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The Other Side of Wonderful

Page 23

by Caroline Grace-Cassidy

  Beth. Beth. That was the name that woman, Glenda, had used outside the opera at the Gaiety that night.

  “Do you still see Beth?”

  “I don’t. I don’t think this makes me a bad person or a weirdo. I just don’t get on with her. I want to live my own life and to be happy. Just because we are blood-related doesn’t mean we have to like each other. Beth isn’t a very nice person, Cara.”

  She understood. She had never had a sister to give her the right to say that she couldn’t imagine not speaking to her. “Okay, I get it, I won’t ask again but I would really like to meet your mam soon.”

  “Done,” he smiled.

  “There is one other thing . . .” The wine was obviously going to her head now. “The day in the Sandymount House when you flipped at me, it scared me a little, Alex – in fact, it scared me a lot.” There. She had said it and she was pleased with herself. No secrets.

  “I know. I scared myself. It was my dad all over again. I was him. I have his temper. Oh Cara, I wish I didn’t, I wish I was perfect but I’m not. It’s just I have never felt this way about anyone before and I am truly obsessively in love with you and I can’t help it. I think about you every second of every minute of every day. These feeling are all new to me. I look at you and I just want you by my side 24/7 and I know that’s crazy but I can’t change how I feel. If I could I’d lock you up in a box and take you out whenever I wanted to look at you.”

  She was blown away by his honesty. At last. It was all overly emotional but she really felt she was connecting with him.

  “Oh Alex, I feel the same, I really do, and believe me these feeling are new to me too.” She leaned over as far as she could without her back aching more and kissed him hard on the mouth.

  “Bill!” he only half-pretended to shout.

  Cara looked around the bar at happy diners chatting easily and eating great food. Esther would love it here. She would bring her out here tomorrow like Alex suggested. She was over the staying in bed and over the patient stuff – it was time to move on. No doubt the guy who attacked her was one of the Seán Hacketts of the world, dragged up and with no real chance in life. It wasn’t personal. It wasn’t her. It was drugs, she imagined. Well, she hoped he hated himself for what he had done to her and she hoped more than anything it made him get help. Maybe she had made a difference to his life. She hoped he didn’t end up like Seán.

  The waitress came with the bill and Alex paid. Then he stood and held her coat out for her. “Shall we?”

  He took her by the hand and led her out the door. They strolled in the warm evening breeze up Dalkey Village, stopping to look in an art shop at some incredible prints in the window.

  “Oh, I love that!” Cara was admiring a sketch of the front of the Queen’s with people shown drinking pints outside in the sunshine.

  “Do you?” Alex pulled her toward the door.

  “No, Alex, I just mean it’s pretty.” She tried to dig her heels into the path.

  “Can I help you?” the art dealer asked. He was dressed head to toe in black and smelled of wet paint.

  “The Bedford print in the window, how much?”

  Alex could hold his own here, Cara was sure of that.

  “That is two thousand five hundred, sir,” the dealer informed him. Not a sales pitch – just a matter of fact.

  “We will take it.”

  “Indeed,” came the reply as the dealer headed for the window.

  Cara’s chin hit the floor. “Are you nuts?” she hissed at him.

  “You like it, and it will forever remind us of this wonderful day.” As the print was delicately wrapped in brown paper and bubble wrap Alex paid by card and asked if it could be held over until the next day. It was agreed and they left the shop.

  They walked and walked and talked and talked.

  “Oh look, I like that car!” Cara joked as she stopped beside a Ferrari outside a house on Sorrento Terrace. “Aren’t you going to buy it for me?”

  She put her hands on her hips and he laughed before wrapping his arms gently around her and kissing her.

  They reached Fitzpatrick’s as it was starting to get slightly nippy. Cara took in the magnificence of the building while Alex booked dinner for eight o’clock.

  “I will need a snooze first,” she joked as they got out of the lift on the top floor. “Let me guess – the room’s a biggy, isn’t it?”

  “After you!” Alex opened the door and she entered the room.

