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Blond, Black, and Blue

Page 14

by Ruth Temple Taul

  She said “My daddy told me to always be brave.”

  That was after I had her in the patrol car. She did not see it, but Mr. Franklin was dragged out by two burley policemen. He had a switch blade knife on him, plus a revolver. He was planning to hurt someone badly. It was probably revenge that brought this on,” said the officer.

  “What revenge? He was the abuser. She had to leave him, their very lives depended on it,” Daniel said in frustration.

  “People like Mr. Franklin convince themselves that they are the injured party. He has come to realize he lost a good woman. He sees that she has a good life with someone who appreciates her and it frustrates him. He is still trying to punish her for his mistakes,” the officer replied

  “That is an insane way of thinking, I want this man to stay away from my family,” Daniel demanded.

  “I feel sure you will get your wish on this. He not only broke the law by going near your family, he was on school property. He will be charged with kidnapping, resisting arrest and carrying deadly weapons. He is looking at hard times in a federal prison. We may have to get a deposition from you and your wife. You will be notified at a later date concerning this.

  Tell your son that the entire police force is proud of his quick thinking”, then saluted as he left.

  Daniel gave a huge sigh of relief. His daughter was safely home. It had been a horrendous scare!

  He suggested to the other men that they join the rest of their extended family at the pool.

  Daniel could hardly believe the dives Logan could perform. He could do any dives Reid could do.

  Sarah was jumping off the high board, Daniel was proud of his brave little girl and had decided he would stay with her tonight until she fell asleep. Nothing in his life had ever meant so much to him as Caitlyn and these children.

  He would need help in sleeping tonight. Sarah being snatched away had unnerved him more than anyone realized.

  After the guest had all departed and the children were ready for bed, Daniel had Sarah and Isabella on his lap while reading them Sarah’s favorite bedtime story.

  When he tucked them in bed, Sarah gave him an extra goodnight kiss said, “Daddy, I feel so safe when I’m with you.”

  “You are safe my darling girl,” he murmured.

  In the coming week, Daniel or Caitlyn drove the children to school and picked them up in the afternoon.

  Finally, Logan asked that they be allowed to ride the bus again so he could be with his schoolmates.

  Daniel agreed, but he had such a feeling of loss and disappointment.

  “Why do I feel at a loss over the children preferring to ride the bus?” he asked Caitlyn.

  “I think it is because Logan wants to be independent. Like the time he told me he wanted to take his bath by himself, and when Sarah informed me she wanted to choose her own clothes and dress herself. I believe it is called growing up. It does hurt a little bit and makes you proud of them at the same time,” Caitlyn said softly.

  “Just yesterday Isabella told me to leave her room while she was getting dressed. I thought it was the cutest thing ever. Now I’ve got to dread her growing up too,” he said mournfully.

  This being a parent is very educational. It is the greatest thing Daniel has ever experienced, although having Sarah abducted had been terrifying to the point of panic. Still he would not trade being a Dad for anything in the world.

  Their scare over Sarah had caused Caitlyn to miss her monthly appointment at the Safe House. It would soon be her turn again, she was looking forward to it. The feeling of giving another woman a chance at a better way of life was so fulfilling. Now that Daniel had wisely gotten her to be less involved, she could enjoy the job and the people more. She was even happier at home due to the reduction of stress.

  Later she wondered what new stories she would hear at this visit as she drove toward the Appleton mansion.

  Aunt Millie had taken her last report in and they had found homes for two of the women.

  After greeting everyone and acknowledging the new women, she conducted her question and answer time. Many of the questions were from the two new women.

  The first one to speak was Alma Kingsley.

  “Just how can you help us other than giving us a place to stay for a few weeks?”

  “We hope to help you keep your marriage together if it can be saved. If your husband has a history of abuse, we all hope we can help you relocate. When I say help, it is hands on help, not just words,” Caitlyn answered.

  The next to participate was a beautiful young woman named Patricia Woodsly. Her face and arms still had many dark bruises.

  “I believe you are doing a good work but I can not see how I could be helped. I would have given up already but I owe my grandmother for my education. I could not live with myself if I did not keep my word and repay her,” she declared.

  “Miss Woodsly, would you be comfortable enough to tell us your story. Do not be embarrassed because every woman in this room has suffered badly at the hand of our husbands, including me,” Caitlyn assured her.

  “I am twenty-four years old and in my last year of residency. I am a Doctor and desire to be a General Practitioner. My grades were such that I have several scholarships. Everything else my Grandmother has financed.

  My husband was studying to become a Doctor also when he became involved with a nurse. They left together, he gave up his career in his first year of Medical School. He was gone two years when he showed up at my door one evening a year ago. He was hungry, half frozen and crying. He got on his knees begging to be forgiven.

  I do not know if it was the shock of seeing him again or whether I was just overtired, but I let him stay at my apartment use my car, and use my credit card, he also spent the rest of my tuition money.

  Within a month he was slapping me every time I disagreed with him. He has beaten me several times, he says it is my fault that he will never become a Doctor. One of my neighbors called the police when they saw him drag me out the door. He then used his fist to knock me unconscious. The police brought me here from the hospital.”

