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Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 12

by Ruth Temple Taul

  Relief flooded Daniel’s face. He had dreaded bringing up the subject and here she was agreeable! More than agreeable, she realized the responsibility she had assumed had gotten too big for one person.

  At her next meeting she asked Allison to conduct. Allison had expressed a desire to be more involved and was glad to help. She had hired one of the women at Safe House to help her with her household and with her children. She would be happily going home to stay.

  Aunt Millie wanted to take a session once a month. She was experienced in this field so she would be an asset to the program.

  Chapter Seven

  AN INTERESTING ARTICLE APPEARED in the local newspaper. A young man who, at one time lived with an abusive dad, was making signs for any abused wife who wanted one. It would be free, and it would be delivered unless the victim wanted to pick it up themselves. In the interview he gave his reason for his participation. His own father was an abuser, when his mother could endure no more, she had hung herself. Then the young man moved out of the home. His father remarried and within a month now abused his second wife.

  “He killed my mother as surely as if he had shot her. If exposing these wife beaters will stop them, I will make signs from now on. I was too young to help my mother at that time. Now I am doing this for her. In the corner of each sign I write ‘For Martha’,” he said sadly .

  The paper had printed the name address of the young man. Within days he was getting money mailed to him for supplies. Sometimes just a dollar or two, occasionally several hundred. A local car dealership donated a pick-up truck for his work. The smile on the young man’s face was extremely rewarding.

  When the newspaper printed his picture he looked like a happy young man who was reaching a goal in life.

  “I want to thank everyone who has helped me in this effort, for giving me a chance to help my Auntie, who has provided me a home all these years,” he said gratefully.

  The publicity was a great boon for the abused wives movement.

  Daniel was collecting his material for the noon news when he heard sobbing from the next room. Investigating, he found the star of the stations Home and Garden show.

  “Avonda Hill! What happened to you, did you fall?” He exclaimed.

  “No Daniel, this is just my weekly beating. Fred shoved me into this room to repair my make-up, but I can not get my nose to stop bleeding,” Avonda said worriedly.

  “Here, sit in this chair while I get you some ice,” Daniel said, rushing out of the room. He quickly returned with the ice, a towel, and a soda. “Let me put this ice on your neck and some more on the side of your face. Does he do this often?” Daniel asked horrified.

  “At least once a week and usually while we are at work. He was worse today than usual. When he is upset he often starts another row when we get home,” Avonda sighed.

  “What upset him today?” Daniel asked as he wiped blood from her face.

  “I think it is because I got a raise. It is a substantial raise ,I already earn considerably more money than he does. It is male pride I guess,” she answered.

  “My wife works with a organization for abused wives. They have a Safe House for women. will you let me take you there for a few days?” Daniel asked gently

  “Well, it is plain to see I will not be able to do my show today. I think my nose may be broken. I do not feel up to a repeat of this tonight. Daniel, you have the news to do I feel I should see a doctor. I’m able to drive myself, so if you will give me the address, I will drive myself over,” Avonda promised.

  After giving Avonda the phone number, he explained there was no address for safety reasons. “I will call and tell them to expect you, they will give you directions,” Daniel answered

  After Daniel had given the world news, he announced, “To all viewers of this station. My intention today is to have a brief discussion on a movement in our town called ‘Our Secret Shame’. It is an ongoing exposure of men who abuse their wives, then expect, no insist, that they cover for them. The women are supposed to do nothing, say nothing, and to conceal their bruises from family and friends.

  Does that sound irreprehensible to you? Me too, can you imagine my surprise when I found a member of our own staff, crying with her nose bleeding profusely and trying to make herself presentable before stepping in front of the cameras. She will not be doing her show today. She had to go to the hospital instead,” Daniel said angrily.

  The teleprompters were wildly signaling Daniel to change the subject, but he ignored them.

  “Incidentally, her husband works for this station too. Surprises all around folks. We will now return to the planned program, but before I do, here is a warning to all you abusers out there and in here. Your ‘Secret Shame’ will be a secret no longer,” Daniel promised as he went on to give the rest of the local news.”

  The owner of the T. V. station had every intention of firing Daniel at once, but there were so many calls agreeing with Daniel the owner went grumbling from the room, leaving orders for Daniel to come to his office immediately when his newscast was over.

  “How dare you say someone at this station has hit his wife? What made you do it?” the station manager roared at Daniel.

  “I referred to Avonda Hill. I found her crying, blood streaming from her broken nose, trying to cover her bruises with make up the way she usually does.

  She insisted on driving herself to the hospital. We need to have a stand by in case she can not do her show,” Daniel advised.

  “Avonda Hill? The star of the ‘Home and Garden show? That explains several things I have wondered about.

  Her husband is Fred Hill is he not? Will you have someone send him to my office?” the station manager asked.

  When the runner returned, he reported a co-worker of Hills had said “Hill left in a fit of anger, mumbling about lawsuits, and teaching Avonda a lesson.”

  When Avonda had left the T. V. Station, she had decided to see her personal physician. He had tended her cuts and bruises before. From there she called the Safe House and they gave her directions to the home.

