Eiffel's Tower
Page 40
305 “For four weeks we have had ”: Ibid.
305 “T he old scout”: Walsh, The Making of Buffalo Bill, p. 359.
306 “For hours before the ceremony”: “Cody Now Rests on Lookout Mountain,” Washington Post, June 4, 1917, p. 10.
306 “In a time when America”: Warren, Buffalo Bill’s America, p. x.
306-7 “William F. Cody was the kindest hearted”: Oakley, The Autobiography of Annie Oakley , pp. 57-58.
307 “Annie enjoyed getting up”: Kasper, Annie Oakley, p. 205.
307 “The tower . . . is the principal work”: Gustave Eiffel, Biographie industrielle et scientifique de Gustave Eiffel, vol. 1, ARO 1981 977 (c), p. 44, Eiffel Archive, Musée d’Orsay, Paris.
309 “Lucien Sarniguet, a forty-five-year-old captain”: Harriss, The Tallest Tower, p. 181.
311 “We are all citizens of the Eiffel Tower”: Braibant, Histoire de la Tour Eiffel, p. 158.
Pages xiv, 17, 32, 53, 83, 87, 110, 117, 120, 150, 154, 165, 182, 201, 223, 235, 264, 270, 285, 292: Library of Congress
vi, 29, 35, 40, 50, 64, 75, 310: Otis Elevator Company
67, 204: Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, N.Y.
78: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Z-330
123: Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming; 1.69.442
124: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-321
132: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-328
140: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-349
143: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Z-2386
175: The Darke County Historical Society, Inc.
191: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-195
228: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-311
242: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-361
254: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-13
267: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-360
279: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, Nate Salsbury Collection, NS-136
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Actors’ Fund
Aimard, Gustave
Alexandra, Princess of Wales
Alphand, Adolphe
American Art Association
American Charitable Fund
American Corn Palace
American Field
American Register
American Society of Civil Engineers
Anderson, A. A.
Andrews, Joe
Angelus, The (Millet)
Angeray, Paul
Annie Get Your Gun (musical comedy)
Ansaloni, Monsieur
Apache (Bonheur’s horse)
Appleton, Thomas Gold
Arbuckle, John
Pavilion of
Argyll, Duke of
Armand Béhic
Arrangement in Grey and Black, No. 1: Portrait of the Artist’s Mother (Whistler)
Art Amateur
Assiev, Michel
Atala (Chateaubriand)
Atlantic Monthly
Aurier, Albert
Autumn (Manet)
Backmann (engineer)
Bacon, Henry
Bague, Monsieur
Baker, Johnny
Balcony, The (Whistler)
Baldwin, W. D.
Barr, Émile
Bartholdi, Frédéric-Auguste
Bartlett, Paul Wayland
Batchelor, Charles
Baudelaire, Charles
Bennett, James Gordon, Jr.
Boulanger boom and
cable enterprise of
Cody and
death of
eccentric and autocratic behavior of
extravagant lifestyle of
Fourth of July celebrations and
offices of
startup of Paris Herald and
trips to New York of
in World War I,
Bennett, James Gordon, Sr.
Bennett, Maud
Berger, Georges
Bernard, Émile
Bernhardt, Sarah
Berthier, Henrion
Bierstadt, Albert
Billy (Oakley’s horse)
Biographie Industrielle et Scientifique (Eiffel)
Bizet, Georges
Black Elk
Black Hawk
Black Maria (movie studio)
Blaine, James G.
Blondin (tightrope walker)
Bonaparte, Roland
Bonheur, Isadore
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonnemains, Madame de
Bordiga, A.
Bouguereau, Adolphe William
Boulanger, George
Bourdais, Jules
Boussod, Valadon and Company
Brown, Thomas E., Jr.
Brownell, William
Browning, Robert
Bruant, Aristide
Buffalo Bill, see Cody, William F.
