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Expect Me (Rivers Edge Book 3)

Page 16

by Lacey Black

  “It’s hot outside and in the house,” I tell her as I run my nose up her neck to her ear. I nip her earlobe and lightly suck it in my mouth. I hear her gasp as I run my tongue along the shell of her lobe. I’m harder than the concrete we just poured out back last week.

  “We better get this food out of the trunk and inside,” she murmurs, her breath hot against my neck. Food is the absolute last thing I’m thinking of right now. All I want to do is drag her out to the tall prairie grass, lay her down and ravish her body with my tongue. And that’s just the beginning.

  The voice in the back of my head reminds me that she’s pregnant and eating for two. So, getting food inside of her is a priority of mine. I adjust my throbbing cock that hasn’t seen action in a couple of weeks and step back from Josselyn. I glance down in the trunk and see the cooler, picnic basket, and blanket. “Please tell me you didn’t load this cooler by yourself,” I say with a pointed look as I lift it out of the car.

  “I put it in there empty and then added all of the stuff. It was much easier that way,” she says as she reaches in and grabs the picnic basket and blanket.

  “How about we eat out back under the big oak tree,” I say as I start to head around the house towards the backyard. I love this backyard. The tree is big and will provide plenty of shade for a patio and swing set. I have plans to plant more trees and shrubs around the perimeter of the yard to provide even more shade.

  Josselyn spreads out the blanket as I set the cooler down next to it. I open up the cooler and find bottles of water and even a few cans of Budweiser. I decide I better start with a bottle of water before I grab a beer since I’ve been working long enough today to know that I haven’t had near enough to replenish what I’ve been sweating out.

  Josselyn opens the basket and pulls out a large Tupperware container of something that smells delicious. When she pops the lid off, I can see the steam rise from the contents.

  I pull out the plates and the bag of silverware and spread them out on the blanket. Josselyn starts scooping cut up pieces of red potatoes, green beans, and Italian chicken on my plate. My mouth waters as the aroma hits my nose like a two by four.

  “Wow, this looks and smells delicious. Where did you get it from?” I ask as I pull the basket of rolls out of the picnic basket.

  “I made it,” she says with a smile.

  “I didn’t realize you knew how to cook like this,” I say with a quick cringe, hoping she isn’t as insulted as my comment now sounds to my own ears.

  She gives me a small smile as she reaches inside the smaller basket and pulls out two rolls. “Actually, this is a recent hobby. I’ve had a lot of free time lately, and you can only clean for so long,” she says with a slight shrug of her shoulders.

  Guilt hits me straight in the chest like an arrow as I read between the lines. “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy on the house and haven’t gotten to spend as much time with you as we’d both like.”

  “It really is okay, Travis. You have good reason to be busy,” she says as if shrugging it all off. The smile she gives me doesn’t reach her eyes through, and I can see she’s trying to mask the hurt in her eyes.

  “No, it’s not okay. I’m sorry, Joss,” I tell her as I lean forward and place a tender kiss on her lips. She responds instantly which I take as a good sign that she’s forgiving me for my thoughtlessness. “This smells amazing. I can’t wait to try it,” I tell her with another small kiss of her lips.

  “Dig in,” she says.

  The chicken is perfection. The seasonings are unbelievable, the fresh green beans are crisp, and the potatoes are excellent. I grab my roll and take a huge bite. Mom’s rolls. “Did my mom make these?”

  “Nope, I did. I spent the afternoon with her and Brooklyn a week or so back and she taught me how to make her yeast rolls.”

  “She did?” I ask surprised that my mom would share her recipe.

  “Yeah, I altered it slightly, though. I’m going through a huge cheese kick right now, so I mixed in a little garlic and Colby cheese into the batter,” she says as she takes her own bite of her roll.

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I think these are better than my mom’s. And I didn’t think that was possible,” I tell her before taking another huge bite.

  “I won’t tell her you said that,” she teases.

  “I would deny it if you did,” I quip with a small grin.

