Book Read Free

Music Notes

Page 28

by Lacey Black

  “Are you sure?” he asks, his eyes searching my own.

  “More than I’ve ever been sure about anything in my life,” I tell him honestly.

  And now we both step over the line–together. So far over that line that I can’t even see it anymore.

  “I need to go get protection,” he says as he runs his hands up my sides and caresses my chest.

  “I don’t want you to leave. I’m clean, I promise. And I’m on birth control,” I confess.

  “I’m clean, too. I swear. I get tested every six months and I was tested before this season started.”

  “Then make love to me without it,” I whisper as his eyes widen.

  “Yes, m’am,” he answers as he slides us both up the bed. He lays me out and takes in my wet, naked body. I don’t feel the cold air anymore. No, it’s replaced by the raging inferno of desire that can only be associated with Beau Tanner.

  With gentle precision, Beau lines up his pulsating erection at my entrance. Our eyes are locked as he slowly starts to push forward.

  “Mine,” he whispers the moment he’s completely seated inside of me. From root to tip, he fills me so wholly and perfectly. My mind blanks from the intense sensations of our intimate connection. We continue to stare deeply into each other’s eyes as we become one for the first time.

  After several silent moments, which allow me to adjust to the size of him, a fine sheen of sweat breaks out over his brow. “I have to move, baby,” he confesses as his face tightens.

  “Then move, Beau,” I direct.

  He starts out slow and easy as my insides loosen up to accommodate him. His lips are tender and soft as he slowly slides in and out of me. I can see the moment that his fragile control starts to slip. His face becomes tighter and his breathing more labored. As if completely on its own, his body starts to pick up the pace. He takes me for the ride of my life as our bodies slap and grind towards a shared release. I keep my legs firmly locked around his narrow hips as he slams his body into me with enough force to rattle the bedframe.

  The sound of our bodies connecting and our moans of pleasure are the only sounds in the room. Beau pushes me higher and higher towards orgasm. His hands grip and slide along my skin as if he can’t get enough of my body, pushing me to the point of no return. When I can’t hang on any longer, I let myself slide over the edge of oblivion. Beau joins me moments later, our bodies as one while our mutual releases throw us orbiting into another world. A world where only we exist. Us. Together.

  When we both start to gain control of our breathing, Beau slides his body from within mine. He curls up against me, pulling me tightly so that not even air can slip between our connected bodies. His warmth wraps around me, heating me better than the blanket we lie on ever could.

  “I care for you, Layne. More than I’ve ever cared for anyone before,” Beau whispers into the dark. The meaning is evident, but doesn’t send me into the panic attack that I expected to come with that sort of revelation. Maybe because I care for him more than I ever have before too.

  So when I reply, the words are honest and easy. “Me, too.”

  We lie in silence for several minutes as the implications hang over us. There’s no going back. Hell, I wouldn’t even if I could.

  “Tell me about the song. I couldn’t find it online when I looked it up.”

  “I wrote it,” he answers, confirming what I deep down probably already knew.

  “It’s a beautiful song. I really like it.”

  “It’s for you. I wrote it for you.”

  The air is expelled from my lungs as I feel his arms strengthen around me like he’s afraid I’m going to bolt. But what he doesn’t know is that I won’t. I can’t. Even as the fear of being hurt, being betrayed, niggles in the back of my mind, I force it back and won’t let it take root. Beau isn’t Colton.

  “Thank you. It’s the greatest gift anyone has ever given me, except for Eli,” I say.

  “We’ve got a big decision to make, Layne. Tonight was so much more than sex. At least it was for me,” he says.

  “It was for me, too.”

  “Good. We have a choice to make about the show. We can go on, pretending this night didn’t happen and finish out the last two weeks. Or we go to the network and pull out.”

  I’ve already thought about this choice. We can go about our lives and finish out the show, but then I have to live with the fact that I broke the contract and didn’t tell anyone. Can I live with that decision? Or we tell the network and risk lawsuits. It’s not an easy decision, but a necessary one.

  Whatever we decide, we will do it together. Because when it’s all said and done, we both made the decision to sleep together. We both broke the agreement within the documents we signed. We both destroyed our futures on Rising Star.

  And now we have to deal with the consequences.

  Note to self: Even when your world shatters around you, smile.

  I knock on the door and wait for the answer. I’m practically shaking in my black dress slacks and stylish pink top. I should have worn flats for this moment, but there’s something about a great pair of heels that seems to raise your confidence. So, heels it is.

  “Come in,” I hear from the other side of the door.

  I step through the entryway and come face to face with the six faces I met with several weeks ago. Could it really have been that long since I was advised to flirt with Beau? So much has happened since that day.

  “Thank you for seeing me,” I say as confidently as I can muster as I step forward and sit in the swivel office chair facing the room.

  “I have to admit, your request for this meeting was a bit of a surprise and has piqued our interest,” Jackson Zimmerman says from his post at the head of the table.

  “The reason I’m here is simple. I have broken the contract in which I signed before coming on this show.”

