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The Yielding of Rose (Terran Captives Book 2)

Page 4

by Trent Evans

  Just do as he says. You need time to think about how the hell you’re getting out of this.

  She knew her chances of escape were approximately as good as winning an arm-wrestling contest against her giant captor — but that wouldn’t stop her from trying.

  Then he stood before her again, closer this time, and she craned her head up to look at him, needing to show she wasn’t afraid — even if the truth was quite the opposite.

  Something played at the corners of his lips. “You are called Rose, yes?”

  She could only manage a nod, trying to ignore the way his gaze coursed avidly over her displayed nudity.

  He touched her hair with a gentleness that seemed completely at odds with the immense strength he so obviously possessed.

  “Most appropriate.”

  She turned her head away, not liking one bit the hint of comfort that soft touch imparted. She was no fool. This was only the beginning.

  “What’s your name?”

  The question leapt from her lips so unexpectedly, her mouth dropped open with her gasp.

  Stupid girl!

  “I am Lieutenant Kosha of the Yaanfahr Survey Corps, but you may call me ‘Sir.’ For now.”

  She cleared her throat, willing herself to speak in a voice that didn’t betray how helpless she felt at that instant.

  “For now?”

  “In time, you will not be allowed to speak at all.”

  A chill ran down her spine. “W-why?”

  “Because you will have to earn that right.”

  Oh shit.

  “Hold your hands out.”


  “Your hands.” He extended one of his, upturned, the massive palm as big as a dinner plate.

  Haltingly, she complied, and in moments, metallic bracelets were affixed to her wrists. Lined with a soft cloth that was actually quite comfortable, the outsides of the cuffs gleamed with a dazzling array of colors, as if an energy field of some sort danced along the smooth surface.

  “These stay on. No matter what.”

  “What the…?”

  “Put your hands behind your back.”


  It was beginning, and though she knew he’d have no trouble compelling her by force, she still couldn’t bring herself to obey him. She wasn’t going to be that easy.

  His hands closed around her upper arms, squeezing brutally tight, drawing her wrists together until the cuffs touched. “We’ll have to address this too.”

  Suddenly the cuffs heated up, and he let go of her arms.

  “What the… fuck?”

  Though she pulled at the manacles with all her strength, the cuffs stayed together, wrist crossed over wrist, refusing to move even a fraction of an inch.

  “Those don’t come apart until I allow it. And if you continue this behavior, that’s not going to be anytime soon. Do you understand?”

  “I understand”—she grunted as she twisted, futilely, at her bonds—“that you’re an asshole!”

  The alien gave her a puzzled look.

  Before she realized what had happened, she was spun around with dizzying force.

  One of his huge hands wrapped around both of her cuffs, drawing her arms over her head, and she was lifted clear from the grating. She yelped, her legs scissoring in the air as she hung before him, utterly helpless.

  “What the f—!”

  The first smack slammed against her ass with a force that drove the air from her lungs, stunning her into silence, her legs still for a split second as she registered what he’d just done.

  Then she screeched, kicking back at him with both feet, hoping to catch him in the balls.

  If aliens like him have any.

  She suspected deep down that he did indeed. Though definitely not human, this alien was remarkably similar to a human male — only much bigger.

  Rose tried not to think about what else about her captor might turn out to be larger.

  Don’t do it.

  Another searing smack of his huge palm across her defenseless buttocks jarred her back to the present, the heat of the blow blooming hot across her flesh, her body swinging from his grip, her legs frantically kicking.


  He didn’t say a word though, merely smacking her again, waiting a beat until her legs stopped flailing as much and slapping his hard palm against her once more.

  She gasped as he squeezed each of her burning buttocks in his hand, his fingers coursing over her. He grunted, the tone sounding suspiciously like pleasure.

  But still he said nothing as her punishment continued.

  “What are you — oww!”