  She gasped. Then screamed. “What?” she gasped again and spun around.

  He was smiling more broadly than she had ever seen before.

  “What’s this?”

  The huge suite was covered in pink rose petals, dozens of tiny lit candles adorned every shelf and available surface and the words WILL YOU MARRY ME? were written in red lipstick on the huge window.

  She couldn’t speak.

  She turned to find him but he was already on one knee.

  “Cara, will you marry me?” He had an open box and a cluster of diamonds sparkled up at her.

  She dropped to her knees now, all back pain forgotten. “Are you sure? I mean it’s been so quick?”

  His eyes glazed for a split second.

  “I mean yes, yes, yes, Alex, I will!”

  He removed the ring carefully and it slid perfectly onto her ring finger. She stared at it. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her whole life.

  “I love you so much!” he said.

  He kissed her and she kissed him back, completely carried away in the moment.

  “Do you like it? Because if you don’t I can change it. I got it in Dubai but I can show you the brochure. I honestly won’t be offended if you want to change it. I just really wanted to have the ring to propose to you with.”

  She put her index finger on his mouth. “It’s perfect, this is perfect, I adore it – but how did you plan all this?” Tears pricked at her eyes.

  “It wasn’t easy but my mam helped. In fact she’s downstairs. Will I have her come up?”

  “What?” Cara was astonished. “Oh yes, yes, please do, and I have to call Esther – she will be thrilled!”

  “Of course but not just yet. I have another surprise.”

  He walked to the minibar and opened it. All the small bottles had been removed and an ice bucket housed a large bottle of Moët which Alex was now popping. He poured two glasses as she took in the romantic sight that was their room.

  “Here’s to us!” he said. “I want to marry you as soon as I can, not a big long engagement, okay? Let’s just do it!”

  They clinked glasses and sipped slowly. She looked at the magnificent ring again. She was truly overwhelmed. Her heart was racing madly.

  “Oh sit, please,” he said. “You have to mind your back.”

  As she did he pulled off his jacket and tucked his white T-shirt into his jeans. “Let me buzz my mam.”

  He did and she sipped the champagne, almost bursting at the seams to ring Esther. She didn’t want to ask him again. Damn, she missed having her own phone.

  A few minutes later there was a knock on the door.

  “Come in!” Alex yelled from the bathroom and the door opened.

  “Hi, I’m Marie,” Alex’s mother said, smiling at Cara. “Well, congratulations!”

  She embraced Cara who immediately liked her. She was warm yet reserved.

  “Are you responsible for all this?” Cara asked, pouring her mother-in-law-to-be a glass of bubbly.

  “Well, sort of – I did have lots of help from the wonderful staff – but Alex was very clear about what he wanted. Alex is always very clear about what he wants.”

  “Oh Marie, it’s so beautiful, thank you for all your time and effort.”

  “May I see?” Marie lifted Cara’s hand. “Amazing, may I have twirl?”

  Cara took off the ring and handed it to her to twirl around her finger three times towards her heart and make a wish. She wondered what Alex’s mother would wish for.

nbsp; Alex emerged, smiling, from the bathroom.

  “Darling!” Marie kissed him.

  “Thank you for everything, Mam.”

  “I’d move the moon for you, you know that,” she responded. “Please stay in touch now. I am so happy for you. Mind yourself, dear. Look after yourself.” She took his hands in hers and squeezed them tightly, her eyes never leaving his.

  The moment seemed to Cara a little intense.

  “I am always here if you need me,” Marie said, “but I have to go now and leave you to it.”

  “Okay, Mam, thanks – and sorry – I know it was short notice!”

  “Please stay a little longer, Marie,” said Cara. “Have a drink with us. It would be nice to talk a while.”

  “No, no – I won’t, dear – it’s your time – enjoy – and I look forward to seeing you sometime . . . again soon, Cara.” She hugged Cara and left the suite, her son walking her out the door. They had a conversation in hushed tones outside the door before he came back in to Cara.

