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Taking Whatever He Wants: The Cline Brothers of Colorado

Page 7

by Unknown

  “Fuck, I don’t get that kind of greeting,” I grumbled to myself, which earned me a look of pity from my future wife.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” she squealed, pulling away from Brent and giving Alana a tight hug.

  “Yeah, well this guy isn’t so bad after all. He wanted to make sure I didn’t get to miss it.”

  “Now that we’ve had the surprise, can you two boys go get a drink, bullshit a bit, and move along so we can finish getting her ready?” Alana asked, not waiting for a reply, she ushered us both out of the room. We just looked at each other. “The bar,” we said simultaneously. Both nodding, we went back downstairs. I was actually more nervous now that someone from her family was here. Brent and I knew each other, but it was different, it was like I wasn’t giving Sonya the wedding she should have.

  “What’s up, man? You look a little nervous. Don’t want to marry my cousin now?”

  “Hell yes, I do, but I’m feeling bad that it isn’t bigger. I know she said she didn’t care, but I can afford better than a shotgun wedding in Vegas with just you two here to celebrate with us.”

  “I feel you. I did the same thing, but if she wanted a big one she wouldn’t be so fucking neurotic up there. Besides, other than me she really doesn’t have anyone to invite. I’m sorry that your family can’t be here.”

  “I know, but Will has got his stuff going on and mom and dad need to be there to help with his woman. I’m going to surprise them with her anyway.”

  We had about two drinks in the forty-five minutes before Alana called Brent. “Okay, I will. I love you, babe,” he said and then hung up.

  “What’s up?”

  “Sonya wants you to go to the altar already and Alana and I will walk her there.”

  “Fine. As long as you make it quick, I can’t wait to marry her.” I stood up to leave when Brent hugged me close.

  “Thanks. She found the perfect guy after all.”

  “I’m not letting her getaway now.”

  “I understand,” he chuckled, leaving to the bank of elevators. I paid the bill and left to the spot we picked when we first landed.

  When I got to the place I was a freaking ball of nerves. I didn’t know what for, but maybe this was what Sonya was feeling earlier like something could ruin this for us.

  I heard her voice as she said hello to the officiant. Game time. I waited as the music began and Alana waltzed in and took her seat. It was time. My heart was pounding like crazy. This wasn’t me. I wasn’t the guy that got gushy about these things. Before I met her, my family was the only thing I cared about outside my shop. My emotions were never worn on my sleeve, but this woman has made me do a full one-eighty, and I loved her even more for it.

  The moment she stepped into my view, I was floored. It wasn’t that she was completely different. Some makeup and a simple white dress didn’t add more beauty to the woman I thought was perfect. It was the glow all around her. She looked down coyly, briefly taking her eyes away from me, but when she lifted them they were bright and she had a blush staining her cheeks.

  “Thank you,” I whispered to her. “Thank you for letting me love you.” I saw the first tears build in her eyes.

  “Damn it, you’re going to make my mascara run.”

  “As long as you don’t, I’m cool,” I said with a smile. The love was pouring out of me at this moment. Just seeing her, all my nerves were gone.

  “Blech,” Brent said, pretending to gag. We weren’t in a church, so I flipped him off.

  “Shall we begin?” the officiant asked. I nodded and he began. Within minutes it was over and Sonya was mine for keeps. I kissed her for the first time as husband and wife and couldn’t wait to get rid of Brent.

  Just as we walked into the restaurant of Sonya’s choice, Brent whispered in my ear. “I see why you rushed the wedding.” I thought he was going to deck me, but he just laughed it off. “I’m in the same boat. If I didn’t force her to marry me in the Bahamas, I’d be losing my mind right now.”


  We flew back to Colorado a week later. There were many things to do, but, first, I had to go talk to my brother. I wanted to see this chick in person before I felt like everything was going to be okay with him. Sonya understood why I was going solo, so she went to the bar to lend Brent a hand for a few hours.

