I’ve come alive and that there is only one thing that is holding me back. I’m letting my past rule my actions. I don’t want to live by my parent’s criticism. They’re dead and I’m still allowing them to have power over me.” This was the first time that I had finally broken the bond. It was time for me to stand up on my own 2 feet.

  “I want my mommy.” I had no idea why I was confessing any of this to him. It could’ve been that youthful face and the fact that he really didn’t understand what I was saying. I made my way through the building, knowing that there was no way that I could go back the way that I came. This whole place was becoming condemned and even standing in the middle of it was going to cost us both of our lives.

  “I know that you do and I’m going to do my best to get you back into her arms.” I shouldn’t have promised anything and I had no idea if his mother was even alive. She could’ve been caught in the blaze. “You’re safe with me.” I believed that, but there was something that was making me think that this was never going to work. It was my past raising its ugly head.

  I saw a black shadow along the window within the darkness. I heard that same flapping sound and then the window exploded inwards. I put my hands up to protect the child, not even caring about my own well being. I lowered my arm and I was now seeing a naked man. If this was what heaven looked like, then I had no reason to let them resuscitate me.

  He pointed towards the stairs and I followed them down, while looking back over my shoulder to see, if this man was real or a figment of my imagination.

  I came out and I placed the child in the arms of a fireman. They turned their back for a second and I used that, as an opportunity to slip out, before being scrutinized. I didn’t want the attention and I had not done it for any kind of fame or fortune.

  I made my way away from the scene, choking on the black smoke that was infecting my lungs. I had my hands on my knees and I was wheezing like an old man about to succumb to some kind disease that was ravaging his body.

  “I’m not usually impressed, but you showed me that there’s something in humanity that is worth taking a second look at.” I lifted my head and I saw this beautiful specimen standing in front of me. What I had seen in that building was very much reality. “I had no sense that you were anything special, but you looked inside yourself and found something. Most people would ignore it, but you embraced it.” This man was obviously deranged, but strangely he tugged at a part of me. “You could stay here and be part of the scenery, but maybe there is something that you want more. Your instincts have potential and Jake will be most pleased by my discovery.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I really don’t think that it’s appropriate that we have this discussion right now. I have no idea. if I am suffering from smoke inhalation. I might have to go to the hospital and…” I didn’t get a chance to say anything more. He descended on me, until we were kissing. I was no longer coughing and I felt better. I tried to pull away, but the kiss was very healing and there was no way that I was going to put up that much of a fight. He finally let me go with a glazed over expression on my face.

  “What I’m talking about is for you to have the chan
ce to become the man that you were supposed to be. You don’t have to be weak, when there is strength lurking underneath. Jake and I can help you with that, but only if you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone. This city is ours and you may not be aware of this, but we are the protectors. We make sure that those that commit crimes are punished accordingly.” I gasped out loud, as his wings expanded with his arms outstretched. He changed, until he became something of the mythical creature called a dragon. His eyes glowed this red color that made me feel like there was no way that I could say no.

  “I have no idea, if I’m having a stroke or something along those lines. I could be still in that building suffering and clinging onto the last vestige of life. I sense that you have good intentions. I want something better for myself, something more than just going through the motions. I should be running the other way, but something was holding me in place.” This mythical creature could’ve easily burned me where I stood, but I didn’t think that he was going to do that.

  “My name is Jasper. You think that you know this world, but you haven’t even scratched the surface. There are other shifters including wolves that look to us for guidance. Jake and I are the rulers and we make sure that our existence remains a secret to humanity. We have our own rules and we govern them with an iron fist. We cannot have shifters thinking that they can overthrow the world. Experience over the years has taught us that humans have a different way of dealing with those things that they don’t understand.” I hadn’t realized it, but I slowly became painfully aware that I was not standing on my own 2 feet.

  His claws had dug into my shoulders and were lifting me into the air effortlessly. If Jasper had dropped me at any time, I would have plummeted to my death with horror in my eyes. I found the idea of flight exhilarating. Feeling it like it was a part of me made me realize what I was missing out on.

  “This whole thing is a little daunting. I don’t know what to tell you. What happened in that building was not something that I would’ve normally done. I shy away from those things that scare me, including that of my own damn shadow. I try to toe the line, but something inside me dies every time that I cower in self defeat.” We were high up over the city and the lights sparkled. I wanted to reach out and grab them with my hand like some kind of god able to smite their enemies with one thought.

  “Aidan, this is entirely your decision. If you don’t feel that there is a place for you with myself and Jake, then I will not try to force you to stay someplace that you don’t want to be. I don’t know what Jake is going to say to any of this, but we are about to find out.” We sailed over the city with Jasper’s red scaly hide looking like some monster from some B movie reject. “We want you to be our Omega. If you don’t know what that means, then let me plainly state that you will be our lover. We’ve been looking for a long time to join with the humans, but nobody has ever been able to survive the process.” In all the years that they lived they hadn’t found anybody that was worthy of stepping in their shoes.

  We landed far outside the city away from populated areas in a field that had this scorch mark burned into the ground. “I’m taking that this is a result of your lover Jake.” I turned to see that he was now human again. I had barely registered that his wings had now folded back in on themselves. He took my hand man and I looked down to see that he had placed it on his meaty member. The heat of his flesh against my fingers made it impossible not to get down to take a closer look. I’d always wanted to find a man that would be my equal, but maybe I was looking in all the wrong places.

