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Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

Page 5

by Robin Helm

  Xander was beginning to realize that he would have quite a job keeping his adventurous charge from mishaps. Niall could not restrain a small grin at the thought, but he carefully averted his face from Xander’s and struggled to control his mind. Xander had caught his fleeting thought, and grimaced, chagrined. Niall’s charge was clumsy and accident-prone, it was true, but Elizabeth seemed to gravitate toward mischief.


  Lucifer, the great Satan, materialized in the living room of the house in Charlotte. As he took human form, he issued a command to the human couple bowing before him. Four hulking demons began to take form on either side of him, flanking him protectively. The entire house was already filled and covered with imps – so many that the view of the house was blocked to light beings in the area. There was a complete absence of light.

  “Bring my son to me,” he said in a low, authoritative voice.

  Cathy immediately went to the little boy’s room where he was watching television. He looked up as she entered his room, and pushed the black, thick hair back from his amber eyes.

  “Your father is here to see you again,” she said quietly, taking him by the hand and leading him toward the place where the Dark Prince waited impatiently, pacing back and forth across the room.

  As soon as he saw the boy, the Dark Lord took long strides to lift him into his arms. Lucifer laughed. “It’s like looking into a mirror,” he remarked to his grinning foot soldiers. “He is truly beautiful, is he not?” The question was rhetorical; no one would dare to disagree.

  As the four-year-old looked evenly into his father’s eyes, showing no fear, the Master of Confusion practically chortled. “Yes, my son. You will do quite well. I am pleased.”

  He looked at Cathy and George with a sardonic eye. “Have you arranged for his education as I instructed?”

  Cathy averted her gaze and replied obsequiously, “Yes, My Lord. He is being taught by the best sorcerers and masters in each field that you named. Master Gregory will learn your ways as well as those of the enemy, and he has already begun to make significant steps toward achieving the goals you have set for him. He shows remarkable abilities and will exceed the skills of his teachers in a few years.”

  “When that time comes, I will finish my son’s training myself. There are things that only Dark Spirit and I can teach him.” A shudder rippled through the assembly at the mention of Dark Spirit. He was the most powerful and the vilest of all demons, except for Lucifer himself.

  He looked into the eyes that were replicas of his own. “My son, you will be great and powerful. You will sit at my right hand when we rule the universes. All worlds will be beneath our feet after you join me in defeating my enemies. We will feast on them; we will draw their powers to ourselves. No one will stand against us.”

  Chapter 5

  “So the Lord said to Satan, ‘Behold Job is in your power, only spare his life.’ Then Satan went out from the presence of the Lord, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head.”

  Job 2:6-7

  Spring, 1995

  Presiding in counterfeit glory from his throne on a platform in the old warehouse in which his son had been conceived, Lucifer called for order in the meeting. His highest ranking demons and their captains bowed low before him and awaited his words.

  “Vega!” he said tersely, his beautiful face twisted in a scowl.

  The huge demon stepped forward and lifted his eyes to the Dark Lord.

  “Yes, my master?”

  “Has the plan been set in motion?” Lucifer asked gruffly.

  “As you have commanded, my lord, all has been done. Keegan has cast the dart at the human child.”

  Lucifer’s face twisted in an evil grin.

  “Excellent,” he said. “I hope, for your sake, that this plan succeeds, unlike your last one.”


  Xander leaned over Elizabeth as she slept, enjoying those last few childish dreams that fluttered through her mind. He saw her gracefully running, leaping, and turning as she imagined herself to be a world famous ballerina. Earlier, in another dream, she had been an Olympic gymnast, sticking a perfect landing to the cheers of the crowd. Then, she was a musician, holding the people enthralled with her skill at singing and playing the piano. Her dreams were always entertaining, and nearly always happy. This morning, she did not want to wake up. She wished to stay in her dreams, warm and contented.