  After dinner, she opens back up the cooler and pulls out another container. Inside is my mom’s chocolate caramel brownie cake. I raise my eyebrow as she slides a piece on a plate for me.

  “And before you ask, I did this too. I’ve spent a few mornings with her at the bakery and since I’ve been bugging her to make it for me every chance I get, she finally broke down and showed me how. This is the first one I’ve made by myself, though so I’m not sure how it has turned out.”

  I take a bite and instantly know she’s nailed it. It’s heaven. I can’t even speak as I chew and eventually swallow the cake. “It’s perfect,” I tell her. The smile she gives me is both rewarding and encouraging. I love knowing that I brought that smile out of her.

  After dessert, Joss pulls out a small white box with a big blue bow on the top. She seems nervous as she sets it on the blanket in front of me.

  “For me?” I ask, not quite sure why she would get me a gift.

  “Yes,” she whispers with sparkling eyes.

  It only take me a second to remove the bow and pull off the top of the box. Inside is the smallest blue outfit. It seems so crazy that in just a few short months, a little person is going to wear this. And not just any person, but my son. The sleeper seems so small, and the thought of him being tiny enough to wear this outfit sends little tinges of nervousness through my entire body.

  I pull the blue material out of the box and instantly see three words that strike straight to the heart of me. Daddy’s Little Helper. I choke on the words I want to say. Words that I can’t seem to get past the lump in my throat and Sahara dry tongue.

  “This may be the greatest gift anyone has ever gotten me,” I tell her honestly, staring deeply into those soulful eyes of hers.

  “You like it?” she asks with a smile.

  “Like it? I love it,” I tell her just before I get up on my knees and my lips find hers. The kiss is sweet, soft, and full of unspoken sentiments. “Thank you,” I whisper against her lips. It’s not what I long to say, but it’s the only thing I can say right now.

  “You’re welcome. Can I see the house now?”

  I grab the blanket and take Josselyn’s hand as I give her a tour of the house. All of the walls are up and are ready for drywall now that the electrician and plumber are done. I hate dry walling, but it is part of it and something I’m willing to do. Fortunately my friend, Clint, has volunteered to help me with that task since it’s definitely quicker and easier with two people.

  When we get inside the master bedroom, she smiles as if she’s picturing the room that we will soon be occupying - together. I spread the blanket down on the plywood floor and grab her hand.

  “This is where I was picturing our bed going,” I tell her as I slowly lower her down to the blanket. “This isn’t nearly as comfortable as the bed, but I wanted to try it out anyway and make sure this is the right place for it.”

  And then my lips claim hers. It’s a possessive, dominating kiss full of need and passion. Her hazel eyes turn brown instantly as I press my body against hers, securely holding her between the blanket covered plywood floor and my hard body.

  I run my hand up her leg from her knee to her thigh. I can feel the heat coming through her panties and feel the wetness through the thin material. I can’t control my hands as I slide the material aside and rub her wetness around her swollen center.

  Josselyn gasps and moans at the contact which adds fuel to my already raging inferno. I slide one finger inside her and can feel her insides quivering and shaking around me.

  “Travis, I need you inside me. Right. Now,
” she demands breathlessly and with a sexy growl.

  It’s all the encouragement I need as I rip off all of my sweaty, dirty clothes. She’s removing her dress as well, but not moving near as fast as I need her too. And I do - need her. I crave her like no other.

  Once she’s completely naked underneath me and I’m propped up on my arms so as to not crush her belly, I position myself at her entrance.

  “Now,” she whispers a split second before I surge home in one stroke. Our breath mixes together as we both moan at the same time. My knees and elbows already ache from the thinly covered plywood, but I don’t care at all. Being with Josselyn - buried deep inside her - is the only place I want to be right now. No throb or pain can take away the ache I feel deep inside for her. That ache I feel deep in my heart. The place where no woman has been in a long time. In fact, no woman has ever consumed this much of my heart. Hell, she has it all. She has my entire heart because I love her. I know it.

