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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 15

by Jane Pearl


  Simon swirled the scotch in the squat glass held in his hand. He looked at the fire through its amber depths. “So, how do you think the girls are doing?”

  Liam snorted. “Probably having the time of their lives.” He shook his head. “What are we in for?” Their conversation was interrupted by a small knock on the door.

  “Enter.” At Simon’s command the door swung open and Mrs. White stepped through it tugging two reluctant forms in her wake. Both men’s mouths widened into smiles as they took in the girls’ appearance. Both of them had high, long pigtails on with side of their heads. A lack of makeup made them both look much younger than their years. Briana wore a white, ruffled thigh length nightgown with pink bunny slippers. Suzanne wore a pink, ruffled thigh length nightgown with white bunny slippers. The men were surprised to see that each girl had a plush, brown teddy bear wrapped closely in her arms. Briana’s bear had a pink ribbon and Suzanne’s bear had a purple ribbon.

  Mrs. White pushed the girls forward. “Go on now and say goodnight to your guardians.” The girls inched forward with their heads down. They both clutched their stuffed animals tightly to their chests. Each eventually came to stand in front of her man.

  Simon placed his rocks glass down on the coffee table and patted his lap. “Come here Suzy so I can give you a proper good night hug.” Suzanne shuffled forward until Simon was able to pull her to sit sideways over his lap. Liam signaled Briana to do the same. He pulled her onto his lap as well. Simon hugged Suzanne in close; tucking her head against his shoulder. He affectionately tweaked a pig tail before asking, “So how was your bath little one?”

  Suzanne buried her face into his shoulder. “It was good Mr. Bancroft.”

  Simon continued. “Did Mrs. White clean you up good?” Suzanne nodded her head without speaking. Simon looked up at the housekeeper. “How was she Mrs. White?”

  Mrs. White pursed her lips for a moment before answering. “Good Sir except...” Simon felt Suzanne tense on his lap as she continued. “She had a device in her rear end Sir and when I checked her she was not a virgin.”

  Simon cupped Suzanne’s chin with his hand and raised her face up so his wintry blue gaze could meet embarrassed violet eyes. “Is that so? However will I be able to find you a husband my dear?”

  Suzanne blinked her eyelids rapidly. “I don’t know Sir. Maybe my father could increase my dowry...”

  Simon clenched his lips. “Hmmph...we’ll have to see about that.” He abruptly changed the subject. “Did Mrs. White give you pretty new panties?” Color bloomed on Suzanne’s cheeks as she nodded yes. “Will you show me?” Suzanne’s eyes flitted about the room before she reluctantly lifted the ruffled edge of her nightgown. Briana watched with baited breath even though she already knew what Suzanne would reveal. Gradually the familiar orange figure of a cartoon cat appeared on the front of a pair of white granny panties. “Open your legs up a bit my dear. I want to see the whole thing.” Suzanne slowly shifted her thighs apart so the whole room could see the cartoon cat and her shadowy cleft below under the fabric. Briana was surprised to see moisture darkening the crotch of the childish underwear. Suzanne was finding this arousing! Briana shifted uneasily on Liam’s lap. She could feel his erection pushing against her buttocks. To her chagrin she could also feel moisture saturating the crotch of her panties.

  She jumped when Liam’s Irish brogue sounded next to her ear in a gravelly tone. “I want to see your new knickers too my love. Show me please.” With bright red cheeks, Briana slowly lifted the fluffy nightgown up to reveal a familiar anime cat with a bright pink bow. After looking his fill, Liam grinned at her with a comical leer. “Well, hello kitty!” Briana snorted at his horrible pun. Suddenly the tension in the room broke and they all laughed.

  Mrs. White spoke into the lull after they quieted down. “Okay girls. It’s time for bed. Tell Mr. Kerrigan and Mr. Bancroft good night.” The girls hastily brushed down their skirts and stood up. They exchanged looks before leaning over to drop chaste kisses on their men’s cheeks. Both murmured “Good night Sir” and made clumsy curtseys before following the housekeeper from the room. Mrs. White led them up a wide marble stairwell before leading them down a wide hallway. Briana noted that there were ornately carved wooden doors on one side of the hallway and large windows on the other side. Rich carpeting muffled their footfalls.