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show
after close of World’s Fair
campgrounds of
celebrity status of
at Chicago Exposition
Edison’s visit to
European tours of
foreign horsemen in
in Fourth of July celebration
Jockey Club challenge and
Langtry’s visit to
Oakley’s return to
opening performance of
parody of
popularity of
in royal performance
Shah’s visit to
success of
in voyage to Europe
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show, Indians of
alleged mistreatment of
Bonheur’s paintings of
Eiffel Tower visited by
fatal illnesses among
French journalists and
French reaction to
Sioux lands treaty and
in World’s Fair outing
Buloz, Charles
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Burke, John
Butler, Frank
Café des Beaux-Arts
Caillebotte, Gustave
Campbell, Lady Archibald
Carlhian, Francis
Carlyle, Thomas
Carnegie, Andrew
Carnot, Madame
Carnot, Sadi
Carvalho, S. S.
Cassatt, Mary
Catlin, George
Central Dome
Cercle des Patineurs, Le
Chabanais (brothel)
Chamberlain, Samuel S.
Chamber of Deputies, France
Champagne, La
Chandon, Minnie Gardner, Vicomtesse de
Chateaubriand, François-René de
Chauchard, Alfred
Chicago Board of Trade
Chicago Tribune
Chicago World’s Fair, see Columbian Exposition of 1892
Christian Advocate
Christian Union
Chrysler Building
Civil Engineer
Clarke (engineer)
Clemenceau, Georges
Clermont, Camille
Cleveland, Grover
Cody, Julia
Cody, Louisa
Cody, May
Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill)
alleged mistreatment of Indians and
background of
Bennett and<
br />
Big Horn Basin project of
Bonheur’s friendship with
Bonheur’s portrait of
campground tent of
charisma of
death of
Edison’s visit to
on European tours
fame of
in Fourth of July celebrations
generosity of
as goodwill ambassador
Jockey Club challenge and
later career of
in mission for General Miles
Oakley on
and proposed purchase of Oakley
Winchester rifle endorsed by
Columbian Exposition of 1892,
Congress, U.S.
Congress of Criminal Anthropology
Constans, Ernest
Construction moderne, La
Cooper, James Fenimore
Copello, Cavaliere
Coppée, François
Coquelin the Younger
Corcoran Gallery
Courbet, Gustave
Couture, Thomas
Cowboy Band
Crawford, T. C.
Cumberland, Duchess of
Daily Telegraph (London)
Daly (Wild West performer)
Dana, Charles
Daubigny, Charles
Daudet, Alphonse
Daumier, Honoré
Davenay, Monsieur
Davioud, Gabriel
Deadwood Dick (vaudeville show)
de Blowitz, Henri
Decauville Railroad
Declaration of Independence
Degas, Edgar
de Haan, Jacob Meyer
Delacroix, Eugène
Delart, Baron
Depew, Chauncey
Depraved, The (Goudeau)
de Reinach, Jacques
de Schack, Baroness
Devil in the White City, The (Larson)
Dinah Salifou, king of Senegal
Dorgnon, Armand-Sylvain
Ducretet, Eugène
Dufais, Monsieur
Dumas, Alexandre (fils)
du Maurier, George
Dumont, Gabriel
Durandelle, Édouard
Durand-Ruel, Paul
Durer, Émile
d’Uzès, Duchesse
Eagle Man
Écho de Paris
Edinburgh, Duke of
Edington, Mr.
Edison, Charles
Edison, Madeleine
Edison, Marion “Dot,”
Edison, Mina
Edison, Thomas
on art exhibits
Cody’s visit with
Eiffel’s meeting with
Eiffel Tower visited by
in excursions outside Paris
on France
French lionization of
at Hôtel de Ville banquet
in journey to Europe
later career of
Legion of Honor award of
in movie industry
Pasteur’s meeting with
in return to Paris
in return to U.S.
