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Taking Whatever He Wants: The Cline Brothers of Colorado

Page 8

by Unknown

  “We’re going to need you to lower the vehicle so we can examine it.”

  “Okay,” I said. I was starting to walk that way when Jack waved me off and did it himself. The car lowered and that’s when we heard a noise come from the truck. It was a cry.

  I popped the trunk and inside was a young woman. She had to have been a teenager.

  “Medics! Over here!” I called out. They rushed over and gently took her out of the trunk. She was badly beaten. We had no idea who she was, but she was in need of a doctor. Her eyes caught sight of the body on the ground. He hadn’t been covered up yet, because the police were still taking customary pictures.

  “He’s dead,” she croaked out. When we said yes, she smiled so brightly before being lowered onto the stretcher.

  “You’re going to be alright. I promise,” Jack said softly to her, wiping the hair out of her eyes.

  “Don’t leave me,” she said to him. He looked at me, hoping I could tell him the right thing to do. As a gentleman that my momma raised I would say go with her, but as a friend well I’d say go with. That was what the poor girl needed. I nodded my head and he followed the EMTs out into the night.

  It took another three hours to get everything cleaned up and removed from my shop. The FBI even made an appearance because the girl had been kidnapped from her home in Chicago.


  Two babies. We had two more babies coming soon. We were going to have six kids. Two of them were starting school this year and the other two were still in diapers. She was already six months and exhausted. I think I was put on punishment until I figured out how not to get my wife pregnant. Birth control hadn’t worked. She knew that she couldn’t resist me for long, so I think after this next set she’s getting her stuff fixed. I wanted to get snipped for her, but we’re super busy at the shop, and well, she’s worried that it may make it hard for me to work.

  I felt for her because we had a daycare going in the garage. In fact, I had our old apartment above the garage turned into one. Two of our wives would watch the kids while the other two would handle the office duties for us. Over the past six years, the company has grown and employees have come and gone. The only two originals are now my two partners Jack and Danny. They’ve managed to help me expand this place so I made them partial owners in the business. We have twenty-five people working for us, four happen to be our wives. Although we try not to make the ladies work too much. They collectively work around three days a week.

  “Shane, can you please come upstairs for a minute?” she asked. I was getting ready for work by making my vat of coffee. We had bought a three floor home with seven bedrooms after the first set of twins were born and my bikes took off. Just after the attack by Mike Duval, the press had a field day and that was the best marketing a man could get. Someone saw our bikes and then another reporter wanted an interview. Two weeks later when the program aired, our phones rang off the hook. We were always booked up with new projects. Since then, all the newer guys handle the car repairs and tows while Danny, Jack and I deal with the bike orders.

  “Coming, baby,” I said.

  “I know you were about to head into the shop, but I need a hand. The boys pooped at the same time,” she sobbed. It had been a rough week for her. Her belly was growing fast and she needed help.

  “Sonya, baby, don’t cry.” I hugged her to me. “Let me get them and you put your feet up.”

  Shit. I needed to take care of my woman today. She was emotionally drained and needed me more than the shop did. First things first, I needed to check in on our little animals. They were two years old and a handful. With the big ones playing in their room, I rustled up the boys and changed their stinky asses. After that was all set, I left them in their play pens and went to call Jack.

  “Hey, boss. What’s up?”

  “I need to take the day off. You were right, Sonya’s tired.”

  “It wasn’t me. I still haven’t figured out my wife, but she’s the one who told me that Sonya was having a hard time but was too hardheaded to tell you.”

  “I know she feels like that it’s her job to do the mom thing all by herself. When I work late, she doesn’t complain.”

  “Yeah, but the poor woman is getting rounder every day.”

  “I know. She couldn’t see her feet yesterday, so taking care of the little ones has been getting harder. I’m going to call my mom and see if she can lend a hand. Or maybe she can spend some time on the ranch while I’m at the shop.”

