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Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 13

by Ruth Temple Taul

  “Ladies, since some of you are new to Safe House, I want to tell you that I, too, was once a battered woman. One group of bruises never healed until I had a new layer to go with them. I was so beat down I could not make a decision for myself. I am sharing this with you so you will know I understand your positions.

  In turn, I would like to know the names of each one of you. I am Caitlyn Connelly, just one of the people who want to help you to a better life. Let us start with the lady here with the bandaged face. Your name please,” said Caitlyn.

  The tall black woman stood said, “My name is Dinah, my neighbor found me unconscious on my floor and brought me here. I did not know there was such a place or I would have been here sooner. I do not want to go back to my home, but I have no kinfolks and my friends are afraid of my husband. Is there any hope for me?” She asked.

  “Dinah, welcome to Safe House, yes, there is hope for you, we will be happy to lead you to it.” Caitlyn promised.

  The next woman had a broken leg and was unable to stand. When she tried to introduce herself she began to cry uncontrollably. Dinah put her arm around her shoulder murmured consolingly until the weeping had subsided.

  Caitlyn motioned for the next woman to speak.

  “My name is Antoinette. As you can see I have a bad arm. My husband twisted it until it almost broke. My twelve year old son heard my screams came to my rescue. He hit his dad over his head with a baseball bat. His dad is in the hospital but swears he will kill my son when he’s well. When he gets out of the hospital, he will have to serve some jail time. We must be gone before he is free to come home again,” Antoinette stated.

  “That sounds like a good decision, I want you to know that we are here to help you,” Caitlyn answered.

  Each woman had a heart wrenching story and a history of abuses. After the last story, Caitlyn conducted a question and answer program with the audience.

  Question. “Why would a man beat a woman he claims to love?”

  Answer: “Keep in mind ladies, I am no psychiatrist. I can only tell you what I believe on the subject. Sometimes it could be frustration over work, or even his own inadequacies. Some men feel that is the way to rule you. Sometimes it is a guilty conscious or pressures of another kind. Men can have a chemical imbalance also. Some are just plain mean and cruel. Whatever the problem he needs to admit to himself that he IS abusing you. Many deny they did anything at all, blaming everything on the wife. The fact remains that spousal abuse is greatly on the rise. Every year there are more women killed by the men in their lives.”

  Question: “I know so many women who are abused. Do you think Massachusetts has more abuses than any other state?

  Answer: “Oh no, Utah is the number one state for abuse! Many men there still have more than one wife, even though it is illegal. Then they have the audacity to convince their wives that the more they suffer, the better their position will be in heaven. Only a fraction of abuse is ever reported in Utah and it is not too much better in the other states.

  Question: I’ve often wondered why we keep taking it. Could you help me understand that?

  Answer: I can only tell you why I stayed for so long. He had convinced me it was my fault. I was raised to believe that once you married it was for life Then there were children to consider. Was it right for me to separate them from their dad? Then there’s the hope we all cling to, maybe this will be the last time, perhaps things will get better. Does that sound familiar?”

  “It sounds like you were living at my house,” one woman said. Murmuring filled the room as the women compared notes.

  The next one asked, “Would you suggest moving to another neighborhood? We have lived here for twelve years, my children have school friends here.”

  Caitlyn answered, “I do not suggest moving to another neighborhood! I suggest you move at least two states away. You must be far enough away to be safe when he goes into a rage. He is not going to hit anyone else. And to get to you, he will kick your door in. He might even be like the lady in today’s news, shoot you and the children. That lady has been here twice, but chose to try to save her marriage.”

  Another asked, “What can we do to stop this abuse cycle we are in?”

  “Allison will give you a questionnaire to fill out. You think carefully and fill it out as truthfully as you can. One by one we will help you. Things may look hopeless in your present mind set, but believe me, help is here for any who wish to avail themselves of it.”

  “What can be done for me? I can not read or write, I have no skills for a job and I can only stay here four weeks,” Dinah asked.

  “Dinah, while Allison takes over with the other ladies, I will assist you. Let us go into the dining room so I will have a table to write on,” Caitlyn said as she took Dinah’s hand led her away.

  After they were seated, Caitlyn asked, “Tell me about yourself Dinah, what makes you the happiest?” she asked.

  “I am the happiest around people. I want them to like me. I have always enjoyed doing things for other people,” Dinah said.

  “That is very commendable. What kind of work have you done?” inquired Caitlyn.

  “I told you I do not know how to do nothing. All I have done all my life is take care of other people. The only money I ever got was the little the neighbors would pay me to cut their grass,” she answered.

  “Did you like cutting grass and caring for people?” Caitlyn asked.

  “I loved it. It is like magic when I work with the earth,” she said dreamily.

  “I believe I have the perfect job for you, if you want a permanent position. We will discuss it further before you leave Safe House. If I may ask, what happened to your face?” Caitlyn questioned.

  “That is one of the four places I was stabbed by my husband. I have twenty-one scars on my body besides these. All put there by him. If I could get a place to live I would be outta there,” she said.