  How could you help someone in a mess like mine?” Dr. Woodsley asked.

  “We can and will help you, one step at a time. What would you like us to do first, get your car? Have him arrested? Get him out of your apartment? We can do this,” Caitlyn replied.

  “I need my car but he will never give it up. I can not miss my internship work. I also need my books and my clothes. I am afraid to stay in the apartment alone. He has threatened my life several times,” Dr. Woodsley said tremulously.

  “Do you have a keys to your apartment and your car?” Caitlyn asked.

  “Yes, I have both, but I can not go back there,” the Doctor said.

  “Do you intend to have him arrested?” asked Caitlyn.

  “I can not have that sort of thing in the paper. I’m trying very hard to finish my residency and that would give me a bad reputation to start with. I feel it would ruin my career,” she said.

  “Then you just rest and heal for the next couple of days. I will call you tomorrow afternoon with a plan that will be very beneficial for you,” Caitlyn promised.

  The next day at two pm Caitlyn called her to ask, “Is there anything in your apartment you want. It seems your husband was picked up by the police. He was not very nice about it so he might be in jail at least a week,” Caitlyn confided.

  “Oh, that is fantastic! How wonderful! I feel better already,” Doctor Woodsly said excitedly.

  Caitlyn was there in twenty minutes. A smiling lady met her at the door.

  “This is wonderful. I had no idea how I was going to get my possessions. I hope he has not destroyed them. Thank you for calling me,” she sighed.

  “I promised to help you did I not? Have you any idea where you will live if you leave the apartment?” Caitlyn asked.

“I have no clue. Fred has spent my last dime. I realize now that I should not have given him my credit card. I had hoped we could work out our differences but now I see that is impossible. I have been such a brainless twit to let him do this to me,” Patricia said.

  “Honey, you are a woman who cares. We are made that way. It is a natural thing for us to try to please our husbands. We build their ego, we share our possessions. You would not want to be different. You just had the misfortune of marrying an abusive man,” Caitlyn said consolingly.

  “I called the bank today to canceled my credit cards and closed my account. At least he will not be able to use those again.

  Will I be allowed to take my books and clothes to the safe house until I find an answer to my dilemma?” Patricia asked.

  “Better than that, my husband and I have discussed your problems with Mrs. Appleton herself, it was decided you may stay at the Safe House as long as you wish. If this is agreeable with you, we would like you to be our in-house physician for as long as you wish to stay. You will receive a salary, of course sufficient to pay your expenses with school,” Caitlyn turned her head to tell Patricia something else and saw tears sliding down her face and dripping from her trembling chin.

  ‘I will save the other news for later,’ Caitlyn thought to herself.

  When they arrived at Patricia’s apartment, the manager met her at the door, a scowl on his face and some papers in his hand.

  “This is a notice to vacate the premises Doctor. We run a peaceful establishment here and the neighbors have been complaining. One neighbor told me about your husband beating you, I am sorry to have to do this to you. Here is your money for the damage deposit and the last month’s rent. I really do not have to give it back under these circumstances, but I know you are working hard at becoming a Doctor, I hope this helps a little,” the manager said.

  “It will help tremendously. Thank you sir, I will move my things out today. Anything left you may dispose of at your leisure. I would suggest you change the locks on the apartment,” Patricia replied.

  Surprised to find her books and doctor’s bag all intact, Patricia hurriedly put them in Caitlyn’s van while Caitlyn carried her clothes.

  The only piece of furniture Patricia owned was an antique rocker that had been in her family for four generations. She was trying to put the chair in her car when Caitlyn insisted she put it in the van.

  Patricia did not argue the point, but she did look at Caitlyn with questions in her eyes.

  “Mrs. Appleton is concerned for your safety so she wants you to have another car to avoid anyone recognizing you. She suggested you get something entirely different from the one you have,” Caitlyn explained.

  “She surely is not buying me a car too?” Dr. Patricia Woodsley exclaimed.

  “Not only is she paying for your car, she wants you to have two rooms in the east wing so you will have an office with the proper equipment. That wing has the elderly women in it since it opens out into the gardens. They are all on a cruise at this time. You can get set up so as to have a little privacy before they return.

  Tell me Doctor, how many problems do you have now?” Caitlyn teased.

  “Just the bruises, but my colleagues have seen me with bruises before. I must get back to my routine soon. I would dearly love to meet Mrs. Appleton. I want to thank her personally for giving me my life back. I hope you already know how grateful I am to you and the Safe House,” she replied.

  With that they left the apartment to the manager and his cleaning crew, who were starting with the kitchen and the bathroom, while the manager changed the locks.

  When they returned to Safe House, Caitlyn directed the Doctor to the east wing and asked Allison to show her the rooms she was to occupy.

  “Shop for your car, when you find it, and it should be soon, we will take care of it. Here is my phone number and the number for Mrs. Appleton. By the way, she would like to meet you,” Caitlyn informed her.

