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Mind of a Killer

Page 9

by Emerick, Lee; Robinson, Matthew

  With his eyes open he could see the image of the light he had been staring at, burnt into his retina.

  Karl was clearly concerned about his friend and partner. Reaching into his pocket he withdrew a pack of cigarettes and a lighter which he subsequently offered to Rivers.

  “I know you quit but I think you could do with one of these,” said Karl as he lit a cigarette and passed it to Rivers.

  Rivers hesitated before accepting the cigarette. He had hoped to never smoke one again, but under the circumstances he did not expect one would do much harm.

  Placing the end of the cigarette into his mouth, Rivers took a long drag before exhaling loudly. Looking at the cigarette in his right hand, Rivers observed the smoke floating away from the burning tip.

  “I don’t understand why he would have turned himself in. We had nothing on him and he knew it. Why break me down so far and then quit?”

  “I don’t know Rivers. With it being The Hacker though I expect some ulterior motive behind it.”

  “I need to see him Karl. I have to know we have him off the streets, that he is no longer a threat.”

  “I was hoping you may be able to identify him from your visions.”

  “I never saw his true face Karl. He always took on my appearance to mislead me. However, if it is him I should be able to feel it. He won’t be able to resist the temptation of taunting me further.”

  Finishing his cigarette Rivers stubbed it out thoroughly on the table as Karl took to his feet.

  “I’ll go get your clothes Rivers. As soon as you are ready we will head down to the station.”

  Leaving the hospital they were both met by Captain Reed who had a car waiting for them outside. He stood by the driver side with the driver door open and the engine running.

  “Good to see you’re looking better Ian,” said the captain as he looked him over. Fresh dressings covered Rivers hands from the wounds he had suffered a few days ago.

  “Thanks Sir,” replied Rivers as Karl opened a passenger door for him to enter the vehicle.

  “But I won’t make a full recovery until I know for certain we have The Hacker behind bars.”

  Karl closed the door after Rivers had entered the vehicle. Inside Rivers sat comfortably on the polished leather seats. The smell of leather was strong, the car looked brand new.

  Karl struggled to comprehend the change in Rivers. How he had been almost possessed less than an hour ago to how calm he was now.

  With Rivers now sat in the back of the vehicle, Karl took the passenger seat in the front next to Captain Reed.

  As Karl took his seat, so did the Captain. Closing the doors behind them Captain Reed put the vehicle in gear and made his way to the Station.

  With his window down, Karl rested his arm on the side of the door, half in the car and half out. The car itself was an unmarked police car. There was no grill in the back separating passengers from the front of the vehicle.

  Chatter casually came across the police radio in the front of the vehicle but was of little importance.

  “Do we have a name for this guy yet?” asked Rivers from the back of the vehicle.

  “Only that he says he is The Hacker. They are running checks on him as we speak down at the station. He was carrying no identification and is reluctant to answer many questions,” answered Captain Reed as he drove the car.

  “How are you feeling anyway Ian?” the Captain continued.

  “It’s very strange. I feel like a switch has been turned off in my mind. I can no longer feel, hear or see him; almost as if we have been disconnected from each other.”

  “It may be best to keep you away from The Hacker in the station. He knows too much about you, know what buttons to press…”

  “Sir, I’m the best person to interrogate him. You will probably find he will only speak to me anyway.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of Ian. He is demanding to see you before he will talk.”

  “I don’t know Captain. After what the bastard has put Ian through? Giving in to his demands and letting Ian question him; not sure that is a good idea.”

  “It’s not a good idea but we need him to talk.”

  Silence fell over the vehicle as it sped on towards the police station. Scenery and other vehicles sped past the windows as they drove on. After several minutes the silence was interrupted by a cell phone’s ringer. The ring was quite loud as it came across the vehicles speaker system. Reaching down into the centre console the Captain removed a Bluetooth earpiece which he placed into his ear before answering the call.

  “Reed,” he answered aloud to the caller.

  “Sir it’s Troy,” said the voice. It was clear from his tone that Troy was somewhat concerned.

  “Troy what is it?” asked the Captain.

  “Forensics have come back with a result on the DNA lifted from several of the crime scenes. We tried to match it to the man who turned himself in but it’s not his…”

  “Not his? What about the identity search on him, any results?”

  “He is a hobo Sir; a nobody. Somebody has paid him to come into the station at this precise time to claim to be The Hacker.”

  “If the DNA is not his, then whose is it?”

  “We have had a positive match on it. The DNA was retrieved from several obscure sources. The chance that it was planted is remote to say the least…”

  “Who’s is it Troy?” asked Captain Reed.

  “A video cassette recovered from the Derek Carter murder scene, which unfortunately got misplaced has now been found and also examined. With the distortion removed it is clear who entered the property at the time of the murder.”

  “Spit it out Troy!” commanded the Captain as he snapped at Troy on the other end of the phone.

  “Sir, its Detective Ian Rivers…”

  Captain Reeds face turned as pale as a sheet in colour as he looked into the review mirror. Staring back at him was Rivers who had an evil look in his eyes.

  “Sir? Are you still there?” asked Troy on the phone but there was no response.