  “Think about this thoroughly, if it is what you really want, it is as good as done,” Caitlyn promised. She had filled out the questionnaire for Dinah to turn in to Allison.

  Next Caitlyn spoke with the women who ran the Safe House. She told them of the Appleton Estate and decided to give them the pleasure of telling the residents. The time had flown while Daniel had patiently waited for her, she thought! Actually he had just returned from the police station. He had gone to find out how often they got a domestic abuse call. He was shocked at their answers.

  “Domestic violence is our worst nightmare. We have to rotate the officers for that duty because it is so hard on the emotions, It is the most dangerous and the most frustrating job we have. Most of us would rather deal with a bank robber. Going into a man’s home is like going into a wild animal’s den. Even though the officer is there to help the woman, sometimes she will turn on him. We have had our uniforms torn, been bit, kicked, scratched, that is just from the woman. The men have used their fist or clubs. We do not always have enough man power to send two officers at a time.

  When we do lock a man up, his wife might have him baled out of jail by daybreak. Being a policeman is frustrating work. We try to uphold the law but the criminal seems to have the law working for them instead of against them.

  You ask how often we get domestic abuse calls? Way too often, as our soldiers return from war torn countries, as the economy worsens, abuse is increasing,” the Chief of Police replied.

  “My wife is involved in ‘Safe House’ activity and has me working with her. We have just had the Appleton Estate donated to us for a safe house for abused wives and for the elderly who are being dumped by their families. I had never heard of ‘Grannie Dumping’ until Mrs. Appleton enlightened me. I wanted you to know there is a home for them now,” Daniel said.

  “That is good news for us. Have you any idea what it is like to have to take a sobbing mother or grandmother to her home after her children have dumped her?” the Chief asked.
  “I would hate to have your job. We must ask you not to reveal our address for the safety of the occupants,” Daniel cautioned.

  “Say, Daniel, is it possible for you to give a short talk on this subject some morning about 8:30? The day shift is coming on then, the night shift is going off. It would lift the moral of the entire force to know we have a better way to care for these women,” the Chief said.

  “I would love to Chief. I’ll check with my wife as to our commitments and get back with you. Here is the number to call when you have someone you need a home for . They will not open the door unless they have had a call and the person at safe house must be the one who gives you the address,” Daniel answered.

  “A wise move and more power to you son,” the Chief answered, extending his hand.

  As Daniel was relating all this to Caitlyn. She was very quiet, when she spoke, it was to say, “Oh Daniel, when will we ever get caught up? There were more women at the Safe House this week. They do not have an empty bed,” Caitlyn lamented.

  “Honey, I believe it is because people are hearing about Safe House. One woman tells another and word gets around. The ones we reach are getting help. It is a heartbreaking situation, I want you to remember, you can only help the ones who will come to us,” Daniel explained.

  Two days later they were moving the women into the Appleton Estate. The numbers had been removed from the front gate so none of the women could tell their husband the address if they were tempted later. This had happened before and the raging husband had almost destroyed the door of Safe House. The police had gotten there just in time.

  Caitlyn had spoken at length with Dinah. She was anxious to tell Daniel the results. She had offered Dinah a permanent home and a job. At first Dinah could not believe her good fortune.

  Caitlyn had assured her she could have the job of caring for the Appleton lawns and she would get a salary plus a very pretty room all her own. Going to the west wing to show it to her, Dinah stood in the middle of the room, eyes wide and mouth open. She turned around and around trying to absorb the beauty of the room.

  “Where will I get some furniture?” she asked dismayed.

  “You get to keep the furniture that is in the room, your bathroom is through this door,” Caitlyn said, opening a door.

  Dinah drew a deep breath, “Ahhhh!” she said.

  Caitlyn left Dinah to get acquainted with her room while she inspected other rooms for the two elderly woman who would be here the following day.

  One of the women had been left in a city park. She was so disoriented, she could not remember her last name. After the social worker talked with her over tea and a sandwich, she revealed the whole story. Her daughter and husband, along with two children, had moved in four months ago. Things had been bad from the start. The children were undisciplined and disrespectful. Mrs. Blankenship was treated so badly, she stayed in her room most of the time. The daughter had taken her checkbook and the children stole the money she had in her purse. The city park, where they had left her, was preferable to being in her own home with her sons’ family.

  Mrs. Carver the second lady, was found on her front lawn where she had fainted. She lived alone had simply forgotten to eat.

  The women who had settled into the mansion were in awe at the grandeur of the estate. They were thrilled at the privacy of the grounds. Allison had set up a bad minton net and added a volley ball net.

  The estate already had a tennis court, basketball net, a state of the art swimming pool and Jacuzzi. The ladies now felt as though they were on a vacation!

  Allison now had her children home, they were once again a family. Her days were spent in the Safe House while they were in school. They were in the house she had inherited from her parents. She had bought her husband Harold, a one way ticket to his home town in Michigan. The police had delivered the ticket to him with the suggestion he not return to Boston.

  She had proven to be a great asset to the women at Safe House. She was very happy with the sweet woman she had employed. The children adored her and called her Auntie. She was a retired school teacher and the childrens’ grades had improved tremendously They had a field trip planed almost every week. Allison and her family had never been happier.