  “Okay. Well, figure it out and take time off. You only take time off when the babies are born. Even though you’re the boss and technically it’s still your money, you’ve accumulated six weeks of vacation.”

  “I’ll take the rest of the week off, okay? Can you handle that?”

  “Didn’t I just come back from a vacation last month? You deserve it, man. Take care of that wife of yours.”

  “Thanks man.”

  I made the boys two sippy cups and let the other two watch cartoons for a while.

  Then, I went into the master bathroom and started a nice bubble bath for my wife and my best friend. Walking back into the bedroom, my wife was sitting on the edge of the bed. “I’m sorry, Shane. I didn’t mean for you to do it all.”

  “Do it all, I changed two diapers and made something for them to drink. Sonya, I’m sorry. I should have gone with my gut when I noticed that you were tired. I just let you tell me that it was all fine. You’re not feeling good and I should be taking care of you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Fine, my ass. You were just in tears.”

  “I’m emotional, Shane.”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  “I just miss you, Shane. I see you, but it feels like it’s never enough.”

  “I know it’s not. I work a lot and I’m sorry. I’m taking the rest of the week off.”

  “Shane, it’s only Tuesday.”

  “I know and I was rudely reminded that I have plenty of vacation time and I should be spending it with my beautiful wife. So come with me, my blue-eyed bride.” I grabbed her hand and walked her to the bathroom.

  “You ran me a bath?”

  “Yes,” I replied with a smile.

  “I can’t do that. The kids are not napping.”

  “Did you hear me ask? I don’t recall doing so. You’re my priority always. The kids are, too, but that’s what I’m here for.” I slowly helped her undress from the tee shirt and shorts she was wearing. It was so early that she hadn’t gotten dressed for the day so there was no bra. I love when she goes braless. Those beauties are perfect. The minute I lifted up her shirt, I sucked her nipple into my mouth like a greedy baby, and like that she was moaning sweetly and my dick got rock hard quick.

  “Get in, woman, before I forget about the bath and make you ride me.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she replied.

  “I never do, baby.”

  I helped her climb into the tub and turned on the jets just softly. She let out a sigh of contentment and I knew I’d made the right move. I wasn’t done yet; I had almost a whole week to pamper her. My mind ran in circles as I started to plan out what I was going to do. Tomorrow was definitely date night. I had to call my parents. We needed some husband/wife time. Something we couldn’t get with all the kids running around.

  Sitting at the edge of the tub, I tugged one of her feet out of the water and began to rub. The sounds that erupted from her throat were soft and oh so sexy. Each little moan caused my cock to bob in my jeans. I worked her foot before slowly working up her leg. After these babies, I knew that she had to be sore. Her ankles were swollen with water. My poor, lovely wife.

  “This feels too good,” she moaned.

  I stopped for a moment, which forced her to open her eyes and look at me. In all seriousness, I said, “It’s the least I could do, my wife. I love you so much. I want to make sure you know it.”

  “Oh, Shane, I know it. I never feel unloved. I just miss us.”
  “Do you really?” I asked softly, creeping forward; my hand worked its way farther up her thigh until my hand grazed against her tiny hairs. She whimpered, her body aching for more, she arched her back and lifted her hips. Slipping my fingers into her wet pussy, she cried out.

  “Shane. Oh…oh…oh my. You and your magic hands.” She purred and moaned, clutching onto the tub as I worked her pussy. I wanted to climb in there with her but this was just for her. Sonya called out my name over and over again. Her body bucking in the water as she came on my hand. Just then, one of my eldest boys called out for me.

  “Daddy,” he said again. I jumped up from my perch next to a worried beauty.

  “Relax. I’ve got this,” I said, waving off her concern and opened our bathroom door to a curious five-year-old.

  “Daddy, is Mommy okay?” he asked nervously.

  “Yes she is, little man. You could hear mommy from your room?”

  “No, I wanted cereal, but I couldn’t find mommy.”

  “Okay, well, mommy is just fine. Give me a minute, and I’ll make you a bowl.”