  Another series of smacks, each harder than the one that came before, drew fire across her clenched cheeks, her teeth gritted hard as she wriggled helplessly, suspended in the air. Somehow, being hung up like that only deepened her sense of being utterly lost, at sea, unable to do anything at all to affect the course of her fate.

  By the time the last spank landed upon her aching ass, she was groaning through her teeth, her eyes closed tight, her head thrown back. She’d been spanked before as a child… but this pain was nothing, nothing, like that. Her buttocks felt hot and heavy, and she feared they might just decide to fall right off.

  What was worse, a shaming collection of tears brimmed at her eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. She didn’t want to cry — especially knowing that was what he wanted — but she knew it would take but a handful more of those harsh spanks and the tears would be coursing down her cheeks nonetheless.

  She couldn’t help but open her eyes as he turned her slowly, until she faced him once more, her body still slung from his hand like a side of beef. Those dark, yet fascinating eyes fixed upon hers, and he drew very close, until their noses nearly touched.

  “I’m going to be learning everything there is to learn about you. But before we go any further, you’re going to learn something about me. When you disobey me, when you refuse to do as you’re told, when you talk back to me — and especially if you hit or hurt me — you will be punished. Every single time.”

  She watched him, her fear paralyzing her momentarily, depriving her of her ability to speak.

  He shook her sharply, making her head loll. “I expect an answer, human.”

  “Yes! Okay, I understand! Just… please put me down.”

  Instead of lowering her to the grating though, he spun her slowly around again, until he was at her left side. She watched him the whole time as his gaze dropped to her ass once more, the light in his eyes brightening with a familiar intensity. Was it possible?

  She’d seen it before — but only in the eyes of men.

  It was lust.

  Would he? Could he… think that way about a female of another species?

  Curious, even though the answer was likely to only deepen her fear, she craned her head down, peering over one shoulder.

  What she saw between his massive, tree trunk legs made her mouth go dry.

  It was a bulge — a huge one.

  “Oh fuck,” she squeaked, kicking again, despite the uselessness of the gesture.

  Then she cried out, her spanking beginning anew, the first shaming tear slipping down her hot, flushed cheek.

  Chapter 4

  One thing was readily apparent to Kosha as he smacked Rose’s buttocks several more times.

  Punishing her was far more enjoyable than he’d anticipated.

  His penis was a tight, twisted, pulsing length in his jumpsuit as he watched her round buttocks ripple and shudder under the blows of his palm. His hand was beginning to sting, but he had no doubt it was nothing compared to what the now openly weeping female was feeling.

  She bounced, and wriggled, and swung, legs kicking in a vain attempt to avoid the last flurry of spanks he gave her, his gaze fixed on the bright, splotchy red he’d turned the formerly snowy flesh of her backside. Her voice was a watery rasp as he caught her with one last blow under the soft curve of both cheeks, sending them bounding w
ith a screech from his captive.

  Finally, he was finished, and he set her down on the grating. It was nowhere near one of the proper spankings she would quickly learn were going to be a regular part of life as his pet, but it would do for the time being.

  He cut the current at her wrist cuffs, freeing her hands, curious as to how she’d react.

  For a long moment, he could only watch, rapt — and aroused — as Rose, sobbing now, hung her head, her long, striking red hair a wild mess about her face. She clutched her buttocks in her hands, her heavy breasts shaking and heaving, the smooth upper slopes wet with her tears.

  “Oh God, that… h-hurts!”

  “That’s only a taste, human. You’ll learn to obey me, one way or the other.”

  “I-I didn’t do… a-anything!”

  “You struck me. You disobeyed me. Both will result in discipline. Learn it now, or not. It makes no difference to me — but it will to your little backside.”

  He watched her closely for her reaction, but she appeared not to hear, her body hitching with her sobs as she kneaded her sore buttocks. He let her cry until her tears had subsided to sniffles, her hands continuously rubbing and kneading her no doubt flaming hot bottom. He intended to become much more familiar with that part of her anatomy — he didn’t only want to punish it — but there wasn’t much time. His CO could be heading back to the ship at any moment.