  “Thank you again Caitlyn. I had despaired of finishing my residency. Now I feel like a Doctor again. I could pinch myself except my bruises would hurt too much,” she said laughing.

  Caitlyn admired Dr. Woodsley for her ambition and for her lack of spite toward her husband. Her strongest desire was to become a Doctor and that overshadowed everything else in her life.

  She would resume her residency the following day, in the time she spent at the Safe House, she planned to make files for the people who were there permanently, and keep records on the women she treated who were transient.

  Chapter Ten

  DINAH HER AND CHARGES returned home the following week. They were radiant! The ladies had had such a fabulous time aboard the ship, everyone wanted to talk at once. Finally, Daniel suggested they wait to tell their experiences this afternoon in the activities room. They would each get a chance to tell about their part of the cruise, and to answer questions from the ladies who had stayed home. They were anxious to hear every detail from each one of them.

  “Dinah I will put your luggage in your rooms, then we will join you in the fun,” Daniel suggested.

  When in fact Dinah did join them, the first one to speak wanted to tell the others about the handsome man from Jamaica who seemed to have lost his heart to Dinah. “Why they even won a dance contest. He even influenced the Madre’s Dee to seat him at Dinahs’ table. He told them the history of Jamaica, he told jokes that kept them laughing through dinner. He danced with each one of them during the slow dances, but when the Latin rhythms or music of the islands began, he and Dinah took over the dance floor. They won a contest and always got a round of applause when the dance was over.

  When Dinah entered the dining room, the ladies who had stayed behind welcomed her home and insisted she share her romantic interlude with them. The stories continued untill dinner was announced, but the questions continued throughtout the meal.

  “How did you know the island dances?”, one asked.

  “They taught the island dances aboard ship. My friend taught me the Latin rhythms. He said I have a natural talent because I learned so quickly. I have never had so much fun in my life,” Dinah replied.

  “Was he handsome? Did your heart beat faster? Are you seeing him again? The questions kept coming. Dinah’s charges loved her dearly and they all wanted to share in her happiness. Dinah was glowing though she tried very hard, she could not hide the smile that refused to go away.

  It was the following day before the ladies gave out the souvenirs they had bought on the islands. The trinkets were treated like treasures. Necklaces made of shells, dolls and animals made of local material. Each lady was thrilled with her gift. Then the highlight of the day when Mrs. Brown showed them the movies she had made.

  Dinah was surprised when she saw herself and the handsome dignitary from Jamiaca dancing to a Latin song. The ladies loved the tape so much, they begged Mrs. Brown to play it again.

  Daniel smiled as he observed them excitedly exchanging comments and other memories of their cruise. He marveled at how little it took to make them happy, he was grateful to have a part in all this. The rebuilding of lives for women who had been abused until they had all but given up. Had the men never read their bible? God gave specific instructions on how a wife should be treated. He even expressed the high value of a good wife, Daniel certainly valued his wife and looked for ways to let her know it. He had lived alone long enough to know he was a fortunate man. Having gotten the ladies safely settled, he drove home thinking all the way that he wholy agreed with Caitlyn, their efforts were so well spent when they could see the hope in the womens faces.

  Chapter Eleven

  DANIEL HAD A SURPRISE for his wife when he arrived home. Their families wanted to make plans for another cruise this summer. This time to cruise in Alaska in the month of July. One week on the ship another week in the seaside town of Seward where the gulf stream kept the water warm enough for all local water cr
aft to moor for the frozen months.

  They would fish for Salmon in the Kenai river. Hike in the mountains and just take in the local culture.

  The children would be out of school then with everyone having time to shop and plan. They were ecstatic, especially so since they would have Amber and Reid for traveling companions. They wanted to pack at once but Daniel persuaded them to wait until school was out. He had explained the weather in Alaska. Too cool to swim and it stays daylight almost all night.

  Caitlyn was glad the trip was not sooner. She had been working on her next visit to Safe House. She had a most informative program planned.

  In her next session she learned that Allison had relocated the last three women whose safety depended on them being in another state. She had also made contact with a Safe House in another state to care for women who felt the need to get out of Massachusetts at once.

  In her lecture she informed the ladies about ‘World Bank’. The U. N.’s way of giving aid to abused women world wide.

  “Spousal abuse is global and at all levels of society in every culture. Spousal abuse is criminal and the most hidden crime in the world. Until we find a better way, let us expose these men any way we can. Write letters to their parents, their friends, to their employer. If you do not know their addresses, then call these people.

  The very lives of abused women everywhere are in danger. If the men know they are going to be exposed, do you think they will do something to shame themselves? I read an article that quoted Edith Sempla when she said, “Domestic abuse thrives in the shadow, it cannot survive in the light of day”, at the time she was the acting senior vice president for external affairs. That was in 2008, it is now 2012, and spousal abuse continues to escalate! The former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, said and I quote, “Domestic abuse is wrong! We need to shout it from the housetops, that this is a fight for human dignity, much as the historical struggles for freeing the slaves and securing civil rights. Do you not feel our women deserve that? Everyone deserves to be able to live without fear.


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