Book Read Free

Music Notes

Page 27

by Lacey Black

  “You guys are free to go. There’s a car out front for you, Layne, when you’re ready to head back to the hotel,” Gabby says through a yawn, offering a wave as she turns and exits. Without either of us replying, Beau and I watch her leave the room, the exhaustion of the day clearly weighing on the young production assistant.

  When Beau’s steel gray eyes return to me, it’s with longing front and center. He casually strolls over to where I stand just a few feet away, and gently grips my shoulders, running his hands down the outsides of my bare arms. It’s meant as a soothing motion, but does little to soothe the want and ache between my legs.

  “Some of those reporters wouldn’t let go of the secret relationship angle,” I mumble, concentrating on the fluid, upward motion of his hands as they stroke my arms and upper back.

  Everyone asked what the status of our relationship was, and each one received the same answer: there wasn’t a relationship.

  Until now.

  Now, the show is technically over. With the exception of a few contractual obligations in the coming weeks for appearances, all of the reasons for us to not be together are behind us. I’m not even looking for them in the rearview mirror because as far as I’m concerned, there’s no reason to look back. Not when the man I want is standing directly before me. Why look back when my eyes are firmly focused forward.

  “And do you know what I kept thinking the entire time I was sitting in that chair beside you?”

  “What?” I ask in a breathless voice I barely recognize as my own.

  “You. What it would be like to finally be with you. Inside you. Mine.”

  His lips claim me, possessively and with little question as to the level of desire he’s feeling. Beau swipes his tongue across the seam of my lips causing a shudder to race through my body. That tongue. That magical tongue that could surely do wonders on a woman with little to no recent sexual activity. In fact, when Beau kisses me, I can’t remember at all the last time I ever felt this loved, worshipped. Lord knows my body has never responded like this with anyone before. Was there anyone else even close to Beau Tanner? Hell no.

  This is so much better than in the dreams. This is real.

  Moaning allows Beau to plunge his tongue into my mouth. He tastes like heaven as our mouths slide and caress, our hands gripping and grasping, until we’re both driven so stark raving mad that I fear there’s no end in sight. Nothing but eternal longing and all-consuming lust. That’s how Beau makes me feel. Unwavering to the love I have for this man.

  “Come with me?” he asks, running his lips down the column of my neck.

  “Okay,” I mumble moments before I’m practically dragged from the room. And by dragged, I mean wrapped up in Beau’s strong arms and carried from the room. Of course, I go willingly, wrapping my legs around his waist and threading my arms around his neck. The position also gives me a perfect angle on those swollen, lush lips of his, which I happily devour until we bump into a wall. Fortunately, the hallway is empty as Beau walks us towards a door at the end of the corridor.


  I smirk at the man holding me up greedily by my ass, rubbing the hard length of his impressive bulge against the apex of my legs. “I told you that as soon as this show was over, I was throwing you over my shoulder and finding a storage closet somewhere.” Without even testing the knob, Beau throws it open and walks inside the dimly lit room. Something tells me the availability of this room wasn’t a coincidence.

  Beau throws the lock on the knob and walks over to an abandoned wooden desk that’s clearly seen better days. “Our first time should be in a bed with room service and champagne on a tray beside the bed. But, I can’t wait for that, darlin’. I need you more than I need air. I need to touch you and feel your body against mine. I need to be inside you so fuckin’ bad, I could care less where it actually happens. But if you want the whole bed and wine and roses thing, I’ll gladly carry you out of here right now. As bad as I want you right now, I’ll wait. For you.”

  I don’t even have to give it another thought. There’s no way I want to wait. I don’t need a bed or flowers or even fancy wine. I just need this man. “I’m not leaving this room until I’ve had my fill of you,” I tell him. “And that might be a very, very long time.”

  “Oh, don’t go a thinkin’ I’m goin’ to let you go anytime soon.” And then his mouth makes a declaration once more. His kiss is bruising, as if everything leading up to this moment has completely pushed him over the edge of control. Gone is my measured Beau. In its place is a hungry, feral man who is hell-bent on claiming his woman. His need as pure and driven as freshly fallen Chicago snow.