  Mrs. White eventually came to stand in front of a door that looked just like the others. “This is your room.” She pointed to the door to the right. “That is Mr. Bancroft’s room.” She pointed to the door to the left. “That is Mr. Kerrigan’s room.” She paused for a moment. “If you need anything during the night, you can knock on your guardian’s door. Come on, I’ll show you your room.” She pushed open the door and stepped into the room. The girls shuffled in holding their teddy bears tightly. The room contained two twin beds with lacy white bed coverings. The beds were identical except that one bed had purple sheets and pillows and the other bed had pink sheets and pillows. Mrs. White pointed at the pink bed. “That is your bed Suzanne.” She pointed at the purple bed. “That is your bed Briana.” She pointed to the door in the corner of the room. “That is the bathroom.” She paused for a moment. “Oh, you need to know that one of the rules is that an adult must be present when you use the bathroom in case you need help.” She walked over to a bedside table next to one of the twin beds and picked up a square black box with a button on it. “You can call your guardian if you need help for any reason by pressing this button.” She set it back down. “You will note that you each have one next to your bed.” She wheeled around and clapped her hands together. “Do you have any questions?” The girls looked at each other and shook their heads no. “Okay then. Into bed with you.” Suzanne and Briana scurried to follow her order.


  Briana flopped on her back and sighed loudly. She could see daylight peeking around the edges of the flowered curtains covering the room’s two windows. She turned her head and looked at her roommate in the bed next to her. “I’m bored. I can’t sleep. I can’t believe that they’d make us go to bed so early. It’s not fair!”

  Suzanne turned to her side while hugging her bear and looked at Briana. “Sometimes it helps if I suck on my paci even though I’m not supposed to.” She looked secretive then reached into the drawer of her bedside table. She stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth as she dug in the back of the drawer. Soon she made a sound of triumph as she withdrew a bright pink pacifier. Smiling in satisfaction, she popped the item in her mouth and started enthusiastically sucking. After a few moments she pulled it out of her mouth with a pop. “I bet there’s one in your bedside stand. You should check.” She urged Briana.

  Looking at her friend with wide eyes, Briana hesitantly opened the drawer. Sure enough there was a bright purple pacifier in the very back. Slim fingers hovered over the item before snatching it up. She placed it in her mouth and started to suck on the plastic nipple. She was surprised to find it oddly soothing. After a few moments of silence Suzanne pulled out her paci again. “Well, that kind of helped but I’m still not falling asleep.” She gave Briana a sly look. “Sometimes it helps if I rub my muffin.” She shifted to her back and stripped off the covers. Slim ivory fingers slid down the front of her frilly gown and pressed over her plump mound clearly delineated under the thin fabric. Nimble fingers started circling and pressing into her flesh. Briana could see her hips start to rock at the stimulation. Suzanne moaned deep in her throat and her knees started to rise.

  “Stop!” Suzanne halted at Briana’s utterance. She looked over to her friend with slumberous eyes over pink tinted cheeks. “Mrs. White told us that only our husbands and guardians can touch us ‘down there’. We don’t want to get in trouble.” Briana looked around furtively then whispered. “I think that Mr. Kerrigan and Mr. Bancroft would spank us if we did it like that.”

  Suzanne slowly removed her fingers from her mound. A disappointed look crossed her face. “You’re right. D
arn it! What can we do?”