  “Which part of the contract did you break?” he asks with his eyebrows arched, his chin casually resting on his right fist as if he has not a care in the world.

  “The part about not engaging in a sexual relationship with a show coach,” I tell him confidently, not breaking eye contact.

  That makes him sit up straighter. “I see. And I take it you broke the agreement with Beau Tanner?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “I see. You are aware that the document you signed states that you can be sued within full reach of this network and the record label for breach of contract, correct?”

  “Sir, I am aware of that clause. It wasn’t my intention to deceive the network or the label, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t come clean.”

  “Your honesty is appreciated, Miss Carter. I’m afraid that we’re going to have to consult with Legal and discuss the terms of the agreement.”

  “I understand, sir. Thank you for your time,” I say as I stand up.

  “We’ll be in touch shortly, Miss Carter.”

  “Of course, sir.” As I step towards the door, I hesitate and turn back to the room. “May I ask as to what will happen to Beau, sir?”

  “Well, I can’t say exactly without speaking with Legal, but I imagine he’ll be let go from the show. How it will be handled is yet to be seen,” he answers.

  “Okay. Thank you for your time,” I say as I slip out the door.

  It’s done. I’ve told the network and ultimately sealed my fate. As I walk down the long empty hallway, I head straight for the door leading to the street. I walk out that door for probably the last time. Away from the studio and the show. Headed home with my head held high.

  And with that, my time on Rising Star has come to an end.


  “I knew your relationship would eventually come out,” I hear from behind me as I wait for the elevator.

  I do everything I can to ignore the woman standing behind me. If I can just get on this elevator and out of this hotel, I’ll never have to see her again. I pull my luggage onto the elevator and pray that the door closes before she can get on. No

  “What, nothing to say?”

  “Nothing I care to say to you,” I reply as we start our descent.

  “I’d been telling them for weeks that you were screwing him. It’s the only reason you made it past the first round. It’s the only way you ever would have beat me,” she snipes.

  “You know what, Shawna? I did beat you. Fair and square. I didn’t have a relationship with Beau until Saturday night. That first showdown on the show? I won. Not you. And do you want to know why? Because I was better than you. Period. And while I might not be on this show any longer, just remember that the only reason you still are is because someone else picked you up AFTER you were let go. So, while you may still win this whole thing, remember that at one time, you actually came in last.” And with that, I exit the opening elevator doors and step out with my head held high.

  The van is waiting to take me to the studio. I have a meeting with the network executives before I head to the airport to catch my flight home. Beau called me last night and told me that they were meeting and we’d know our fate today. Though, deep down, I already know it’s all over.

  We talked for hours last night about the what-if’s and the what-could-have-been’s. He wouldn’t let me sulk as the reality of our situation weighed down on me. I don’t have anything to my name so if the network decides to sue me for breach of contract, I’m up a creek without a paddle.

  Note to self: Stock up on paddles. Looks like I’m going to need them.

  We never discussed a future, though. While we may have thought to ourselves about what will happen to us after the show, neither of us voiced those concerns. Instead, we focused on making each other laugh and getting to know each other further. I’ve spent weeks in the presence of this man and I feel like I’m getting to know the real him–not the one he shows to the prying eyes of the world. The real Beau who loves Fruity Pebbles cereal and riding his Harley Davidson whenever he can.

  The van pulls up in front of the studio and I head inside. Gabby is waiting for me and offers me a tight smile. I return her greeting with a hello, but for the most part, follow quietly behind her as she leads me back down the long, familiar hallway towards the conference room. She knocks and waits for the cue to open the door.

  When I step inside, I see several more gentlemen around the table. They are dressed impeccably in designer suits and groomed to perfection. Mr. Zimmerman is seated at the head of the table with his five minions around him. The one face that I’m surprised to see belongs to the man I’ve gotten myself into this mess with. I lock eyes with Beau for the first time since we returned Sunday afternoon. Just the sight of him releases wild little flutters in my stomach.

  “Miss Carter, will you please have a seat?” Mr. Zimmerman directs. I nod at him before taking the vacant seat next to Beau.

  “Layne, Beau, we’re here today to discuss the breach of contract that you’ve both admitted to. I’ve brought in Roland to make sure that everything is discussed and decided upon collectively so that no lawsuits can be made in the future by any party.”

  I take a deep breath before he continues. “Last evening, we met and were prepared to hold you both accountable to the terms of the contractual breach. Layne, for you those terms would be to terminate your participation of the show, along with a substantial financial lawsuit.” I gulp hard at the words and their implications. Any lawsuit would be substantial to my family and me.

  “You are also prohibited to ever participate on any show on this network or any other network. Additionally, you are not allowed to sell your story for profit in any way.”

  Mr. Zimmerman looks over at Beau. “Beau, your contract is similar to that signed by Miss Carter. Your participation of this network and that of any other network will include award shows and other appearances for a period of three years. You understand those terms, correct?”

  Beau nods his head without so much as a word. Can they do that? Can they forbid him for performing or attending award shows that are to be televised on the network? Apparently, they can.