  I lean down and take her lips with mine, careful not to squish her protruding stomach. The kiss turns hungry and lustful as I surge into her heat repeatedly. Josselyn is getting close, I can tell by the way her breathing is hitched and her hands are grabbing a hold of my body with urgency.

  I feel her internal walls start to squeeze me, milk me from the inside in the most delicious way. I thrust into her harder and send her flying over the edge. My name on her lips as she comes sends me over the edge myself as I slam into her a few more times and empty myself deep inside of her.

  We lay there, holding each other for a few moments as we try to get our erratic breathing under control. I love how out of control I am with her. I roll to the side as I start to relax, pulling her flush against me. We both are covered in sweat - from the heat of the house or from the exertion of sex, I don’t know - as we lay close, our limbs tangled up in each other.

  After several minutes, I reach down and grab the corner of the blanket to assist in cleaning Josselyn up. She stands up, gloriously naked, and I feel myself starting to tighten in the groin all over again. Josselyn looks down, surprise registering on her beautiful face.

  “You better hurry up and get dressed before I pull you back down on that blanket and take you every which way to Sunday. Again and again and again,” I tell her with a pointed try-me look.

  She grins and reaches for her sundress and bra. Once both are on, she reaches down and palms her panties. As soon as I have my pants back on, she stalks over to me, and when she’s mere inches from me, she stuffs them down in the front pocket of my jeans with a mischievous smile.

  There is no way I’m letting her leave here without me tonight. I throw on the rest of my clothes and my work boots without even lacing them up and reach for her hand, tugging her towards the front entrance of the house.

  “Where are we going?” she asks as I pull her out the front door, locking it behind me as I go.

  “Home. I’m done working for tonight. I think we both need a shower and the only thing I can think of now is getting you naked and wet in my shower, running my hands and tongue over your entire body from head to toe,” I say as we reach my truck.

  “What about my car?” she asks as she slips inside the cab.

  “We’ll pick it up tomorrow after we go shopping in St. Charles. Right now, I want you right next to me until I can get you home and strip you naked again,” I tell her as I steal a kiss.

  Josselyn smiles against my lips as she says, “Well, then you better take me home.”

  So, I do. And, believe me, it was damn difficult not to pull over to take her again on that ride home.


  Sunday proved to be a very productive day. We spent five long, semi-aggravating hours inside that store but we left with orders for everything I had on my list. The counter tops, cabinets, carpet and tile, light fixtures, and everything for the bathrooms. I even have my trailer loaded down with insulation and drywall which I plan to start tomorrow night.

  Josselyn was a trooper the entire day. She never once complained about her feet swelling or her back hurting. She excused herself several times to use the restroom, but other than that, she stuck by my side and helped make all of the important homebuilding decisions. She amazes me.

  After we drop the trailer at the building site, grab Josselyn’s car, and stop by the apartment to drop it off there, we head out to my parent’s place for dinner.

  It’s a big dinner this week as all of my siblings are here, plus Maddox’s parents and Avery’s best friend, Holly. Mom decided that since the house was so full and the weather is so nice, we’re setting up tables and chairs on the patio out back for a cookout. Avery keeps rubbing Josselyn’s belly and asking hundreds of questions. The girls all seem to be happy and content with their conversations which makes me happy that Josselyn fits in so well with Avery and Erin.

  I’m pushing Brooklyn on the swing when Nate comes up and offers me another beer. “Thanks,” I tell him.

  “How’s the house coming?” he asks.

  “Good. We ordered everything today. I start insulation and drywall tomorrow night and should have that part all done by the time everything else comes in.”

  Nate nods his head approvingly. “Sounds like you’re on track.” He takes a long pull of his beer before continuing. “Hey, I took a couple of vacation days at the end of the week and traded my weekend for the next, so I’m off Thursday through Sunday. I thought I’d help you drywall, if you want the help,” he offers.

  “I’d love the help. I won’t be able to get there Thursday and Friday until after work, but I’ll be there as soon I can.”

  “If you leave me your punch list, I’ll see what I can accomplish while you’re working,” he offers.

