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Shadows of the Past

Page 11

by Brandy L Rivers

  She blushed again. She wasn’t totally sure if she was ready for all of his big-and-grr warrior self, but she planned to find out.

  Amethyst couldn’t help a wicked grin. “Haha, very funny. And you are both wrong. I plan to make my move soon, maybe tomorrow.” She needed to build a little confidence first. “Come on, let’s get this done.”

  * * * *

  Dacia had watched the whole scene play out from the window of the A Good Book. It was located across from Inktastic and provided an excellent view. That little shit, Zack, was trying to stir up trouble everywhere. She watched as he tried to intimidate Amethyst. What was it about her that drew all these men, especially Hayden?

  Hayden had stormed in, dropped a bag on the table and charged down the hall to throw Zack out.

  “Just a warning,” Tremaine said, nearly startling Dacia. “You should go after a man who is honestly interested in you. I have never once in the time I’ve known either Brody or Hayden seen either man give you any clue they might be interested.”

  Dacia spun around and glared at him. She would have gone after Tremaine if it wasn’t so damned obvious he was in love with Liz from the moment she met them. Dacia didn’t like women and she was half tempted to fall in love with Liz herself.

  “Why do you care?” Dacia snapped.

  Tremaine leaned against the wall and shrugged one shoulder. “Look, after what you did to Fallon, I would think you learned your lesson. That little woman across the way has done nothing to you, and yet I see the wheels turning in your head as you plot her demise.”

  Dacia crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m not plotting her demise. I’m plotting a way to turn Hayden’s attention from the tramp with hair by Crayola to me. I don’t plan on harming the little snot.”

  “And when you can’t sway his attention?” Tremaine asked with narrowed eyes.

  Dacia closed her eyes and groaned. “Then I plan on leaving her alone.”

  “Good, because you could learn something from Amethyst. She’s a sweet girl, and if you give her a chance, you might just like her.”

  “Take your fucking advice and shove it.”

  Tremaine shook his head. “You don’t have to be such a bitch.”

  “Why do you care? You’re in love with Liz. Maybe you should take a page from my book and go after her.”

  Tremaine rubbed the back of his neck as he glanced out the window. “Doesn’t matter what I feel for her. She’s in love with a close friend of mine and I would never hurt either one of them.”

  “And it will never get you the girl.” She sighed and turned back to watch Hayden and Amethyst eating lunch.

  “Liz was never meant for me. Just like Hayden is not meant for you.” She heard Tremaine walk away and she felt a little guilty for throwing his feelings at him.

  Hayden walked out of Inktastic a whole ten minutes later and turned back to look at that little wench one last time before heading back to his vehicle.

  It was time to nip his little infatuation in the bud once and for all. She had claimed Hayden, so she refused to let a little tramp waltz in to steal him away. She hurried out the door and caught up with him.

  “Just the man I was looking for,” she murmured seductively.

  He kept walking without a glance in her direction. “I don’t have time for your games, Dacia. I have work to do.”

  “You had time to bring that little girl lunch, and a pastry. A fucking pastry. Since when do you eat raw fish or baked goods?”

  “If I wasn’t so busy, I would ask you why the hell you’re stalking me. Seriously though, I don’t care. Get lost.”

  “Look, what has you wound so tight? Little girl won’t play with you? I’m telling you, she can’t handle you. Not like I can.”

  Hayden stopped, closed his eyes and took a deep breath as his jaw clenched and his hands cranked into fists. “I’m warning you, Dacia. Back the fuck off the girl. You go near her to start shit, and you will answer to me.”

  She smirked. “I like to play rough.”

  “I’m not playing,” he growled. Stalking off he climbed into his SUV and then slammed the door.

  * * * *

  Hayden sat in his office with his father’s old journals laid open. Xenu had helped Sapphire in her mission to rid Faerie of the Shadow Fae when the nightmare creatures were still a plague. He remembered the tales, but he never really believed. What Xenu recounted on paper was so much worse than the stories he told.