  Terminating the call, Captain Reed slowly removed the Bluetooth headset as he planned his next move.

  Unable to advise Karl without alerting Rivers in the back of the Vehicle, who was unrestrained, he somehow needed to detain him. If he was The Hacker then he knew full well of what he was capable of.

  Slowing the car down, Reed pulled off the freeway as he was watched closely by Rivers in the back.

  “What did they have to say then Sir?” asked Karl from the front passenger seat.

  “I will tell you shortly,” replied Reed as he slowed the car down.

  “I’m sure it is a coincidence my good Captain,” commented Rivers as the car came to a stop. His voice took on a different tone, one that Karl and Reed were both unfamiliar with.

  “That my DNA would be found at the crime scene…”

  “It was not just your DNA Ian. A video cassette recovered from a crime scene clearly shows you entering the property of Derek Carter just before his murder.”

  “You can’t be serious,” exclaimed Karl as the news set in.

  “Forensics say that the DNA is without a doubt Ian’s and the chance that it was planted is slim due to where it was recovered.”

  “What can I say you got me,” said Rivers in a menacing voice which rumbled deeply as he spoke.

  “Well I say me… You see Detective Ian Rivers has little to do with it. He was nothing more than a tool, a means to an end.”

  “Who are you?” asked Karl as he looked at his old friend in the back of the vehicle. His demeanour and appearance looked twisted and evil. Karl had never seen him this way before.

  “I’m The Hacker,” replied the person in the back of the vehicle who had been known as Ian Rivers.

  Realisation and a level of confusion broke out across Reed’s and Karl’s faces as they watched him move in a blink of an eye.

  In a blur, The Hacker reached around Karl’s torso and relieved him of his side arm.With
a crack, The Hacker pistol whipped Karl around the back of the head. Karl slumped forward unconscious as The Hacker buried the pistol into the side of Captain Reed’s head.

  “Move without my permission and I’ll blow your head off old man,” said The Hacker with a raised voice. Keeping the pistol on the Captain’s head he reached forward to the front passenger door handle and opened the door. Releasing Karl’s seat belt The Hacker gave him a sharp shove forcing him out of the car.

  “You won’t get away with this Ian. They know at the station that it was you who committed the murders. They will be looking for you.”

  “Get away with it? I already have! Now drive unless you want me to trim a little off the top for you.”

  Putting the car back into gear, Captain Reed began to pull off under the threat of being shot in the head.

  “How could you have done this Ian? I have known you for so long. You have helped so much over the years solving murders; I recruited you into the police force!”

  The Hacker observed Captain Reed through the rear view mirror. His eyes were transfixed on the Captain’s, almost burrowing into his head.

  “I’m not Ian, old timer. That pathetic piece of shit is of no use to me anymore.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “How about you stop with the questions before I fill your head with shrapnel? Just keep driving and do exactly as I say. Whilst you’re at it pass me your cell phone. It’s time I made some demands now that I have a hostage!”

  Karl came to as the sun shone brightly in his eyes. The asphalt beneath him was warm yet uncomfortable. Sitting up he could feel a sharp pain on the back of his head. Reaching to the sore area he wiped at his hair which felt wet and slick. Looking at his hand he found it smeared with clotting blood.

  “Fuck,” muttered Karl under his breath as he checked for his pistol. Unfortunately as he expected the holster which was strapped around his torso was empty.

  Getting to his feet he stumbled off the quiet side road and checked his jacket for his cell phone. Removing the device he found the screen cracked from where he had no doubt landed on it. Pressing the buttons the cell phone, it refused to function.

  Returning the cell phone to his jacket pocket, Karl began to walk back towards the freeway to hopefully hitch a ride or borrow a phone.

  Chapter 16

  “Where are you taking me Ian?” asked Captain Reed as he drove the vehicle he was being held hostage in. Although he had a gun pointed at his head he tried to remain calm and manage the situation.

  “Stop calling me Ian old man,” snapped The Hacker as he pressed the barrel of the gun closer to Reed’s head.

  “I’m the fucking Hacker!”

  “I’m sorry Mr Hacker. I find it confusing as you appear to me to be Ian Rivers.”

  “Try to keep up then old timer unless you want me to squeeze this shit right now.”

  “Shoot me whilst I’m driving? You would kill yourself in the process!”

  “Kill myself? I only see you and Ian sitting in this vehicle.”

  “Who are you?” asked the Captain sternly.

  “Enough with the questions!”

  “Did you use Ian Rivers to commit the murders?”

  “Do you mean if I used this body to hack those poor defenceless people up? This body which belongs to such a weak and pathetic individual? What does it matter now anyway Captain? You got your man right here, shame he has a gun pointed directly at your head.”

  “Ian is a good man. I don’t doubt for a moment you have used him for your own means. What I would like to know is are you two really psychically linked or are you part of say, a mental disorder; a symptom of a sick mind manifesting itself as a bitter and deranged personality?”

  “Deranged? Now, now Captain, there is no need to be so rude, especially when I could kill you without a moment’s hesitation.”

  “I have no doubt that you are going to kill me anyway. Why else would you have abducted me?”

