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Guardian: The Guardian Trilogy, Book 1

Page 6

by Robin Helm

  Alexis and Niall were actually beginning to be amused at His Grumpiness.

  As soon as they were home, Lynne called David to tell him about Elizabeth. He came right home, Roark following, after stopping by a drug store for an oatmeal bath and calamine lotion to soothe his daughter. By the time he walked in the door, Lynne had already dosed Elizabeth with a children’s pain reliever, drawn the bathwater, and held Elizabeth, unclothed by the tub. He poured in the oatmeal preparation and put Elizabeth in, pouring the water over her.

  “Isn’t that better, El?” he asked gently. He was careful not to show any alarm. The blisters were far larger and more numerous than those he had seen with Janna. He had heard the same reports that Lynne had listened to that morning, and his “protective daddy” side was definitely taking over.

  “Yes, Daddy,” she answered, her sad eyes fixing on his. “Daddy, can we have ice cream?

  “You can have whatever you want to eat, Sweetheart.”

  Though she was sick, she felt her power at that moment. She knew that her daddy would give her anything while she was ill.

  “Daddy, does Jesus love me?”

  “He sure does, El.” Her father wore a perplexed expression. Where is she going with this?

  Xander was puzzled as well.

  “Did He give me to you?” Elizabeth asked the question, though she well knew the answer. Her father read the Bible and prayed with her and Janna every night. She already knew more about the Bible than many adults. Xander could nearly hear the little wheels turning in her head.

  “Yes, El. You know that Jesus gave you to me and your mother.”

  “Daddy, Jesus isn’t very happy when you spank me,” Elizabeth said with great gravity.

  Roark smiled, but Xander laughed aloud. It was good that he was in angelic form and was not using the sound frequency that humans could hear. She delighted him. Niall and Alexis heard his laughter from the other rooms in the house. What was that? Was it Xander? They had never heard Xander laugh before, and they were more than mildly surprised.

  David laughed as well. Maybe she isn’t so sick if she can still think this well and be her sassy little self.

  “El, Jesus is very pleased with us when we discipline you. He told us to take care of you, teach you, and love you. One way that we show we love you is by teaching you to obey. You must learn to obey us so that you will know how to obey God.”

  She accepted his answer, though she wasn’t entirely happy with it.

  “I love you, Daddy.”

  “I love you more, El. I win!” he said, playing their game and bringing a smile to her little face that showed her dimples.

  Xander truly liked David. Anyone who could make Elizabeth smile had his full approval.


  After a restless night in which neither David, Lynne, nor Elizabeth got much rest, it was obvious to her parents that El’s case of the chicken pox was not normal. She was covered all over her body with the lesions, she was feverish, and she was unable to urinate without extreme pain.

  Xander was ready for somebody, anybody, to do something to help Elizabeth. He was considering taking human form and going for a doctor himself. He knelt by her bed and put his hand on her brow. Her unhappy dreams fluttered through his mind, and he worried.

  Lynne called the pediatrician’s office. They were swamped with chicken pox cases. Everyone had heard the reports, and every mother seemed to think that her child had the strep infection. The staff was overrun with anxious parents and unhappy children.

  “Hello. This is Lynne Bennet. I need to see Dr. Childs today, please. El has the chicken pox, and I think it’s serious.”

  From the sigh she heard over the phone, Lynne could almost picture Mrs. Glen’s face, and how she must be rolling her eyes. Lynne tapped her fingernails on the counter as the scene played out in her mind.

  Of course she thinks it’s serious. Lynne Bennet thinks Elizabeth is the only child on the planet, thought Mrs. Glen sarcastically.

  Finally, Mrs. Glen started to speak.

  “We’re very busy today, Mrs. Bennet. When did she start showing symptoms?” asked the receptionist with feigned courtesy, as the small demon on her shoulder whispered into her ear, his arm slung behind her neck companionably.

  Lynne frowned. She knew that this woman would not take her concerns with any degree of sympathy.

  Niall’s jaw knotted as he clenched his teeth. Mrs. Glen does not like the Bennets. It probably has something to do with her pet imp. That woman should not be allowed near small children.