  I got to the ranch and my brother looked like he was on his way out. I liked to fuck with him when I knew he was busy and hit up his kitchen. He had a housekeeper who cooked all the meals, and I loved her cooking.

  When I met the lovely Ana, as my brother calls her, I understood why he did. She was pretty, but it was more than that. She seemed sweet and was super sweet on my brother. By the time I was done with the introductions, I knew that she would make a great wife for my brother. Her past didn’t bother me at all after I met her. Now I just prayed her ex-husband got what he deserved.

  I couldn’t wait for my surprise for them tomorrow. We were gathering for a family dinner at Will’s ranch, and I wanted them all to meet her. She was nervous about it but there wasn’t really anything to be worried about. She was my sweet Sonya and they would love her.

  The next morning, we stopped downstairs in the shop and I introduced her to the guys. Most of them already knew her from the bar, but they didn’t know her by her new name.

  “Fucking A, man. I told you she was the marrying kind,” Jack said, clapping my back. I growled at him remembering his other words about her. “Oh shit, I forgot about that. I was only trying to get a rise out of you because you were such a lame ass. Don’t kill me.”

  “You’re lucky I need you here, but keep your eyes off her.”

  “So what did you say about me?” she asked, arching her brow at him. Again I gave him a look and grunted this time.

  “Nothing, but that you were hot and I wanted…to…well never mind. I’ve got an engine to rebuild. Nice to see you and congrats to both of you.” He scurried off like a mouse when you turn on the lights. Fucking asshole. I shook my head and made the rest of the introductions before taking her into my office and showing her around the place.

  “We need to get ready for dinner.”

  “Shit, already. What if they don’t like me? I don’t have anything to offer. You’re getting a vagabond. They’re going to think you married a gold digger.”

  “Relax. I know you’re none of those things. Besides, you’ve got everything I need. Money isn’t an object to me or to my family. We’re not uber wealthy but we’re pretty well off. There’s nothing to worry your pretty head over. If it makes you feel better, my father knows about our relationship and told me I was an idiot at least three times since I walked out on you.”


  “Yep, so come up and I’ll run your bath. You can calm down and chill while I get some paperwork done.”

  “See, you’re too good to me.”

  “I remember when I wasn’t too good to you, and I’ll never forgive myself for acting like a fucking douche. So, let me spoil the woman who took me back without too much begging when being with you was all I could think about.”

  “I needed you, too. I’m sure there would have been more groveling if Brent hadn’t filled me in on what happened.”

  “Thank fuck for his nosy ass. Now march your ass up them stairs.”

  She sashayed up the stairs giving me a look see at her round bottom.

  I worked for about ten minutes when I had the urge to check in on her. She had the door open, so I peeked in on her. I should have walked away, but I couldn’t. Her body was sexy as hell. She was lying in the tub, swirling the water around and humming softly. I watched as the bubbles slid down her breasts, revealing her perfect tits to my eyes. I inched closer, aching to slide in behind her, but we had to meet my parents and I set up the bath so she could relax.

  "Do we have time?" she asked, looking up at my reflection in the mirror.

  "Time for what?" I gulped out.

  "To get dirty in the bath..."

was naked before I could take my next breath.

  I slipped in behind her, my cock grazing her ass. Sitting her on my lap, I scooped up some bubbles and began to massage her breasts. Her hardened nipples were my goal because they always sent pleasure to her pussy. The suds that slipped between us as the water splashed smoothed my entry into her heat.

  Chapter 11

  Meeting his family. I tried to breathe. He had gone off to meet with his brother and parents. I would be meeting his parents first, but then it was the test of meeting his brother. I wanted his whole family to like me, considering they were so close. We learned a little more about his brother’s fiancée Ana and the trouble that followed her, so Shane kept us away a week longer than planned. It wasn’t that they were in any immediate danger, but he wanted to protect his new little family as he called us.

