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Shadows of the Past

Page 9

by Brandy L Rivers

  Erik’s concerned voice broke into his thoughts. “That look on your face doesn’t leave me feeling any better. What the hell do you think this is?”

  “Let’s hope I’m wrong,” Hayden answered hastily as he walked back to his SUV. He wanted to check on Stacey before calling Paavo.

  * * * *

  Preston dropped into his seat in First Class and checked his phone one last time. He had a text from Robert. I would have dropped you off in Edenton. And Preston would have been sick. He’d had enough of being translocated over the last month.

  Laying his head back, he closed his eyes. He felt bad for leaving Jamie the way he had. For once in his life he didn’t want to mess up a good thing. She was everything he wanted and he was ready to be what she needed.

  Preston missed her like crazy, and he hoped he hadn’t fucked everything up with the way he kept leaving after promising to spend some time with her.

  “Preston?” a familiar voice called from the seat just in front of him.

  He raised his head and found Paavo Lakes. “Hi, Paavo. Have you talked to Amethyst?”

  One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yes. Sounds like you really came through for her.”

  Mathis nodded in greeting before taking his seat next to Paavo. The two half-sirens were inseparable.

  “You know I wouldn’t let Jarvis touch her. I did what I could to keep Amethyst safe.”

  “I know.” He stepped back into the aisle and took the seat next to Preston. “I went by Carl’s after the photo shoot today. Did you see the mess?”

  Preston nodded. “Yeah, I uncovered it. You have any clue what caused that?”

  Paavo nodded. Mathis leaned over the seat. “Shadow Fae. Carl didn’t kill himself, the Shadow did. It felt like Izackarus.”


  “The worst of them. The Earth Fae found a way to lock beings away in a prison realm. A warrior named Xenu helped Sapphire find the spell. I know there’s a way to call a being from that realm though. Was there a scroll?”

  Preston nodded. “I gave it to archives to see if they could find more out about it.”

  “I doubt they would know. The shadows were only in Faerie. They were never here in this realm. Did you happen to take a picture?”

  “Yeah.” He pulled the picture up on his phone and handed it over. “I recognize a few symbols, but I couldn’t tell you what they are.”

  Mathis took the phone. His brows lifted as he looked to Paavo. “It’s him all right. He’s coming for her, Paavo.”

  “Not if I have anything to say about it,” he answered and turned to Preston. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to get involved in fae business, but trouble’s coming for Amethyst.”

  Preston glared back at him. “Have I ever done anything to make you doubt I would protect your sister any way I can?”

  “No,” Paavo answered immediately. “Even though you desire her, you’ve stayed away because she was so young. You do realize she isn’t so young anymore. Don’t you?”

  Preston shook his head. “Don’t. I don’t ever want to hurt her. You know that.”

  Mathis rolled his eyes. “You did hurt her, but I understand why. You humans have some weird assumptions about age. By fifteen she could have handled you better than you can ever imagine.” He turned around and sat down.

  Preston felt the heat in his face as he turned his attention to Paavo. “Look, your sister is an amazing young woman. I am too old for her. Besides, I have a woman who makes me happy.”

  Paavo nodded as he moved back to his seat. “How is Jamie?”

  “She misses me, but she knows why I had to leave. It’s okay. I’ll be in Edenton until after my case is over, and then I’m taking a leave of absence so I can spend some real time with her. I won’t have to disappear for days at a time for a while.”

  “About time you found yourself someone,” Paavo said.

  * * * *

  Zack stood in the parking lot with his eyes closed and took a deep breath. There were so many darker emotions to draw power from. Humans and werewolves were quicker to anger than the fae, faster to judge, easier to compel. They should be anyway.

  Normally he could push his will on others, twisting their emotions higher, making them lash out and causing their own wave of chaos. In Edenton, he was closed off from many individuals, and met with resistance he’d never seen. He could still feed off the residual energy from emotions, but he couldn’t influence very many of them.

  He shrugged off the questions rattling around his head and walked into the bar. Hiding in shadows, he took a look around. So many people filled the place, but he found Amethyst sitting next to a blue haired woman.