  As soon as Daniel saw Caitlyn that evening, he told her about his experience with Avonda.

  “She may not be there when I go again. I will just be going every other month now. Aunt Millie wants every other month too, Allison is handling the program very well,” Caitlyn explained happily.

  Chapter Eight

  THE CONNELLY HOUSEHOLD SOON returned to normal, it was a surprise to Caitlyn and Daniel ,when a private detective called on them one Saturday morning. His reason for calling surprised them even more.

  He was representing a Mrs. George Appleton, owner of Appleton Industries. Mrs. Appleton was an elderly widow who wished to contribute to the Secret Shame movement by donating her mansion as a Safe House. There was five acres of land, all enclosed with a security fence. She wishes the abused children to be housed there also. The mansion has thirty rooms plus out buildings.

  “The reason Mrs. Appleton chose you two is that the house must be in someone’s name who has the abused ones interest at heart,” the private detective said.

  “I would think Mrs. Appleton would want to know more about us before intrusting her estate to us,” Daniel replied.

  “She knows all about you both. I hope you will excuse the two of us for snooping. She hired me months ago to make sure you were the people she wanted to control her gift.

  Believe me when I tell you, she is well pleased with the results of the investigation,” Detective Hall assured them.

  “I prefer my wife not be too involved with the hands on part of the movement. It is just too personal for her,” Daniel stated.

  “Anything the two of you are required to do can be done from home by phone or E-mail. There is a trust fund to take care of any expenses involved. We both hope you will accept. It is not easy to find anyone who meets the criteria as well as the two of you do,” detect
ive Hall confided.

  “Would you grant us a little time to discuss this between us? I feel like the answer will be yes, but we must discuss it further,” Daniel answered and Caitlyn smiled her agreement.

  ‘Let me give you the address and a key so you can look it over while deciding. Mrs. Appleton is in a most beautiful nursing home. She has an efficiency apartment there, and loves it. She expressed a strong desire to have you visit her there if you choose to accept her offer. By the way, her name is Isabella. The same as your daughter. She asked me to tell you that,” Detective Hall explained.

  After the detective left, Daniel and Caitlyn discussed this new event at length. The consensus was, of course, they would do it.

  Daniel would do most of it only when Caitlyn’s expertise was needed would she be called in.

  The Safe House was filled to capacity most of the time now. The Appleton Mansion would be a Godsend for the movement. Any minor children could now accompany their mothers to the Safe House. The grounds were surrounded by concrete walls so the women could at last go outside and walk around safely.

  “What a gift for the movement! How happy the ladies will be. when we have a free day, let us take Isabella and go visit her. A contribution of this sort deserves not only a visit, but to tell her how her gift will help the women’s lives,” Caitlyn answered excitedly.

  The following day they called the phone number for Mrs. Appleton to set a convenient date for a visit.

  “Oh, my dear, any day will be a good time. Is it possible you and your husband could come today? want to meet you as soon as is comfortable for you and would you please bring your little girl who has my name?” she pleaded.

  “If one o’clock meets your schedule, we can be there at that time,” Caitlyn assured her.

  Dressing Isabella in her most frilly dress and brushing her blond curls to a shine, Daniel and Caitlyn escorted their daughter to a nursing facility called ‘Peaceful Acres.’

  Following the detective’s directions, they drove to the apartment complex. The maid answered the door and the minute Mrs. Appleton saw Isabella she opened her arms and the little girl ran into them. Mrs. Appleton’s eyes were closed as she clasped the child to her breast. After holding Isabella a moment, she raised her eyes to Daniel and Caitlyn. “Thank you for bringing this sweet child. My only pregnancy was a girl we named Isabella. She lived two days, my husband I never recovered. Now, enough of sorrow,” she said wiping her eyes. “We will discuss the business at hand. I hope you will tell me you have decided to accept my gift to oversee this movement your wife is so good at,” Mrs. Appleton requested.

  “We will indeed accept your offer and abide by your wishes as closely as possible,” Daniel said.

  “I have another request that is a heartbreaking situation and is growing bigger every year. It is called ‘Granny Dumping’. That too is a trend that is as big a shame as wife beating,” she said sadly.

  “Granny Dumping? I have never heard of that, will you please explain?” Daniel asked.

  “Yes I will, the police department will verify all I am telling you. It is usually a family member who drives their mother to the hospital, takes her to the waiting room leaves. Many times one of the children have moved in with the mother, supposedly to help her. It is not long before they are tired of having her around. The mother is forgetful, she repeats herself, her bladder is weak she often smells of urine. she is often confused or maybe in pain. All of this becomes annoying to them after awhile.

  The care of her is nearly almost always delegated to the wife. The couple forget they are in the mother’s home using the mother’s money. They become resentful of her presence and dumping her is an easy way out. It is all so disgraceful and painful to think of.

  I want you to have a wing where these women can live out their days in peace. There is plenty of money to hire caring people to look after them. I know this is a big undertaking I do not expect you to work as a volunteer. ay yourself the same wages that you make on your current job. Now, tell me if you are still interested,” Mrs. Appleton insisted, looking hopeful.