  Chapter Nine

  IN THE MEANTIME THE Connelly family had a fright so bad their entire family and their extended family were traumatized.

  The children were not on the school bus! Immediately calling the police reporting the missing children, Daniel then drove to the school. He realized this might be an exercise in futility, but he had to do something. Parking in front of the school, he ran around the grounds calling “Sarah! Logan! Can you hear me?”

  After what seemed to be an eternity, Daniel heard Logan’s voice.

  “Dad! Dad, where are you? Sarah’s gone I could not do anything about it,” he cried.

  Daniel went toward the voice and found his boy among some hedges. “Son! Thank God I found you! What do you mean Sarah’s gone? Where is she?” Daniel asked, taking his crying boy in his arms.

  “Son, you cry all you need to. I know you could not help whatever happened we will handle this together, man to man.”

  Logan looked at his Dad and loved him anew. He was being so kind to him not blaming him at all.

  “It was Jessie Franklin Dad. I got away from him, but Sarah could not. He ran to his car with her. There was so much noise with all people running around, I do not think anyone else paid any attention. I wrote his tag number on my arm, then ran to get a teacher. Dad, is it my fault that Sarah’s gone? I tried to help her but I could not,” Logan said, as he began to cry again.

  Daniel was still holding his son when two police cars pulled into the school yard. He recognized them as being in the group he had talked with earlier.

  “Son, if you are feeling better, I need to ask you some questions so we can find the man who has taken your sister,” the policeman said. Immediately Logan wiped his eyes answered, “His name is Jessie Franklin. Here on my arm is his tag number.”

  “What kind of car was it?” The office asked.

  “It was black the same kind of car Aunt Millie drives,” Logan said, looking at his Dad.

  “She drives a Pontiac. How can you be sure about the car?” Daniel asked.

  “Because I saw the Pontiac logo. Remember explaining logo’s to me Dad?” Logan queried.

  One officer had gone at once to run a make on the tag number. He returned with a big smile on his face.

  “I think your son is our hero of the week! By writing that tag number on his arm, he showed great presence of mind. We now have an all points bulletin out for the kidnapper. The chief said for you men folks to return home so he can reach you when we have your daughter. We have all of the highway patrol on alert, even have a helicopter scanning the highway. The chief says this is priority one until the little girl is home again,” he reported.

  After thanking the officers profusely, Daniel and Logan returned home to inform Caitlyn of their dilemma.

  They found Caitlyn near hysterics. When she saw Logan, she ran to him, taking him in her arms, she kissed him repeatedly.

  With his arms around them both, Daniel related the events to his wife, proudly explaining how Logan was a hero! He had gotten the tag number called 911 before Jessie was off school property.

  “Poor little Sarah, she must be terrified. Why would Jessie do such a thing?” Caitlyn asked.

  “My guess is he is financially ruined and is grasping at straws. He knows our finances are stable and probably will call us to make demands for money. I do not believe Sarah is in any danger from him. He is just using her as a way to extort money. If he had any love for his children, it would have shown up before now.”

  Caitlyn’s eyes were red and swollen from crying. She was not at all sure that Sarah was not in danger. What she was sure of was her little girl was terrified.

  “Sweetheart, do not let yourself fall apart this way. When Sarah does get home, your crying will just upset her all the more. Thanks to our son, the police have an all points bulletin out on him.

  Every street leaving town is being watched. The city police are checking the motels. Let us keep things as normal a possible for Isabella and Logan,” Daniel said.

  Aunt Millie, with her family, came to give moral support. Daniel suggested the children go to the pool so Logan could show his new diving skills. He had practiced until he could execute a perfect swan dive.

  Aunt Betty and Ben came soon after, Ben wanted the men to join him in searching for Sarah.

  Daniel kept them all together, answered questions, reassured the ladies and gave a very hectic time, a semblance of order.

  Victor convinced Ben and Daniel to play a game of cards while they waited.

  “It will give us something to keep our minds and hands busy while we wait,” he said.

  He was right, the game eased the tension for the men, while the ladies were watching the children dive.

  The card game had continued through three beers and two hours when the doorbell rang!

  Daniel ran to the door, nearly tripping, standing at his door was a highway patrolman with Sarah in his arms.

  “Daddy!” she shouted happily, reaching her arms out to Daniel.

  “Oh my baby,” Daniel murmured as he closed his arms around her, holding her as though he would never let her go.

  “Come in officer, tell us all that has happened!” Daniel requested.

  “After your Sarah has seen her mother,” the officer said, nodding his head toward the other room.

  Daniel realized he wanted to speak to him without Sarah hearing.

  “Sarah darling, everyone else is showing off their diving skills. Go surprise mommy and swim with the kids,” he suggested.

  When Sarah was safely out of the room, the officer confided in Daniel.

  “Sarah got the scrape on her forehead when she escaped from Mr. Franklin. They were in a motel, while Mr. Franklin was getting his revolver from his suitcase, she unlocked the door and ran out. She fell over a curb in her haste but did not cry a tear.


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