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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 44

by Sy Walker

  “I do see that he has a nice piece, but we need more than just sexual compatibility. We need somebody that’s going to stand with us in battle and be willing to become part of our family. I’m betting that you haven’t told him everything. If you had, I doubt that he would be standing there with your hot cum dripping off his lips. You know that we need to be open about everything. It’s the only way that this is going to work.” He was not only taller, but he was beefy and a little intimidating.

  “I don’t know what you guys are talking about, but I would really hate to lose what we have here. I think that it would be good that you just lay your cards on the table and let me decide on what’s right for me.” I was directing my comments to the both of them and hoping that one of them would feel a need to impart on me the one missing piece from this puzzle.

  “I’m going to tell you something that I don’t think that Jasper has the nerve. I could sugarcoat it, but I don’t think there’s any reason for me to do that. When I tell you that I’m looking for someone to join our family, I mean in the family way. We’ve known for some time that humans have the capacity to reach beyond their limits. We also know and we are the last of our kind. Once we die, there will be nobody to turn over our legacy and the responsibility of the shifters existence. You can imagine that there have been times that we had to put our foot down.” I didn’t even want to think about it.

  “How is it that you both can be real and alive and not have anybody know about it? You say that there are other shifters, but there has been no definitive proof that something like that exists.” I was trying to get in my head that dragons were real. I knew that the man in front of me looked human, but underneath there was something more menacing.

  “You ask a good and valid question, but I’m afraid that the answer is a little bit more complex. We’ve had instances where our existence has become known. We’re not particularly proud of this, but we needed to make sure that our secret remains with us.” They were basically saying that they had to use whatever means necessary to prevent the world from figuring out that they were among them. “Jake has no compunction about destroying human life. I have more of a conscience. Sometimes that gets in the way.” We had gotten off topic and I was still curious by what Jake had said about being in the family way. Were they looking for a woman to carry their children?

  “This whole thing could have been avoided had you just been honest with him. I know that that’s not your strong suit and sometimes you act without thinking. You are a little bit unpredictable and I’m more pragmatic. We balance each other out.” They were talking to each other, but still looking at me. “He needs to know what he’s getting himself into. I don’t feel good about any of this. I’ve already told you how I feel, but for some reason you just don’t want to listen. I’m perfectly happy with just the two of us.”

  “You say that now, but underneath I believe that you need something more than just me. We’ve been watching over each other and stuck in time for too long. I’ve never seen anything the likes of him. He’s not begging for his life and for him to accept that dragons are real is a real major step in the right direction. You say that I need to know more about him. I don’t see any reason that we should wait.” They had a frank discussion. I stood there and listened to every word. I put my finger on my lip to bring back a small bit of what he had already given me. I wanted more, but I had no idea which one I wanted it from

  They both talked for some time and I could see that there was some kind of heated debate. I only heard snippets, but it was enough to know that they were both not exactly on the same page. I felt like I was interfering and that I should leave, but there was really nowhere to go. I was in the middle of nowhere in pitch blackness with only the moon above to illuminate everything around us.

  Suddenly and without warning, Jake changed into the yellow dragon and took flight. He turned with this look of disgust on his face and then he made his way back to the caves in the distance. I watched hypnotized by the sight of my childhood fears coming back to bite me in the ass. I was never much for dungeons and dragons, but for some reason I felt like I could trust them with my life.

  “Aidan, Jake has put it on my shoulders to tell you what you need to know. I think that it goes without saying that he’s not very happy about what I’ve done here.” He turned his back on me and I had a feeling that there was no way that he could say what needed to be said to my face. “If you really want to be a part of this, then I would gladly accept you. I’m sure that Jake will come around. You certainly had a way that convinced me of that. I’m sure that it will work on him.” To have two lovers of their caliber would be unheard of for those men that thought that they were all that. For me to have both of these guys would be a dream come true. I certainly didn’t think that I was worthy. I was still fighting that natural instinct to shrink away, but I forced myself to reach down deep. It was a little bit dangerous, but there was no way that I could resist. I was leaving my heart on the floor.

  “I seriously don’t see how my sucking his cock is going to make much of a difference. It will give him pleasure, but then he will still feel this need to push me away.” I was quite interested to see what the comparison between the two would be like. I wondered if their cocks were the same. From what I had seen, Jasper was bigger, but I’d only seen Jake at his depleted state.

  “Jake was tempted to tell you flat out, but I thought that we should break it to you gently. It’s not every day that you find out the dragons are not the mythical creatures that you think they are. I do see that you’re not scared. Anybody else in your position would be begging for their life. I don’t want that for you, Aidan. What I’m suggesting is a mutual beneficial arrangement. You get that strength and the courage that you need to feel whole. We can pull that from you, but you need to do something for us. We feel that it’s time that we have a family of our own.”

  I looked at him quizzically and then his eyes strayed below. I stared at my stomach and then up into his eyes. I knew instinctively that he wanted me to carry their child. “I’m flattered, but I’m not even sure that it’s possible. I don’t even know that I want to do that. The very idea makes me feel that you don’t even know me.” I did find it a test of his character that he was willing to tell me the truth. Unfortunately, the truth was stranger than fiction and not something that I was willing to try.