  “I am very interested Mrs. Appleton, ay the great God Jehovah bless you for your generosity to these women. We had only discussed spousal abuse. I honestly find it hard to believe anyone could abuse an elderly person. I feel so deeply about this I will leave my job at the television station if I can not do both properly. We are both humbled at the trust you have placed in us,” Daniel said sincerely.

  While the discussion was going on, Isabella had sat like a little lady, with her little pink purse in her lap. Observing her, Mrs. Appleton asked her to come talk with her.

  Isabella obediently went to stand by Mrs. Appleton in a child’s innocence said, “My Mommy and Daddy said you are a very nice lady. I think I’m going to like you a lot!”

  Mrs. Appleton’s face glowed with pride. “My darling, I already like you a lot. I hope you will be my special friend and visit me once in awhile,” she replied.

  “My Daddy can not sleep if I’m not at home, so I can not spend the night. If you come see me, we can play with my tea set,” Isabella said.

  “Why that is a wonderful. Idea. Do you have a dolly I can hold too?” Mrs. Appleton asked.

  “Oh, yes, you may hold Maggie. She is my favorite,” the child offered.

  “Then I want to bring the cookies. hat are your favorite cookies?” Mrs. Appleton asked.

  “I like oatmeal cookies with pecans the bestest, but if you like another kind I would like them too,” she answered in her little girl voice.

  “Your favorite is my favorite too. That is just perfect. Tell me, are there other children at your house?” Mrs. Appleton inquired with a smile.

  “I have a brother named Logan a big sister named Sarah. They both like cookies too!” Isabella said.

  “Then I will bring a lot of oatmeal cookies with pecans in them and we will hold our dolls have tea. I can not remember a time when I was more excited about a tea party,” Mrs. Appleton said graciously.

  “I will tell Maggie you’re coming and she will wear her new dress,” Isabella promised.

  “This young lady has quite a vocabulary,” Mrs. Appleton said as Isabella returned to her father’s side.

  “About our elderly, the family members convince themselves that it is the government’s responsibility to care for their parents, that eases their conscious. I tried to start a program to help these women but I did not have the know how. I am so grateful to the two of you.

  I would appreciate it if you kept a record of the different people, their circumstances and of course the expenditures. Once a month I would like a copy so I can read it at my leisure. My husband’s company has a board of directors I want to have information I can show them if it becomes necessary. I also have a nephew who would like to take over my finances. This I will never allow and you must not allow it either. He is very wealthy in his own right, but greed knows no bounds,” she said sadly.

  “A monthly report is only to be expected where this much money is concerned. I would like to meet your attorney, so we could be on first name basis,” Daniel answered.

  “I will give you his card. He has worked for my husband and I since he got out of law school at about your age.

  Della has prepared us some refreshments so we can enjoy them now that business is settled,” Mrs. Appleton said.

  Later, when the Connelly’s were on their way home, Caitlyn spoke in a wistful voice. “I believe Mrs. Appleton is one of the most caring people I have ever met. I am looking forward to getting to know her better,”

  “My Darling, you are just as caring as she is. We will just never have the money Mrs. Appleton has. Ninety five percent of the people in this country do not have that kind of money. There is no way to guess how many people will benefit from her generosity.

  Tomorrow, after you have your session with the ladies, you can have the pleasure of
telling them of the new home where they can safely go outside. When you are finished, we will go to the Appleton Estate to look it over. It must be huge if there’s a separate wing for the elderly. What a world we live in Honey,” Daniel said in disbelief.

  “I am anxious to tell Aunt Millie about Mrs. Appleton and her generosity,” Caitlyn said excitedly.

  “Before we tell the ladies about this gift, let us look the estate over. You know they will have questions and we are going to need more staff as time goes on,” Daniel stated.

  “Allison is doing such a good job, I think we should leave that up to her. We could tell her about the increase in money so she will feel free to hire the appropriate people,” Caitlyn suggested.

  After going by to see Millie and telling her the good news about Mrs. Appleton’s generosity, David and Caitlyn returned to their home to be there when the children got off the school bus.

  David was overly protective of the children, often thanking Caitlyn for making him a Dad and for the fulfillment in his life.

  The following day they explored the Appleton Estate.

  “I have never seen anything to compare with this place!” Caitlyn said excitedly

  “The nearest thing to compare that I have seen, are some of the regal houses in Europe,” Daniel stated.

  “I understand now why Mrs. Appleton wanted us to have this west wing for the elderly. They are at ground level, have a lovely porch and three different sitting areas among the trees, even a small kitchen and dining room. “That will be something new to us, taking care of the elderly,” Caitlyn said eagerly.

  They left the estate and went directly to the Safe House where the women were already assembled for their weekly session.

  Since it was Caitlyn’s day to address the group, she could hardly wait to give them the exciting news. She and Daniel had decided it would be best to give the news of the new house at the end of her program.

  There were new faces here today. Two of the women wore bandages, both looked dejected.


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