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Beloved Protector (Heartsong Presents)

Page 13

by Darlene Mindrup

  “Stay here,” Andronicus commanded Tapat and, together with his troops, he slowly headed in the direction of the voices.

  Tapat sat frozen to the spot, tightening her hold on Hazaq. Terrible images she had been trying her best to forget resurfaced in her mind. “Please, Lord. Not again,” she whispered.

  Voices drifted to her on the calm morning air, and her eyes widened in surprise. People were singing a hymn. Recognizing the words, Tapat was suddenly filled with overwhelming joy. Praise the Lord, she had found the very ones she had been seeking.

  Ignoring Andronicus’s command, she carefully slid from the horse so as not to drop Hazaq and followed in Andronicus’s direction.

  When she reached a clearing in the trees, she could see Andronicus and the men sitting quietly on their horses watching a group of people clustered on the banks of the river. There were both men and women, elderly and young. The tunics they wore spoke of both poverty and wealth.

  Two men were standing in the river, one gray and elderly, the other just past youth. The elderly man had his hand on the back of the other. Realizing what was happening, Tapat hurried forward.

  Andronicus noticed her and told her to stop, but she ignored him and continued on.

  At his commanding voice, the area went quiet. The people turned to stare, their eyes widening in alarm when they recognized the Roman uniforms.

  Tapat saw her friend Mary among the crowd.

  “Mary!” she called, waving frantically. Before she could move farther, Andronicus stood and blocked her way. She glanced up at him in surprise. So intent had she been on reaching her friend, she hadn’t even noticed that he’d left his horse.

  “What do you think you are doing?” he demanded angrily.

  “It’s all right,” she told him, looking past him to the others. “They are my friends.”

  Andronicus glanced over his shoulder, lifting a brow in question. She couldn’t blame him. They didn’t look particularly welcoming. Even Mary was hesitant to greet her in the light of her present company.

  She tried to move around Andronicus, but his stance was unyielding. Using the opportunity afforded her, she handed him Hazaq.

  “Here. Hold him.”

  Taken by surprise, he had to cuddle the babe close to keep from dropping him. While his attention was diverted, Tapat quickly dodged around him and hurried to the now murmuring crowd.

  “Mary,” she called again, but Mary was too frightened to acknowledge her.

  Tapat’s steps slowed. She searched the faces for others she might recognize. Some she had seen before in Jerusalem, but that had been three years ago.

  “It’s all right,” she informed them. “These men mean you no harm. They are my friends.”

  “You keep strange friends,” a voice from the crowd whispered, and Tapat felt the hackles on her neck rise in anger. She glared at the crowd, but instead of lashing out, she remembered her own feelings about these men not so very long ago.

  “I have come from Jerusalem,” she told them in frustration. “I am no spy. Mary knows who I am.”

  Finally getting up her courage, Mary nodded to an older man in the group Tapat supposed was one of the congregational leaders. His white hair and kind brown eyes reminded her of the Apostle John, who she had once met. He stepped forward, stopping when he glanced over her shoulder.

  Turning slightly, Tapat found Andronicus standing behind her and holding Hazaq close. The look he gave her seared her more thoroughly than the sharav heat that had scorched them for much of the way here. Ignoring his anger, she told the elderly man, “These are my friends. They traveled here with me to assure my safety. My name is Tapat.”

  He studied her silently for several seconds, looking deep into her eyes for the honesty of her statement. She had the feeling that nothing could be hidden from his discerning eyes. When he smiled, it reduced his apparent old age by years.

  “Welcome, then, little sister.” He looked from Andronicus to the others waiting just behind. “You are all welcome to join us in our celebration. Democides has just this morning decided to put on the Lord in baptism, and then we will adjourn to my house and celebrate the Lord’s Day of the Lord together. My name is Jason, by the way.”

  Tapat’s eyes widened. So much had happened in the past several days she had lost track of the days. It had been a long time since she had been able to worship with other believers. Joy rippled through her, making her want to join them in lifting her voice in praise.

  “I wish to be baptized.”

  Recognizing the voice, Tapat turned to find Crassus standing just behind Andronicus. Andronicus whirled around so quickly it startled Hazaq, and he began to whimper. Tapat and Andronicus both stared at Crassus in astonishment.

  With a squeal, Tapat threw herself into the boy’s arms and hugged him exuberantly. He flinched, sucking in a sharp breath at the pain she caused him but stoically enduring her congratulations.

  Jason stared at them all with uncertainty. “You believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God?” he asked Crassus skeptically.

  “I believe.” There was no denying the conviction in his voice.

  “Crassus.” Andronicus’s voice held a warning. Crassus looked at his commander, his face filled with determination. They could hear the murmuring of the other soldiers mixed with the astonished murmurings of the crowd.

  Jason glanced from Crassus to Andronicus and back again. It was clear that he was uncertain how to proceed.

  Tapat laid her hand on the old man’s arm. “I have been studying with Crassus. If he says he believes, then it is so.” They locked eyes, and once again Tapat felt as though the old man could see into her very soul.

  Jason looked at Andronicus. “Then I have no objection.”

