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The Cattle Barons' Submissive

Page 17

by Jane Pearl

  Liam clapped his hands together making the women jump. “So, I should show you the secret of these dolls.” He crooked his finger at Bri and patted the seat next to him. “Unbutton your jumper in front and pull up your undershirt to expose your titty.” Bri looked at him uncertainly as she followed his directions. Her mortified gaze encompassed everyone in the room when she exposed her ample breast topped by a large, dark pink areola and long nipple. She felt a bit bovine when compared to Suzy’s petite bosom. Her resentful gaze rested on Liam’s face. He was the one who had wrought this change in her body. Though she’d always had larger than normal breasts, until he’d begun his breast stimulation she’d had very small, light pink areolae and small nipples. Liam stopped for a moment as if arrested by the sight of her modified anatomy. Then he reached out a hand to gently cup her breast. He smiled at Simon as he caressed it reverentially. “Isn’t she absolutely beautiful?”

  Simon nodded in agreement. “Gorgeous, my friend. Perfect for you.”

  Liam nodded. “A goddess.” He breathed. Bri’s shoulders relaxed at his words. It was obvious that she was exactly what he was attracted to. She sat up a little straighter so her exposed breast stood out against her chest. Liam reached up under the back of the baby’s onesie. She felt a click then saw the baby’s mouth start to move. Liam exhaled in satisfaction. “Ah, it works.” He looked up at Bri. “Bring your breast up to your mouth and wet the nipple and areola.” Frowning at him in consternation, Bri followed his directions. He set the doll with its mouth opened wide over her breast and clicked another switch under the onesie. Bri jumped as the doll began to suckle on her breast. She couldn’t believe how strong the suction was. Liam wrapped her arms around the doll and then set a pillow under it so she could relax.

  Bri looked up at him with a shining face. “It feels like he’s feeding!”

  Liam nodded slowly. He chucked Bri under her chin. “If you want to have my baby in your belly, you’ll need to know how to feed him. This little bit will help you get ready.”

  Entranced with her new toy, Bri just nodded before looking down at the realistic infant as it industriously fed at her breast.

  Simon broke the silence. “Suzy, come over here and I’ll help you with your new dolly.” Suzy obediently sat next to Simon and prepared herself for the doll. Soon Simon had her sitting with a baby nursing at her bosom as well. The room was silent except for the sucking mechanism working in the dolls. Simon sneaked a glance up at Liam and was transfixed by the expression on his face as Bri tended the simulated child. It was obvious that he wanted her to bear his real children. Simon’s gaze switched to Bri. The look of contentment and love on her face were not simulated. She was ripe for motherhood.

  Until this moment, Bri hadn’t realized how much she’d enjoyed Liam’s frequent sucking on her breasts. As the doll suckled she felt herself relax and a deep feeling of contentment filled her body. Though she hadn’t been sure before, she now knew that she definitely wanted to have a child. Her gaze flitted up at Liam than flitted down. He and Connor would make perfect fathers. Could she give up her dream of being a corporate executive in a large city in order to raise Liam and Connor’s children? She was very afraid that she might be okay with that choice.


  “Arrgh...I can’t believe we have another early bedtime.” Bri flounced over and punched her pillow.

  Suzy nodded in agreement and folded her hands over her chest. “I know that we have a big day tomorrow with the auction but still...” She looked over at the window. Daylight spilled around the edges of the blackout blinds. “This is crazy.” She drummed her fingers on the frilly bedspread. Then she turned her head to look at Bri with a wild light in her eyes. “I have an idea.” She rolled to her side with her head resting on one palm. “You know how it helps when we use our teddies to go to sleep? Bri nodded her head enthusiastically. Her pony tails bobbed with the movement. Suzy continued. “What if I rubbed my Muffin on your Kitty? I bet that’d make us sleepy.”

  Bri cocked her head and looked at her friend mischievously. “I think that sounds like a great idea Suzy!” She threw back her bedclothes. “Do you want to be on top or should I?” Her eyes twinkled as she asked the question.

