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Tudor Rubato

Page 10

by Jamie Salisbury

  “No we didn’t Amadeus and this isn’t something I began lightly. It wasn’t an easy decision. But I’ve come to the conclusion that it is the right decision and that your father would very much approve.”

  Amadeus shot me a look. “Have you known about this?”

  “Zara found out quite by accident this afternoon Amadeus, so just put your maleness away. If she hadn’t found out we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. Zara asked me to tell you tonight before you found out through another source.”

  Grace was sitting in her chair quite regally, holding a cup of tea. I waited for the other shoe to drop.

  “Is it anyone I know or the family knows, Mother?”

  “Yes, he is someone we all know Amadeus…”

  “Well, are you going to tell me or keep me in suspense?”

  “It’s Peter.”

  I thought Amadeus’ eyes were going to pop out of his head right on the spot. “Peter! Are you serious?” He looked over at Peter and began laughing.

  “Yes, I’m quite serious Amadeus. Have you got a problem with it young man?”

  “No…shit I don’t know Mother. Damn, Peter! Really? I mean I’ve always known you two were fond of each other, but I would have never thought… How Mother?”

  “It just sort of happened,” Peter injected. “I guess we share a lot in common. We’ve both lost a spouse and all. We can talk to each other about things we can’t talk to any of you about.”

  Grace went on to tell him about how a couple of his own children already knew and how they had wanted to tell all her children as well. Grace did quite well and Amadeus seemed to absorb the matter and accept it.

  Of course Amadeus’ mind was where mine was – Angus. But Grace blew it off.

  “He can either accept it or not. Quite frankly it does not matter to me. Not after what he tried to do to the two of you and what he did to his own wife. Or should I say ex-wife.”

  “Well, Mother,” Amadeus replied, “Zara and I are quite happy for you. If Peter and you are happy that’s all that matters.”

  “Thank you both.”

  Amadeus stood up and walked over to his mother, taking her hand and kissing her on the cheek before walking over to Peter and shaking his hand.

  “Now I think you perhaps should think about at least doing a conference call or using Skype to tell the others, Mother.”

  “Right now?”

  “No Mother, not this second, but you need to try and plan something. Email everyone with a date and time first. And talk with Peter and see if it’s something you two want to do together.”

  Amadeus burst out laughing all of a sudden, sitting back down in his chair and shaking his mane of dark hair.

  “What’s so funny A?” I asked him, as the three of us looked at him.

  “The thought of my mother dating a rocker, perhaps one of the most famous of all time. Who’d have ever thought?” He continued on cackling. I had to admit, I could understand where he was coming from.

  “I don’t know what’s so amusing Amadeus. Like I told Zara earlier, Peter and I are practically the same age.”

  “Mother, if I ever had to envision you dating, it certainly would never have been to Peter, no offense Peter. Not in a thousand years. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you both. I simply imagined you dating some old stuffy retired businessman.”

  “Hmmph. You thought wrong didn’t you, Mister Smarty Pants.”


  We had settled into a routine, waiting on the birth our baby. I was still confined to bed, which was driving me insane. Grace and Amadeus had their routines around the house and farm. Peter popped in several times over the next couple of weeks. It was still humorous imagining the two of them together.

  Late one morning a car pulled up. I heard it from upstairs and heard Amadeus speaking with a couple of men. The next thing I knew he poked his head inside the bedroom quite seriously.

  “Zara, there are two detectives from Seattle downstairs. They wish to speak to all of us. Do you think you’d be okay if I help you down the stairs?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. Who are they and what do they want.”

  “They’re the two who had been working on all the stuff surrounding Tudor Rose, and they claim to also be working my poisoning, or as they put it, attempted murder.”

  “Okay,” I replied as I swung my feet over the side of the bed and slowly began to get up. Amadeus was at my side helping me put on a robe over my short cotton nightshirt.

  We walked out into the upstairs hall and he stood next to me as I slowly walked down the stairs to the living room where I greeted Joe Franco and Tom Nix.

  “Gentlemen, you must have news if you’ve traveled all this distance,” I began as I sat down in one of the large overstuffed chairs.

  “We thought since the three of you were all here together in one place, it would be suitable to come in person to let you know what we know and what is going on.” Joe Franco said.

  “Do you know who tried to murder my son and if so do you have him in custody?”

  “We do, and I’m sorry to have to tell you this. Your son, Angus has been arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder among a list of other charges.”

  The room went silent, so silent a pin could drop. I felt my head screaming wanting someone to say something, anything.

  “Zara?” Amadeus gazed over at me. “This was the reason we missed each other in New York?”

  I was about to speak when Tom Nix jumped in.

  “Mr. Tudor, your wife knew nothing about this. We met with her in London, but the only thing we asked her was her take on your brother’s personality and behavior. I can assure you she knew nothing about our ongoing investigation.”