  Andronicus handed the now fussing Hazaq to Tapat. She tried to reassure him with her eyes that everything would be all right, but he refused to look at her.

  “Are you certain that you want to go down this path?” he asked Crassus.

  Crassus took a deep breath. “I am certain.”

  “Then so be it.”

  He turned and walked back to the others, his stiff back speaking clearly of his feelings on the matter. Climbing onto his horse, he sat waiting for Tapat and Crassus to return to their own mounts, ignoring the heated remonstrances from his men.

  The crowd parted as Crassus moved between them, heading for the river. When he reached the shore, he took off his gladius and armor, leaving only his blood-red tunic and hobnailed boots. Even without his armor, and despite his youth, he was impressive.

  He glanced at Tapat, and she came and briefly clutched his hand. A look of understanding passed between them. From this time forth, he would be her brother in the Lord.

  He walked into the water with the other men. They threw him uneasy glances but returned to their business.

  “On your confession of faith in our Lord Jesus, Democides, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins.”

  With that, the old man lay Democides back, plunging him beneath the Jordan’s moving waters. When he lifted him up again, Democides smiled through the water running down his face. The two hugged and Democides moved up to the shore to be embraced by the joyous crowd.

  The old man glanced hesitantly at Crassus but motioned him forward.

  “I didn’t catch your name,” he said in embarrassment.


  Nodding, the old man then placed a hand on Crassus’s back. “On your confession of faith in our Lord Jesus, Crassus, I now baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for the forgiveness of your sins.”

  * * *

  Andronicus watched as Crassus was plunged beneath the river, his feelings a riot of confusion. As the boy’s commander, he
was hesitant to give his consent to the proceedings. He should have tried to dissuade the boy from taking such a step but, met with such determination, he had no choice but to concede. Reprisal would come later, no doubt. Although his men had tolerated Tapat as the Christian she was, he had no doubt that they would feel much differently about Crassus. It would be hard to trust your back to someone who spoke of loving your enemies.

  When Crassus rose from the water, his drenched face was filled with undeniable joy. The first person he searched for was Tapat. She stood nearby holding Hazaq, tears running down her cheeks, her face mirroring Crassus’s joy.

  Andronicus again felt that serpent of jealousy writhing its way through him. With Crassus’s acceptance of Tapat’s God, there was nothing to keep them apart. Unlike him.

  His jealousy was mixed with confusion. An aura of peace mixed with the joy that now filled Crassus’s face. The same peace he had always seen in Tapat regardless of circumstances. How did plunging beneath water bring a person such happiness? He had seen the same thing in his friend Lucius. If he asked, would Tapat give him the answer as readily as she gave it to Crassus?

  Crassus climbed from the river and gathered his gear. The people on the bank were swarming him and the other man, Democides, hugging and smiling. With that one act, Crassus had gone from being a foe to being a friend. Andronicus shook his head at the lunacy of it.

  Jason walked over to Andronicus. “If you will follow me to my house, we will help you and your men get situated. And if it is not too much to ask, the church elders would like to meet with you and Tapat for a few minutes.”

  Andronicus felt himself bristle. Something in the man’s tone put his teeth on edge. He was fairly certain that although the words were innocuous enough, it was not a request. But Tapat’s future depended on these people, so he pushed down his irritation and nodded.

  Crassus held Hazaq while Tapat remounted, then he handed her the bundle and climbed onto his own horse. They all followed the Christians through the column-lined streets of Pella. It was a beautiful city, more Greek than Roman. Statues of the gods in their Greek and Roman forms lined the streets.

  They passed through the forum, where most of the businessmen of the city had gathered, and by the civic center, where in the amphitheater a play by Ovid was taking place. Everywhere they went, people stopped and stared.

  Jason finally stopped before a large villa. He opened the gate in the outer wall and motioned for everyone to precede him. The affluence of the place was apparent on first entering the gate. Seldom had Andronicus seen such a beautiful home, even in Rome.

  Servants came to take the horses.

  Andronicus pulled off his helmet and tucked it under his arm. He was longing to take advantage of the public bath, but that would have to wait.

  Tapat started to walk by him, but he reached out and grasped her upper arm. “Jason says that the elders would like to speak to us.”

  She looked at him in surprise. “Now? But it is the Lord’s Day of the Lord. It’s time to worship.”

  Jason overheard and came to their side. “Tapat is correct. It is time to worship. You are welcome to join us.”

  Andronicus glared at the man. “I think not. My men and I will find accommodations in the city.” He looked at Tapat. “I assume you are staying?”

  She nodded, her eyes pleading with him to reconsider. Turning away, he asked, “When did you wish to meet?”

  Jason glanced from Andronicus to Tapat. “Can you come back this evening?”

  Andronicus nodded. He would take full advantage of the baths and then find a place to settle himself and his men for the night.

  “I wish to remain for a time, Tribune,” Crassus told him.

  Andronicus hesitated before finally relenting. “As you wish.”

  Andronicus pulled Tapat to the side and out of the hearing of the others. He searched her face carefully. “Will you be all right?”

