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Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3)

Page 15

by Lacey Black

  I take that as a sign that she’s done so I dive in with gusto to the remaining cake. “My friend, Matty, said basically the same thing just a bit ago. I don’t want to bother him though when he’s working so hard at getting the house done.”

  “Spending time with you is more his job than the house is. Don’t be afraid to remind him of that,” she says with a warm, friendly smile.

  I hear what she’s saying, but I don’t feel like I should necessarily come before the house right now. He’s been working on it since before I showed up on his doorstep knocked up. Once the house is complete, I’ll still be here, right?

  “I have an idea. Why don’t we get out of this apartment and do a little shopping? I’ve been meaning to discuss some things for the baby with you. What do you think? Do you have a little time this afternoon to humor an old woman?” she asks with a smile on her beautiful face. Seriously, I think this woman is telepathic.

  “I’d love to get out of the apartment,” I say before shoveling the last bite of cake into my mouth.

  “Great,” she says as she pushes her chair out and heads towards the door. I throw the container in the garbage, lick the fork completely clean before dropping it in the sink, and grab my purse.

  We drive to St. Charles to hit one of the big, chain baby stores. Once inside, I’m almost overwhelmed by the amount of baby stuff crammed in this enormous warehouse sized building. It’s almost frightening to think that I have nothing and the baby will be here within four short months.

  “So, Michael and I have a surprise for you, dear. We want to purchase our grandson’s bedroom furniture for you as a gift to you and Travis,” she says with a smile.

  I’m shocked and don’t really know what to say. I open my mouth and then close it again as no words come out. “You don’t have to do that,” I tell her quickly when I’m finally able to speak.

  “We want to. We did it for Avery when she was pregnant with Brooklyn and we feel it’s only fair to do it for you and Travis. Besides, we really want to,” she adds.

  I follow behind her as we make our way towards the rows and rows of cribs, changing tables, and dresser sets. White ones, wooden ones of all shades, all lined up on display for the picking.

  After walking the first aisle, I see one that catches my eye. It’s a beautiful oak crib with matching changing table and dresser. It has clean, square lines and is probably the simplest set ever, but it also looks rustic and modern. It will fit the log cabin perfectly. I run my hand over the smooth grains of the wood as I take in the set.

  “This is the one, isn’t it?” Elizabeth asks with a smile.

  “Yeah, this is it,” I whisper as I stare at the crib. The crib that my son will sleep in soon.

  Mrs. Stevens flags down an associate and makes the purchase. She tells them that she’ll take delivery in November when the house is ready to go which they comply with.

  While Mrs. Stevens pays for the crib set, I walk around and check out all the other baby stuff that I’ll eventually need to purchase or register for. I find small onesies and sleepers. The image of a child small enough to wear them is almost frightening. I have no clue how to care for a baby. How to feed one, how to rock one to sleep, how to bathe one. I’m clueless in that aspect, but the thought of having Travis by my side to help me figure it out – together – is all I need to calm my nerves.

  Browsing around the clothing section, I find a sleeper with little tools all over it. It’s a blue sleeper that says “Daddy’s Little Helper” on the front. I smile at the thought of our son wearing this for Travis. I grab one off the rack that says zero to three months and head up to the register with my very first baby purchase.

  Mrs. Stevens looks down at it and smiles widely. “That’s perfect, Josselyn. He will love it,” she adds. “You should register while you’re here, dear. It’ll be handy for anyone who wants to get the baby a gift. Plus, you’ll need to do it for your shower.”

  “Oh, I don’t think I’m having a shower. I don’t really have any family around here and my friends are all busy,” I say.

  “Well, humor an old woman, anyway. Let’s register. It’ll be fun,” Mrs. Stevens says with a motherly smile.

  “Okay,” I reply as I finally give in.

  Mrs. Stevens talks to the girl behind the counter and comes back with a little hand-held scanner. “She says we just point and shoot at the bar code. It’s already set up in the system for you and Travis.”

