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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 14

by Jane Pearl

  Liam nodded as he led Briana carefully across the rain slick ground. “Yes I am...and this is Briana.” She nodded at him and offered a hand.

  “Nice to meet you Mr...ah?”

  “My name is Phipps Ma’am no Mister required.” He answered her in a deep baritone. “Pleased to meet you.” He firmly grasped her hand for a brief handshake. “Let’s get you out of this rain.” With these words, he opened the back door of the vehicle and ushered them inside. Safely ensconced in the warm confines of the car, Briana watched Phipps load the trunk with their luggage.

  “I feel bad letting him brave the elements while we sit in the limo.”

  Liam smiled and patted her on the knee. “It’s his job, Luv. He’d be insulted if we did it for him.”

  Briana subsided with a sigh against buttery soft leather seats. “Nice way to travel I must say.”

  “Simon doesn’t believe in stinting on comfort.” Liam stretched his cowboy boot clad feet out in front of him and placed an arm behind Briana’s head. “Wait til you see his home.”

  Phipps opened the driver’s side door and climbed into the seat. “I’ll just close the privacy screen so you folks can visit.”

  “Thanks Phipps.” Liam offered as the screen slid shut. He took a deep breath and looked down at Briana. “So...” He paused for a moment then continued. “I told you that Simon and Suzanne are into role playing. If you are up for it, I’d like to do a little role playing while we are visiting them this weekend.” He raised his eyebrows in askance.

  Briana looked at him cautiously. “What exactly would this entail?”

  Liam grinned at her. “Well, Simon and Suzanne often play schoolgirl and guardian. He’s the stern taskmaster and she is the bratty delinquent he has been hired to train.”

  Briana looked at him in disbelief. “Really?” Speculation lit her eyes. “That might be fun.” Her attention shifted back to him. “Would that be the scenario we’d be playing?” Her eyes lit in anticipation.

  Liam shifted uneasily in his seat. “Uh, sort of. We thought it’d be fun to do a schoolgirl and guardian scenario with a little twist. As a punishment for immature behavior you both would be ordered to dress up as little girls. You’d wear childish clothing and hairstyles. You’d have to follow the rules a child would follow.” At her questioning look he hastened to add. “Just so you know, neither of us have an interest at all in children. This is just meant to be fun. You’ll see what I mean if you’ll give it a try.” He looked at her apprehensively. “So...what do you think?” He cleared his throat. “Oh, and you’d be able to come as much as you want.”

  Come as much as she wanted after a week of no orgasms! She was so there. Briana took a deep breath as she looked out the window then she glanced back at Liam with a mischievous light in her eyes. “Let’s do it. I think it’ll be fun.”


  Briana couldn’t believe her eyes when the limousine pulled in front of Simon and Suzanne’s home. Home? It was a frickin’ mansion! Built much in the style of an English manor home it sported mullion windows and dormers and was all made of grey stone. “Here we are Ma’am.” Phipps opened her door and helped her alight from the vehicle. Liam followed close behind. Placing a supportive hand under Briana’s elbow, he guided her up the massive stone steps to a huge, ornate front door. The door opened as they reached the top step. Briana wasn’t surprised to see a housekeeper in full uniform standing in the doorway. She wore a no nonsense dark blue dress and sensible low heeled shoes. Salt and pepper hair covered her head in short curls. An odd pearl necklace with a square, engraved tag hanging down in front surrounded her neck. At odds with her businesslike appearance, sparkling light green eyes welcomed them even before she spoke. “Mr. Kerrigan, Miss O’Donnell, so nice to meet you. I’m Mrs. White.” She stepped back and indicated that they enter. “Can I take your coats?” At Liam and Briana’s nods she gathered their outerwear and folded it over her arm. “I’ll take these to the mudroom and dry them for you. Please follow me. Mr. and Mrs. Bancroft are in the study.” She started to walk down the hallway. Liam laughed silently at Briana’s awed expression as she followed the housekeeper. Mrs. White rapped on a rich looking multi-paneled wooden door. At a command from within she opened it. “Go on in dears. I’ll see you soon.” Oddly enough, she gave Briana a wink before turning on her heel and walking back the way they came.