  He saw in her eyes her reluctance for him to leave and he found himself loathe to do so, but he intended to do some scouting around and find out about these Christians before he would be willing to leave Tapat in their hands for long. He cupped her cheek with his palm, stroking his thumb across her lips. The pupils of her eyes darkened in response and he smiled inwardly. She was not as unaffected as she pretended to be.

  “I will be fine.” Hazaq began to fuss and Tapat pulled away from Andronicus’s touch. “I must see to Hazaq.”

  She had pulled away from him mentally and physically, but he was too experienced in the ways of women to be fooled. She was attracted to him.

  “I will return this evening.”

  The look that flashed through her eyes this time was easy to interpret.

  “I promise,” he reiterated, and she nodded apprehensively.

  As he followed his men out the door, he turned one last time and saw Tapat still standing where he had left her.

  Chapter 14

  The day had been long and tiring despite the enjoyment of being able to worship the Lord with other believers. Worshipping here in Pella was much like doing so in Jerusalem, except without the fear of reprisal.

  Taking the Lord’s Supper had been the highlight of the service for Tapat. It had been so long since she had been able to commune with Elohim that way. It was always during this time that she became reverently introspective, searching her mind and heart to make certain that she did not partake in an unworthy manner as the Apostle Paul had warned about.

  Several people had confessed their sins to one another and had been lovingly embraced by those in attendance.

  The singing had been wonderful. So many voices joined together in joyous worship had brought tears to her eyes.

  When it came time to pray, Tapat had silently thanked Elohim for bringing her here safely. She listened attentively as the elders prayed for others of the congregation who were ill or in need. When she heard her own name mentioned, she jerked her head up in surprise. Even Crassus had been mentioned, warming her heart at their acceptance of him. She reached over and squeezed his hand, smiling when he returned the pressure.

  The fellowship had gone on for hours. It was only as the sun was beginning its descent that Jason had come to her and offered her a room to use until she could decide what she wanted to do. She had accepted gratefully, not certain now what she was going to do with her life. She still had the money that Andronicus had given her, so she would be able to support herself and Hazaq, but it would take time to find a place for them to live. She had long ago decided that he was her responsibility. Elohim had placed him in her path for a reason, and she would not turn her back on such a gift.

  Tapat marveled at the beauty of the peristyle a servant led her through. The garden was full of blooming flowers and lush green trees. A flame tree in the corner was losing its last scarlet flowers to the early summer.

  The sound of running water was soothing as a fountain in the center spewed water from a beautifully carved statue of a young man carrying a pitcher over his shoulder.

  Everything in this villa spoke of extreme wealth, and she suddenly wondered what kind of occupation Jason held or if he was independently wealthy, like her former mistress.

  A balcony ran the entire length of the upper-floor rectangle of the peristyle, where doors to many rooms opened onto the garden. Below the balcony the lower floor held just as many doors. The servant stopped just outside one of these doors and pushed open the wooden portal.

  “This will be your room, my lady.”

  Tapat followed her inside. The room boasted a large sleeping couch, a luxury after the many nights of sleeping on the hard ground. It was lavishly supplied with silken sheets and pillows.

  A dressing table sported a polished silver mirror, the likes of which she hadn’t seen since leaving Leah’s service. On the table were several amphorae of scented oils, a comb and
a brush.

  Several oil braziers were scattered around the room, ready to be lit when darkness settled over the land. Potted plants perched on intricately carved pedestals.

  “Is it to your liking?”

  Tapat turned to the young servant. What wasn’t to like? It was a room lushly appointed, obviously used for guests. “Very much so. Thank you...?”

  “Euphemia,” she supplied.

  “Thank you, Euphemia.”

  Euphemia nodded. “If you are ready, I will show you and the baby to the baths.”

  Another luxury she looked forward to. She followed the servant down a long corridor that ended in a large bathroom. Several other women were already in the pool visiting in friendly camaraderie. Embarrassed, Tapat hesitated. She had never gotten used to community baths, although they had been a part of her master’s life when she had been a slave in Caesarea. She did not understand how men and women could prance naked before each other when not married or even related. It was just one more thing that set the Jews apart from the Romans—their modesty.

  At least no men were here. Jason might be living as a Greek, but he was still a Christian, and the Lord and the Apostles had warned about modesty and lusting.

  Euphemia started to help her remove her tunic but Tapat shook her head. “If you would hold Hazaq for me?”

  Smiling, Euphemia reached for Hazaq, cuddling him close and cooing at him even though the odor that emanated from him couldn’t have been pleasant.

  “If you would like, I will bathe him for you,” she suggested.

  Again Tapat hesitated. It would be difficult to wash her hair and body and hang on to a squirming child at the same time. She finally nodded her head in assent and Euphemia started unwrapping Hazaq’s swaddling cloths.

  Tapat pulled her tunic over her head, holding it against her front modestly. She eased her way into the tepidarium, the warm water pool instantly soothing her aching muscles. Leaving her tunic on the surrounding tiled floor, she ducked beneath the water to completely wet her hair. When she rose again, a woman was standing where her tunic had been. The garment was gone. She glanced up at the woman in surprise.


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