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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 18

by Jane Pearl

  The other three adults held their breath as Brian slowly pushed himself out of his recliner and walked carefully to the tall Christmas tree located in the middle of a three sided floor to ceiling bay window on the side of the cozy Victorian sitting room. Briana’s mother had decorated the fragrant pine tree in a variety of handmade ornaments, real popcorn strings and shiny red strings of beads. Shimmering gold lights finished the festive picture along with the antique porcelain angel at the very top. They’d opened most of the presents under the tree but there were still a few wrapped items left. Brian leaned over and hesitantly reached out with his left hand. Tears gathered in Briana’s eyes as his formerly claw-like hand grasped a gift from under the tree. Brian shook his head after reading the tag on the gift. “Roy.” He placed the package to the side and picked up another. “Nope, Roy.” He quickly sorted through the stack then turned back to his family with a sad expression on his face. “All for Roy…Looks like we’ll need to pack these up and hope Roy sends us a forwarding address soon.” Briana and her mother exchanged worried glances.

  Neither of them had heard from Roy as the holiday season rolled around. Briana hadn’t told her mother of Roy’s visit to the pub. The only thing Lisa knew was that Roy had left the pub in a lurch. She had no knowledge about the money he’d stolen from the family business. If Briana had her way, her mother would never find out.

  Briana sighed then rolled to her feet. She walked to her father and caught him in a tight hug. “I’m sure he’s okay Da. I bet he’ll call soon.” Inwardly Briana was fuming. How difficult would it be for her ne’er do well brother to call his parents? Didn’t he realize how important it was to keep her father’s stress levels down? She slightly shook her head then pushed back to look into her father’s eyes. “I know he loves you and Mom. He’s just…inconsiderate…at times.”

  Brian nodded sadly. “I’d hoped that taking over the pub would make the lad grow up.” He sighed deeply. “I guess I…” He glanced over at his wife who returned his gaze with tear brightened eyes. “I guess I just have to accept that he isn’t capable of such responsibilities.” He cupped Briana’s cheek with a gentle hand. “I thank God every day for you my dear.” He leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her alabaster cheek.

  Briana’s lashes fluttered as she fought back tears. “And I you Da.” After a profound moment of silence, Briana cleared her throat and stepped back. “I think I might have some room for coffee and Trifle.”

  Lisa discretely wiped the corners of her eyes and stood up. “Dessert it is!” She linked her arm in the crook of her husband’s and subtly drew him out of the room. She threw an appreciative look over her shoulder at Briana. Her look turned to speculative as Liam hooked an arm around Briana’s waist while Connor grabbed her hand. Then she shrugged a shoulder and turned her head to face front once again. She had enough on her plate without worrying about her daughter’s relationship with the Kerrigan brothers.


  “So, do you think that they suspect something is going on between the three of us?” Briana’s voice broke the silence in the cozy, dark interior of Liam’s club cab pickup. She turned in her seat to look at Connor seated in the back row of seats before glancing at Liam’s profile.

  Liam nodded his head. “I think they might have an inkling. What do you think Connor?” He turned his head to the right to talk over his shoulder while keeping his gaze on the road.

  Connor cleared his throat. “I wouldn’t be surprised. Neither of your parents are fools.” He chuckled. “Also, I kept forgetting to keep my hands off of you Luv.” He snorted. “Imagine if they knew you were wearing your present to us?”

  Briana’s cheeks blazed red as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. His comment had brought the invader in her rear end to the forefront of her attention. Her thoughts turned to the Christmas morning they’d spent together before driving into Bozeman to join her parents for an early holiday supper.


  Like most mornings, Briana had been awakened by the brothers’ lovemaking. Connor had lovingly held her in his arms while his brother slowly stoked the flames of her arousal with a deliberate in and out rhythm. As she gasped in a desperate attempt to stave off her impending orgasm Connor leaned forward to whisper in her ear. “You’re allowed to come as much as you want today. Merry Christmas Luv.” At his words, Briana’s pussy clenched down on Liam’s cock as she attained her release. Liam’s pace picked up as he groaned at the pressure on his erect member. Briana rode the tide of her orgasm as he pistoned into her convulsing passage. As she returned to consciousness, she felt Liam’s heavy head next to hers as he panted in exertion. After a quick kiss to her cheek, he withdrew with a warm rush of arousal fluids and semen.