  Suzy rolled out of her bed in a flash. “I’ll be on top first. We can take turns so it is fair.” She climbed up on Bri’s frilly bed and settled between her wide open thighs. “Here goes!” She settled her plump, panty covered pudendum over Bri’s and began to rub with serious intent. Bri looked up at Suzy’s red face as she urgently ground over Bri’s mound. Bri was surprised to feel a tingle then an involuntary lifting and lowering of her hips as Suzy kept grinding. She opened her mouth in a silent her body shook in an orgasm. Suzy’s mouth gaped open too as she reached her release as well. Both girls stilled as their empty vaginas clenched and released in vain. Suzy fell to Bri’s side. She gasped heavily until her breathing evened out. “So, are you ready to be on top?”


  “Oh god.” Simon groaned as he watched his wife give Bri her third orgasm of the night. The girls had been taking turns being on top since they’d been sent to bed. Simon looked over to Liam. “You know they are doing this to torment us.”

  Liam nodded his head in agreement. “If we stop it, they know they’ve won. We need to stand strong.” He got a crafty look on his face. “It’s not like we can’t fuck them silly when we go to bed.” He gestured at the large HD screen. “This will just make them more primed for our attentions.”


  Bri collapsed on the bed next to Suzy. She mumbled into the bedclothes. “I think that actually may have reached my limit of comes.” Suzy slowly nodded her rumpled head of inky hair.

  “Yep, I’m trashed. I think I’ll go into my bed.” She dragged herself over to the other frilly bed in the room. After crawling under the covers, she yawned and passed out into a deep, fulfilled sleep. Bri rolled over while pulling up her covers and did the same. She could feel her over stimulated clit pulsing between her legs as she passed into unconsciousness.

  Bri felt a tickle on her cheek which she tried to brush away. Gradually she returned to consciousness realizing that Liam was tickling her cheek with the end of her pigtail. “’s time to put that baby in your belly.” He crooned. Bri mumbled and turned over. She felt a sharp sting on her buttocks. “Turn over so I can pick you up.” She grumbled and obeyed his order. Liam removed her bedcovers and lifted her up in his arms. He stopped and grabbed her binky, her teddy and her dolly as they exited the room. “You might need these.”


  Bri lifted one sticky eyelid and surveyed Liam’s room through hooded eyes. Ugh, she was so exhausted. After taking her to bed, Liam had been insatiable. He’d taken her numerous times throughout the night. When he was done with her he’d tuck her dolly in her arms, her binky in her mouth and, to her chagrin, her teddy between her legs. Poor teddy was now stiff with her secretions. She obviously used him during the night and had saturated him with Liam’s and her combined fluids. Rolling over in the bed, she noted that Liam wasn’t there. He must have gotten up early. Realizing that he would normally be stimulating her breasts at this time, she licked her areola and set the doll to her generous bosom. After turning on the switches, she settled back against the pillows at the head of the bed and allowed the doll to do its work. After about ten minutes, she switched it to her other breast. Her eyes closed in relaxation as the doll’s sucking released feel good hormones in her body. She barely heard the door to the bedroom open and close and Liam returned to the room.

  “Hello Luv.” His gentle greeting didn’t startle her. She lazily opened languorous eyes and smiled at him serenely.

  “Hello Mithter Kerrigan.”

  Liam smothered a grin at her lisp. “Bri, we’ll be taking you to the auction today. I need to tell you about it so you won’t be alarmed.” He sat on the bed next to her side. She noticed that he was very careful to not disturb the doll on her left breast. “We are pla
nning to take you there dressed as children. You can take your binky, teddy and dolly if you want. We will have you lying on your back with your knees bent and your panties down. The men will want to inspect you before they bid on you. This means that they will be touching you in your kitty and on your breasts.” He stopped for a moment and swallowed while meeting her lambent mossy green eyes. “Are you okay with this so far?”

  Bri slow blinked at him and smiled. “Of course Sir. I know you wouldn’t do anything to hurt me.” She efficiently detached the doll, licked her right breast and switched him over to it.

  Liam relaxed. “You and Suzy will wear blindfolds until the very end. I think this will enhance the experience.” He looked at her earnestly. “Just so you know. We won’t let anyone touch you except with gloved hands and possibly their mouths on your breasts. This isn’t an actual auction. I won’t be sharing you with anyone else.”