  At the usual time for a school day, her mother entered the girl’s room and began their morning ritual, “kissing her up,” as Elizabeth called it. Lynne wanted her daughters’ first conscious thoughts each day to be joyful ones, so she sang to them and kissed their cheeks until they were awake. She had already been to Janna’s room, laughing as she sang to the teenager.

  Niall followed Lynne from room to room. The ritual never got old to him. This is such a pleasant change from families in which the children are yelled at until they get out of bed.

  Lynne entered her room, sat on the edge of Elizabeth’s bed, and sang softly, watching her daughter’s face. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” Then she began to place tiny soft kisses on her daughter’s rosy cheeks.

  Elizabeth, her eyes still closed and her lips puckered, reached up with her hands and began to rub her cheeks. She really wanted to dream some more.

  Xander enjoyed the tableaux immensely. He looked at Niall and exchanged a smile with him.

  Lynne drew back immediately, stopping a chortle before it could escape. “El, you’re wiping off my kisses!”

  Her eyes still closed, Elizabeth responded sleepily, “No, Mommy. I’m rubbing them in.”

  Xander’s smile broadened at her quick response. Elizabeth is always full of surprises – so witty and intelligent. She is wholly adorable. Niall chuckled at the girl’s antics.

  Lynne laughed aloud. “Good save, El. Now it’s time to get up for school. Today will be so much fun! And you can tell me everything as we ride home this afternoon.”


  Lynne settled a still-sleepy Elizabeth into the van and buckled her into her car seat while Janna strapped herself into the front passenger side. Her morning had been busy, getting herself ready, dressing Elizabeth for preschool, making lunches, and grabbing book bags. Eighth-grader Janna was anxious about presenting her science fair project before the class in second period.

  David had kissed them all goodbye at the door earlier. He and Roark had already walked to the church as Lynne made sure that nothing they needed was left behind.

  As they started the drive to school, Lynne turned on the local Christian radio station to listen to the music.

  Elizabeth let the music drift through her mind and began to wake up and sing along. I love music. It’s my favorite thing!

  As the song ended, the news report began.

  “The death toll has reached six across the country. Doctors are warning parents to carefully monitor their children if they break out with chicken pox. Some children are developing a strep infection in the lesions, which, in some cases, has proven to be fatal. Look for swelling and spreading redness, along with a longer period of breaking out than the normal four days. Immediately take your children to a doctor if they begin to show these symptoms. There is a new vaccine available to prevent chickenpox. However, if your child is already infected, the drug will be useless.” The announcer went on to another subject.

  Janna had already had the disease years earlier when she was four. Her case had not been severe, and she had recovered quickly with no scarring. Elizabeth, however, seemed to catch everything. Her pediatrician had postulated that her immune system was not as effective as that of other children, but there was nothing that could be done except to watch her carefully. He theorized that she would outgrow the problem eventually. Janna had rarely been sick and almost never needed to take an antibiotic. Elizabeth had b
een obliged to take several rounds of the medication each year of her young life. Ear infections, strep throat, upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections – she had had them all in her four and a half years.

  Lynne punched the button to turn off the radio as she glanced in the rearview mirror at her precious daughter. This is not good, she said to herself. Not good at all. The chicken pox outbreak is sweeping through the country. Six young lives have already been claimed. I certainly hope my El doesn’t come down with it, but… Lynne sighed and shook her head as she pulled into the parking lot of Peniel Christian Academy.

  Arriving at the school, early as usual, Lynne took her daughters to her classroom with her while she finished up a few last minute preparations for her teaching day.

  As they walked down the hall together, Elizabeth was full of questions for Janna about her project.

  “Are you scared? Will you be first? Will you tell me about it on the way home today, Janna?” Elizabeth’s little face was turned up to her sister’s in concern.

  “I’m fine, El. I’m a little nervous, but it’ll be okay. I don’t know who will be first. She’ll draw our names out of a bag. First would be great. Then it would be over with. I’ll tell you all about it after school,” Janna replied, looking down at Elizabeth’s curious expression.