  They entered the room as a man and a woman rose from their seats on a loveseat by a huge stone fireplace. Briana was struck by what an attractive couple they made. The woman, presumably Suzanne, had long straight glossy black hair and violet eyes. Her slender form was clad in a simple but elegant knee length midnight blue dress paired with black high-heeled boots over black tights. The man, Simon, looked like a stuffy Englishman with a tweedy jacket over an open collared superfine white shirt. Fine dark brown, wool trousers finished his look paired with exquisitely crafted brown dress shoes. As Briana drew closer to him, she noted light blue eyes twinkling at her under wire framed glasses. His light blonde hair was cropped close on the sides and longer on top. He kept it swept to the side in a manner reminiscent of the style often sported by surfers. Her glance flicked back and forth between the two. She had a difficult time believing that they indulged in the sort of games Liam had described. She inwardly shrugged her shoulders. Who knew what people got up to behind closed doors?

  Liam ushered Briana forward with a hand at the base of her spine. “Simon and Suzanne, I’d like you to meet Briana.”

  Briana stepped forward and offered her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  Suzanne grasped it with both of her hands. “Welcome to our home.” Releasing Briana’s hand, she stepped back and looked towards her husband then back at them. “We’ve been looking forward to your visit.” She gestured to a leather loveseat on the opposite side of a large square, leather ottoman. “Please, take a seat.” After Briana and Liam had made themselves comfortable, she and Simon sat on a matching leather loveseat on the other side of the ottoman. A tray on the ottoman contained four teacups with saucers, an insulated teapot and a thermal carafe. A silver creamer and sugar bowl set flanked the carafes. Another tray contained a large plate of cookies. Mmm...Briana hadn’t eaten anything since the small lunch she and Liam had consumed right after Kerrigan Co’s private plane had left the Gallatin Field Airport. She wondered if she could just grab a few or if she’d be breaking some sort of “high tea” etiquette.

  Seeing Briana’s avaricious glance at the plate of cookies, Suzanne laughed. “Please help yourself to the cookies. We don’t stand on ceremony here.” She shot a slightly mocking side glance at her husband. “Right Simon?”

  Simon cleared his throat. “Of course my dear.” He inclined his head at Briana. “Please...dig in.” The informal turn of phrase sounded odd in his plummy British accent.

  Suzanne leaned forward to lift up an empty cup. “Can I offer you tea or coffee?”

  “Oh, tea please.” Briana smiled gratefully as Suzanne poured steaming hot tea into the cup and set it in front of her. “Help yourself to the sugar and cream.” Briana picked up a small tongs and added two sugar cubes to the cup.

  Briana turned to Liam. “Would you like tea or coffee Sir?”

  Liam nodded his head in approval at her respectful attitude. “Coffee please Luv. Black is fine.” She efficiently filled his cup and set it in front of him.

  “Would you like some cookies?” Briana lifted up a delicate plate and looked at him with an arched brow.

  “One is fine. Thank you Bri.” Liam ran a finger down her porcelain cheek as Briana placed three crispy treats on the bone china. A faint blush touched her cheekbones at his attentions. She set the loaded plate on the tray between their beverages. Liam reached over to give her hand a quick squeeze before picking up the cup and saucer to take a sip of the hearty brew.

  Suzanne turned to her husband. “Tea Simon?”

  Simon nodded and smiled in approval as his wife served him. After setting the cup in front of her husban
d, Suzanne served herself a cup of coffee then grabbed a cookie. There was a moment of companionable silence while the quartet sipped and crunched the afternoon tea fare.

  Taking action, Suzanne set her now empty cup and saucer down on the tea tray with a decided click. A mischievous light entered her violet eyes as she looked between Liam and Briana. “So, are you in?”

  Simon sputtered on a mouth full of tea. “Way to get to the point my dear.” He shook his head in chagrin as a smiled flitted at the corners of his lips.

  Liam laughed heartily. “Same old Suzanne I see.” He lifted an eyebrow at Simon. “You haven’t managed to train that out of her yet?”

  Simon shrugged. “What would be the fun in that? Suzanne and I both enjoy the consequences of her...impudent behavior.” The couple exchanged an intimate look before turning their attention back to their guests.

  Suzanne repeated her question. “So, are you in?”

  Liam placed his cup on the tray and looked at Briana expectantly. “Bri?”

  Briana took a deep breath as she set her cup down decisively. Her mossy green eyes glowed in anticipation. “Sure, let’s do it!”


