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Shadows of the Past

Page 10

by Brandy L Rivers

  Actually, he kind of liked that she was a little timid. He really liked her pissy little attitude when she was annoyed. Or when she was naked and swimming, when she thought no one was looking.

  Dacia cleared her throat, and when he looked her eyes were narrowed at him.

  He groaned. “What is your point?”

  Her eyes flashed and her nostrils flared. “You do want her,” she accused. “You fucking want her,” she practically screamed.

  Hayden’s eyes lasered in on her and he snarled, “I almost understand your bullshit attitude about Fallon when she first showed up, but Brody was stupid enough to sleep with you once. I don’t get you freaking out over me possibly noticing anyone when I haven’t given you any reason to get your hopes up.”

  “We’re the same, Hayden. We are both fae.”

  “No, oh no, we are not the same. Take your shitty attitude and leave me alone.”

  “Whatever.” She didn’t shut up though. “It’s funny. She seems interested in that freak, Clint. He came to her rescue when skater boy tried to come on to her and got snippy when she turned him down. Later she danced with Clint, all nice and close.” Dacia smirked before she turned to walk away. She called back, “Plus, I don’t think she could handle you on her best day.”

  Hayden slammed back in his stool and bared his teeth.

  “See, you are missing Amethyst.” Jamie grinned.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face. “That obvious?”

  She nodded, “Don’t worry. She was missing you while she was here. Every time anyone mentioned your name, she moped just a bit.”

  “If you want to sneak in under her radar, which is what I recommend,” Jess winked, “bring her lunch tomorrow. She loves sushi, pretty much any kind. Don’t forget dessert. Just make sure it’s something sweet, especially if it’s fruity. She loves sweet things.”

  “She’s made it clear she isn’t ready for anyone. So I’m not chasing.”

  “Uh huh.” Slater chuckled.

  He huffed. “It’s not like that. We’re both fae, and she reminds me of home. She is a sweet girl, I just like being around her.” That sounded lame to even him.

  Jess grinned. “Sure, and that’s how it starts, but I guarantee it’s not where it stops.”

  “You do realize that no one likes it when you go all prophet on them, right?”

  Slater nodded as humor danced in his gray eyes. “She does. Don’t you, love? She just can’t help herself, though.”

  Jess folded her arms over her chest. “You’re all just jealous. I’m trying to help, but no one ever wants to listen to me. It’s really damned frustrating, especially since I refrain from saying so much.”

  “Sorry,” he grumbled.

  “It’s okay, I know you’re stressed.” Jess sighed.

  Jamie gave her sister a look. “I’m guessing it’s because of Stacey’s accident. Darla and Jolene were both kind of distant after working on her. Something was bothering them, but they didn’t seem to connect the dots.”

  “Have you seen any clues?” He looked to Jess. “And yes, I’m asking you to go prophet, just seconds after complaining about it.”

  Jess frowned. “Sorry, I only see darkness and shadows. It doesn’t make sense.” She shrugged. “I know that isn’t any help. Not much I can do about that.”

  “If you do see something, keep me posted. Even if it’s not clear, anything will help at this point.” If his suspicions were right, they were all in for a world of trouble.

  Chapter 7

  Preston hadn’t made it to Jamie’s the night before. He stopped in Seattle to listen to Mathis and Paavo recount everything they knew about Izackarus and the Shadow Fae. They both hoped they were wrong. Mathis did say that the sample of black goo felt like Izackarus, but without seeing the scroll in person, he had no way to be a hundred percent sure.

  They told him the signs to look for, and told him he needed to go see that asshole Hayden because he had already found some strange shit. He couldn’t stand the sheriff, but the feeling was mutual.

  If what they said was true, it wasn’t just Amethyst at risk. All of Edenton was in danger for the immediate future, but if Izackarus and his plans went unchecked, the chaos would spread. So he drove to the police station and walked in.

  Erik glanced up with a raised brow. “Hi, Preston.”

  He raised his hand in greeting. “Is Hayden here?”

  “Yeah, in his office.”