  Using the advantage gained by her distraction, he walked around her again, taking everything in at length. Under all her clothing, his little captive had been hiding a lush, curvaceous, ripe body. A very pleasing discovery indeed. He was particularly mesmerized by the swollen, buoyant breasts, one of the most infamous — and prized — features of human females.

  Many of the humans depicted in the illicit holos distributed amongst some members of the academy had been well-endowed, some of them quite generously, whether of breast or buttock — or both. But he could remember few who would have been a match for Rose’s buxom young figure.

  Yaanfahri females, while of course possessing breasts as well, typically had figures of a slender, more athletic type. They were attractive, yes, but it was a much different sort of allure than the animalistic, primitive aesthetic of the human females. The breasts of the humans were particularly prominent, and blatantly sexual, in a way that was most appealing to the male animal — whether human or those select few Yaanfahri open to such… attraction.

  He wondered if this was one of the reasons human fertility rates were so much higher than that of his own people. Perhaps this provocative, always-displayed sexuality of the human females helped promote the fecundity of their species in a way unlike his own? Such displays only further fanned the flames of desire in the males, the beauty and allure of the human female body something impossible to ignore.

  He turned the cuffs back on, drawing her hands behind her until they locked together immovably once more.

  “No! What are you—?”

  “Be silent.”

  He was pleased to see her obey, though her stare held an unvarnished balefulness.

  The weight, and shape, and loveliness of her breasts mesmerized him, something he hadn’t expected either. He spent some minutes looking at them, slapping them to and fro, and touching the hard, pale pink nipples.

  She looked away as he fondled her, her bright white teeth clamped to her lip, her eyes closed, face scarlet.

  The hardness of his penis only increased as he played with her soft, vulnerable flesh, allowing himself this small indulgence.

  Reluctantly, he stood back from her, looking down his nose at his prize.

  “We need to get you secured for transport.”


  His sharp glare silenced her, and she bit down the retort, her red face glistening with her tears, even as her pretty eyes flashed with her defiance.

  With great effort, he was able to suppress a smile at her spirit. He suspected he would greatly enjoy bending and molding that spirit over the days and months to come. For a human, she was indeed quite pretty, and her resistance to following his orders only increased her allure. There would be a special pleasure in breaking her down — somehow, he just knew — and he intended to explore it to the furthest with her.

  She might not like it, might fight him every step of the way, but he was certain it would be sweet indeed.

  “Come with me.” He strode down the corridor toward the med unit, not looking back to see if she’d follow.

  She padded in behind him, her wide, frightened eyes scanning the bright room filled with equipment. He tapped the clear glass of the med unit. “Lay down inside.”

  “I’m not going in there,” she whispered, staring at the silvery couch inside the enclosure.

  Shaking his head slowly, he walked over to her. Rose backed up until her bare heels struck the wall, her breasts shivering at the impact.

  Spinning her around with something less than gentleness, he muttered to her as he cut the current on her cuffs. “I could make you go in there with these cuffs still activated, but that would be rather uncomfortable for you. Keep up with your silly defiance though, and I might change my mind.” He squeezed the join of muscle between her shoulder and neck. “Now, get in.”

  “What is it?” she asked as he entered in the start-up sequence upon the thin data screen next to the unit.

  The med unit wasn’t made specifically for humans, but their DNA was such a close match that it would suffice for a minor procedure like repairing a split lip.

  With supreme reluctance, she climbed through and laid upon the silver couch, her body stiff, as if she feared it was hot to the touch.

  “Relax,” he said, initiating the scan command.

  The couch shimmered for an instant then dissolved into what looked like a fluid, the metal flowing and rippling below her.

  “Do not move,” he said, meeting her frightened gaze.