  Preston had filled him in on the basics. He now had a tense truce with the damned mage, at least for the time being. Somehow, he had a hard time believing that Preston’s intentions toward Amethyst were as pure as he claimed, but there was no trace of a lie. He couldn’t even blame Preston for worrying about Hayden being with Amethyst. It wasn’t going to stop him from pursuing her when she was ready though.

  Paavo and Mathis strolled in and took a seat across from him. “Take a look at this.” He passed a vial of the black sludge mixed with blood. “Is it really the Shadows?”

  Mathis grabbed Paavo’s hand before he could reach for it. “It is. Preston took a similar sample. It feels the same.”

  “He did?” Hayden asked with a snort. “That conceited ass actually took evidence?”

  “Keep in mind that he is one of the few open minded Silver Council Enforcers. He also takes his position rather seriously.”

  Hayden narrowed his eyes at Paavo. “Yeah, but what about him and your sister?”

  He shrugged, a crooked smile tweaking his mouth. “If he wasn’t still half in love with my mother, and the age difference didn’t bother him, he would be good for Amethyst. He risked much to step in and stop Jarvis from touching her while she was held by the Council.”

  Sitting back, Hayden scrubbed a hand over his face. “Did he really?” Now he felt like a prick because he’d spied on her while she was swimming.

  “Yeah. Trust me, he’s not a bad guy. He could have had Amethyst a decade ago, when she threw herself at him. As much as he wanted her, and he did, he turned her down because he thought it was wrong.”

  Hayden growled and Mathis and Paavo both laughed. That didn’t stop Hayden’s mile wide jealous streak. Just the thought of Amethyst in Preston’s arms made him want to break something.

  Mathis continued, “She had a crush, and no one ever turns her down. He has always been good to her, but he never crossed any lines. So cut him a little slack.”


  “But,” Paavo raised one eyebrow and pointed at Hayden, “if you do hurt her, I will help Preston gut you. Just keep that in mind, lover-boy.”

  “I don’t plan to hurt her. I’m taking my time because she said she isn’t ready. Think you could tell me why?”

  Paavo gave Mathis a long look. Mathis nodded and Paavo turned back to Hayden with a serious expression. “I’m only going to tell you because you should know, but when she does tell you what happened, you better listen to her like we never said a word.”

  Hayden leaned forward. “Done.”

  * * * *

  Amethyst hopped up on a stool and looked into Hayden’s eyes. He watched her with a slight smile that warmed her all over.

  She couldn’t help her flirty tone. “So, you don’t mind losing to a girl?” One corner of her mouth tipped up.

  He leaned closer as a smile crossed his lips. “Not at all. I’m enjoying my evening. Are you?”

  “I am, but I’m nearly famished.” She glanced over at the kitchen, feeling just a little nervous. “I hope our food comes soon.”

  His laugh was light, and he never took his eyes from hers. “We could have ordered sooner, but I think you like kicking my ass.”

  “Only because you’re taking it so well. If you were one of those guys who whined and pouted I would have stopped playing in favor of dancing.”

  One brow rose. “And now you tell me?”

  Her eyes widened. “You like to dance?”

  “I am Fae. Don’t we all?” His grin was wicked.

; “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been there.”

  “That’s right, but yes, I do like to dance.”

  Lincoln chose that moment to bring their burgers. He smiled bashfully. “If you would like anything else, please let me know.”

  “Thank you,” she answered. Hayden nodded. Poor Lincoln blushed and hurried away. She couldn’t help wondering why he was so shy before she turned her attention back to Hayden who watched her intently.

  “Do you ever want to visit Faerie?” he asked quietly.

  She shrugged one shoulder. “I really don’t know.” A sigh escaped her lips. “Do you?”

  He took a deep breath as he picked up a fry. “Sometimes I miss it, but until Henroyld is no longer the Earth Realm’s king, I won’t go back.”

  “But I thought Aeryana was the ruling leader. He only holds the title as her husband. Or am I mistaken?”

  “You’re right, but he had his own father killed to take the title. He’s plotting a way to take the throne from his wife.”