  Janna looked up at Lynne. “Mom, can I leave my project here in your room and come back to get it before my second period science class? I’m afraid that if I take it with me to Mrs. Hammond’s class, it might get messed up, and I want it to be perfect.”

  Lynne chuckled at her meticulous daughter. “Put it in the corner by the bookshelves. I’ll take very good care of it, and you can come back and get it on your way to second period.”

  “Thanks, Mom!” Janna smiled at Lynne.

  Lynne returned her smile and kissed her, wishing her luck as she watched her older daughter walk to the cafeteria to wait with her friends for the morning bell. Alexis nodded a brief goodbye at Niall and Xander as she followed Janna from the room.

  Lynne glanced down to her bright-eyed four-year-old.

  “Let’s go, El. Time for class. I heard that Mrs. Williams has something fun planned for today,” she said cheerfully.

  Elizabeth looked up at her mother. “Oh, yes, we do! Today we get to finger paint, Mommy. I love finger painting!”

  “I’m sure you do, Sweetheart. You are very creative, and perhaps Daddy will want to frame this one, too!”

  Elizabeth giggled and sang as she skipped alongside her mother down the hall to the preschool wing. Xander matched his steps to Elizabeth’s, while his eyes constantly scanned the hallways.

  While dropping her younger daughter off at her 4-K classroom, Lynne paused for a smile and a look at the roomful of chattering children. One of Lynne’s favorite things about teaching at Peniel Christian was that the school housed nursery through high school on one large campus. She was never very far from either of her daughters, she knew their teachers, and she knew their friends. Her children were truly “a gift of the Lord,” as the Bible said in Psalm 127:3. They were contented and happy, and she knew that as long as they were close by her, she would never worry for their safety. Sighing with the fullness of her joy, she turned and made her way back to her class.

  Lynne’s first period class was a combined junior and senior Bible Doctrines class. Her students entered cheerfully and noisily, telling her good morning, chatting with each other, and taking their seats.

  Niall stood with the other guardians circling the perimeter of the room. Most of the students were servants, and their protectors naturally came with them to school. There were a few non-servants in the group, but no demon would dare to enter a place so heavily guarded. The school glowed with the light of the large numbers of holy angels in and around it. Short of an actual possession of a student by a dark being which would give the demon a measure of protection, no fallen angel would be willing to face so many guardians.

  The day continued in its normal pattern. Janna had stopped to retrieve her project between the first and second periods, and Niall had nodded to Alexis, trailing lightly behind Janna.

  How do you think Xander’s liking 4-K? Niall asked.

  Alexis shook her auburn head, humor flashing in her hazel eyes. I have no idea. You know how closed he is with his thoughts. I’m not worried about it. I’ve done my time at the kiddy pool with Janna. I should have a few more earth years before I’m back to square one.

  Actually, Xander’s morning had been far from placid. It was obvious to him by third period that Elizabeth wasn’t feeling well. All of them had heard the news report on the radio, and he had known of several preschoolers who had gone home with the chicken pox in the past few days. He remembered all of those nights that David and Lynne had been up with Elizabeth while she was sick with one thing and another. He knew how easily she succumbed to illness; she had already been exposed to this disease, and he was very concerned as he looked upon his small charge trying to complete her coloring before the break when she and her classmates would have their lunch.

  He wrinkled his brow. Something is not right. She’s wiggling and squirming, and she looks unhappy. Xander stroked his chin with his long fingers and tilted his head, fixing his gaze on the little girl.

  Finally, Elizabeth could no longer ignore her itching and scratching, and she went to her teacher, Mrs. Delores Williams.

  “Miss Lori, I don’t feel good. What’s this?” Elizabeth asked, pulling up her shirt and pointing to a spot on her abdomen. “It itches.”