  He was supposed to let me take a bath, but I could see him in the fogged up mirror. My lust for him didn’t go away, even though I was feeling nerve racked. I needed Shane to ease my tension. I offered up a space in the tub with me and just like I thought, Shane was eager to join me. The feel of his strong, rough hands squeezing my breasts sent pleasure straight down between my legs. I moaned and tossed my head back on his shoulder. He lifted me like I weighed nothing and pushed his cock up into me. I loved the feel of him filling me up. His cock was so thick that I felt like I couldn’t take it, but my desire for him opened me wide up. The water splashed around us as he lifted me up and down on his pole.

  “I love you, Sonya.”

  “I love you, Shane. Mm…I love the way…”

  “The way I make you feel,” he groaned against my ear, moaning with lust. Shane grabbed my earlobe between his teeth and bit. Shane ground up into me over and over. Moaning and crying for more, my Shane gave it to me. His body worked my body over until I was screaming, coming hard on him. With a roaring call of my name, he came with me.


  We finally became civilized and made it to the ranch. I was shocked on how amazingly huge and nice the main house was. I’d never been on a ranch before, but it was like the fancy ones on TV. I felt way out of my league. I didn’t know what for because this wasn’t Shane’s place, but unlike my family it seemed everyone in the Cline family was successful. I took a deep breath when Shane turned off the engine.

  “Calm down. I swear they don’t bite. Besides, I wouldn’t let them say anything to hurt you. Not that they would, but no one comes between us, Sonya. I mean that. I let it happen before, but I was a fool.”

  I nodded, accepting his decree. He stepped out of the car and, in true gentleman form, walked around to help me out. I loved that no matter how badass of a gearhead he was, he still had a manners of a gentleman. The dress I picked did little to hide my massive growing belly. I wasn’t even three months, but it looked like I was stashing away a basketball under my blouse. I moved my coat around to hide it, but there was nothing I could do.

  We were about to walk in when his parents pulled up next to us. I blanched for a moment as I waited for the interrogation and dirty looks.

  They came out of their car with big grins on their faces. “Well, aren’t you stunning?” His mother hugged me right away. And like that, all my fear was gone. We had a wonderful night at Will’s place as they welcomed me into the fold and talked about all the changes in Shane. I loved the way they embraced me.

  When we got home that night I had to show Shane my enthusiasm for being Mrs. Cline.

  Chapter 12

  Life was going great. Sonya was getting on well with everyone and every night after work we’d fuck until we knocked out. Six months since we met and I missed her like crazy. She was only at Brent’s, but I always missed her.

  There was a request for an oil change today. It was February and there was a foot of snow on the ground. The weather wasn’t conducive to it, but when you needed it done, you needed it done. I didn’t like the look of the guy, but I didn’t say no.

  “So it’s going to be about twenty minutes. You can have a seat in the waiting area and have something to drink.”

  “Thanks.” The way he was looking at me had me nervous. I was glad I sent Sonya over to Brent’s with Alana, who was just as pregnant as her. They were both six months and growing bigger every day. I wasn’t going to tell her that and I was certain Brent wouldn’t be stupid enough to tell Alana that. Half the guys were on their day off and the others were out towing stranded vehicles. The emergency vehicles were helping with a lot of the stranded tourists, but they needed us as well.

  I was currently at the shop alone, but I didn’t think anything of it. I was six foot eight and a gun carrying bastard. Gathering the shit I needed to change the oil, I pressed the lift for the car. I raised it to the level I needed and got to work. I was almost done when I heard some noise.

  “Shane?” Sonya called out. I hopped out from under the car and looked for her.

  “Over here, in oil change,” I answered, moving quickly. I didn’t know what she was doing here, but I didn’t want that creepy guy anywhere near her. The clicking of her boots could be heard in the open space. I was about ten feet from her when I saw him pull her to him.

  “Let her go, I’ll give you any money you want.”