  “I figured that might be your reaction, but maybe I can help you to see the light.” He grabbed me by my ears and he placed his head up against my own. I thought that we were in the process of doing some intimate thing, but then my mind flashed with images of them taking me. My eyes grew wide and my mouth parted at the realization of what he was trying to do. Feelings of lust burned within my loins and then seeing myself with child made me want to dive into the unknown without expectations.

  “I don’t know what you’re doing to me, but I’m convinced. If this is what you really want, then I will not stand in your way.” I thought that it was over, but then he showed me the reality. I saw different sides to the both of them. Jasper was caring and compassionate, where Jake was more in your face and demanding. He was not the type to take no for an answer. Maybe that was the reason why he had decided to let Jasper give me the news. “I feel this need and I can’t explain it, but you’ve shown me what anything is possible.”

  I didn’t want this to be some kind of game that they were playing at my expense. I didn’t want to be a second thought or the lover on the side that was going to give them the heir that they couldn’t give themselves. What I needed and wanted most of all was a connection. I think that I had found that with Jasper. Jake was going to be a tough nut to crack, but I was happy to open up my heart.

  “I showed you what mothers to be feel every day. You’ve taken on that motherly instinct, but in a different way. I’m glad that you are willing, but let’s see if we can get Jake to walk on the wild side with us.” I thought that was better suited for him, but he insisted that we do it together. Once again, I felt
weightless. Jasper had done it with such grace that I felt like I was flying myself. “We’re not the only ones that are going to get something from this. Once we mate with you, then you’ll feel like a new person.” I didn’t like the old one, so casting him aside was not going to be much of a problem.

  Chapter four

  “I really don’t know what goes through your head sometimes. If you are sure about this, then I am willing to see how this plays out. I’m not promising that I’ll have this instant connection that apparently the two of you have. You know that my natural instincts sometimes take over in the heat of the moment. Are you really sure that he’s able to take something like that? If you’re not, then you should take him back to where he came from and never look back.” I didn’t mean to, but there something about the two of them together that was almost irresistible.

  “I’ve already told him what we expect. He’s a little hesitant. I imagine that anybody would be in his shoes. It’s not normal for this kind of thing to happen to the male of their species. We’re branching out into new territory, but it’s not like we have much of a choice. Our future and the entire existence of our race are at stake.”

  “If I can interject one thing.” This made them turn to me. Where Jasper was smiling, Jake was frowning like he couldn’t believe that I had the gall to speak up on my own behalf. “I said that I was willing, but only if we can all come to some kind of consensus. This is only going to work if myself and Jake can come to terms with each other. Instead of wondering, we should put it to the test and see what we find out.” I was throwing caution to the wind. I was allowing this man to look at me with a combination of distaste and fire in his eyes.

  “I’m going to give the two of you time to get better acquainted. I’ll return shortly. I’m going to do a quick survey of the area. That should take me about an hour and hopefully by then we’ll be ready to move forward.” I wanted to say that I was ready, but it still remained to be seen how Jake and I were going to get on.

  Jasper ran towards the mouth of the cave and he changed with such speed that it was almost hard to see. I stepped to the entrance and watched, as his figure slowly began to fade within the darkness. I felt like both of them were different and then Jake was pushing up against me from behind.

  “If you really want to be a part of this, then we may as well get started.” I heard the rip of the material. He moved backwards long enough to peel my shirt off of my body. I was thankful that I had already taken off my leather jacket. That was one of my prized possessions. If that came to harm, then I would be fit to be tied. “I don’t think that you really know anything about us. You see the softer side of Jasper and you think that it’s all going to be sweet and innocent.” His tongue slipped forward from his mouth and tickled the inside of my ear, before moving down my neck.

  I felt like I was getting in over my head. Under the moonlight and the gorgeous twilight, I could feel that there was a supernova about to collide between our body parts. We had never met before today, but there was this instant heat. I would regret nothing.

  “I know that you are the dominant of the two of you. I know that you like holding the power in the palm of your hands.” He flickered that same pointed appendage down over my back, until he was on his knees. His hands came around in front of me and his claws suddenly emerged with razor sharp efficiency. With the precision quality of a knife, he sliced around my zipper, until the cloth and my underwear came loose in his hands. My hard on was now pointing out and feeling the elements of the chill in the air.

  “That’s pretty good, but that really doesn’t tell you anything. I like my men to be subservient. This is where Jasper and I differ. He wants to play with you with kid gloves, but I’m willing to take them off.” I felt his claws wrap around the shaft and I thought for sure that he was going to take the one thing that I prized more than my motorcycle and my leather jacket combined. “You are mine for the next hour. What I do to you and what we do to each other will finally reveal the truth. It may not be what any of us want.” I wanted more than that, but we still hadn’t been put to the test.

  I heard that same ripping sound and one of his claws had now vacated to the back of my pants. I felt the air against my naked asshole. I cringed when he touched my rosebud with that claw. I knew that he was only doing it to scare me out of my mind. It had the unnatural byproduct of exciting me beyond words.