  Briana got a shifty look on her face. “I have an idea.” She lifted up her teddy bear. “I think he is about the right size.” She stripped back her covers and flipped over on to her stomach. “Take teddy and put him between your legs.” She positioned the stuffed animal so that she would have maximum pressure where she needed it most. “Now just move your hips like this.” She started to slowly undulate her hips against the furry creature. She was delighted to feel a firm pressure rubbing against the button hidden between her moist lips. The arousal that now was always simmering below the surface hit her full force. She moaned low in her throat. Forgetting about Suzanne she began to diligently rub herself towards orgasm. In the periphery of her attention she heard a low moan from the other bed. Turning her head to the side facing Suzanne, she saw that her roommate was wasting no time in stimulating herself. Soon her attention turned back to her own pleasure. There were no other sounds in the room except breathy moans and squeaking bed springs. Shuddering cries burst first from Suzanne and then from Briana. Both girls collapsed on their beds totally spent.

  Suzanne rolled over on her back and flung a hand over her face. “I think that helped.” She looked over at Briana sleepily. “Good night.” She yawned and rolled over on her side. A slender hand reached down between her legs and plucked up Teddy to wrap him in her arms. After pulling up her bedcovers she settled down to sleep.

  Blinking sleepily in repletion, Briana settled down under the covers with teddy in her arms. She grabbed the binky and popped it between her lips. Diligently sucking, she soon fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.


  Dark blue eyes met icy blue. Liam lifted a slightly shaking hand to his wipe his forehead. “Whew! That was hot.” His gaze went back to the surveillance footage playing on the large television in Simon’s media room. He leaned over to pick up the glass of whiskey he’d set on the coffee table in front of the large leather couch he sprawled on.

  Simon shook his head. “I should have known Suzanne would figure a way to steal as many orgasms as possible.” He took a sip of the drink held in his hand.

  Liam smiled at him ruefully. “I told Briana she could come as much as she wanted. It’s apparent she’ll take full advantage of that freedom.” He looked down ruefully at his apparent bulge. “Would it be breaking role if I went up there and fucked her brains out?”

  Simon snorted. “Yeah, it looks like we’re the ones who are on orgasm restriction now.” The men laughed ruefully then fell silent; watching the sleeping innocents on the screen. Liam laughed internally at how cute Briana looked with her flowing dark red pigtails and the bright purple binky in her mouth. They were definitely bringing the pacifier home with them!


  Briana woke up with an uncomfortable fullness in her bladder. Darn it! She shouldn’t have drunk all of that tea. She shifted uncomfortably in her girlish bed. Glancing over at Suzanne, she noted that her friend was having no trouble staying asleep. Looking over at the box on the table, she debated calling Mr. Kerrigan versus just going into his room. The curtains no longer blocked sunlight so it was a good chance that Mr. Kerrigan was in bed. Sighing, she pushed back her covers and exited the bed. After a moment’s thought she grabbed the binky and the teddy bear. Looking back at Suzanne, she quietly opened the door and closed it carefully. The lights in the hallway were banked low and the sky outside the windows was completely dark. She bet that her guardian was in bed. She tip-toed down the hall to stand in front of his doorway. Lifting a shaking hand, she pushed the lever handle down and the door swung open. Yep, he was there sleeping under the covers in a very masculine bedroom. She could see the bed coverings rise and fall as he breathed. She tip-toed to stand next to the bed. “Mithter Kerrigan?...Mithter Kerrigan?” She lisped. Her guardian shifted around under the covers but didn’t wake up. She spoke a little louder. “Mithter Kerrigan!” He snorted then lifted his head. Blinking his eyes sleepily he peered at her without recognition for a moment.

  “Bri...what is it? Are you okay?”

  Briana nodded her head emphatically. “Yes Sir. But...” She looked embarrassed. “I need to use the potty and Mrs. White; she said that...I’m supposed to have an adult help me.” She deliberately lisped on the S sounds.

  Hearing her speak, Liam smothered a smile. The little minx! She knew how adorable she sounded. He hurriedly threw back the covers and came to a sitting position on the side of the bed. “Good girl. I’m glad that you came to me.” He pointed to a door on the side of the room. “The bathroom is over there. Do you need to do number one or number two?”

  Briana clutched her teddy tighter as she kicked at the opulent Oriental rug under her feet. “Number one Sir.”