  “Why was mommy screaming for you?” Nosy little boy.

  “Because I was tickling her.” I had to think of something quick and he bought it.

  “Da-dee did the tickle monster to mommy. I love the tickle monster.” He was all smiles.

  “So does your mother,” I coughed out under my breath.

  As he walked away, I closed the door and washed my hands.

  “I heard what you said,” she accused.


  “I do love the tickle monster.” She was all smiles, too. Then I realized Dylan had the exact same smile as his mother. After drying my hands, I gave her a peck on the lips.

  “Relax, love. It’s morning cartoons with the boys.” I hurried out of the room before Ryan got on the chair. Dylan was the one who asked for things, but Ryan thought he could do it all. The last trip to the ER gave us all a heart attack. He split his head open on the edge of their sink doing crazy acrobats to reach something in their medicine cabinet. He was the wildest parts of me and my brother and Dylan was the gentleman side.

  “Hey, Ryan, do you want some cereal, too?”

  “I don’t like cereal. Mommy makes me omelets.” He had an attitude like I should know that already. I swear last week was the first time he had omelets at Uncle Will’s house. Now it was a must.

  “Well, son, I’m not mommy. So do you want something easy or not?” I wasn’t good at omelets and would probably fuck it up.

  “Can I make it myself?” Was he nuts? The boy barely reached to the burners.

  “Does your mom let you touch the stove?” I asked harshly.

  “Never. Where’s mommy?” Shit, I hoped he didn’t call for Sonya. She needed to rest.

  “Relaxing. Now sit down. How do you want your omelet?” Damn. No wonder she was exhausted, making different meals all the time. With school coming, these boys were going to learn a few things. You eat what’s there or you don’t eat. I know she does it because the other boys are two handfuls, but I need to step up or send in the back up. I wished Sonya’s mom wasn’t such a cunt or I’d let her see the kids, but she isn’t and I won’t. The last we heard from them, Ingles got sued for sexual harassment from one of his employees. Her mother and he divorced the next month and she took him to the cleaners. She was working on husband number four in Florida.

  “I like it with cheese and ham.”

  “Cheese and ham?” I asked.

  “Yep, mommy says it’s because I’m going to be tall and strong like you and Uncle Will.”

  I laughed because there was no doubt in my mind that they would be as big as us. Even her cousin Brent was tall. “Yes, you will.”

  “Dylan, do you want an omelet instead?” I asked, making one already, adding another would be no big deal.

  “No, thanks. My cereal is fine.” He sat down and picked up the Springs Gazette.

  “Okay.” I looked over at Dylan who was pretending to read the local paper.

  “Buddy, can you read that?” I asked, thinking he was going to spout some gibberish.

  “Dylan’s really smart, Daddy.” Ryan chimed in for his brother.

  “That’s really cool. Anything interesting in there?” I was curious to see what he’d say.

  “It says the price of meat is predicted to rise this coming year by two percent. That’s good for Uncle Will, right?”

  “Yes, it is. So do you plan on doing my taxes for me this year?”

  “Daddy, I can’t do taxes. I’m not old enough to work.” He still had that baby voice that made his pronunciation a little off. It was cute coming from a baby genius at my kitchen table.

  I cooked the food, baffled at the life that was happening around me. I needed to be home more. I missed out on so much and I didn’t even know what I was missing. Some rescheduling had to be done and maybe a few more guys or those looking for overtime.

  After I made them their food, I went up to check on the little ones. They were only going to be two. There was a huge gap between the two pregnancies. She went on the pill after the first two and, well, one day we wanted more. It didn’t even take two months off those things for her to get pregnant. These last two she was carrying were a surprise. She was still on the pill and everything when she got sick and they ran some basic tests.

  “How are my babies?” I asked the youngest set of boys.

  “Dada, I want kee,” Ollie said with pursed lips.

  “Not right now. Let’s go eat some breakfast. You can have a cookie later.” I took the both of them down and fed them some scrambled eggs with juice. After all that was done, I saw all the dishes. Fuck me. I’d made a mess.