Sherard’s interview of
World’s Fair exhibit of
World’s Fair visited by
Edison Electric Works
Edison Machine Works
Edison Manufacturing Company
Edward, Prince of Wales
Eiffel, Édouard
Eiffel, Gustave
admirers of
aviation interest of
background of
death of
Edison’s meeting with
engineering career of
in first ascent of tower
foreign nobles and
journalists and
labor unrest and
Legion of Honor award of
Livre d’Or of
marriage of
memoir of
opening of tower and
Panama Canal project and
Paris domicile of
personality of
tower apartment of
tower elevator disputes and
trial and imprisonment of
Eiffel, Laure (daughter)
Eiffel, Laure (sister)
Eiffel, Marguerite Gaudelet
Eiffel, Marie
Eiffel Tower
accidents and mishaps in
British attitude toward
British royals’ visit to
canteen of
celebrity banquet in
commission awarded for
completion of
construction of
contract for
cost of
criticism of
delays of
demolition debate and
diamond replica of
Edison’s visits to
Eiffel’s personal apartment in
expected commercial exploitation of
financial success of
first formal ascent of
first platform of
first visitors to
foundation of
Franco-American rivalry and
funding of
Gauguin on
height of
Indians’ visit to
journalists’ banquet and
Kirkwood on
labor unrest and
lawsuits against
layout of
Le Roux’s ascent of
lives lost in construction of
location of
Maupassant’s dislike of
military use of
Oakley’s visit to
opening of
paintings of
pier legs of
as political symbol
popularity of
public gallery of
replicas and reproductions of
restaurants in
second platform of
Shah’s visit to
summit of
telegraph office in
unready state of
U.S. attitude toward
usefulness of
view from
visitors to
wages and
Washington Monument surpassed by
weather and
Eiffel Tower, elevators of
Backmann and
completion of
design and safety disputes and
Eiffel and
Goncourt on
lawsuit over
Otis’s proposed design for
price revision and
rack-and-pinion dispute and
safety test of
test run of
tower legs modified for
unready state of
Electric Light Company
Empire State Building
Engineer, The
Eugénie, empress of France
Evans, Agnes
Evans, Thomas
Ferrié, Gustave
Ferris, George Washington
Ferry, Jules
Figaro, Le
Figaro de la Tour, Le
final issue of
first issue of
tower office of
First Reform Act (Great Britain)
Floquet, Gérard
Ford, Sheridan
Forestry Pavilion
Fragonard, Jean-Honoré
American Revolution and
Boulanger boom in
Edison on
World’s Fair and national pride of
World’s Fair pavilion of
Franco-American relations
Angelus auction and
Eiffel Tower initiative and
Fourth of July celebrations and
tariff issue and
Franco-Prussian War of 1870,
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, Maud
Franklin, William B.
Frederic, Harold
Freer, Charles
French Society of Civil Engineers
Gachet, Paul
Galignani’s Messenger
Gallery of Machines
Garcia (toreador)
Gardner, Isabella Stewart
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Garnier, Charles
Gauguin, Mette
Gauguin, Paul
Arles sojourn of
on Eiffel Tower
later career of
at Paris World’s Fair
Gautreau, Virginie
Gay, Walter
General Electric
Genius of Electricity, The (Bordiga)
Gentle Art of Making Enemies, The (Whistler)
George, Henry
George I, king of Greece
Gérôme, Jean-Léon
Ghost Dances
Gil Blas, Le
Gladstone, William
Godey’s Lady’s Book
Goes Flying
Goncourt, Edmond de
Goncourt, Jules de
Goudeau, Émile
Gould, Jay
Gounod, Charles
Gouraud, George
Grant (sheriff)
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great Britain
Wild West show’s royal performance in
Greeley, Horace
Groupe Impressioniste et Synthétiste
Hall, W. Frank
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammer, William J.
Harmony in Blue and Silver (Whistler)
Harper’s Weekly
Harrison, Alexander
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Carter
Harrison, Russell
Harrison, William Henry
Harrison (artist)
Harriss, Joseph
Haussmann, Georges-Eugène
Havemeyer, Louisine
Havemeyer family
Hawick, Chief
Hawkins, Rush Christopher
Hearst, William Randolph
Heinemann, William
Henri, Robert C., see Le Roux, Hugues
Highland Games
Hirschig, Anton
History of Habitation
Holstein, Duchess of
Hopkins, William Alonzo
Horse Fair, The (Bonheur)
Hoyos, Count
Hugo, Victor
Huysman, J. K.
Ibrahim, prince of Senegal
Ingres, Jean-Auguste
Insull, Samuel
Insull, Thomas
International Herald-Tribune
Irises, The (van Gogh)
Irving, Billy
Isäacson, Joseph
Isabella II, queen of Spain
Jacquart, Monsieur
Jaluzot, M.
James, Henry
James, William
Janssen, Pierre-Jules-César
Jefferson, Thomas