  “I don’t know what made you take a chance on me, but I’m glad that you did.” I still felt like there was something missing. I could take the blame and say that I was not myself, but that would be a vast understatement. I was breaking through that shell, knocking down those walls and allowing the light of day to finally touch my face. “I’m not sure what I should do. I’ve never really done this before.” The realization of what I referred to made him stare at me in disbelief.

  I had had sex with girls, but they were what society expected me to crave. I had to fantasize about certain heroes including those male movie stars that made my heart flutter with new life. I didn’t have to do that with Jasper. He was a bronze god that had the body made for sin. I still had my hand on him, slowly stroking the length and feeling his excitement building by the second.

  “You went…ahhh….in there knowing that you could never take back your actions. You showed that you were not the coward that you think you are. We don’t want a normal kind of relationship with our Omega. That’s precisely the reason why we have been reluctant and unable to find what we are looking for.” He snorted and steam came out of his nose. I almost laughed, as I slowly made my way forward on my knees. I instinctively looked around to see, if we were truly alone. I opened up my mouth and gave him a reason to believe that he had chosen the right candidate.

  “I don’t really know what to tell you. It felt right to do something. I didn’t want to sit on the sidelines and let others with professional experience handle it. I don’t know what would have happened had I arrived and the fire department was already on the scene. I guess we will never know.” I was talking directly to his cock and watching, as it flexed and gave off a little bit of its just dessert. That cream was thick and looked too damn delicious to let sit there any longer than necessary.

  I touched it with my tongue, pulling back the string and letting it hang there, before moving forward to envelop the knob. “I thought that there was something…there, but I had no idea that…you would be, so insatiable. I should wait…until we are in the presence of Jake.” I didn’t know anything about Jake, but right now I was concentrating on Jasper. The feeling of his pillar of strength lying heavily on my tongue made me thirst for more. I easily let him feel the heat surrounding him. I thought for sure that his temperature had just risen a few degrees.

  The shaft along my tongue was now hotter than it was before entering. It was kind of interesting to see his skin suddenly begin to take on this sunburned look. What I was doing to him was causing him to shift noticeably, but not enough to break me away from what I was doing. I was trying to figure him out. I think that I was getting a basic idea of how this man creature ticked. I enjoyed indulging and I barely ever had the chance to seek out a suitable mate for myself. I thought that I was sick and maybe a little bit perverted, but this thing that I had with Jasper felt natural.

  Suddenly, he clamped onto my ears and made me look at him, as he moaned with arousal. He fucked my face, holding me steady and letting me bear down with my mouth and not my teeth. I did graze along him with my teeth, only as an enticement.

  “You make me feel like nobody has ever made me feel before. Jake is great, but he doesn’t show that natural inexperience. You have that. It’s your enthusiasm and need to please the makes it hard for me to keep going.” His knob was tickling the back of my mouth. I wasn’t sure that I was capable of doing this, but I was willing to give it a good college try. I manhandled his orbs, letting them lay in my hand, so that I could give them a massage that was making him growl with a need for release.

  I saw something blotting out the moon and for a moment I thought that Batman was being signaled by Gothams finest. It moved into the light and I saw that it was yellow like that of the sun. It circled above, watching me devour Jasper. It seemed to take an avid interest in what I was doing. For some reason, being watched only made me put my best foot forward.

  Jasper was grunting and then he spewed fire in a direct line. It did not connect to anything, but I don’t think that he had any control over that particular outburst. I was handling my business, when he turned his head towards the sky and let out an ungodly scream. “Fuck…eat my fucking cock.” He was now out of control, not particularly aware of what was coming from his lips. The large presence gave fourth a stream of loving that I easily consumed. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the gusher that I found myself dealing with.

  I had
to do some fancy footwork with my tongue alongside the sensitive head to get him shaking and trembling down to his toes. I worked him into a lather, but still fully aware that the other dragon shifter was now watching. It was getting closer and then it landed a few feet behind Jasper. It flapped its wings and I could feel the air brushing across my face, as I continued to give into my desire for what was coming from the spigot between Jasper’s legs.

  He finally stepped back and his whole face had turned crimson. He was breathing heavy with steam coming out of his nose and mouth. His eyes were wild and untamed. “I think that the three of us are going to have a great time together.”

  Chapter three

  “Speak for yourself. I see that you brought back something interesting. I thought for a second that you might be slumming it, but I didn’t think that you were that type of man. I’m guessing that this is more than just a sexual liaison or snack.” He had changed and his long blond hair touched the small of his back. He was the exact opposite, but then again it is a known fact that opposites attract. “This kid looks like I can break him like a toothpick. Do you want to tell me why you would bring him here of all places? This is our sanctuary and those caves in back are our home.” I couldn’t see the caves in the darkness, but it didn’t mean that they weren’t there.

  “I think that once you get to know Aidan that you’ll find that he is more than he appears. I’m going to allow you to make your own decision. I think that what you’ve seen already is only a small part of what he is going to give in to. You and I both know that we’ve been looking for years to complement what we already have. I never thought that I would find somebody that was compatible, but it only takes one.” Jake was a little bit taller. He circled me several times. He looked me up and down and then he grabbed me in a not so subtle way.


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