  “Well, well, well, here we are!” He pulled the white T-shirt over his head. “Alone at last.”

  His eyes were heavy with desire as he stood in front of Cara. She put down her glass and moved to him. She slowly unbuttoned his jeans. Their breathing was heavy in the quiet room. He unbuttoned her shirt slowly while kissing her neck and then he moved faster, almost ripping the shirt off, and carried her to the bed. He stripped her completely and entered her very quickly and she tried to block out the pain in her back. He kissed her hard and repeated her name over and over and over.

  When he finished he flopped beside her and smiled. “Got you!” He held up her left hand. “This is the best day of my life.”

  Chapter 21

  Jamie Keenan stood over the reception desk, a twinkle in his eye. Although Sandra knew well she should not be in this frame of mind, she could have gladly stripped off there and then and done him dirty. She almost laughed. Almost.

  “Can I help you, sir?” she asked in her poshest voice.

  “Well, yeah, I was in earlier. Jamie Keenan is my name. I was wondering if you had a cancellation by any chance.”

  Sandra pretended to type at the keyboard, knowing full well there were no cancellations. She knew all about Jamie Keenan’s career. She loved tennis. Not to play but to watch. She used to try and take the two weeks of Wimbledon off work when she flew and she’d spent the entire time engrossed in the tennis. He was always big news at the event.

  He continued to drape himself over her reception desk. He was built like a male supermodel. Over six foot four and so tanned. He had short brown wiry hair and wonderful green eyes. He was a worldwide pin-up, a God to the athletic advertising world not to mention absolutely loaded and single as far as she could remember.

  “I’m so sorry, Mr Keenan, but nothing has come up.”

  He was smiling at her.

  “Ah, that’s a disappointment . . . Are you married?” he said in his clipped English accent.

  He had the cheekiest look she had ever seen.

  “What sort of a question is that now?” She had removed her wedding ring that afternoon.

  “An honest one.” He grinned at her.

  “Oh, I’m . . . well, to be honest, I don’t know what my status is right now . . . is that information enough for you, Mr Keenan?”

  He was still smiling.

  “Well, that’s not married then, is it?” He moved his head in closer toward her.

  “If I told you the facts, Mr Keenan, you would run a mile.”

  “Try me?”

  “Well, thank you, but I’m working.” She pushed a few pieces of paper around the desk.

  “What time do you finish?”

  Was he serious? This was turning into some day.

  “I finish late.” She willed the phone to ring.

  “In that case I’ll be back at late.” He leaned right in and gently flicked her name badge. “Sandra, my favourite name in the whole world.” He laughed loudly as he turned and moved his tall frame back into the wedding reception.

  Cara had been watching this little scene from a couch nearby. Sandra hadn’t even noticed her so she now coughed loudly. “Eh, hello, what was that all about?” She stood up and walked over to Sandra.

  “Holy Mother, Cara, but I’d eat him alive so I would.” Sandra made chomping noises.

  “And you a happily married woman!” Cara said, deadpan.

  “Ah, I wish, Cara, I really do – or do I?”

  The two women went into the back office and sat down opposite each other. At the same time both kicked off their shoes. Timing. They both laughed.

  “What are we like?” said Cara. “Tell me everything later? I have two bottles of wine in Mike’s small back-bar fridge with our names on them.” Cara rubbed her feet.

  “How’s the wedding going?”

  “The cutting of the cake is next and then the wedding band is setting up.”

  “I never had a wedding band,” Sandra said quietly and there was a silence.

  “No? Neither did I.” Cara looked up slowly.

  “You’re married?” Sandra looked shocked.

  “No, I’m divorced,” Cara said as Jonathan called out her name. She fished for her shoes and slipped them back on.


  “I cannot wait until we’re married!” Alex had enthused as they woke in the hotel the next morning.

  “Me neither!” Cara had stretched slowly and arched her stiff back. Alex was actually so excited she began to laugh. He looked so sexy this morning, his black hair ruffled and his shadow of beard growth suiting him. He needed to chill out a bit, Cara realised, not be so immaculate and proper all the time. She would help him.