  “Yesterday. But she is totally covered in lesions and cries every time she tries to urinate.”

  “Mrs. Bennet, chicken pox is very uncomfortable, that’s true, but you really should give her a few more days before you become alarmed. I don’t think we can fit you in today.” Her demonic companion grinned and poured more doubt into her mind.

  Xander paced back and forth in Elizabeth’s small room, his frustration mounting.

  “Fine. How early can we see Dr. Childs tomorrow?”

  “Mrs. Bennet, you really should wait four days, until the breaking out stops, before you get worried about this.” The demon wrapped his arms around her neck and strengthened his hold on her.

  Unacceptable! thought Xander, frowning fiercely.

  “Four days? I think that’s too long. I would like an appointment tomorrow, please.”

  “I really don’t see how we – ”

  “If you cannot see us, then I will take her to the emergency room. I am telling you that my daughter is sick – and not just a little sick. She is seriously ill.”

  Lynne could hear another deep sigh from the other woman, and it riled her. Niall placed a hand on her arm. Relax. Control your speech.

  Xander was as close to anger as he had ever been. Niall, can you not do something to help Lynne?

  “Very well, Mrs. Bennet. You may bring Elizabeth in at two o’clock tomorrow, and we’ll try to fit you in.” Mrs. Glen thought, I said, ‘We’ll try.’ I didn’t promise anything. The dark one hopped from her shoulder to the desk, smirking from ear to ear.

  “Thank you. We’ll be there at two.” Lynne had to fight the uncharitable thoughts she was having toward the woman.

  Xander’s scowl softened. Once again, he admired the determination and sheer doggedness of Lynne Bennet. He could not have chosen a better mother for El had he selected her himself.

  Niall leaned close to Lynne and whispered into her mind, Remember Cindy.

  Xander also had growing respect for her guardian. Good job, Niall. Calling Cindy is a great idea.

  Chapter 6

  “Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”

  Ephesians 6:16

  Vega met with a few of his most trusted goons in the strip mall. He called Keegan before him.

  “You have done well, my little fiery one. Your dart was aimed true, and even now the girl sickens and approaches death. Our master will be pleased.” Vega nearly smiled. Almost.

  Keegan grinned, preening before the underprince. All they had to do now was wait and watch.


  Xander knelt by Elizabeth’s toddler bed throughout the long night, rubbing her back and trying to calm her. She had cried, moaned, and thrashed about in misery until the sheets were completely off, leaving her tangled in the disheveled linens. Lynne and David had slept very little – at least one of them was with Elizabeth at all times. All they could do was give her children’s medicine for her fever and pain, and hold her as she sobbed.

  Niall and Roark were in and out of the small room constantly as well. At one point they were surprised to hear Xander singing into Elizabeth’s ear. Jesus loves you, this I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong. They are weak, but He is strong.

  Did you know that Xander could sing? asked Niall, grinning at Roark.

  If he hears what you are saying, I might have to ask for a differe
nt assignment. I would not want to witness what he might do to you, was the whispered answer.

  Xander studiously ignored them. He could bear the assault on his dignity if it made Elizabeth feel any better.

  As soon as the sun was up, Lynne called her friend from church who was a nurse in Dr. Child’s office.


  “Hello, Cindy. This is Lynne. I hope I didn’t wake you.

  “No, that’s fine, Lynne. Is there a problem? You sound upset.”

  “Yes . . .Oh, Cindy, I’m so worried. I wanted to catch you before you left for work. El has a severe case of the chicken pox, and I called Mrs. Glen to make an appointment yesterday.” Lynne’s voice broke. “She told us to come at two o’clock. From her attitude, I’m gathering that we’ll wait, but we won’t be called in. Cindy, I’m afraid for El. I’ve heard about the strep infection some children are developing, and you know how she seems to get everything that’s going around.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Lynne. Bring El to the office now. When I see you, I’ll call you in myself. I know how Mrs. Glen can be.” Cindy gave a small laugh.