  With steady hands, Beau begins to unzip the side of my black top. The thick material pulls away easily, and with the help of his hands, it’s pushed up and over my head quickly. The black strapless bra isn’t anything sexy, but if the way he’s devouring my girls with his eyes was any indication, I’d say he’s happy with the simple black satin undergarment.

  “You are so fuckin' beautiful,” he whispers, his breath coming out a little choppy.

  Gripping his shirt at the sides, I give him a knowing look. Beau extends his hands to the ceiling as I remove the shirt completely. Even in the faint light of the room, I can see his glorious chest on full display. “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy,” I say, running my hands up the hard plains of his chest. I could seriously gape at this man’s chest for hours on end it’s so perfectly sculpted. The tattoos he has adorning his chest and upper arms do nothing to hinder the level of this man’s hotness. He is sex appeal, plain and simple.

  With hands that hold a slight tremble, Beau reaches to the back of my leather skirt and gives the zipper a tug. His eyes follow the descent of the skirt, devouring every inch of my legs, as he slowly drags the material downward. Cool air greets my feverish skin, leaving me completely exposed and vulnerable in a little black thong. When the skirt is pooled at my feet, Beau’s eyes finally slam back into mine with the force of a hammer. They’re ravenous and almost angry with desire.

  As much as we both want to savor this moment, our desire is getting the best of us. Beau picks me up under the armpits and sets me down in the middle of the old wooden desk. He works feverishly at removing first one black ankle boot, and then the next. Throwing the thin little socks somewhere over his shoulder, I’m left wearing nothing but my black lace thong and strapless pushup bra.

  Beau’s groan fills the small storage space. His eyes rake over my body once, then again, as if he can’t seem to look his fill. No part of my body is left untouched by his gray eyes, and with each passing moment, I’m left wanting him more and more.

  Finally, I can’t take anymore. “Touch me, Beau. Please.” Even to my own ears, my voice sounds raw and pained.

  “If I touch you right now, I won’t be able to slow down. I don’t want to rush this, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop myself from slammin’ into you hard and fast. I don’t want that for our first time,” he says, his voice hoarse and wounded.

  “I don’t want you to go slow, Beau. I want you to take me, claim me as yours. I want to feel everything with you because you’re everything to me. I want all of you,” I tell him honestly. His eyes, filled with liquid fire from my words, bore into me. “We can go slow the next time.”

  As my words sink in, it’s like flipping a switch. Beau reaches around and removes my bra. His tongue is warm against my overly sensitive nipples as he licks and nips at each puckered peak. I groan as he gently cups my breasts, licking and tasting each one equally before sliding his hands down to the remaining material covering my body.

  Hooking his thumbs beneath the panties, Beau pulls. But he doesn’t pull down the way I expect him to. Instead, he pulls out and rips the thin threads from my body. I gape down at him, surprised by his boldness, yet turned on more than I thought humanly possible.

  “Holy shit, you’re so wet. I can see it from here,” he groans before running his finger along the seam of my legs. “God, I want to t
aste you,” he whispers as he slides a finger inside of my body. The invasion causes me to buck up off the desk, seeking out more of his contact.

  Sliding a second finger inside my body, Beau’s mouth drops to my breasts. The sensation of his tongue licking my nipples, along with his fingers inside of my body, pushes me closer to the orgasm I crave. When his teeth latch down on one bud and his thumb slides across my clit, while his fingers slam into me, I fall headfirst into a brightly lit sea of euphoria. Blood swooshes in my ears as Beau continues to tease and prolong my release as much as he can. When I finally finish, I’m left spent and boneless, just the way he wanted me.

  I barely even hear the sound of the condom being ripped open. The fact that I didn’t get to see Beau strip the rest of the way saddens me, but I can’t seem to force my heavy eyes open.

  “Look at me, Layne,” he says, his voice rough with need.