  And with that, we start to wander around the large store. Mrs. Stevens is actually a huge help for me, offering advice and suggestions every step of the way. But the thing I love about her is that even though she’s offering her opinion, I don’t feel like I need to do it just because that’s what she says. She’s giving me the choice to make up my own mind for me and the baby.

  An hour and twenty minutes later, my feet are sore and swollen as we walk towards her car to head back to Rivers Edge.

  “Thank you so much for helping me with that, Elizabeth. I know I couldn’t have done it without you,” I say.

  “Oh, I’m sure you would have done just fine, dear,” she replies as she cranks up the air conditioning.

  “No, seriously, I was starting to feel overwhelmed and having you with me, answering my questions and offering suggestions helped me more than you will ever know,” I tell her as I gaze seriously into her crystal blue eyes.

  “You are going to be an incredible mother, Josselyn. I have complete faith and confidence in you. Even when you’re scared or unsure, you will make sure my grandson is cared for and loved and that’s the most important thing. Every parent makes mistakes. Lord knows I made plenty, even with Avery after having four before her. Just trust your instincts and know that you are not alone on this journey.” My eyes fill with tears as I listen to her comforting words. It’s as if she knew exactly what I needed to hear at this moment. “I couldn’t have picked a better partner for Travis than you. You two apart are two incredible people, but you two together are magic. I expect wonderful things from the two of you in the future. A house full of love and laughter. Friendship. It’s already there just waiting for the two of you to grab a hold of it. So, do it, Josselyn. Grab a hold of it and enjoy it,” she says as she leans forward and wraps her arms around my neck.

  I never had this with my own mother. Understanding and support. I feel like Travis’s mother believes in me no matter what decisions I make, what path I choose. She’s just there to walk by my side and support me. It’s what I’ve always wanted with my own mother. Before I realize it, the tears are flowing freely and my shoulders are shaking as I hold onto Mrs. Stevens.

  “I’m so sorry, Elizabeth. It’s these hormones. I cry at everything now a days,” I say, wiping the tears off of my face.

  “Don’t ever apologize for sharing your feelings or expressing yourself, Josselyn. You are a beautiful, strong, determined woman and everyone needs a good cry every once in awhile. My shoulder is always available to you, dear,” she says as she helps wipe the remaining tears from my face.

  Mrs. Stevens throws the car in reverse and drives us back to Rivers Edge. We make small talk off and on during the ride, but my mind keeps going back to Travis and whether or not I’m going to ask him to not work on the house tomorrow night and have a date night. I want to – so bad – but I know how much he’s stressing about completing the house before November. I guess I’ll just wait and see if the right time presents itself tonight to ask.


  Last night did not prove to be a good night to ask Travis to not work on the house tonight. He didn’t get home until almost midnight after dealing with some plumbing issues. I waited up until about ten-thirty but when I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer, I finally gave in and went to bed. I remember hearing the shower start – and that’s when I cracked open my eyes and glanced at the alarm clock – and vaguely recall him falling in bed next to me, but that was the extent of it. No words were spoken. I woke up alone this morning to a note on the counter that said he
was going back to the house to deal with whatever problem he was having.

  So, I’ve decided not to push the date night right now, but I am concerned that he’s working himself too hard and too much. How much more of not eating and not sleeping can he possibly take before it finally catches up with him and he crashes?

  I’m pondering that thought as I grab my stuff from the back room at the diner. It’s just after four and I’ve worked all day on my feet which makes me dog tired. But, now I’m heading to Dr. Freeman’s for my six month check-up.

  Since I didn’t have the opportunity to chat with Travis last night – or this morning for that matter – I decide to send him a quick text reminding him of our appointment.

  Hey! Don’t forget doc appt in 20 minutes

  I hit send and hop in my stifling hot car to head to the appointment. Travis had my air conditioning fixed last month, but I still feel like frying bacon every time I get in. This wet humidity is the only downfall to the Midwest. I love Missouri with its wide open plains and sprawling landscapes. It’s a beautiful place, really, but this heat and humidity is for the birds.