  “Thanks so much, Cindy. I owe you about a thousand now,” Lynne replied with obvious relief. “I’ll see you in about an hour.”

  “I’ll be looking for you. ‘Bye.”

  Xander appreciated Lynne’s resourcefulness. Good job. Now get ready, and let’s go.

  David took Janna to school while Lynne took Elizabeth to the doctor. She promised to call him as soon as they were back home.


  Xander stalked through the unopened door to the doctor’s office, seconds ahead of Lynne and Elizabeth, to scan the waiting room for enemies; he immediately spotted four of them in various postures around the people they accompanied. He put his hand to his sword, grasping the hilt, and fixed a threatening stare on each of them in turn. The dark ones glared back, eyes gleaming with hatred, but they did not move. They knew that any challenge to Xander would end badly for them. Xander did not look away from the evil ones as Lynne opened the door, carrying Elizabeth draped over her shoulder because she was too sick to walk. Niall followed closely behind them, his dark eyes searching the area and marking the location of each demon.

  Lynne silently signed in with Mrs. Glen, sat down, and held Elizabeth on her lap, trying to amuse her by softly singing a favorite, familiar ditty in her ear. “I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck. Oh, a hug around the neck and a barrel and a heap, a barrel and a heap, and a-talking in my sleep about you!”

  Xander allowed himself a fleeting expression of pleasure at the sweet scene, though he quickly resumed his scowl toward his enemies.

  If Mrs. Glen was puzzled by Lynne’s early arrival, she kept it to herself.

  Cindy saw Lynne when she came out to call the first patient back and winked at her. Turning to the receptionist, Lynne’s petite, red-haired friend said, “Mrs. Glen, we can’t leave El out here. It’s obvious that she has the chicken pox, and it’s highly contagious. I’ll isolate her in an examination room until Dr. Childs can see her.”

  Xander was pleased. Good job, Niall.

  Niall nodded at his superior and smiled his thanks.

  Xander and Niall walked to the exam room with their charges, raising their right hands to their shoulders, elbows bent, palms forward in recognition of Alessa, Cindy’s dark-haired, brown-eyed guardian. Xander spoke, You have done well, Alessa.

  Alessa inclined her head to the Chief of all guardians, her countenance brightened by his praise.

  Mrs. Glen grimaced, rolling her eyes, but there was nothing she could do. The imp on her shoulder frowned and cursed. He had to put up with Alessa every day. Now he had to witness the disruption of his plans by her and her cohorts.

  It was to be the brightest spot in the week for Xander.


  Xander hovered over Elizabeth in the small room as Lynne pulled her daughter onto her lap to wait for the doctor. Lynne retrieved the books from her bag which she had brought to amuse Elizabeth. Though the child’s throat was sore, she read her favorite stories aloud to her mother. When she started whining, Lynne read to her instead, pointing to the pictures and bringing the story to life by using different voices for the characters.

  About thirty minutes later, a harried young man in a white lab coat opened the door and strode quickly in, reaching his hand out to Lynne. After they shook hands, Lynne set Elizabeth on the exam table, and he looked closely at his young patient.

  Dr. Childs smiled tiredly at Elizabeth and spoke kindly to Lynne, “Yes, she definitely has the chicken pox. When did she first break out, Mrs. Bennet?”

  “Yesterday at school. Her fever has been above 101º most of the night. Though we’ve been giving her a children’s fever and pain reducer, she’s hardly slept at all, and she screams every time she urinates. We’ve been using oatmeal baths and calamine lotion.”

  The doctor thoroughly examined Elizabeth, and he listened to her heart, talking to her in a conversational tone throughout the exam. Elizabeth liked Dr. Childs because he never gave her shots. That was a job he left for the nurses so that the children would not fear him.