  Preston nodded and went in without knocking. Hayden sat back in his chair with a scowl but didn’t say a word.

  “We need to talk. I’m sure Paavo already told you I was coming.”

  He nodded. “Then sit and we’ll talk.”

  Preston squared his shoulders and stood his ground. “How much did Paavo tell you?”

  “That Mathis believes my suspicions are correct.”

  “And those are?”

  Hayden’s brow arched. “Why do you care? This isn’t your town. You’re not invested in this.”

  Asshole always thought he knew everything. Preston glared back. “I care about what happens to my friends, and I have a few here. I don’t want anything to happen to Amethyst, Jamie, Fallon or anyone else for that matter.”

  Hayden snarled, “Amethyst? Tell me you haven’t touched her.”

  Preston seethed at that assumption and snarled back, “If you lay a single hand on her, I swear to God I will tear you apart.” He could just imagine that big asshole trampling all over her sweet personality. He’d ruin her worse than Preston ever could.

  The sheriff shot to his feet and the whole building shook as his anger radiated through the room. “What have you done to her? That innocent young woman doesn’t deserve trash like you.”

  “Done?” He let out a bitter laugh. “I protected her from the likes of Jarvis. I’ve kept her safe from the Council when her piece of shit, stalker ex accused her of enthralling him.”

  Hayden’s mouth fell open. “What?”

  Preston’s nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. “You heard me.”

  “You haven’t fucked her like every other woman you see?”

  “Hey, I haven’t been with anyone but Jamie for over a year. I know I have a bad reputation, but have you ever seen me looking in another woman’s direction?”

  Hayden took a deep breath and shook his head no. “True, but after what Tom said you told Brody, I just assumed.”

  “Well fuck you. I was there the day Amethyst was born. I will never let anyone hurt her. That means you, asshole.”

  Hayden glared back but nodded slightly before taking his seat. “So, the Shadows?”

  Preston grudgingly took a seat and considered how much to tell the judgmental Fae meat shield.

  “Why don’t you just put it all out on the table? I need to know what in the Abyss is going on.” He growled.

  Preston scowled. “It’s still under investigation. I can’t give you all the details as they are still classified.” And he’d be damned if he gave this prick any reason to suspect Amethyst had a hand in this mess. “An old fae scroll was found in a dead warlock’s apartment. Here’s the thing, the council didn’t find the scroll in the first sweep of the apartment. There was a dark spell hiding the real mess. There was blood and that shadow shit everywhere. I also found an old fae scroll. It’s written in a combination of the fae languages. Archives are trying to decipher it.”

  Hayden narrowed his eyes. “A fae scroll? Shit. The warlock really released a Shadow Fae into this realm?”

  “Looks that way.”

  “And you didn’t think it might be smart to contact a fae about it?” Hayden’s nostrils flared and his chest heaved. “We’re talking real chaos being unleashed, and you just keep this shit to yourselves?”

  Preston shot to his feet. “What do you think you can do about it? Huh? Got some answers? I just shared information I don’t believe you can do a damned thing about, and instead of offering some sort of explanation, you’re complaining that I don’t trust you.”<
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  Hayden stood up and looked down at him. “How am I supposed to help if you guys don’t trust me with all the information? I can’t tell you anything new without all of the facts.”

  “Newsflash, asswipe, I just gave you facts. It looks like a warlock released a shadow fae into this realm, and died in the process. What else can I tell you?”

  “You don’t have the scroll. I can’t confirm it. Can you at least give me a name so I can check into it?”

  “Carl Umbra. Good luck with that. We’ve already looked into the warlock.” With that, Preston stormed off.

  * * * *

  A shiver traveled down her spine as she felt a pair of eyes fall on her. It wasn’t a good shiver, it left Amethyst feeling dirty. She found a pair of dark, dark eyes. So dark she couldn’t discern the pupil from the iris, and his hair was a dark, dusky, grayish purple. It was the same prick from the bar, and her stomach turned over.

  Something was off about him, but she shrugged it off and forced a smile. “Hi. Can I help you?”