  Bri nodded her head slowly. “I wasn’t worried at all.” She raised her free hand to cup his cheek. “I trust you completely.” Liam grasped her hand and lifted it so he could kiss her palm.

  “You need to wrap up your time with Dolly so I can give you a bath and dress you.” His gaze held regret. “This will be our last day of role-playing.”

  Bri smiled mischievously. “It is our last day here...Sir but not necessarily our last day spent role playing.” She winked at him as she expertly detached the doll.


  “So, is this slave a virgin?” A thick, gloved digit played up and down over Bri’s soppy seam before wiggling into the beginning of her saturated channel. Remembering her owner’s instructions, Bri clamped down her vaginal muscles to their maximum tightness. The man inspecting her gave out a low whistle. “Must be a virgin. I rarely feel a cunt this tight.” He insinuated one, then two, then three fingers into her tight sheath. Bri felt a moan rise up in her throat as he forged in. Knowing fingers crooked up and delicately rubbed against the rough skin of her G Spot. Bri moaned and her hips began to rock involuntarily against his invading digits. Just as she was getting into it the fingers rapidly exited leaving her wanting. “Very responsive. I’ll definitely have to bid on her.”

  A familiar voice answered behind her head. “In interest of full disclosure, she’d not a virgin. We will be auctioning her off as a nymphomaniac. She’ll give you some of the best fucks of her life but don’t let her out of the house without a chastity belt.”

  Though she knew it was all a scene, Bri’s cheeks reddened at Mr. Kerrigan’s words. She’d certainly been wanton when it came to him!

  Mr. Kerrigan cleared his throat. “I need to also let you know that it is possible that she is breeding my child. I...couldn’t resist her wiles and I’ve bred her numerous times since I acquired her from her father. If...a child results from the union I will, of course, pay for its up keep.”

  The rough voice of the stranger continued as he skated his hand over her body. It stopped at her nipples exposed by her unbuttoned pin-tucked blouse. “This look like the breasts of a woman who’s whelped a babe.” Calloused fingers plucked at her distended nipples. A moan came from deep in Bri’s throat at his attentions.

  Master Kerrigan answered again. “I have been stimulating her breasts regularly since I acquired her. This is why her breasts appear as they do.”

  The stranger quieted for a second then asked. “Can I suck on her tits and see how responsive she is?”

  Mr. Kerrigan gave a sound of assent. “You are welcome to sample her as long as you don’t hurt her.”

  Almost before the words exited his mouth, Bri felt the unfamiliar sensation of a prickly bearded mouth around her left nipple. After a few strong pulls she whimpered and her hips lifted up from the table. Blunt digits invaded her nether regions once again. “More wet than before. Very responsive.” Bri heard a snapping sound she could only assume was the bearded stranger removing the gloves he’d used while examining her. His parting shot as he walked away was. “You are a very lucky man Liam.”

  She blindly turned her head to the right as she heard a low moan. Suzy was next to her undergoing a similar inspection process. She blindly reached with her free hand. (Her other arm was wrapped around a newly cleaned teddy.) After groping a bit, she encountered Suzy’s slender fingers. They tightly gripped hands. Suzy’s fingers tightened almost painfully as she endured a digital inspection by a prospective buyer. “Oh, ahhh...” Bri heard the unmistakable signs of a woman experiencing an orgasm as Suzy’s hand continued to crush hers.

  She then heard the sound of an unfamiliar male voice laughing. “I can see why you are marketing her as a nymphomaniac Simon.” She once again heard the snapping sound of gloves being removed as the stranger was replaced by another prospective buyer.

  The afternoon passed in a blur as numerous men and women examined her and Suzy. They both experienced several orgasms at the stranger’s hands. They managed to stay in character sucking on their binkies and holding their teddies tightly. By the time the inspection process was done, Bri felt shaky inside and tired. Many men (and women) had complimented Liam on his slave’s tight cunt and ripe breasts. Though it all was a scene, many Dominants attempted to talk Liam into handing her over to them temporarily or permanently for a price. She also heard similar offers made to Simon. As the last foot falls faded away from her examination table she sighed and pulled off her blindfold. She was happy to see Liam standing next to her smiling down at her fondly.