  His words break through my post-orgasmic bliss, and I open my eyes to see a very naked Beau standing between my legs. His erection is long and hard and poised at my entrance as if silently begging for the cue.

  Suddenly, I need to touch him. Sitting up, I reach forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. The movement pushes the tip of his cock inside me. I hear him suck in a deep breath as he closes his eyes to savor this moment.

  “Look at me,” I tell him. Beau’s eyes open quickly and slam into mine. I see desire plainly in those smoky eyes, and I see the moment they soften into something more.

  Beau gently starts to push forward, my body gripping his large erection. When he’s completely seated within me, the tightness starts to subside, but the fullness remains. I’ve never felt anything like this before. As if there’s no room for even air within my body. I’m consumed completely by Beau. Body, mind, and soul.

  With my arms still wrapped around his neck, I pull him in for a kiss. It’s slow and tantalizing as I convey my feelings for him through this one simple act. Still seated completely inside of me, Beau grabs my face with both of his hands and tenderly runs his fingers down my cheeks. “I love you, Layne. I’m so fuckin’ in love with you,” he whispers.

  My heart stops beating as I absorb those sweet words. Only Beau could take a profanity laced declaration of love and turn it erotic, as if it were foreplay. “I love you, too,” I confess, freeing the words and the feelings I’ve carried locked inside of me for weeks now.

  Beau momentarily closes his eyes as if to savor those words. A smile plays on his lips as he brushes them across mine. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he says as he slowly starts to pull out.

  I quiver against his touch and revel in his words as Beau starts to move. His pace quickly turns from slow and seductive to fast and hard. Lying back on the desk, Beau takes me to places I’ve never imagined with each thrust of his hips.

  My core starts to tighten once more as Beau’s body drives it right back to the edge of oblivion. Keeping my eyes glued to his, I watch as Beau pushes me over, quickly followed by his own release. “Mine,” he groans, deep and loud. My body convulses with each powerful thrust of his body into mine, fueled by the potency of that one word. Eventually, we still, both gasping for air and blinded by the bright lights of our releases.

  Taking me in his arms, Beau nuzzles against my neck. Our sweaty bodies stick together in a tangled mess of trembling limbs. “That was better than I dreamed of. I knew our first time would be amazin’ but that was out of this world.”

  “It was unbelievable,” I confirm. After several minutes of lying there, catching our breath, I finally speak again. “I can’t feel my legs,” I tell him with a giggle.

  Beau chuckles a southern drawl before rising up to his elbows. His eyes are much softer, but still shine with adoration. “I love you, Layne Carter,” he confirms once more.

  “I love you, Beau Tanner.” The words have never felt so right. Saying them to Beau is as natural as breathing.

  I may not know what comes next, but I’m not afraid to find out. I’m taking another chance on love–a chance I swore I wouldn’t take again–and I’m a better person for doing it. I won’t let the fear of the unknown keep me from living the life I want for myself and for my son. Beau is that life. No, I may not know what’s around the corner, but with Beau by my side, I’m ready to find out.

  Him and I.

  The cowboy and the rocker making beautiful music, note by note, line by line.

  It may not be like the average fairy tales written, but this one’s ours.

  This is only the beginning…

  If you originally chose The Safe Door, you can continue to the next page to read The Dangerous Door.

  Here it is. This is the moment we both decide if we’re going to cross that line.

  I can head back to my room, pull the covers up to my chin, and forget about everything. We can go back to being coach and student. No lines have been crossed, and no contracts have been broken.

  Or I can forget the show, forget everything, and just be. Be with the man I’ve wanted since I first laid eyes on him. Be with the man who wants me so fiercely in return that he’s willing to risk everything–his reputation, his contractual obligations–for me.

  Do I stay or do I go?

  Without any hesitation, I reach back and unsnap the clasp of my bra. My eyes remain locked on his as I let the material fall from my chest and down my trembling arms. His eyes are pulled downward and there’s an audible hiss as he takes in my almost naked body. I go for broke as I gently push my panties from my hips and down my legs. Standing before him, naked, is exhilarating. Better than I ever could have imagined this moment. And this moment has only just begun.