  I pull into the parking lot, grab a parking spot as close to Dr. Freeman’s office as humanly possible without stealing a handicap spot, and reach for my phone. No response from Travis. Hopefully, he’s on his way. I smile as I step into the air conditioned office and give my name to the receptionist. Appointment days are my favorite days. I’m excited to hear our little guy’s heartbeat. I’ve realized that it’s the part I look forward to the most with each appointment. It’s like a beacon reminding me of his pending arrival.

  I grab a Parent magazine and am browsing an article on potty training when my name is called by the nurse. I quickly set down the magazine and give the front door one last longing look before I head down the hallway.

  As if on autopilot, I hop up on the scale, saying a silent prayer that it’s gentle to me this month. Though with all the junk food I’ve been consuming - especially Mrs. Steven’s chocolate caramel brownie cake yesterday - I’m sure I’m in for the weight-gain lecture from the doctor.

  I shut my eyes as I hear the little metal bar slide - and slide some more. I crack open an eye and notice the number. Six pounds. Ouch.

  I jump off the scale before it can start adding more pounds to that already growing number and extend my arm to the nurse for a blood pressure check. I’ve been fortunate that my blood pressure has been steady and within the normal range since I’ve been pregnant. I was reading in the baby books lately about preeclampsia and the dangers to both baby and mother.

  “Huh,” the nice nurse says as she takes my blood pressure.

  “What does ‘huh’ mean?” I ask with a little concern.

  “Your blood pressure is a little high. I want to take it again, okay?”

  “Sure,” I say but she’s already pumping air into the cuff around my arm for the second time.

  “140/80,” she says but doesn’t elaborate any further. She reaches in the basket, hands me a little plastic cup, and sends me to the small bathroom in the hallway.

  Once I’ve completed that task, she shows me to one of the exam rooms. “Hop up on the table and Dr. Freeman will be in shortly,” she says as she exit’s the room.

  A few minutes later a knock sounds at the door before it’s thrown open. But it’s not Dr. Freeman that enters the room, Travis is there with a sheepish grin on his face.

  “Hey,” he says as he walks over and places a kiss on my forehead.

  “Hi,” I say, instant relief washes over my body as my shoulders sag and release the tension I didn’t realize I was holding.

  “Sorry, I’m late. I got caught dealing with the plumbing changes and the electrician.”

  “That’s okay. I’m just glad you’re here now,” I tell him with a smile.

  Another knock sounds at the door and Dr. Freeman walks in moments later. “Good afternoon, Josselyn. How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” I reply.

  “Excellent. I see you have a six pound weight gain since your last appointment. Not horrible, but we’ll want to monitor it. Make sure you’re eating healthy, nutritious meals and snacks. The concern I have now is your blood pressure. It’s a little on the high side. Nothing to be super alarmed about, but I definitely want to keep monitoring that. How have you been feeling? Any dizziness, headaches, or noticeable swelling of the hands or face?” she asks.

  “No,” I reply and glance over at the concern on Travis’s face.

  “Good. I want to monitor it for now. If you feel any dizziness or are having headaches, I want you to call the office for an appointment. Or if you are out and about, just stop in and tell them to check your blood pressure, okay?”

  “Yes, of course,” I reply as if on autopilot.

  “Let’s check you out now, shall we?” she says as she grabs the portable heart monitor from the drawer.

  Travis and I both listen to the strong heartbeat for as long as she allows us. “128,” she says out loud and notes the number in my chart. She pulls the little tape measure out of her pocket and runs it along my abdomen from my belly button to my pubis area.

  “Next month we’ll have some blood tests for your glucose screening and anemia. The stuff tastes like really sweet, thick orange pop. It’s not the best tasting, but it’s a necessary test. Do you have any questions for me?” she asks.