  Amethyst was even more beautiful than his host’s memories. She gazed down at her drink with a pout as she swirled the straw. She was adorable, and the back part of his brain was sure her sadness was because she missed him.

  From what Zack saw of his host’s memories, the little lady wanted nothing to do with him, but he couldn’t disregard his new bodies’ desires. She was sensual and captivating though, and he himself desired her.

  He was going to enjoy crushing her hopes and dreams before breaking her. The nymph was a feast he planned to savor for as long as he could before he finally took her heart blood.

  Zack strolled to the bar and headed for Dacia, the same bitch who had thrown him out that morning. She sat at the counter, leaning toward the blond bartender.

  “This prick had the gall to try to slap me after an extremely disappointing night. He was just so tiny.” Her mouth twisted into a sneer. “Like this.” She held up her little finger.

  The blond shook her head and wore a smirk as she poured Dacia’s drink. “Well, I hear he was the same bastard who fucked Simons’ wife the other night.”

  “I can’t see why. I’m sure with Simons’ size, he has more than plenty to rock her world. Whoever said size didn’t matter obviously hasn’t had a big dick pounding into them.”

  He took a seat beside Dacia and leaned in to whisper against her ear. “Hello, sexy. Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?”

  She whipped around in her seat to glare at him. “You? What do you think you’re doing here? If you think that was a bad mood, stick around, because I have news for you. That was nothing compared to what I’ll do if you think that little, pathetic,” she held up her hand and put her thumb and forefinger barely an inch apart and dropped her gaze to his lap with a look of disgust, “excuse for a pecker is getting anywhere near me again, you are utterly wrong.”

  A writhing mass of anger flowed from her, wrapping around him, soaking into his pores. She was just full of bitterness, jealousy, and self-disgust. Of course he was drawn to her. Her energy was completely untethered and he could absorb it all day and night. Too bad she was so disgusted with him.

  “Now that’s just mean,” he replied lightly.

  “In case this morning wasn’t a good enough hint, last night was clearly a mistake I do not plan to repeat. So take your scrawny ass and move it on down the line.”

  The bartender snickered. “She’s PMSing. You may want to take her advice and choose another seat.”

  He nodded and moved to the corner of the bar where he could watch Amethyst moping at a table full of people. He recognized the redhead from his host’s memories. In fact the bartender was familiar too, but he couldn’t quite place her.

  He took a seat and the blond moved to him.

  There was fire in her eyes. “For the record, Zack, there are a lot of people who are ticked at you, including myself for what you did to tear apart a happy family. Now, I’m not putting all the blame on you, but I already heard what you did down at the diner. So don’t expect any sympathy from me.”

  One more person whose emotions he could feel but when he mentally tried to push her anger, he was once again blocked.

  Zack sighed. “Can I get a Pabst Blue Ribbon?”

  She snorted, but brought him a can and a glass. “Enjoy.”

  His gaze swung back to Amethyst as he popped the top.

  * * * *

  Hayden was still warring with his own conscience after spying on Amethyst while he walked down the hall to Stacey’s room. Three missed calls because he couldn’t tear his eyes from his little nymph.

  Shit, she’s not mine. Not yet anyway.

  Guilt was not an emotion he was used to. Now he was wallowing in it, but he didn’t have time to dwell on it. Something diabolical had found its way into his town, and he needed answers.

  Focusing on the case, he stepped into Stacey’s private room. He found Simons in a chair next to the bed. His head was bent over his wife as tears fell down his face. Her tiny hand was enveloped in both of his large ones.

  “Has she been awake?” Hayden asked from the door.

  Simons looked up. His voice was hoarse. “Only for a minute. She kept apologizing.” Stress lines creased his damp face. “Said she wasn’t herself, didn’t realize what she was doing. She begged me to forgive her, to not hate her. How can I hate her? I love her so damned much. I just want her whole so I can tell her.” He sobbed.

  Seeing Simons like that was worse than seeing Simons’ beast snarling through the surface after he found Stacey with another man.