  The metal surrounded her, then lifted her, until she was left suspended in the middle of the enclosure, bands of the liquid silver wrapped about her limbs, a thick extension encompassing her hips, holding her utterly still.

  Rose yelped, her head flailing wildly until two more tongues of metal clamped at either side of her skull, leaving her motionless save the trembling of her lips and the gentle wave of her wild auburn locks.

  “What… the fuck… is happening!” Her voice was tight, frantic.

  Kosha smiled then. “Keep your mouth completely still, or the med unit will encapsulate your body — which means sedation. I don’t think you’ll want that.”

  Rose’s breasts rose and fell rapidly, her breath whistling in and out between her clenched teeth as the sequence of cyan, red, and brilliant white focused lights coursed over her body.

  “It’s mapping you. Stay still.”

  It took but a few moments, then the unit began work on her lip, a new burst of intense red, pink, and yellow lasers whirling over her, concentrated precisely on her sweet, plump lips.

  Thankfully, her fear seemed to cause her to freeze, which allowed the unit to complete the sequence quickly.

  Her entire body trembled like a leaf on the wind as the liquid metal lowered her slowly back down, the silver winking and rippling once, then solidifying back into the solid material of the couch.

  Like a Terran dog freed from its hated chain, she bolted out of the enclosure as soon as he opened the door, the naked girl a riot of flailing limbs and frightened squeals.

  Kosha plucked her from the floor before she managed to hurt herself. He held her tight to his chest then, stroking her back as she spasmed and trembled against him. For an instant, she twisted and pushed against his grip, then, strangely, she cleaved herself to his body feverishly, hugging him with a strength out of all proportion to her size.

  “It’s all right. It’s done now. Calm… calm. That’s it. Good. Calm, girl.”

  Finally, she relaxed, her breathing beginning to slow, her hands not clutching him quite so tightly.

  “Please let
me down,” she murmured against his chest. “I’m… I’m okay. I think.”

  “Of course you’re okay.” He lowered her until her bare feet touched the grating. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Well, not that way.

  She touched her lip, then licked it. “What just happened? The cut… it’s gone.”

  “The med unit catalyzes cell growth of the damaged tissues. I don’t know the precise details of how it works, but it instructs the tissue to regrow the exact sort of cells that have been damaged. Prevents scarring, and ensures there is no nerve impairment.”

  “Holy shit.”

  The intercom buzzed in his ear. The auto nav on the ship-to-surface transport had been shut down, and the escape sequence initiated. Meloran would be aboard soon.

  “We don’t have much time,” Kosha said, turning Rose and pulling her arms behind her again, the cuffs binding her fast once more. He paused a split second to appreciate the way the position threw her round, swaying breasts into exaggerated prominence.


  Clenching a fistful of her silky locks in his fist, he led her stumbling back to the bank of specimen compartments. He opened the door to her holding cell, then stepped away. “Inside.”

  Her still-brimming eyes peered up at him furtively as she entered the little space, turning toward him, her breasts swinging with the movement. The bright russet curls covering the plump mound at the apex of her lush thighs beckoned him to touch, but he resisted it. If he couldn’t secure his pet safely, the whole game would be up. There would be plenty of time for such diversions once he got her back to Yaanfahr.

  He switched off her cuffs again, and this time her hands, rather than clamping to her bottom, flew to hide her nudity from his gaze.

  “You can’t just… leave me in here,” Rose said, her face blushing fiercely now, her arms shielding her breasts, her hand cupping her sex.

  “That’s precisely what I intend to do. You will stay here until we’re prepared for gate transit. Then I will retrieve you.” He stepped close, his body blocking most of the light from the corridor outside the cell, throwing her into shadow. Her eyes seemed to shimmer as she looked up at him. “You are to stay quiet, until my return. If I hear anything from this cell, I’ll be forced to correct you again — and you’ll go back into your little home with your arms bound and a gag silencing that defiant tongue of yours. Understand?”


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