  “I have plans for you Captain, great plans; unfortunately not so great for you but for Ian? Oh yes, it will be great for Ian.”

  “Great for Ian… How could I be of any use to Ian?”

  “All will become clear Captain Reed,” said The Hacker as he pointed to a road sign.

  “Take the next exit and no funny business!”

  Following The Hacker’s instruction, Captain Reed exited the freeway, taking them towards the old Industrial Site. The Industrial Site had been closed for numerous years and stood derelict. A few years ago the city mayor had pressed for redevelopment of the area but funding fell short.

  Tall grey chimneys towered over the large crumbling Industrial Site. Nature had begun to reclaim the site as greenery could be seen creeping around and over the derelict buildings. Sea gulls circled above the tops of the chimneys and the abandoned complex.

  The Hacker indicated for Reed take a fork in the road. By the side of the road a sign explained that the road ahead was closed and access restricted. Continuing down the road the car came to a stop by a wide rusty gate which prevented further access.

  “Get out and open the gate,” barked The Hacker as Reed unclipped his seat belt.

  “I warn you though Captain, any funny business and you know what happens,” carried on The Hacker as he waved the gun in the air.

  Stepping out of the car, Captain Reed walked several steps towards the old rusty gate. A chain hung around the centre which held the large gates closed, but the padlock which once secured it lay broken on the ground.

  Pushing on the rusting metal the large gate swung open, squealing loudly as it did so. The rusted aging hinges moaned as they were once more put to work.

  With the gate opened, Reed returned to the vehicle. Inside the car, Ian’s face smiled back at him, but the eyes were that of pure evil.

  “Good man. Now drive on!”

  Refastening his seat belt, Reed again put the vehicle in gear and moved off slowly towards the crumbling complex.

  Rivers found himself again in a large white room. Everything appeared silent and peaceful as he stood up from a chair he had found himself sitting in. Looking to the front of the room a large screen depicted an arm outreached holding a gun pointed at the back of somebody’s head. Ian watched as the head turned slightly and recognised instantly who it belonged too.

  Frantically Rivers looked around the large white room but found no exits or anything to use; not that he even knew where he was or how he would escape. Checking himself over he found that he was dressed in white yet again. The room was warm and peaceful although he could feel a presence nearby.

  Watching the large screen Rivers stepped towards it and raised a hand. Remembering how he had been dragged through it previously he attempted to reach through to the other side.

  As his fingers made contact with the screen, ripples spread across the image as if it was made of water. The image was cold to the touch as Rivers attempted to force his arm through the image. His fingers managed to enter the image by an inch before he felt them forced back. The harder he pushed the greater the resistance he was met by.

  As he continued to force his hand against the image the picture changed as he saw his own reflection in the rear view mirror of what ever vehicle The Hacker had his body in.

  “I will deal with you later Ian,” snapped The Hacker as he gave Rivers an evil look through the screen.

  “Let me out of here you bastard,” shouted Ian but The Hacker just smiled back.

  “It’s nearly time, just be patient.”

  “Raising a fist, Rivers punched as hard as he could into the image. As he did so the image warped around his hand as he pushed it deeply into the wall behind it. As he did so the image changed as The Hacker looked down towards his hand. The hand began to move as Rivers commanded it but he could feel resistance as The Hacker fought back for control. As he struggled to control the arm a bump developed in the image which grew longer before bursting revealing the arm of The Hacker. As it did so the arm grabbed Rive
rs by the neck before throwing him to the back of the room.

  “Nice try Ian but I’m not letting you out until I'm ready for you,” boomed a loud voice around the room which echoed off the walls. As the echo faded so did the large image on the wall which shrunk into nothing in the centre of the wall.

  Picking himself up Rivers dusted himself off. He knew he would have to fight his way out of here and that image or portal was the only way he was going to get free. He would have to bide his time now and when the opportunity presented itself break though the portal to the other side.

  “I will deal with you later Ian?” asked Captain Reed, worried by The Hacker’s random outburst at the rear-view mirror.

  “What is wrong with you, what have you done with Ian?”

  “It’s nearly time, just be patient.”

  “Who the hell are you talking too?”

  As The Hacker did not reply, instead his eyes rolled into the back of his head. As they did so his hand which held the gun began to tremble.

  Reed swallowed deeply expecting to be shot. The hand movements grew wilder but yet the pistol was not fired. Taking the initiative, Reed reached back with a free hand and grabbed hold of the pistol in The Hacker’s hand. As he pulled it towards him The Hacker’s eyes flicked open. Refusing to let go, Reed pulled and twisted on the gun attempting to release it from The Hacker’s grip but it was unrelenting.

  The Hacker fought back, slowly turning the pistol towards the Captain. Reed’s arm began to shake as he attempted to maintain his grip.

  “You’re forgetting something Captain,” said The Hacker behind gritted teeth.

  “What’s that?” replied Reed as the barrel was now almost pointing towards him.

  “You’re driving the car...”

  As soon as the words left The Hacker’s mouth, the car impacted into a concrete wall at speed. The engine bay crumpled like paper under the impact as the car came to a dead stop. Airbags deployed and quickly inflated throughout the vehicle as both passengers were thrown forward.


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