  Hayden didn’t know what to say. The whole situation was fucked up, but he wondered what she meant about not being herself?

  He could feel the presence of something dark, like it was lurking, just out of sight. Was it possible that she really hadn’t known what she was doing? A chill traveled down his spine.

  “How are you holding up?” Okay, that was a stupid question, but he didn’t have a better one at the moment so he didn’t take it back.

  “Torn apart. I would do anything to fix this, anything at all. I love her with all my heart. I just need to make this right,” Simons pleaded.

  Hayden knew he wouldn’t be so quick to forgive if their positions were switched. Love was a funny thing. It could drive such strong emotions, from rage to forgiveness. It was something Hayden had never experienced and he wasn’t sure how Simons could move past Stacey’s betrayal.

  The right words eluded him, and Hayden offered the only sentiment he could. “You will. Just be there for her when she wakes up. Take the time you need. When you’re ready to come back to work let me know, but I won’t make you leave her side.”

  “Thank you, Hayden. Really, thank you.”

  “Don’t mention it. Just let me know if she wakes up and is coherent enough for a conversation because I do have some questions. I want to get to the bottom of this accident.”

  “I will.” Simons wiped the tears from his face and looked back down at his wife.

  Hayden stepped into the hall and pulled out his phone. He needed to talk to Mathis and Paavo now.

  * * * *

  Ten dollars in the jukebox, and Amethyst had picked some of her favorite songs by P!nk, Florence + the Machine, and Halestorm. Drumming Song was already playing and I Get Off was the last one she chose, and all because she couldn’t get that swim out of her head.

  Danika snickered. “Still have him on your mind, I see.”

  She shrugged one shoulder. “Yeah, but I’m not going there. He’s like twenty times my age, and three times my size. Besides, I’m not interested in anyone.”


  Twining her fingers through the ends of her hair, she stared up at Danika with a sheepish smile. “So he’s yummy, but I don’t need that. I’m fasting, and he’s like my favorite meal with the most scrumptious dessert I can imagine, so I have to stay away. Far, far away. At least for now, until what I just went through doesn’t hurt so much.”

  Danika laughed out loud. “Yeah, good luck with that, short-stuff. You want him and he’s all you’ve been thinking about all night.”

  “Who says he wants me?” She still wasn’t sure he did. He might be tempted but he hadn’t made a single move, and he hadn’t bothered to tell anyone why he didn’t make it to the bar. Maybe he wasn’t interested after all.

  “He does. Trust me.”

  “I don’t know, Dani. He hasn’t said anything to make me think he is.” Self-conscious wasn’t her normal mode, but the way he claimed just friends status made her doubt herself.

  “You were still rattled last night when you showed up. He’s probably giving you time to adjust.”

  “Maybe. Or maybe he just likes what he sees, and doesn’t want the hassle of a woman.” Amethyst dropped her gaze and sighed.

  “He wants you, and I have a feeling he gets what he wants.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready,” she answered softly.

  “Perhaps you just need a new flavor to wipe out the old.” Danika winked and strode away.

  That idea had merit. Maybe she needed to lead. She just prayed it wouldn’t be a repeat of the one time she went after what she wanted instead of waiting.

  Wait, am I really contemplating chasing Sheriff Eyeball already? Yes, yes I am.

  With the decision made, Amethyst turned to go to the bar for another drink. Maybe a little inebriation would loosen her up for a dance.

  A little flirting would go a long way to cheer her up. It had been too long since she let the music sweep her away as she pressed close to a strong man. Since Carl she hadn’t bothered to tap into anyone’s lust until Hayden earlier that day. Maybe that was the pick me up she needed.

  “Hey, sweet thing, want a dance?” That voice was so familiar, and yet it was dark and wrong somehow. She couldn’t quite place it.

  Amethyst turned to face the owner of the creepy drawl and came face to face with a skater boy. He was only six or so inches taller than her and sort of wiry, but there was menace in his posture, violence promised in his gaze. A sense of déjà vu washed over her.