  “Is that why you left?”

  He nodded slightly. “In part. I was his father’s advisor and General for a century before Henroyld took over.” His eyes slid shut as a grimace twisted his features. “He expected me to do his dirty work. I left Faerie instead.”

  Her eyes were wide when he opened his. She was slightly breathless when she asked, “And he doesn’t hunt you?”

  “I told him I would stay away from Faerie almost two hundred years ago. He took me at my word and I haven’t been back. Aeryana is a good woman, and I advised her to keep her trusted protectors closest before I left.”

  “And if he were gone?”

  He smiled slightly. “I’ve made a life here. I might visit if he were no longer a concern, but I doubt I would move back. As odd as it is, I fit here with the Others in Edenton. This is home now.”

  “I’m not sure I could live in Faerie. Mom has told me about how most fae are stuck in the past, with old values and ideas I just don’t share.”

  “Yes, in ways the Fae have more modern ideas and in others they carry many double standards. It took me decades to get used to living with humans. I think perhaps I’ve changed too much to find my place there again.”

  Amethyst watched him eat as she took a bite of her salmon burger. Thinking of Faerie brought up questions she was afraid to ask, but if she really was considering making a move, it might be good to have a few answers.

  As if he read her mind, Hayden said, “You can ask me anything.”

  The words fell out of her mouth. “Did you ever form a bond with anyone, or have a spouse?”

  He gave her a sad smile as he set his burger down. “No, neither. I disappointed my parents when I didn’t find a woman who could captivate me.” His gaze held hers as he licked his lips. Then he sighed. “My parents died in the Great War between the Fire and Water Realms.”

  “You had both of your parents?”

  “I did. I understand Gabriel Sharpclaw has been with your mother since before you were born.”

  “As far as I’m concerned, he’s my dad. My blood father died when he went back to Faerie. Mom says he wanted to convince our Queen to remove our exile. Apparently Saressa sees my family as a threat, and all because of something to do with my grandmother." She half laughed. “She’s been dead for over five hundred years. According to Mom, I took more after Sapphire than she ever did, but she won’t tell me more than that.”

  Hayden squinted as his head tipped to the side. “I know that name. I don’t recall Paavo ever mentioning her though. What did your mother tell you?”

  “I don’t know. It had something to do with old ghost stories or some such nonsense. It was kind of hard to believe.”

  “You don’t believe in the old tales?” Hayden smiled but she could swear there was concern in his molten chocolate eyes.

  Amethyst shook her head. “Look at it from my point of view. I grew up in a city full of humans. I even went to public school. So when my Awakening happened, it was like watching a thousand movies at once, all on super-fast forward. I usually only remember what I need to know.”

  “Who was it?” He asked gruffly, and then jerked his head to the side with a grimace. “Sorry, stupid question.”

  She laughed. “Scotty, an old friend of Paavo and Mathis. He was very sweet, but that was the only time. It was just that Paavo knew I had a crush on a changeling and he wanted my awakening out of the way just in case I got too frisky with him.” She winced herself as the dark look crossed his features. “Sorry, I’m a nymph, remember. If you think teenage hormones are bad, toss that little bit of DNA in and well, mine were worse. At least I have a very open minded family who brought me lots of toys to keep myself… entertained.” If she blushed any harder her face was going to go up in flames. “After my first time with a human, I was too scared of what I can do to have any naked fun time with anyone for a long time.”

  “Why? Did he hurt you?” He asked and the words vibrated through her. Every glass in the place seemed to shake.

  Her eyes widened, not in fear, but the way he looked at her made her ache for him. “Oh no, it wasn’t that. I just enthralled him, and like a stupid teenager who thought she was in love, compelled him to spend every second with me. Let’s just say the way we dealt with that was beyond embarrassing and leave it at that.”

  “Well,” Hayden gave her semblance of a smile, “my first time was with a friend of my family. She hadn’t been through the Awakening, and it was a mess. Neither of us knew what to do, and we weren’t very good at figuring it out, at least until I… um got off. Then at least I saw enough from the memories to take care of her.” He pushed a hand through his hair, and she noticed his blush when he said, “Yeah, let’s talk about anything else.”