  “Nope, I don’t think so,” I reply as I hop down off the table. Dr. Freeman hands me my paperwork for the front desk and sends us on our way.

  Outside, I turn to Travis who hasn’t said much the entire visit. “Everything okay?” I ask.

  “Yeah, I just need to get back. The electrician was going to hang around while I came to your appointment, but I don’t want to keep him waiting any longer than necessary,” he says without making eye contact.

  “Oh, okay. I guess I’ll just see you at home later sometime then,” I reply as I turn to head towards my car.

  “Joss, I’m probably going to be late again tonight. We’re trying to finalize the wiring and plumbing. But, I’m taking Sunday off. I want to spend the day with you and go to the home improvement store in St. Charles. We have a whole list of stuff to pick out for the house. Plus, we have dinner at my parent’s house afterwards.”

  I smile at the prospect of spending an entire day with Travis. I’ve barely seen him over the last couple of months and the thought of spending fifteen hours straight with him has me more excited than I could have possibly imagined.

  Travis must sense my excitement. He steps into my personal space as a big grin spreads across his handsome face. A face that has dirt smeared on it which only makes him look even more handsome, if that was even possible. It makes him look rugged and hardworking. And sexy as hell.

  We stand there for a few moments, each smiling, before he leans forward and places a tender kiss on my lips. “I’ve missed you so much, Joss,” he whispers against my lips.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” I tell him before he deepens the kiss and slides his tongue deep within the recesses of my mouth. That all too familiar tightening begins in my lower stomach. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him as close as possible. Well, as close as I can get with the bump protruding from my stomach. I long to rip his clothes off of him right here in the middle of downtown Rivers Edge, giving everyone a show. I don’t care.

  “I’ve been craving these lips all week,” he mumbles and takes little nips with his skilled mouth.

  A horn honks from the street breaking the moment which is probably a very good thing. “Jake is taking my place tomorrow night in softball so I can work all day and get everything finished to take Sunday off.”

  “Do you want me to bring lunch or supper out to you?”

  “That’s up to you, Joss. Maybe dinner would be the best option since it’s starting to cool off and hopefully won’t be as humid for you,” he says.

  “Okay,” I reply as I slip into my Camry and crank up the air. As I pull away, Travis is already in h
is truck and whipping a u-turn in the middle of Main Street and heading back out to the edge of town.

  I smile as I head back to the apartment. No, I’m not getting my date night, but I get dinner with Travis at the new house tomorrow night. Maybe I’ll try out one of the new dishes I’ve learned how to make from those cooking shows. Hell, maybe I’ll wear that blue negligee that I haven’t worn since the night of the karaoke.

  I smile the entire ride back to the apartment as I plan an unforgettable dinner with Travis at the new house for our little family.

  Chapter Ten


  The plumber just left after finally finishing his part. I have a few loose ends to tie up before the inspector can come and approve the plumbing, but we are well on our way. I’m actually looking forward to spending time with Josselyn tomorrow at the home improvement store. It’s sure to be a long day as we pick out all of the light fixtures, toilets, sinks, tub and shower units, cabinets, counter tops, and about a million other small details, but I’m up for it as long as she is.

  The sound of a car coming up the long lane has me turning around and heading out the temporary front door. I can’t control the smile that spreads across my face as Josselyn steps out of her car and a huge, beautiful grin lights up her entire face as she takes a look at the house for the first time in a month.

  “Oh, wow, Travis. This is going to be stunning. I can’t wait to see how much you’ve completed,” she says as she pops open her trunk.

  I hop down the temporary stairs and head towards her car to help her unload whatever she has in the trunk. As I step up next to her, I can smell her sweet scent. The scent that is a mixture of lotion and pure Josselyn. The scent that turns me on more than a Playboy magazine. I forgo the cargo in the trunk and pull her into my arms for a long, lingering kiss.

  “You’re all sweaty and gross,” she says as she wrinkles her nose at me. But she doesn’t pull away.


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