  Just then, I heard my lovely wife come down the stairs. In fit of worry, I turned my back to the dishes and hoped she didn’t notice the now over flowing pile I made.

  “You made them breakfast? Thanks,”

  “Your omelets are better,” Ryan replied quickly.

  “That’s why she’s the momma. Boys go wash your hands and play in your room.”

  “Why are you standing over there like that?” she asked, looking at me funny. When I didn’t answer, she asked again. I still didn’t respond so she came over.

  “What? Can’t I stand like this?” I asked suspiciously.

  “What’s wrong? Did they clog the sink again?” She tried to look around me.


  With a stomp of her foot, she exclaimed, “Come on, Shane. What’s the matter?”

  “I didn’t get a chance to do the dishes, so they’re a mess,” I admitted apologetically, stepping away from the filthy sink.

  “Big deal. I’m happy that I got to relax in bubbles, take a nice long bath, and you took care of the kids. Can I have a hug now?” she asked.

  I nodded as I looked at her wrapped up in a robe that I could almost see through. The one thing I knew was she was naked under there. Her nipples popped through and were completely visible through the fabric. Grabbing her by the hand, I pulled her close. Her round belly hit me first, but instead of taking away the mood, it only enhanced my need to have her. I did that to her. My fucking and loving into her made her like that. I got a sense of male pride every time I looked at her growing belly.

  “Stop looking at me like that, Mr. Cline.”

  “What? I’m not doing anything.”

  “Really?” she asked softly. Her hand moved to my waist and slowly slid down onto my stiff cock. Caressing me through my jeans, she asked again, “Really? No doing anything?”

  “I can’t help what you do to me.”

  “Shane, I need you,” she moaned out, cupping my balls. I tossed my head back and closed my eyes.

  “I promise very soon, Sonya.” I heard the patter of little feet running toward the kitchen. “I’m going to call my parents and ask if they feel like watching them.”

  “Fingers crossed because I want to be able to scream you name until we’re both spent.”


  Four hours later and my parents were waving us off as we left our boys at their inn. There were plenty of their friends that worked as part-time retirees. They would help keep an eye on the boys.

  “How are you doing, love?” I asked as soon as we were down the road.

  “I’m great. I can’t wait to get back to the house.” She smiled and shrugged her body in enthusiasm. A few miles from our home, I knew we were coming to an isolated area, and while Sonya was looking out the window, I pulled off on the side of the road in our large SUV.

  “Have we run out of gas again?” she asked, grinning and arching her one brow at me.

  “I can never seem to remember to fill up.” I threw my hands ups “Oops.”

  “It’s truly amazing that for a car guy that you seem to forget.” The sun was setting, but it was still summer. And I couldn’t stop myself from adding to my ruse to get what I wanted. “It’s a little hot without the air conditioning on. Help me take off my clothes.”

  She gave a wicked smile. Biting her lower lip, she unzipped my pants. With expert hands, she took hold of my cock and pulled it out of my boxers. Leaning over me, she lowered her head and began sucking the life out of me.

  I moaned with fucking satisfaction from her pouty lips kissing my length. Sliding my hand down her back, I reached and pulled her dress up until her ass was unveiled to me. Slightly lifting my hips, I tossed my head back. My hand teased her ass cheeks apart and worked to her pussy.

  She wiggled her bottom, trying to get more of my hand on her, while I pushed her head down on my cock.

  “Ah,” I sighed. She bobbed her head up and down until I was about to come. Then she wrapped her hand around my length as she sucked just the tip. Her juices were coating my hand, letting me know how much she loved taking me down her pretty little mouth.

  “Fuck, Sonya. It feels so good. I’m going to come,” I warned her, but I didn’t have time for another warning because I came hard as fuck a second later. She swallowed my seed down her throat not letting a drop fall. When she popped my cock out of her mouth, she daintily sat back in the seat.


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