  “That’s right Amadeus. Mr. Nix had me meet him in London when I was supposed to be on my way back to meet you in New York. All they asked me was what they just told you.” It was the truth, just not all the truth. I believe the detectives feared Amadeus would consider my involvement with keeping an eye and ear out as just that being involved with the investigation.

  “Oh my God,” I heard Grace exclaim. “What has he done? Is there anything we can do from here detectives?”

  “No, ma’am. I’m sure with the people behind him he’ll have attorneys by his side if they aren’t already.”

  “Grace, Amadeus and I would understand if you feel you need to go back to Seattle right now,” I said.

  “No, absolutely not. I promised you and Amadeus I’d be here to help you out Zara, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. Helping you until the baby is born and help you settle in afterwards. Angus made his own bed, now he can lie in it.”

  I was sitting there rubbing my stomach. I felt tense all over. Amadeus must have picked up on that because the next thing I knew he was leading me back upstairs to bed.

  “If you gentlemen have nothing further for my wife, I’m going to take her back to bed. She’s under doctor’s orders to stay in bed right now.”

  The two detectives mumbled their goodbyes and shook my hand aware that Amadeus was protecting me now.

  Getting up the stairs was harder than going down and I was grateful for him being there. He sat down next to me after he pulled the covers over me.

  “I didn’t mean for what I said down there to sound like I was accusing you of anything baby. It was just a shock to hear that about Angus.”

  I nodded my head. “I know. I just wish I understood what possessed him to act out like that.”

  “Come,” he said as he rose from the bed. “We’ll talk about it in a while. I’m going to go see the detectives off. Will you be okay while I’m gone?”

  “Yeah, you go ahead. Just promise me you won’t be gone too long.”


  Word flew through the Tudor household of Angus’ arrest and involvement in what had happened to Amadeus. Grace decided she wanted to speak with all of her children at once to discuss it as a family and not have fractions thinking
one thing different than another.

  Peter flew back to Edinburgh to give Grace the moral support she needed and was going to need. He and Grace also were going to go ahead and introduce their relationship to the family.

  Angus, while having posted bail almost as quick as he had been arrested had gone into hiding and had not been seen nor heard from by any of his family. Not even Ashleigh, his now ex-wife nor Amber, his current wife knew where he was hiding.

  Grace and I were both worried about Amadeus and his thought process in all of this. Learning that your own brother may have had a hand in wanting to have you killed, not to mention some other things he could have been involved in had to be a lot to take in. Once Peter arrived the following day, he took Amadeus on a long walk on the farm where the two talked for a couple of hours.

  I could tell the news and stress of this most recent development was taking its’ toll on me as well. I tried not to let either Amadeus or Grace know that I was having some sort of mild contractions. The baby was active as ever and I knew that I was coming into the time where these types of contractions were not unheard of. I tried to avert my attention to other things like the book I was in the middle of reading or the pile of magazines Grace had brought me. The last thing I needed was this baby coming too early or worse yet – something similar to the last time happening again.

  The two remaining siblings, Damien and Anne had been notified about the Skype conference and Amadeus and Peter set up a laptop upstairs in the bedroom where I was in order to involve me. Grace had also notified Ashleigh as well, knowing she had to be beside herself. She was the mother of Angus’ children and Grace was not one to hold a grudge where family was concerned.

  When the time came, Amadeus took over and made sure Grace was connected with everyone. He and Peter had made sure that no one would be seated directly behind Grace, thus giving her some element of surprise when it came time for her to spring her new budding relationship with Peter on everyone. She had planned to do this last, thinking she could end an otherwise horrid call on a positive note. Amadeus and I knew she was nervous about telling Anne and Damien about her relationship with Peter, but we didn’t think it would be anything but well received. Once the shock wore off of course.

  Everything went off without a hitch. The conversation surrounding Angus was one of shock and disbelief and concern for Amadeus. Both Damien and Anne were worried about Grace and the fallout this would have to have among her friends to which Grace assured them both she would not listen to idle gossip and being with us in Scotland at the moment insulated her from the worst right now.

  On that note Peter had discussed with Grace, Amadeus and me the idea of hiring some security for us at the farm. It wasn’t widely known where we were living, nor where Grace was at the moment, but it would only take one smart member of the paparazzi to figure it out. We all agreed, but only on the condition that Peter split the cost with us.

  I was too far along in my pregnancy to move anywhere too far away and I had also overheard Peter, Grace and Amadeus discussing, if it became necessary, of us all moving into one of the townhouses Amadeus and I had been looking at purchasing. Peter’s name did wield some clout. Right now however, the farm was secure.

  And it couldn’t go unsaid that everyone was a bit shocked when Grace introduced Peter as her beau. The initial shock was much of what Amadeus and I had lived, but the main thing was everyone was happy for Grace and for Peter.

  Peter had been, unknown to me, watching me while the Skype conversation was going on. He discreetly moved in closer to me and bent over to quietly talk to me.

  “Zara, are you alright? You seem a bit off.”

  I shook my head, “No, I’m fine. Just getting sore I guess from being confined to this bed. I can’t seem to find a comfortable position anymore.”