  “You did so well my Luv. How are you?” He tenderly rubbed the back of his hand up and down her cheek.

  “I’m...” Her breath caught in her throat. “I’m good...I couldn’t believe how complimentary they were.” Tears filled her eyes.

  Liam looked at her with gentle eyes. “I think you might be experiencing a sub drop. Let’s get you to a recovery room before we go home.” He gathered her up in his arms and carried her out of the room. Briana could hear Simon gather Suzanne in his arms and follow them. She dropped her head on Liam’s shoulder. Her eyelids closed as she gave herself over to his care.

  “Bri...Briana O’Donnell?” She heard a familiar voice behind Liam. She lifted her head and looked over Liam’s shoulder at a well known face.

  He walked up by them and stopped hesitantly. “I thought it was you. How are you doing?”

  Briana blinked her eyelids wearily and looked up at Liam. “Liam, this was my Boss at CAP, Erik Angstrom.” She paused for a moment. “We also dated for awhile.” Liam’s arms tightened around her for a moment before he visibly made an effort to relax.

  Briana took a deep breath and made the introductions. “Erik this is my...boyfriend Liam Kerrigan. Liam, Erik Angstrom.” She felt Liam nod his head in greeting.


  Erik gave a sharp nod as well. “Kerrigan.”

  Erik turned his gaze to Briana. “So, you were in the auction scene. I actually was one of the prospective buyers.” His voice trailed off then regained strength. “I had no idea you could be that responsive.” His gaze flitted over to Liam then back to Briana. “If I’d have known that you had this particular ‘kink’ I think we would have lasted longer as a couple.”

  Briana blinked slowly and looked at Erik with smudges under her eyes. “I had no idea either until I started dating Liam.”

  Erik nodded slowly in understanding while keeping his gaze fixed on Briana. “I know that you said your stay in Bozeman would be temporary. If you decide to return to us...I would be interested in re-starting our relationship if you are interested.” His gaze flicked up to Liam. “No offense buddy. I assume this is a temporary arrangement since Briana has always said she’d never return to live in Montana.”

  Liam lifted Briana up in his arms and gave Erik a piercing stare. “She’s mine for now and I don’t appreciate your trying to take her out from under me.” His gaze took in Briana’s exhausted face. “Especially when she’s headed well into sub drop.” He shifted Briana in his arms. “I need to take her to a recovery room. You’ll have to make your reunion at an
other time.” With these words he turned his back to Erik and followed Simon as he walked down the hallway with Suzanne in his arms. They went into a doorway marked ‘Recovery Room 2’ since it had a green light next to the door. Both men dropped to the comfortable padded seats in the dimly lit rooms and pulled heated blankets out of a chest in the corner of the L-shaped seating area. After tucking the blankets around their subs, the men sat and hugged them tightly. The intimacy of the darkened, quiet, warm room helped to bring their women out of their reaction to the intense scene they’d just experienced. Holding his precious bundle close, Liam dropped a firm kiss to the top of Briana’s auburn head. There was no way in hell he was going to let her go to Angstrom.

  Chapter Eight – Christmas Firsts

  “Briana my dear. Quit examining that gift and open it for goodness sake!” Brian’s hearty voice boomed with laughter as he ruefully shook his head. The girl always liked to linger over opening her presents even as a child.

  Looking up at her father with twinkling eyes, Briana delicately slid a finger under the edge of the wrapping paper and popped the tape free. Through the small hole she’d created she could see ultra fuzzy lavender material. Briana squealed in delight. “I love it already!” She pulled out a cozy sweater from the wrapping paper. It sported a wide portrait color that would perfectly frame her neck and face while showing a glimpse of her collar bones. She hugged it close to her chest and beamed at her parents. “Thank you so much! You know how much I love cashmere.” She turned right and left first to Liam then Connor. “Isn’t it pretty?” Smiling at her indulgently in turn the brothers nodded their agreement. Briana took one more snuggle with the soft garment before regretfully placing it on top of the other unwrapped gifts next to her feet. Looking around expectantly she clapped her hands together. “Who’s next?”


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