  “No thanks.” She fought not to shudder, but he was seriously creeping her out. “Not interested.”

  “Too bad.” He moved into her path and reached for her.

  Amethyst took a quick step back and Clint stepped up beside her. “This creep bothering you, gem?”

  She almost laughed at the endearment, but Clint didn’t come off as sleazy, just sort of protective. “Yeah, he’s not taking a hint.” She glared back at the stranger. “I am not dancing with you. So get out of my face.”

  Skater boy took another step toward her, and Clint moved in front of her to place a hand on the kid’s chest. “The lady said no, so you need to take a step back and leave her the hell alone. I guarantee you don’t want to mess with me or any of the rest of her friends. So back off already.”

  The kid glared at her. “We aren’t done,” he warned but walked away, down the hall and disappeared into the shadows. It was like the shadows wrapped around him, whisking Zack away.

  That sent a chill down her spine. She shook it off and turned to Clint with a genuine smile. “Thank you.”

  His face lit up. “So, what do you want to drink?”

  “After that, I owe you one.”

  “I promised you a drink this afternoon, but I’ll take a dance later, if you’re up for it.”

  She grinned. “You’re on. You can get me a Cherry Crush.”

  “Why don’t you go sit with Fallon and I’ll bring it to you?” Clint sauntered up to the bar and she went to sit at their table.

  * * * *

  Around one in the morning, Hayden was finally finished with work, but he was left with a thousand questions. Paavo wasn’t available so he left him a voicemail. The lack of answers pissed him off.

  He was disappointed when he didn’t see Amethyst’s Jeep. His mood only darkened when he stepped inside and she wasn’t there at all. The bar was pretty empty. Clint and Mark were playing pool, and Slater sat at the end of the counter drinking a beer while he talked to his mate and her twin.

  Hayden took a seat next to the Alpha. “Hey, Slater. You know anything about Stacey being in the hospital?”

  Slater looked over and shook his head. “Just that Simons was with me when he got the call. I know he’s been
having a rough time, but he’s been at the hospital ever since he heard, and before that he was helping me deal with another problem. Something bad is here. I don’t have a clue what, but it has all of our hackles raised.” Slater leaned back in his seat and looked up at the ceiling. “You find out what that kid Zack is? Or what he’s doing here?”

  “Not sure what he is. Only saw him once and just briefly. I had to drag Simons away before he beat the bastard to death. I’ll see if I can’t find him, but he seems to be avoiding me, and doing a damned good job of it.”

  Jamie slid a Guinness his way. “You’re missing her, aren’t you?”

  “Who?” Hayden sighed, knowing exactly who she was referring to.

  “Don’t play coy. I know what you’re feeling for her. You think it’s the fae connection, camaraderie, or whatever. That’s bullshit though, it’s more than that.”

  “Who?” Dacia asked as she slid onto the stool next to him, “Me? You missing me? Because, sexy, I’m all yours, anytime you want me.”

  “You’d have to be far, far away for me to miss you, and even then, it would be a relief.”

  “Who then? I haven’t seen you look at anyone, ever.” She pouted. “Not even me, and I know I’m beautiful.”

  “Looks aren’t everything. You’re cold, and obsessive. Bad combination.” Crazy too, but he knew he shouldn’t mention that to her. Hayden sipped his beer, thinking about just leaving. Besides, he liked more curves on women than the air fae who was built more like a model in need of a few good meals.

  “Please tell me it’s not that little girl you brought in last night, the one with the weird ass purple hair and big violet eyes. She’s all pierced and just skanky. Somehow, she still manages to look innocent. It’s so fucking fake.”

  “Skanky?” Hayden shot a glance at her dress which left little to the imagination, “That is skanky, Amethyst wore loose pants and her cleavage was covered. So how was that skanky?”

  “She just oozed sexuality with all that long flowing hair, and her coy little glances at you. The way she smiled every time she looked your way, like she couldn’t quite help herself, but she was trying to fight it. She’s all fraught with sexual tension, and it’s so juvenile. And tonight she wore a cute little skirt and sweater to accentuate her figure.”


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