  Liam stood up and wrapped a hand around the back of her neck. “Okay, I’ll stay in there in case you need help. Don’t pull up your undies until I’ve wiped you clean...okay?”

  Realizing that she’d have no privacy while peeing, Briana’s cheeks blushed in shame. “Yes Mithter Kerrigan.” She allowed herself to be steered towards the en suite bath.

  Liam stood with his back resting against the bathroom door while Briana set her teddy and pacifier on the wide granite counter top. Looking up at him under her eyelashes, she reached up under the frilly hem of her nightgown and hooked thumbs under the waistband of her panties. In one swift movement she pulled them down to her knees and sat quickly on the toilet. They waited in awkward silence as she attempted to overcome her shyness at having an audience. Finally a small stream of urine hit the side of the porcelain bowl. As she relaxed, it gained strength until she fully evacuated her bladder. She clumsily pulled off a length of toilet paper and awkwardly dabbed at her crotch. Sighing with relief that it was done, she jumped off of the toilet and leaned over to pull up her panties. “Uh, uh...I need to make sure you’ve wiped thoroughly.” Liam’s voice stopped her. She could hear him walk to her side. She kept her head lowered as he reached over her and flushed the toilet. He also closed the toilet seat cover before turning back to her. “Lean over so I can see your Kitty. I want to make sure you wiped it clean.” With cheeks blazing, Briana turned and leaned over the toilet with her hands flat on the lid. Cool air wafted over her bare buttocks as Liam matter-of-factly flipped up her nightgown. “Widen your legs a bit sweetie. I need to be able to see.” Briana shifted her legs apart; stretching her underwear to its limits. She could feel fresh air caress her weeping slit. It made goose bumps stand out all over her body. “Mmmm....I see that Kitty is very moist. I think you should have wiped better my dear.” Briana jumped as a warm wet wipe swiped the crease between her thigh and bare labia. She groaned as it shifted to very deliberately wipe the sticky wet crease between her legs. Liam took his time cleaning her. By the time he was done, Briana’s legs shook with arousal. She jumped again when Liam slapped her butt cheek before pulling up her undies. “All done Bri. Time for you to go back to bed.”

  Turning around while rubbing her smarting posterior, Briana fluttered dark auburn lashes at her guardian. “Do you think I could sleep with you Mithter Kerrigan?” I’m scared in my bed.”

  Her guardian fixed her with a stern look. Are you sure that you can’t sleep in your own?”

  Briana nodded her head emphatically; making her high pigtails swing up and down. “Yes Sir....please?”

  He shook his head and sighed. “I guess so, come on Bri.” She happily grabbed her teddy, popped the pacifier in her mouth and skipped to the bed at his side. A strong hand boosted her into the bed and then followed her into the sheets that already smelled like him. Surprising herself, Briana almost immediately fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


  Liam woke with a start realizing that he felt cold. Blinking his eyes rapidly, he looked down at a rumpled auburn head propped up on one elbow right next to his hip. A small finger tentatively reached out as if to poke his morning erection tightly covered by flannel sleep pants. The finger halted as he made a noise deep in his throat. Briana turned her hea
d to look at him and smiled widely. “Mithter Kerrigan, did you know that this thing grows when you touch it?”

  Liam bit back laughter at her wide eyed amazement and nodded his head gravely. “Yes it does. That is my penis. If I were to put it in your Kitty, you might have a baby.”

  Briana’s eyes rounded. “Oh, I think it would be fun to have a baby Mithter Kerrigan! Can you put one in my belly right now?” She scrambled up to a sitting position and clapped her hands together. “Here, I’ll help.” She clumsily straddled his hips. Liam groaned as her warm cleft settled over his now rock hard erection. Bright green eyes looked at him expectantly. “Now what?” He grimaced as she bounced up and down on him. Large hands grabbed her waist to stop the assault on his cock.

  “That’s not how it works honey. If you really want to know...”


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