  I watch helplessly as Beau mimics my actions. He pushes those tight boxer briefs that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination down his long legs. His actions seem so much more exact as his large erection bounces free. There are no words as we both stand before each other, completely naked, and looking our fill.

  Ten seconds or ten minutes later, I slowly make my way over to the hot tub. The water almost scalds me as I slowly lower my body into the welcoming warmth. Bubbles tickle my overly sensitive skin as I glance up and wait. Will he join me?

  I don’t have to wait too long for my answer because seconds later, Beau is slipping into the hot tub with me. He remains on the opposite side, though, directly across from me. We continue to stare at each other as if having an entire conversation without even speaking. I can see his desire, his wants, his needs. Even if I didn’t just see the evidence of it when he removed his boxers, I can see it written clearly in his dark eyes.

  Without speaking, Beau offers me a wet hand. I take it without hesitation and he pulls me through the water and into his lap. I straddle him, truly feeling the softness of his skin for the first time. The hot water only seems to magnify the heat of the moment. His erection presses against my core as he runs his wet hands up my neck and threads them into my hair.

  I shiver from the mixture of his touch and the cool air as his lips finally meet mine. The kiss starts hesitant as if testing the waters or waiting for me to change my mind, but that isn’t happening. And it doesn’t take long until this kiss turns raw. Unadulterated need and lust. The dam breaks, and we’re all hands and lips and teeth. I grind my center against him as his tongue plunges deep into my mouth. He tastes like alcohol and something I can only associate with Beau. It’s a taste I’ll never forget. And never get enough of.

  Beau runs his left hand down my neck and touches my chest. Lightning strikes my slick core as he plays with my nipples, pulling and massaging them with his calloused fingers. The moan that escapes my mouth is swallowed up by the night as I close my eyes, absorbed and lost in the feel of his hands on me.

  After showering each breast with plenty of attention, his hand finally glides downward. When he touches my center, I almost come completely undone. I whimper as his fingers stroke and tease the very essence of me. When I open my eyes, they collide with black, dilated pupils. I’m just about to lean fo
rward and kiss those delicious lips when I feel the first finger enter me. The sensation is out of this world, like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I uncontrollably roll against his hand, intensifying the feel of his hand against my clit. When he adds the second finger, I’m lost. His lips attack mine with ferocious hunger as he glides his fingers through the wetness inside of me, bringing me towards the edge of release. My entire body is flying high as my internal muscles lock around his fingers, pulling him deeper than I ever thought possible. His thumb grazes the little bundle of nerves and I soar over the edge. I shatter into a million tiny pieces as I come violently on his hand.

  Beau slows down as I start to float down from the clouds. “I will never get the image of you coming like that out of my head. When I’m old and gray, I will still imagine this moment and remember it with such precision, such detail. But right now, I need to be inside you.” His words fuel the fire I didn’t know was still smoldering. My body rages back to life, ready for another round.

  “But not here. Not in a hot tub. I want to take you for the first time in a bed,” he adds as he places open-mouthed kisses on my lips, cheeks, and chin.

  “Okay,” I reply, not about to deny us this moment.

  Beau stands up with me still locked around his waist. He steps out of the hot tub, careful not to slip and fall on the now wet deck. The air is cold and sends chills through my body as Beau walks through the French door leading to my suite. Gently, he sets me down on the edge of the bed, but I don’t let go. I pull him down on top of me as I lie back on the bedspread.

  I kiss his lips with such intensity that it steals my breath, not that I could really breathe right now anyway. Beau’s weight deliciously presses down on my entire body as his hands begin to explore me once again. When he reaches my center, he finds that I’m still wet with want.

  “God, you’re so wet,” he whispers against my lips.

  “You. You do this to me,” I reply as his lips caress mine and my legs tighten around his hips.


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