  “Connor’s turn.” Ignoring Briana’s sleepy protests he lifted her up as his brother shifted down in the bed. Liam turned her around to straddle Connor’s lean hips. “Take him Bri and make it good for him.” At Liam’s warning tone she lifted up onto her knees and poised her sodden cunt over Connor’s rock hard erection. She and Connor groaned simultaneously as she sheathed his penis in her warm, moist heat. Knowing that Liam’s prior possession had left her well lubricated and stretched; she automatically tightened her vaginal muscles around Connor’s turgid length as she slowly stroked up and down. Connor’s heartfelt groan as he threw his raven head back on the pillow rewarded her efforts. She started in surprise as she felt a muscular form wrap behind her body. Liam’s lips nuzzled her neck as he wrapped his hands across her chest to cup her full breasts. Briana felt his re-invigorated erection pressed between her butt cheeks as she braced her hands on his hard thighs. She smiled to hear both of her men groan as she continued to work their penises. Liam’s calloused fingers plucked her long nipples. Briana felt her body shudder in the warning stages of climax. Blinking her eyes sleepily, she watched Connor as she started to work herself in earnest upon his cock. She startled when two hard hands gripped her waist and plunged her up and down. Knowing that she was no longer in control, Briana enjoyed the ride while Liam pushed them all to cum. Connor was the first to orgasm. Briana could feel the warm splash of his sperm inside her as he arched back. Liam grabbed her hips and pulled her back against him as he worked his member in earnest between her pert cheeks. He suddenly stopped and moaned as splash after splash of his cum riddled Briana’s lower back. He paused to take a moment to breathe for a moment against her neck then deliberately pulled back and rubbed his issue against her skin. Briana shivered involuntarily at this possessive gesture. Liam swept her rumpled auburn hair to one side and dropped a kiss on her shoulder. “Let’s go clean up Luv then open our presents. How does that sound?” Briana wearily nodded her head against his muscular shoulder.

  “Sounds good Sir.” A sated smile flitted across her lips. She walked to the shower hand in hand with her lovers.

  “It’s too much.” Briana lifted wide green eyes to stare at the twins. She held a blue Tiffany box in her hand. It contained a delicate platinum bangle bracelet lined with alternating emeralds and diamonds. The decadent piece of jewelry sparkled in the warm morning light spilling in from the windows flanking the large fireplace.

  “Open the other one.” Connor looked at her affectionately as he handed her another light blue box. This one was rectangular in shape. Briana looked at the men suspiciously as she slid the opulent black velvet container out of the box. As she’d guessed, a matching necklace to the bracelet glistened from its black velvet nest. Alternating emeralds and diamonds lined the front of the necklace. A delicate length of gems matching the rest of the necklace dropped from the front ending in a golden heart with intricate etching on its surface. Glittering diamonds and emeralds edged the heart. When she held it close, she could see initials among the curls and whirls etched on its surface. A rueful smile lifted her lips at the large K in the middle flanked by a C and a L. “Flip it over.” The brothers looked at her expectantly as she read the inscription on the back.

  Briana lifted brilliant teary eyes and smi
led. “It says, Always in Our Hearts.” She blinked back tears.

  Liam slid on the leather sofa next to her and gathered her hair in his hand and placed it on her shoulder. “Let’s try it on Bri.” She felt his deft fingers working at the clasp on the back of her neck. She felt a brief tug then a sense of lightness as the barbaric Celtic collar dropped into Liam’s hand. Sharing a male smile with his brother; Liam pulled the necklace out of its secure mooring in the box. Briana snorted when she saw the tiny padlock on the back of the high end collar.

  Connor grinned boyishly. “Didn’t think we’d allow you out without some sign of our ownership did ye.” His brogue thickened in his amusement. “We had it made to our specifications.”