  “I am very disappointed in you two.” Simon paced in front of the two women with his hands behind his back. His handsome face sported a very serious expression. Though Briana knew that he was role playing she still felt a shiver of apprehension. She looked over at Suzanne out of the corner of her eye before reaching out a hand to grasp Suzanne’s. Suzanne winked at her slyly before squeezing her hand. Briana stifled a laugh and dropped her head as Simon came to stand in front of them. “Partying to all hours of the morning. Consorting with inappropriate men...” Simon shook his head. “Your fathers are at the end of their ropes with you two.” He looked over to Liam who was leaning against the desk that dominated Simon’s study. “Mr. Kerrigan and I have been hired by your fathers to train you to become obedient wives so you will be able to make advantageous marriages.” He gestured to Liam who obligingly straightened and walked to stand next to him with his arms folded over his chest. “Bri, Mr. Kerrigan will be in charge of your training. Suzy, I will be in charge of you.” He folded his arms over his chest in reflection of Liam’s posture and took in a deep breath before exhaling noisily. “Mr. Kerrigan and I have decided that you obviously didn’t receive enough structure and discipline when you were young girls so we are going to institute a ‘do over’ for the next few days.” At his words, the ostensibly repentant girls lifted their head to look at him in apprehension.

  Simon smiled at their obvious alarm. “You will dress like little girls with all of the rules and restrictions that go along with that role.” He shook a finger at them. “If you don’t follow the rules, you can expect consequences.” He turned his head to look at Liam. “Do you have anything to add Mr. Kerrigan?”

  Liam shook his head. “No Mr. Bancroft. I think you covered all of the bases.” He fixed the girls with a stern gaze. “If you manage to show appropriately submissive behavior over the next two days, we plan to take you to a party were you will be able to meet prospective husbands. If you play your cards right, you should be married women by the end of this week.”

  Suzanne stomped her foot. “What if I don’t want to be married?”

  Simon stepped forward to grab her chin so he could look into her defiant eyes. “That isn’t up to you to decide young lady. Your father is your lord and master and he decides what you will or won’t do. You’re lucky that he cares enough about you to pay for our services. Otherwise you’d be considered ‘damaged goods’ and he’d have to turn you out on the street.” He shook her chin for emphasis before releasing her. Suzanne blinked her eyes rapidly for a few seconds before dropping her head again. Though she didn’t say anything, her lips tightened mutinously.

  Simon’s eyes narrowed. “If you think that you might want to try to run away, I’ll show you what will happen if you make an attempt.” He raised his voice to yell. “Phipps, come in here.” The door to the study opened and the large chauffeur walked in to stand with his arms crossed at the wrist in front of him. He looked like he was standing at attention. Simon waved his hand in Phipps direction. “If you take it in your mind to try to escape, my surveillance cameras will catch you and Mr. Phipps will have my permission to give you a bare bottomed spanking in front of the security staff.” He smirked knowingly. “You can imagine how motivated they will be to catch you if you try to get away.” Suzanne stomped her foot again and gave him a dark glare. He laughed heartily before waving Phipps back out the door.

  Simon rubbed his hands together and continued speaking. “So, now it’s time we take you from slutty young women back to obedient little girls. Mrs. White!” At his yell the door opened again and Simon’s housekeeper entered the room to stand by the door much in the same fashion as Phipps. “Mrs. White will bathe you and remove all of that gunk from your faces. Since you’ve been bad girls, you’ll be going to bed tonight without dinner. Mrs. White will dress you in your jammies and then it will be time for bed.

  Both girl’s eyes widened at his words. Bedtime! It wasn’t even dark outside yet. Briana fumed inside. This was just ridiculous! She didn’t think she’d have to take her afternoon naps while on vacation...think again! Instead she’d have to go to bed early without supper! Good thing she’d eaten a bunch of cookies this afternoon. Her lips tightened in anger. She wasn’t sure if she liked this whole role playing thing.

  Simon snapped his fingers. “Mrs. White, I want you to take these young ladies and bathe them and put them in nighttime garb appropriate for their age. When they are washed and dressed, please bring them to Mr. Kerrigan and myself in the library to say goodnight.” He waved his hand in the general direction of the door. “Go now and mind Mrs. White. We’ll see you soon.” The two women reluctantly followed the business-like housekeeper out of the room. Simon and Liam exchanged grins. This looked like it could be fun.