  Both Xander and Mrs. Williams bent over to look at her tummy. There were five blisters on her red skin. Chicken pox! There shouldn’t be that many lesions in so short a time. A dart must have been thrown. How could I have missed it? Whoever threw it will certainly pay. Keegan! It must be his doing. Who else could have been so accurate from the distance he would have had to throw it to escape my notice?

  “Oh, my, Sweetie,” said Mrs. Williams. “Why don’t you sit here by my desk while we get someone from the office to come take a look?”

  She really had no need for a second opinion, because she had seen lesions like Elizabeth’s many times before, but Mrs. Williams called the office over the intercom, and Susan Canes, the daycare director, came to the room within a few minutes. Chicken pox was very contagious, and she wanted to get Elizabeth away from the other children as quickly as she could.

  “Come, El. We’re going to see your mother,” Mrs. Canes told Elizabeth as she took her by the hand and led her down the hall to the high school wing. Xander walked on Elizabeth’s other side with his fingers lightly touching the top of her head.

  Elizabeth was afraid and upset. I’m sick again! I hate being sick and missing school. I don’t like medicine. I don’t want a shot!

  As Lynne answered the knock at her door, she was filled with foreboding to see the daycare director and Elizabeth. She stood in the doorway so that she could still see her students and knelt down to look at her uncomfortable daughter. Mrs. Canes lifted Elizabeth’s shirt so that Lynne could see her tummy.

  “Chicken pox?” Lynne asked the older woman with a sigh.

  “I think so, Lynne,” came the soft reply. “I’ve already asked Mrs. Miles to call in a sub for you so that you can take El home. Until the sub gets here, I’ll sit with your class. Janna will be waiting for you by the front entrance. Do they have an assignment to work on?” Susan asked, gesturing toward the students.

  “Thanks for all your help, Susan. The homework assignment is on the board, and my lesson plans for the next two weeks are on my desk. Tests and quizzes are in the marked folders in my right top drawer. If you need anything, call me, and I’ll tell you where to find it.” Lynne was extremely organized, and it had served her well on more than one occasion.

  Though she hated to miss teaching time, her children always came before her job. She was fortunate to work in a school that understood that.

  Xander knelt rather impatiently by Elizabeth with one hand to
uching her arm and the other stroking her back. Everything will be all right, Elizabeth, he whispered to her. He was ready for Lynne to take her home and do whatever was necessary to relieve the child’s discomfort.

  Niall looked at him with concern. We will be on our way in a moment. She shall be fine.

  She is not fine! Xander replied testily. Niall arched an eyebrow. Xander raised both of his brows and glared at him.

  Lynne went back into the classroom to retrieve her handbag and other personal items, making sure that her plans, teacher’s books, and grade book were plainly visible on her desk. Mrs. Canes stood at the door with Elizabeth who had begun to whine softly, waiting for Lynne to return.

  Will this never end? thought Xander. Niall shook his head at Xander’s impatience.

  “Class, I want you to begin working on your homework assignment now. I’m taking El home. Mrs. Canes will sit with you until my substitute comes.” Lynne hurried out the door to the sound of pages turning and backpacks being unzipped, and Mrs. Canes took her place at the desk.

  “Let’s go, El. We’re going home to make the itching stop,” Lynne said to Elizabeth as she took her hand and led her to the office. Janna met her there, and the group of humans and angels walked out of the building to the van.

  Finally! thought Xander.

  Niall and Alexis glanced at him. Surely there is no cause for such alarm. Everything is under control.

  Xander read their minds and attempted to calm himself. They were right, and he knew it. He did not fully understand his reactions himself. He concentrated on watching the area around the van as he glided smoothly above it.

  The twenty minute drive seemed longer to Lynne as Elizabeth fretted, whined, and scratched. At her mother’s suggestion, Janna had chosen to sit in the back seat beside Elizabeth to distract her and keep her from thinking about the itching. She read to her and played the games they usually played in the car, but was only partially successful. Elizabeth was miserable. And so was Xander.

  Is she actually driving the speed limit for a change? Whatever happened to ‘five miles over the limit is okay’?


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