  “I heard there was a new body piercer, and here you are. By the way, I’m Zack,” he held out a hand, but instinct insisted she didn’t touch him. She held up her gloved hands. Clint had told her that was the same jerk who tried to steal Simons’ wife. His gaze dropped to her crotch, and a dirty smirk played on his mouth. “Right, well I was hoping you could squeeze me in.”

  Could he be any more blatantly disgusting? “Sorry, I have a couple clients back to back in just a moment. I’m pretty booked. You could talk to Adam. Maybe he can fit you in somewhere.” Or not, because she had every intention of vetoing that before it happened.

  He scowled and took two steps toward her with a chilling smile. “How about right now?”

  “With that attitude, try never.” She glared right back at him, “Now get out of my room.”

  “I don’t want to,” he growled, and she knew he was something Other, but not what. He wasn’t wolf or another type of shifter, he wasn’t mage or shaman or even druid. He sure as heck didn’t feel like any kind of fae she had ever encountered. But he was something dark, sinister, something of nightmares, and still eerily familiar.

  “Out, now, or I will remove you,” she said in a low voice, refusing to back down. A lot scarier men had tried to intimidate her in the past, and she wasn’t in the habit of letting them. So this skeevy little skater could go screw himself because she wasn’t going to let him push her around.

  “No.” He smirked, obviously not afraid. She was just a nymph, nothing too spectacular, but she punched him in the gut without any warning and shoved him right out her door as Tomahawk and Adam came charging back. Zack landed on his rear.

  “I’d recommend getting off your butt and walking out the door before these gentlemen toss you out.” She tapped her toe and heard the front door open. Amethyst was focused on the punk at her feet and didn’t bother looking up. “Well, you going or what?”

  The jerk stood up fast, and got in her face, but she stood her ground. “Out now. And Adam, if this prick does call to schedule an appointment, you can tell him where to go, I won’t pierce pushy bastards.”

  Zack backed toward the door, glaring at her, his breath heavy but he reached down and cupped his groin. “Maybe I’ll just pierce you.”

  Before she could react, Hayden blurred down the hallway and decked Zack, who crumpled to the ground. “Leave her alone. She doesn’t need trash like you anywhere near her. Now go.” And Zack did, once he picked himself up off the floor a second time, this time wiping the blood off his face with the back of his hand.

  Amethyst took her gloves off and went back in her room, but everyone followed except Fallon, who was working her magic in another room.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked.

  “Did that bastard hurt you?” Tomahawk growled.

  “Stop, I’m fine. Really. Just a little rattled. I didn’t like the way he was looking at me, and I didn’t like the way he got in my space. I probably shouldn’t have punched him, but I just did.” Amethyst sighed. “Really, I’m fine.”

  Tomahawk and Adam shared a look before both narrowed their eyes at her.

  Her hands landed on her hips and she glared at both of them. “Just go, I’m a big girl. You don’t need to treat me like a kid. I handled myself perfectly fine.”

  “Okay, I’ll give you that.” Adam patted her on the back. “Can’t blame us for worrying about the tiny little lady.”

  Amethyst crossed her arms over her chest. “Doesn’t mean I can’t be mean.”

  Tomahawk finally broke into a grin. “We better watch out, she doesn’t look like she’s playing around.” He dragged Adam out of the room.

  “You hungry?” Hayden smiled, stealing her attention.

  “Yeah, but I only have half an hour before my brother and Mathis show up.” She rolled her eyes but grinned a little. “They want matching earrings.”

  One dark brow arched. “I brought food. Sushi, Jess assured me you love it. I also have a mixed berry cobbler. They might not sound like they go together, but I have it on good authority that you are a sucker for sweet things.”

  Blushing, she nodded. “I am, and I do love sushi. Thank you, but you didn’t have to.”

  “Well then, let’s eat before your brother comes in. Consider this my way of apologizing for not showing when I promised. I was called in at the last minute.”