  Glancing into Lynne’s weary eyes, he said, “I’m guessing you didn’t sleep much either. She does have an aggressive case, and given her medical history, I’m not surprised that you are concerned. However, it’s really too early to tell whether or not there will be complications. I’m going to write you a prescription for children’s Motrin, to help keep her fever under control. I also want you to give her Benadryl for her itching. I’m writing the dosage down for you. The lesions are in her ears, nose, throat, hair, and on her body, including her genitals. Try to spread her legs widely apart while she urinates. Continue using the oatmeal baths and the lotion, and remember that a fever isn’t always a bad thing. As long as it doesn’t go any higher than 104 º and stay that high for an extended period of time, she should be fine. It’s a virus. It has to run its course.”

  Run its course? She has been hit by a dart, man! This is no ordinary case of the chicken pox! Xander thought, rather loudly. Embarrassed, he glanced at Niall who stared impassively at the wall.

  Unwilling to end the visit with so little information, Lynne persisted, “At what point should I bring her back, Dr. Childs?” she asked.

  “It probably won’t be necessary, but if she continues to break out for more than five days, or the blisters don’t dry up, bring her back in.”

  Niall was relieved, but Xander scowled and sniffed. There did not seem to be much point in bringing her here. In his opinion, the doctor had not helped Elizabeth. He was most seriously displeased.


  Five days later

  Xander had grown increasingly anxious about Elizabeth, but, in his view, he seemed to be the only one who felt that way. He stalked back and forth, casting worried glances at her now and then. She’s getting worse, and they don’t see it.

  Lynne thought Elizabeth was a little better, and she really needed to get a few things done at school. She had already missed a week, and most of the lesions were drying up, so Lynne called her sister. Grace Gardiner always had been there for Lynne whenever she needed to talk or to ask a special favor, and today was no different.


  “Hi, Grace. I need your help – again.”

  “Sure, Hon. I’ll do whatever I can. How’s my El?”

  “Well, that’s it. She’s had a miserable time of it, but I think she’s finally getting better. Most of her lesions seem to have dried up, but I can’t take her back to daycare until they’re all dry. Could you come watch her for a few hours while I go catch up a little at school? You know you’re her favorite aunt,” she wheedled.

  “Yeah, I know,” Grace laughed. “I’m her only aunt! I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  Lynne left for the school as soon as Grace arrived. About four hours later, she got back home, bringing Janna with her, to find El lying limpl
y on the couch and Grace leaning over her with a worried expression.

  Lynne rushed to El. “What’s wrong with her? Is she worse?”

  Grace pulled up Elizabeth’s shirt as the tiny, listless girl stared at her mom with blank eyes. “Look at this,” said Grace. “I’ve taken her temp, and, Sis, it’s 104º. She is seriously ill. I tried to call you twenty minutes ago, but you had already left the school.”

  Lynne was horrified. Elizabeth was burning up, her skin was red and swollen, there were new blisters everywhere, and some were filled with pus. They seemed to be meeting each other, playing connect-the-dots. It was exactly as the strep infection had been described on the newscasts. She gasped.

  Xander had been pacing the small room the entire time Lynne had been gone. Now, reading Lynne’s mind, he stormed over to the couch, crossed his arms with an exasperated sigh, and thought, At last someone is getting it! She is not better – she’s worse!

  Grace’s guardian, Sigmund, regarded Xander with a puzzled expression. Niall, his face carefully blank, glanced quickly at Sigmund. Don’t think about it. He kept his tone neutral.

  Lynne quickly left for the kitchen and grabbed the phone there as it was the closest. When she called Dr. Childs’s office, she asked to speak with Cindy, not even bothering with Mrs. Glen.

  As Cindy answered the phone, Lynne broke down into tears. “Cindy, El’s fever is really high, she’s covered everywhere, some of the places have pus in them, and I’m afraid she has that infection so many kids have died from. She’s been breaking out for seven days! I’ve heard that the death toll is as high as a hundred now. Please talk to Dr. Childs.”

  Cindy was gone for only a few minutes when she came back on the line.

  “Dr. Childs said to meet him at the hospital right away. I’ll call David for you and tell him to meet you there.”

  “Thanks, Cindy. We’re on our way.”

  Lynne hung up the phone, cradled Elizabeth in her arms, headed for the door, and called over her shoulder to Grace. “Could you get my purse for me?”


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