  “Go ahead and do whatever you think that you need to do to prove to yourself that I am the right…FIT.” I had barely uttered the words, when something slithered into my hole. It seemed to have a life of its own. I could swear that it was spitting fire, but it was only his hot saliva paving the way for something more. “Jesus… I don’t know how far you think that you can go with that thing.” I wanted to tell him that it felt fantastic, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a very loud moan.

  He wasn’t stabbing back and forth with his head, so much that he was letting his tongue do all the work for him. He planted his tongue deep and then pulled it out several more times. My cock was flexing and he was obviously touching on a very special spot. The male G spot was inside and apparently he was very well aware of that very notion.

  My cock was letting its pleasure known by releasing some of the contents. I must’ve been over stimulated, as my cock was now flowing freely. It was slow like that of a volcano spilling over the sides. I didn’t feel that impending orgasm, but I could certainly feel the pleasure that he was making happen with his tongue. I somehow arched my back, letting him feel how open and ready I was. I heard him scoff and apparently he was not all that impressed by my eagerness to please.

  His claws tore away the rest of my pants, making me feel like I was vulnerable and wearing a pair of assless chaps. He stood and I could feel the bulbous presence of his knob letting me know that it was there. “You think that you know me, but believe me you have no idea.” One sharp thrust of his hips and the magnificent beast was now separating my cheeks. “I’m not even in yet and you’re already trembling. I do have to say that I love how a man in my presence fears what I’m going to do next” He was right next to my ear. I tried to move, but his strength was too much to overcome.

  “If you can do that with your tongue, then I can only imagine what other parts of your anatomy is capable of. I think that it’s only fitting that I give you my body.” It wasn’t like he was going to relinquish his hold, as he was now preparing to delve even deeper. That phallic shaped object was now forcing its way past any kind of resistance that it found. I waited with my mind ignited by passion to feel him slowly sinking ever deeper. The yawning opening let him pass. The ring sealed around him and the rest of the shaft that was soon to come.

  “I do like your spirit. You have no hang-ups and you don’t mind thinking outside the box. You do know that we are a very virile species. With one shot, we can impregnate a man, but he has to have those traits that we are looking for. We’ve come close over the years, but you might be the answer to our prayers.” He was only about 4 inches in and I reached around to feel that there was still some considerable length to go. It was thick and I was mistaken in thinking that he was smaller than Jasper. If anything, he was thicker and very hard to accommodate.

  I inadvertently and reflexively bucked back against him, impaling myself on another two of his inches. He held on to me, thinking that I was going to try to get away, but was surprised to find that I was happy with where I was.

  “That thing that you have between your legs is not normal. Oh my god… I’ve never been stuffed like a Turkey before.” My cock was rock hard and there was no way that it was going to do go down without some kind of relief. He gave one more push and the rest of him was grabbed from my inside muscles. His entire sexual self was now buried and I was using my tight anal cavity to give him reason to spew forth.

  His claws were digging into my cheeks. I think that he liked to add an element of pain. I kind of enjoyed the two sensations struggling for supremacy.

  “I knew tha
t if I gave you time that you would find some common ground.” I glanced to my side and I saw Jasper had decided to return a little earlier than expected. “I couldn’t help myself. I needed to see this.” I wanted him to be more than a spectator. I showed that by reaching out and grabbing onto a very prominent piece of his anatomy. His excitement from seeing me being taken was only half the story.

  Chapter five

  “I knew that I had him from the start. We can argue all day and all night, but I think that you’re getting a pretty good idea of what this is all about. I know that you were tempted to say no, but I at least made you take a second look at him.” I had no idea how I was going to keep standing. Jake’s cock was stirring my climax to the surface. I craved yet another taste of Jasper’s seed. I was having the best sex of my life.

  “I may have spoken out of turn…WOW… He just grabbed me like you did the first time that we were together.” I would say that he was getting a good feel for the virginal opening that I had allowed him to squeeze through. “You may have outdone yourself this time, Jasper. I was skeptical, but the things that he has said and the things that he has done makes me think that there is more that can be uncovered.” He was fucking me slowly, letting me feel the enormous weight coming out and then pile driving back in.

  “He has very soft lips and you should really feel this for yourself.” I understood what Jasper was doing. He had never had my ass and he was trying to trick Jake into letting me go. His thrusts were getting more insistent with each one deeply buried. “Don’t do it. I found him and I think that it is only right that I get the first shot.” My tongue was lathing attention on that piece of hardware in my mouth. “Oh…Okay…just finish with him quickly. I’m going to try to keep myself from letting go.”

  I moaned around Jasper and I knew that kind of sensation could get to the point of being hard to ignore. At the same time, Jake was now ramming his stick of dynamite up my ass with no mercy. I gripped him with enthusiasm, trying to draw his seed out of him, but he was reluctant to give me what I wanted. He slapped my ass hard enough to ring in my ears. I’m sure that the feel of that scratch was more for show. I had no doubt that I was going to be used and abused by morning. This was my decision and one that I had to live with.


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