  “I want you both to stand there like good girls and allow me to get you ready for your bath.” Mrs. White briskly bustled around the room. The extra large claw-footed tub behind her gurgled as it filled with warm water. Bubbles floated on the surface of the rapidly filling tub. She hung two plush towels over the towel warmer in the corner of the room. “Okay now, Bri come on over here.” Briana hesitantly shuffled over to stand in front of her. “Turn around and lift your arms.” Briana obeyed. Mrs. White unzipped her dress with an economy of motion and whisked it over her head. She tsked at Briana’s corset and lacy underwear. “We’ll need to get rid of this decadent underclothing. It is way too sophisticated for a young lady like yourself.” She nimbly undid the laces of the corset and lifted it over Briana’s head as well. Briana automatically covered her breasts with shaking hands. Mrs. White shook her head. “Don’t cover yourself in front of Master Kerrigan Bri. You’ll definitely earn consequences if you do.” Briana slowly lowered her hands. “Let’s drop your knickers now and remove those shoes.” Mrs. White skimmed the underwear down Briana’s legs. She tapped first one ankle then the other to signal Briana to lift her legs. While she kneeled at Briana’s feet, she deftly removed Briana’s high heeled shoes. Sitting back on her heels she slapped her hands on her thighs. “Okay, that’s it.” She pointed to the tub. “Get in the tub while I help Suzy get ready.” Briana obeyed by hesitantly climbing over the edge and slipping beneath the bubbly depths.

  Briana cleared her throat. “Mrs. White.” Then louder. “Mrs. White?”

  The housekeeper turned her head a fixed her with a kindly gaze. “Yes dear?”

  “I think the tub is full enough. Should I turn off the water?”

  Mrs. White pursed her lips. “Of course dear. Mind you don’t burn yourself on the spigot.”

  Briana nodded emphatically. “I won’t. I promise.” She leaned over to the spigot located on the side of the tub and carefully twisted the hot then the cold water off. Mrs. White beamed at her with pride. “Good girl! Now sit there while I deal with Suzy h
ere.” Suzanne was given the same treatment as Briana. Mrs. White tutted in disapproval at the butt plug sticking out between her gently curving butt cheeks. “I don’t know why a young girl like yourself would have such a thing. Lean over so I can remove this item.” Suzy’s cheeks blazed red as Mrs. White removed the offending object from her clinging depths and placed it in a plastic zip lock bag. “Mr. Bancroft will not be pleased about this Suzy. Now go over and sit in the tub across from Bri.” Suzanne shyly made her way over to the tub and sat in it opposite of Briana. The two women surreptitiously studied each other under lowered lashes. Briana wasn’t surprised to see that Suzanne was as bare as she was over her pubic area. She appreciatively took in Suzanne’s gently curving breasts and hips. She was much more slender than Briana.

  Suzanne was doing her own perusal of Briana. What gorgeous full breasts and hips! Her skin fairly glowed with health. Suzanne idly scooped bubbles up into her hands and blew them at her tub mate. Briana giggled and treated her in kind. “Now, now. We’ll have none of that.” After dealing with the girls’ clothing, Mrs. White bustled over to the side of the tub and rolled up her sleeves. “It’s time to make sure that you little ladies are clean before bed time.” She squeezed a dollop of liquid soap between her hands and matter-of-factly began to scrub Briana’s body. Briana quiescently allowed Mrs. White to move her as needed to finish her task. She was embarrassed to see her nipples peak up as the housekeeper’s soapy fingers washed them efficiently. She was horrified when the blunt hands moved lower to wash her thighs then her outer lips. She squeaked as Mrs. White’s deft fingers slipped between her nether lips and rubbed.

  Mrs. White gave her a knowing look. “I think your future husband will be very happy to discover how well you lubricate my dear.” The blunt tipped fingers slipped into the outer edge of Briana’s vagina. Briana’s hips rocked involuntarily at the stimulation. Mrs. White laughed delightedly then withdrew her fingers. “Just checking to see if you are innocent my dear.” She winked wickedly. “Looks like you are though I don’t know how you managed to stay a virgin with all of the shenanigans you’ve been up to.” She shook her finger in Briana’s face. “Good girls don’t touch themselves ‘down there’ do you understand?” Briana nodded slowly with wide eyes. The housekeeper continued. “The area between your legs is for your future husband to touch only.” She paused for a moment. “And your trainers can touch it as well in order to prepare you for marriage.” Briana swallowed and nodded again. Mrs. White picked up a fluffy white washcloth and saturated it with facial cleanser. “Now it’s time to get rid of the gunk on your face.”


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