  Briana shook her head and rolled her eyes to the heavens as she lifted up her heavy fall of hair. She felt the cold metal of the necklace settle around her neck like a loose choker. The small heart dangled in the area right above her cleavage. Her pussy clenched as she felt the tiny padlock click closed. Almost by instinct, she grabbed the chain and attempted to ease it over her head. Damn! It was too small to fit past her chin. She gave up and frowned at Connor in frustration.

  Connor shook his head. “What would be the point of locking it on you if you could pull it off over your head Luv?” She felt Liam’s chest rise and fall behind her in silent laughter. He turned her so that she was held in the warm circle of his arm.

  He dropped a kiss to the top of her head. “Time to try on your bracelets. Lift up your wrists.”

  Briana followed his instructions while frowning back and forth between him and his twin. “Bracelets as in two?”

  Liam pulled out another distinctive box out of his pocket with a wicked smile. He set it next to its compatriot on the coffee table in front of them. He picked up the open box on the table and plucked out the delicate bracelet. Briana noticed that it also sported a small padlock with a small length of chain hanging down from the latch. Her eyebrows wrinkled in puzzlement. He wiggled his eyebrows at her as he unlocked the latch with a tiny key. Briana jumped as he wrapped the bracelet around her left wrist. He latched it but let the small length of chain hang free with the padlock on its end. He repeated his actions with her right wrist. Then with another wicked smile, he locked the two padlocks together. Briana looked down at her wrists in horror as realization dawned. He’d effectively hand cuffed her with the elegant shackles! The bracelets were strong metal bands around her wrists and didn’t give as she tested their strength.

  “Pull all you want Darlin’’. They are made of titanium. You won’t be able to remove them without this key.” Connor held up a tiny key he’d pulled out of his pocket. It was a match to the one Liam had used on her padlocks. Briana looked back and forth between her masters in horror. They’d be able to handcuff her anytime they wanted when she wore the bracelets.

  “You…you…” She cleared her suddenly tight throat. “Where do you plan to do this?”

  Connor laughed low and suggestively. “Anywhere we want. Though, of course, we won’t expose you to any inappropriate speculation when we’re out in the public.” He gave her a considering glance. “You may have to ‘carry’ a cardigan wrapped over your hands if Liam and I decide that you deserve to be restrained in public. We might also tether you to one of us if we desire.” He lifted up his wrist which held a plain metal band. The padlock just would fit around its narrow diameter.

  Briana shifted uncomfortably on the hard leather seat. “What would I have to do in order to ‘deserve it’?”

  Connor fixed her with a stern look. “Petting Kitty without our permission would be one.” Briana blushed and looked down at her tethered wrists. Though she got plenty of sex with the brothers she still found herself compulsively wanting to rub her greedy mound against things. Connor and Liam had finally put their respective feet down and told her that she had to ask permission before stimulating herself. To her shame, she texted them multiple time a day to beg. They usually gave in but told her she had to do it where they could watch. She ended up straddling the arm of the leather couch in her office more than once with legs splayed wide for her owners’ enjoyment. Per the men’s instructions she removed her clothing except for a thin pair of underwear. She knew that she wasn’t allowed to come so she rubbed herself frantically on the smooth surface stopping only to breathe through the impulse to orgasm. She keep her cell phone within reach so the men could text her with permission to come or, less welcome news, an order to discontinue and go back to work.

  When they were all home together, she was often ordered to pleasure herself on the corner of the dinner table while Connor and Liam finished their meal. Naptime and night time sessions were still allowed since both men enjoyed being able to take her wet, aroused pussy on a whim during the night. If she was allowed to come, she usually went off like a rocket in short order when her master began plowing her tight passage.

  Briana clasped her linked hands together. “Have I done something to deserve it today?” She asked in a small voice with her head lowered.

  Noting her submissive posture, Liam exchanged approving glances with Connor. He answered her in a gentle voice while covering her hands with his. “No Luv. Just wanted to take them for a test run. Here…” He produced the key and unlocked the padlocks. He deftly attached the padlock back to the bracelet leaving a doubled over length of chain hanging down from each wrist. As he finished, he ran a finger lightly over the pulse beating rapidly in her wrist. “There you go Bri. All right and tight.” He lifted the hand and placed a light kiss over the spot he’d just ran his finger. Briana raised appreciative eyes at his attentions. Almost involuntarily, she raised her lips asking for a similar caress. Smiling indulgently, Liam dropped a hard kiss to her soft, pink lips. When he finished, Briana’s eyes fluttered open. He noted the dazed look on her face in satisfaction.