  “Yes, please.” A nervous giggle bubbled out of Amethyst. She couldn’t ever imagine Hayden nervous and fumbling with any woman. He always seemed so confident and driven, which put incredible images in her head.

  She picked up her burger, but before she took a bite she asked, “How long have you been in Edenton?”

  His eyes snapped to hers. “One hundred and fifty two years.” He watched her carefully, probably gauging her reaction.

  Amethyst managed not to panic. She knew he was older, and that he had been a general for a century and that math alone put him at three hundred at the very least. “And that makes you how old?”

  His expression saddened, and she managed a smile. Hayden wet his lips and said, “Five hundred and twenty.”

  And for some reason, the fact that he was over a hundred years younger than her brother made her feel better. Her brow arched and her lips twisted into a grin. “I would have imagined you were older.”

  Hayden let out the breath he’d been holding and smiled. “After dinner, are you going to get back to kicking my ass?”

  “Only if you promise to be as good of a sport as you have been.”

  “Of course, but you have to promise me at least one dance,” he murmured.

  She wanted to feel his arms around her, and his body pressed close. “Only one?”

  Chapter 8

  Hayden found himself outside Inktastic the very next day. He lost game after game to the little nymph and spent hours of just getting to know Amethyst better. Then they danced, and he could only manage to get through two songs before he had to take her home or he wouldn’t be able to keep her hands to himself. Now it was his day off and he couldn’t get her out of his head.

  She sat with her knees drawn to her chest, her head back as she spun herself in the chair with her hands. Fallon perched on the opposite table watching Amethyst with an amused expression.

  Fallon looked up and her brow arched. “Told you.” She hopped up and headed out the door.

  Amethyst stopped the chair by slapping her hands on the desk with a radiant smile. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

  Hayden shrugged, a little grin lifting the corners of his mouth. “Had a couple of errands to run. HoneyLove had these new tarts
and I wanted to try them with someone.”

  Her whole face lit up as she shifted in the seat to sit on her legs, and scoot up to the desk. She was a fascinating combination of adorable and sexy in her ripped up jeans, leggings and snuggly little lavender sweater that hugged all of her curves. Her hair was tied up in a loose knot, with shorter strands framing her face. Hayden just wanted to wrap his arms around her and pull her close.

  “You brought me one?” She practically purred.

  “Yup, I didn’t have time to stop for lunch or anything, but these looked awfully good.” He winked and she giggled in delight as he slid one her way. Besides, he knew Tomahawk had taken her to lunch already. The prick had called him to rub it in his face.

  “Ooh, cherry.” She licked her lips as she looked into his eyes. His heart stuttered when she added, “You really are sweet. I think I’ll have to buy you a beer if you show up at In 2 Deep tonight.”

  He rolled his eyes playfully. “You know that isn’t necessary.”

  “About as necessary as you bringing me treats. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to get into my pants.” She batted her lashes at him.

  Tomahawk entered the room and dropped into the chair beside her. “You’re one good tug from that with all those holes.”

  Pursing her lips, she glanced sideways at him. “These are my favorite jeans. I can’t get rid of them, and I really don’t want to cut them off.” She pouted. “Besides, they’d be like daisy dukes and my butt is too big for that.”

  “Oh, no it’s not, you have a perfect ass,” Hayden rebuked automatically.

  “Tight, juicy, just perfect,” Tomahawk added. Hayden’s jaw clenched as he flexed his hands. Tom smirked. “But don’t tell Darla I said that. She might hurt me.”

  “Please. She knows you are a total letch, but we all know you would never betray her.” Amethyst shot him a pointed look. That brought Hayden’s temper down a few notches. Her gaze swung back to Hayden. “So what brings you down? Besides tarts.” she took a bite and groaned as she fell back in her seat with a seductive smile that sucker punched him. “Oh, so yummy.”


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