  In fact, there was no rush to the altar, she thought. They would take it nice and slowly.

  They should organise a trip away actually. It would be fantastic to spend some relaxed time together.

  “What do you say, my darling wife-to-be?” He positioned himself on top of her and she scratched his bare back gently as he leaned on his elbows.

  “To what?” she asked as she continued to run her nails down his back.

  “To this,” he said and kissed her over and over and, as he kissed his way down her body, he said, “Ears, I own you now. Neck, I own you now too, and these hands I nom nom nom . . .”

  She tried to laugh but it didn’t come out and Alex groaned as she continued to touch him.

  He stopped now, his mouth inches from hers. “Actually I have another big surprise planned for you. Will I tell you now or keep it?”

  She kissed him. “Seriously, I don’t think you can top the last surprise so keep it. I like surprises now.” She ran her hands through his hair and he groaned at her touch. She really only had to tip Alex and he was aroused.

  “Shall we take this into the shower?” he asked and she said yes even though she didn’t want to she was so comfortable and sex in the shower really didn’t do it for her. Alex washed her hair, another thing she didn’t really like as he never gave it enough welly and she liked to dig into her scalp. One time she rewashed it and he had been really offended.

  As they stood under the jets after making love she glanced down at her left hand. The cluster of diamonds was enormous. A little too big, she thought guiltily, but she’d never change it. He had picked it and that was enough for her.

  “Okay, let’s get packed up and out of here.” Alex slid open the shower door and began to dry off.

  “Packed up? Sure I only have the clothes I came in!” She slathered the lemon hotel moisturiser all over her legs.

  “You know what I mean. Are you bothered having the breakfast – all that fried crap?”

  Was she bothered? She’d eat a scabby man’s leg right now. “Ah, I’m starving, Alex, aren’t you?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, but let’s go somewhere and get something light instead, if that’s okay with you – or do you want that fry?”

  That fry. That said it all. How could she stuff a pig into her
now with him shaking his head. “Fine,” she managed and finished dressing – it was becoming easier so she must be healing.

  “Come on, chop chop, let’s go!” He bundled her out the door in seconds.

  They checked out and left.

  By the time they reached the car she was really curious.

  “So what’s the secret?” she asked as they got in.

  “You’ll soon see, my dear Cara-Byrne-soon-to-be-Charles, you’ll soon see.” He checked his rear-view mirror as he always did.

  He hit the M50 and Cara’s tummy rumbled.

  “Can you believe we’re engaged?” He was looking straight ahead. “You are all mine now, Cara Byrne.”

  She shifted her weight. “Well . . . I’m still me, Alex, but yeah I’m totally happy, over the moon.” Cara stared at her fiancé. Such a slow careful driver you’d never think he flew Boeings. Where on earth were they going? She still hadn’t called Esther. “Alex, can I borrow your phone and call my mam?”

  “Ah, shoot, my battery died and I didn’t bring a charger! Sorry, love. We can grab a payphone when we get there.” He kept his eyes on the road.

  “I have to buy a new phone today, Alex, I can’t stand this.” She fiddled with the huge engagement ring.

  “Seriously, Cara, would you ever just sit back and chill out – it’s just weird that you have to call your mammy all the time. I mean, grow up!”

  His hands gripped the wheel tightly. She could see his fingers turn white as the blood drained out.

  “No, Alex, it’s not that at all. I have just got engaged! Of course I want to tell my mother! How is that weird? In fact, I am bursting to tell her!”

  “Okay, sorry, it’s not so weird when you put it like that.” He took a deep breath now and steadied his voice. “I do understand that. It’s just we will be married soon and you have a new life – I should be your priority not your mother. All this texting and calling all the time – don’t you think it’s all a waste of life and of precious time? I mean, I said nothing the night we went to the theatre but after in the bar you sat there texting your mother. It’s just bad manners, Cara, well, in fact it’s really rude.” He had been aching to say that for ages, she knew. She really didn’t want to upset him.


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