  Her reverie was interrupted by Connor clearing his throat. “It looks like there is a present here under the tree for us from Bri.”

  Briana gathered her thoughts and stood to hurry over to the tree on the left side of the fireplace next to the staircase. She grabbed a bright gold foiled wrapped square box topped with a glittering silver bow and looked helplessly back and forth between the men seated on either side of the coffee table surrounded by leather furniture. Liam laughed at her discomfort. “Hand it to Connor lass. He didn’t get to taste your sweet lips a moment ago.” Briana nervously handed the brightly wrapped package to Connor and sat down next to him with her hands folded in her lap. Her fingers twisted around each other in apprehension.

  “I hope you like it. I mean it isn’t anything really expensive. I mean, you all can buy anything you want for yourselves so I went with something only I can provide. Well, I guess someone else could provide it but only I can right now since we are exclusive.”

  Connor laid a finger on her lips in an effort to stem the babble she couldn’t seem to stop issuing from her mouth. “Hush Lass. Let me open it.” He gently pulled off the silvery bow and ripped the gold foil apart. His efforts revealed a plain, square black box with a lid. Looking at Briana with raised eyebrows, he took off the lid and stopped for a moment in perplexion. “Well, Bri, if I’m not mistaken I’d say that is a butt plug.” He paused with a slight smile on his lips. “If I’m not mistaken I’d say it is from the box of plugs we have upstairs.” He lifted up the black rubber object from the box to show his brother. Identical deep blue eyes turned to peruse Briana in confusion.

  Briana’s gaze flitted back and forth between the two men before she plucked the object in question from Connor’s fingers. “I wanted to give you something you don’t have and…well.” She smiled flirtatiously while peering up from under her eyelashes. “You haven’t been able to…take me at the same time. If I wear this…you will be able to…” She trailed off as confusion blazed into arousal in both of the men’s faces.

  Liam reached down to adjust his obvious arousal showing in the front of his lounge pants. He cleared his throat. “Are you sure Luv? We don’t want yo
u to try anything you aren’t ready for…” His voice trailed off.

  Briana nodded her head sharply. “I’m ready. I’ve been wearing progressively larger plugs over the last few weeks.” She took a deep breath. “I think I’m ready to take you both.”

  Liam and Connor exchanged glances. “Well Bri there’s no time like the present if you think you’re ready.” Liam patted the back of the leather loveseat behind him. “Lean over if you please.”

  Briana instantly stood up and handed the butt plug to Connor. “If you look in the box you’ll see a tube of lubricant.” She smiled shyly. “I figured you might want to give it a test run immediately.”

  Connor lifted an ebony brow. “You know us so well Luv. Now take the position.”

  Briana obeyed his order with alacrity. She pulled up the hem of her diaphanous white nightgown and robe while leaning over the soft overstuffed couch back. She spread her legs wide without prompting. Both of the men stood up to stand behind her and enjoy the view. Though she’d showered, her bare pussy glistened with arousal fluids and seminal fluids from their earlier activities. The brown rosebud above her feminine folds clenched and released as if knew it would be stretched to new limits today. Connor lifted up the plug while Liam released a generous dollop of lube onto the narrow tip. “Hold your cheeks open Bri.” She grabbed her ample curves with slender hands. Both men noted her slave cuffs with the chains dangling above her thigh creases. They exchanged mutual glances of satisfaction before Connor continued with his orders. “Bear down for us now.” Briana complied as Connor pressed the narrow tip to her puckered entrance. It slid in easily until they reached the wide, flared base. “This last bit will take a bit of effort.” Connor slid the device in and out while gently twisting and going in deeper with each pass. Briana groaned as the widest part of the plug breached her entrance and lodged behind the tight muscles now holding it in place. All the brothers could see now was the round, flat handle of the plug rested snugly between her butt cheeks.


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