  “Hey, you’re the sheriff, it’s your job, and it wasn’t a big deal.” His gesture was sweet, and gave her an idea. “Tonight, if you don’t get called in,” she bit her bottom lip and smiled, “we can play a few games of pool.”

  “I’d like that, now let’s get you fed.” He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and they went to sit at one of the tables out front.

  Okay, he was perfect, and sweet, and thoughtful. Oh, and so gorgeous she wanted to lick him from head to toe. She looked down at the box he slid her way and blushed.

  “What are you thinking?” he whispered.

  She shook her head. There was no way she was about to admit to the dirty little fantasy running through her head. Amethyst could just see herself in a pair silver cuffs and not much more while he conducted a sensual interrogation. She swallowed hard, and met his gaze. “That I really appreciate you coming to the rescue back there. And food will always put you on my good side.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I was down this way.” He half shrugged and it did impressive things to the way his uniform clung to his body. “What happened? What did he do to make your claws come out? And for the record, I’m glad they did.”

  She told him all of it, even about the creepy feeling skater boy gave her. It wasn’t like having Hayden’s eyes on her, which felt good, really good. Yet, Zack reminded her of Carl.

  His dark eyes stayed on hers, a frown pulled on the corners of his mouth, and he leaned in as if he really was truly focused on every detail.

  “Anyway,” she added, “I tend to trust my gut, and I don’t trust him. I don’t want him near me.”

  “I don’t trust him either, and I can’t believe what he said to you.” The feral growl that rumbled out of him only turned her on. She knew it shouldn’t but it so did. “I know you could have handled it, but it pissed me off.”

  “Thanks anyway, and I don’t mind so much. I was sort of stunned he said it.” She looked down at her meal and continued eating.

  The bells rang, and she looked up to watch Paavo and Mathis stroll in. “Amethyst, hon, how are you?” Paavo came over and she got up to receive a hug from each of them.

  “I’m good, but you’re going to have to let me finish eating. The nice sheriff is convinced he has to make sure I feel welcomed, which I do,” she teased. “Besides, you’re early.”

  “Go on then.” Paavo took a seat across from them, Mathis joined him. “It’s good to see you Hayden. It has been a very long time.”

  “Yes. How are you faring in Edenton?” Mathis asked.

  Hayden answered, “Good, just came in to bring Amethyst some l
unch. How are you two doing?”

  “Just using the piercing as an excuse to visit my sister.” Paavo grinned.

  Mathis winked at Amethyst. “We missed our little sister.”

  Paavo nodded and turned his attention back to her. “So how have things been since the move?”

  “Good, been super busy.” She crammed the last bite in her mouth and went to wash her hands. When she came back he had a little dish of cobbler set at her seat. “Mmm, that looks really good, Hayden.”

  He squeezed her shoulder. “It is. I got it down at HoneyLove. They have great pastries.”

  Paavo grinned at her. “The sheriff seems to have his eyes set on you.”

  She didn’t miss the dark look Hayden shot at Paavo. “Just being friendly, and apologizing in person for missing out on a game of pool.”

  Amethyst couldn’t help blushing. “Anyway, as soon as I finish my cobbler, we’ll go back and take care of the piercings.”

  Hayden tipped his head to her. “Well, I need to be going. I’ll see you tonight?”

  She nodded enthusiastically.

  Hayden glanced at Paavo and Mathis. “Before you head back to Seattle, can you stop by my office? I need to talk to you both.”

  “Sure thing,” Mathis answered, and Paavo nodded with a smirk.

  Hayden stood up with a smile and left with a little wave.

  “The sheriff, huh?” Mathis chuckled. “He is really big and gorgeous. How are you not all over him yet? He obviously wants a piece of you.”

  She blushed. “I think he’s giving me time to adjust.” Her mouth twisted into a grin.

  “And you like him.”

  “Yeah, I really do. He’s sort of perfect so far. For now he’s taking his time to get to know me.”

  “And sweeping you off your feet,” Paavo teased.

  Mathis snorted. “I give it a week, tops.”

  “I’ll be surprised if she lasts four days.” Paavo snickered.


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