  “Thanks, Nate. I really appreciate it,” I tell my big brother with a smile. He may not work in construction on a day to day basis, but he grew up in the same house that I did and knows enough to complete just about any project.

  “We’ll find a way for you to pay me back someday,” he adds with a cocky smile.

  “Oh, I’m sure you’ll think of something,” I say as I give Bean another big push on the swing.

  “Watch me, Uncle Nate. I can pump my legs and swing real high!” Brooklyn exclaims as she pumps her legs like I’ve been showing her how to do.

  “Excellent job, Bean. I’m proud of you, sugar,” Nate replies with a smile as he watches her pump her little legs with everything she has.

  Mom walks out on the patio with Mrs. Jackson and delivers all of the side dishes to the food table. “Okay, gang. I think we’re ready to eat,” she says as Dad sets the platter of hamburgers and hotdogs on the table.

  After helping Bean down from the swing, I head over to Josselyn who is loading up her plate with a fully loaded hamburger. I smile at the amount of food she’s squeezing onto that plate in her hand. I reach down and make a quick plate, too, before heading over to one of the round tables.

  When everyone is seated, Jake stands up and says, “Can I have everyone’s attention for a quick moment, please?”

  I watch as Jake takes a hold of Erin’s hand and pulls her to stand next to him. There’s no hiding the smile on her glowing face, and I find myself holding my breath waiting for the words that I know are about to come out of my oldest brother’s mouth. Words that I never thought I’d hear.

  “Erin and I are getting married,” he tells his family with his own big smile but never takes his eyes off of Erin’s smiling face.

  Cheers and congratulations erupt around me. Everyone stands up and quickly congratulates the happy couple with hugs and kisses. The girls all dive for Erin’s hand as she flashes them a big sparkling rock. Bean runs up and gives Jake a big hug and kiss and tells him she wants a baby cousin to play with next.

  “Well, let us work on getting married first, Bean,” he tells her as he holds her close.

  I walk up and slap my brother on the back and give him a not-so-gentle squeeze. “Congrats, Jake. I’m glad you’re finally settling down. Erin’s a great girl a
nd perfect to keep you in line,” I say with a smile.

  Jake laughs. “Yeah, that’s practically a full time job in itself. She’s the best, and I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life without her in it,” he says with a longing smile as he watches the girls all fawn over Erin’s ring.

  When everyone starts to take a seat and settle down, Maddox stands up. “Can I have everyone’s attention? I want to propose a toast to Jake and Erin. You know, I’ve received a lot of shit -” Maddox says as everyone jumps on him for his language. “Sorry. I mean I’ve received a lot of flak from my best friend here for almost year. So, to see his love for Erin grow over the past year has been fun and entertaining to watch. She won’t put up with his -” he clears his throat before continuing, “Stuff, and she gives him hell as much as she can. I’ve seen a different side of Jake in the past several months and it’s all because of you, Erin. So everyone raise your drink and help me congratulate Jake and Erin. May you have plenty of fights and even more make-ups.”

  Everyone cheers as Maddox continues. “Now, if I can steal a moment of Jake and Erin’s spotlight, I have something to add.” Maddox sets his beer down on the table next to Avery’s bottle of water. “If I can offer you a suggestion, Jake and Erin. If you could try to avoid February twenty-seventh as a wedding date, we’d appreciate it,” Maddox says as he pulls Avery to a standing position next to him. “That’s when the next Jackson baby is due,” he says as he smiles and looks deeply into Avery’s sparkling blue eyes.

  The tables erupt again as we all absorb the news of the upcoming Stevens wedding and a Jackson baby on the way. Maddox’s mom and our mom both break out in tears as they absorb the news of another grandchild. I can’t help but pull Josselyn against my side as I rub her stomach as I talk to my little sister.

  When the hype finally subsides, my dad toasts both Avery, Maddox, and Bean, Jake and Erin, and even throws in a few words for Josselyn and me, too. The air is light and festive and no one seems to care that dinner has been left cold and untouched for the past twenty minutes.


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