  “But, here’s the dilemma. America loves you. Last night, word got out that you were both being released from the show and the outpour is overwhelming. They want more Layne and Beau.”

  Shock must be evident on my face. “It’s true,” the woman next to Mr. Zimmerman states. “Social media is buzzing. They started petitions and are flooding the network with calls, emails, and contacts through social media outlets. Hell, you even have a trending hashtag,” she adds with a chuckle.

  “So, you see the dilemma we face? We can’t exactly let you go for fear that we’ll be crucified by the viewers who are so adamant in their support of you.”

  I blink several times as I try to absorb his words and their meaning. I feel a warm hand on my leg and reach down and link my fingers through his. I feel stronger suddenly knowing that I’m not alone at this table; that no matter what the outcome of this meeting, I have his support and his affection.

  And in return, he has my love. I can deny it until I’m blue in the face, but the fact still remains that I’m in love with him. I knew it Saturday night as we made love. I knew it the next morning while we ate breakfast wrapped only in plush robes on the deck of the hotel room. And I sure as hell knew it when I sat down at this very table yesterday and confessed my sins to the people that hold all of the cards.

  The only thing left now is to tell Beau. Because no matter the outcome of this meeting–no matter the fines, lawsuits, and rules they throw at me–my love for him will still be there, bright and shining like the North Star; pulling me in and gripping my soul like the music notes I sing. Guiding me home.

  “After an early meeting today to renegotiate our deal, we’ve come up with terms that we all hope you’ll find more than sufficient. Layne, you’ll still be removed from the show as a contestant. You will not participate in the final two weeks of shows and have no chance at winning the record contract or the prize money.”

  I nod my head in acknowledgement knowing that that was always the least of my worries. “You are forbidden to participate in any other shows on any other network for a period of ten years. You are also forbidden from selling your story for any financial gain for a period of ten years. We will not hold you financially responsible to the dollar amount listed on your contract with the understanding that you agree to all of the new terms.”

  I can do that, right?

  “Beau, you are also removed from the remainder of this season and we’ll find a replacement coach to finish out the final two weeks of the show. However, we will not hold your position on the show over your head. We want you. The fans of the show want you. You will be able to return as a coach next season. You are forbidden from performing or profiting from any other network show with the exception of pre-approved award shows,” he says to Beau. I feel Beau’s hand tighten around mine.

  “Now, here’s the catalyst. The other term to our deal. You both will participate in the final show, performing a duet together that the network chooses. You will also agree to participate in a future network special that is still in the works. It will detail your relationship through the show Rising Star, as well as continue to follow you up until the point of the airing and producing of the special. This would happen sooner, rather than later. The network also has the right to add any sequential specials for a period of three years. Think Nick and Jessica, Tori and Dean. You know, a reality show,” he adds with a smile.

  “If there should ever be a wedding or major life event within the next five years, the network has first rights to a special. These are the terms. Take them or leave them. If you leave them, know that the original terms of the contract will be enforced.”

  “What do you mean by a special?” Beau asks.

  “A special program with a minimum of one hour in duration. Not a full-fledged show, but more of a single documentary to allow the viewers a glimpse of your lives together. You two are ratings gold. America loves you and we want to keep that love alive.”

sp; “Can I have a few minutes to speak with Layne?” Beau asks from his seat next to me.

  “Sure. You can step into the hallway and come back when you are finished.”

  I follow Beau into the hallway and am instantly engulfed in a warm, comforting hug. “I’m not worried about the terms of my contract, I’m worried about yours. I can’t imagine you have the finances to cover the dollar amount attached to it, right?” he asks as he keeps his hold on me.

  “Yeah, I don’t exactly have that kind of disposable cash.”

  “I would cover it for ya. I would do anything to make this go away for ya,” he replies. But I could never let him do that, and I think he knows it.

  “I can’t let you to do that, Beau. I’m just as responsible for this mess as you.”

  “Then, let’s talk about the new contract. I don’t give a shit about the show. I will walk away from it right now if I have to. The money means nothing to me. I don’t give a shit about appearances and show performances. I’ll be just fine without all that extra crap. The new contract has some perks, but I don’t exactly like the idea of those specials.”

  “It’s one special with the possibility of more if we should ever, you know, get married or something,” I reply, dropping my eyes as the faint blush creeps up my neck. We haven’t even talked about a future and here we were discussing the possibility of a televised wedding. Kill me now.

  “Hey,” he says as he raises my chin up so that our eyes are locked. “I feel like the network has us by the balls here. Though I don’t like the idea of the network turnin’ us into a circus show, it doesn’t seem so bad if you’re there with me.”

  “I kind of agree,” I smile. “But Eli. I have to protect him. I won’t subject him to the show.”

  “I agree. I’ll make sure that’s included in the terms.”

  “So, we’re going to do this?”

  “Yeah, we’re gonna do this. Together.”

  And with that, he places a tender kiss on my lips as if sealing our fate. Before we can let the kiss get too carried away, Beau pulls back. “We should head back in there,” he says with a smile.


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