  “I don’t want money; I want what she owes me.” He pulled her close with a gun to her belly, then he licked her face. He was a dead man. A fucking dead man. I already had my gun in my waistband ready to whip it out and blow his head off. Stay calm.

  “It’s okay, baby. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “You took what belongs to me, grease monkey. She’s mine.”

  “Over my dead body,” I snarled at him. I saw Jack and a plan came to mind.

  “Baby, morning wakeups,” I said calmly with her eyes she looked down and I nodded. Then I turned my head to the door where Jack was walking towards. It caught his attention and he saw Jack. That was when Sonya dropped to her knees and I took my shot. Hitting that fucker dead in his chest. He dropped and Sonya and I ran to each other. Jack burst through the door with his gun, having no clue what was going on but ready to roll anyway.

  I grabbed her face and asked, “Baby, are you hurt?”

  “No, Shane. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault,” she cried into my chest.

  “Calm down, Sonya. Baby, you need to calm down. Think about the babies.” She loved them, so I know she’d do anything for our babies. She quieted her sobs.

  I heard Jack kicking the fuck on the ground then he shook his head at me. Then he called the police.

  “Sonya, tell me you’re okay. Come on, let’s get you off the ground. It’s too cold.”

  She nodded, letting me help her up. “Please don’t leave me.”

  “Why would I leave you?” I didn’t understand where she was going with this.

  “He came here for me.”

  “Was he an ex-boyfriend?” I growled thinking about him kissing her.

  “No. He was my old roommate.”

  “Babe, just relax okay?”

  “Okay.” She continued to cry into my chest.

  The cops showed up ten minutes later with an ambulance. Not that they needed it now. It wasn’t as chaotic as I expected. Sheriff White showed up with his men and saw the pool of blood around the body.

  “Damn, we wouldn’t have rushed over here if we’d known the fucker was dead, Cline,” Sheriff White said.

  “Well, I didn’t talk to you or I would have said take your time and fuck it, just walk here.”

  “So what happened? The dispatcher just said someone was shot here.”

  “Thanks for rushing then. I would have been dead.”

  “She said an intruder was shot.”

  “He claimed that he needed an oil change and that his car was making noises and since he was leaving back home to Chicago tomorrow, he needed it done before his car broke down. I was almost done changing it when Sonya came back. Just as she came over here, he grabbed her and threatened to take what she owed him. This fuck came here to take my wi
fe away,” I roared angrily.

  “Do you know him, Mrs. Cline.”

  “She said he was her former roommate,” I answered.

  “He was my roommate. When I moved here, we had a fight. He thought that I should sleep with him. I told him no and he got aggressive with me.”

  “Aggressive?” I asked. I knew he didn’t fuck her, but then it dawned on me, her wrist. That day at the bar I saw her bruised wrist and ignored it. “Your wrist?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I saw it when you handed me the beer.”

  “So, is there anything else you can tell us?”

  “I left without most of my things, and I hadn’t seen or heard from him over six months.”

  “Did you report the incident?”

  “No. I just let it go. He only grabbed my wrist hard. It wasn’t worth pressing charges or going through something just to have the cops brush it off. I was leaving town anyway.”

  “That would make sense. Where were you and he from?”


  “Oh, you’re right. They have enough issues on their hands.”

  “Yeah, but if he’d done more like he tried tonight then it would have caught their attention,” I snipped angrily.

  “Shane, you know well and good that it was still serious, but when you have an overtaxed police department and enough criminals with guns, a twist of the wrist won’t be on their radar.”

  “I know, but she’s my wife.”

  “Yes, and you saved her life,” Sheriff White said. There wasn’t going to be much investigation into my shooting; he came onto my property and I felt threatened, making deadly force necessary and legal. I wanted to feel bad for shooting him, but he held a gun to my entire future; my wife and kids. A quick death was the best he could have hoped for. There were plenty of tools in the shop that would have caused slow and excruciating pain.


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