  I had hoped this would satisfy him, at least for a while, but no, Amadeus’ “Zara antennae” was up and he was by my side in a second, asking the same questions.

  Of course it is almost impossible for me to lie to him. “It’s nothing. I’m just having those Braxton Hicks contractions that start happening when you’re as close to delivery as I am.”

  “I hadn’t heard the doctor mention them. You sure you’re alright, love?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I’m sure it’s been mentioned. There’s simply a lot to take in, you know. If you want to go to one of my books and read up on it, you’ll see it’s a perfectly normal part of pregnancy.”

  Trouble was I didn’t remember them when I was pregnant with Wolfgang. If I had had them they didn’t bother me like these.

  Grace, the ever-observant mother was watching this all unfold and cut the Skype call short. It didn’t really matter, everyone seemed to be repeating the same things and in disbelief about Angus.

  She came closer and shooed the two men away and sat down on the bed beside me. I don’t know how it happened but Amadeus was on the phone with the doctors’ office while Grace and I talked. I knew by the look on her face she thought it might be something more than the Braxton Hicks contractions.

  “Zara we’re going to the hospital. The doctor will meet us there.” Amadeus announced, putting his cell phone back into his pocket.

  “Amadeus, I’m fine. Don’t over-react please.”

  “It’s been decided. You’re going Zara. Now let’s get you up and get you ready.”

  Grace nodded her head in agreement. “Zara, Amadeus is right. The doctor wouldn’t have you going all the way to the hospital instead of his office if he didn’t think it was necessary.”

  “But it can’t be for real labor. I’m still a few weeks off.”

  “My dear, try as technology may, it is ultimately the baby who makes the decision when he or she is going to make their entrance into this world.”

  “Zara.” Amadeus’ shot me a warning glance.

  “Peter and I will be downstairs while Amadeus helps you.” Grace smiled at me as she rose off the side of the bed and walked towards the doorway where Peter was standing.

  “Okay, okay. I guess I’m outnumbered on this one.”

  Outnumbered, indeed. As I was in the middle of putting a jumper on over a huge shirt – my insistence even though Amadeus was fine with me going in a nightgown – my water broke. Amadeus realized it as quickly as I did. We stared at each other for a couple of seconds. He quickly helped me finish dressing and guided me gingerly down the stairs.

  “Come on you two, we’ve got a baby on the way. Zara’s water just broke.”

  Not quite two hours later Amadeus and I welcomed Elizabeth Tudor into the world. She decided she was damn well ready to make her entrance and wasn’t going to wait within her confines a second longer.

  While she looked amazing like Amadeus with the piercing dark eyes, her hair while dark had a reddish tinge to it. And she certainly knew how to use her lungs because the instant her mouth was free of the birth canal she was hollering, making sure everyone knew she was here.

  We hadn’t chosen names having decided that we’d wait until we saw the baby and let it flow from there. All it took was a couple of minutes in her daddy’s arms for her to have a name. Elizabeth was regal and elegant, and it fit her last name, and we knew she would do her ancestor that she was named after proud. And like her ancestor she needed no middle name, just the name Elizabeth.

  She weighed in at just a little under six pounds, keeping her out of the preemie unit. She was a month early, but she was a fighter and let everyone know that. It was all I could do to let the nurses take her away to clean her up in the nursery. I didn’t want her out of my sight, and neither did Amadeus who, once they left the room with her came to my side, kissed me and left the room, as he headed straight to the nursery window to observe.

  Feigning exhaustion from the ordeal and having had the birth documented in its entirety, Grace and Peter took their leave, promising to return later. I was grateful for some time alone because through all the happiness I still shed a tear for the son I had lost.

Somehow I fell asleep, if only for a little while. The next thing I remembered the nurses had Elizabeth back in my room. She was hungry and demanding to be fed and as I had chosen to breast feed I had no choice but for my daughter and I to discover this ancient ritual, as her proud papa looked on.

  It was apparent the nurses were not needed as Elizabeth instinctively knew what she was supposed to do. Amadeus and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Demanding little thing, isn’t she?” Amadeus chuckled watching his daughter, who immediately began wailing when one of the nurses tried to move her into what they thought would be a more comfortable position, adding, “I think she knows exactly what to do.”

  The nurse had to smile, telling us that most newborns had to be shown and coaxed the first couple of times. Not the case with Elizabeth.

  Finally it seemed everything began to quiet and settle down. Elizabeth was asleep, and I glanced back in Amadeus’ direction to find him in one of the recliners sleeping as well. The hint of dark stubble shadowed his face. His thick mane of dark hair laid across the edge of his shoulders, a hunk dramatically fell over his right eye. His chiseled good looks set everything off. God he was gorgeous, and it was obvious by looking over at our daughter that we made beautiful babies together.

  The following day we were on our way back to the farm. Since Grace was with us, I saw no need to spend another minute in the Edinburgh hospital. The house soon fell into a routine-Elizabeth’s routine. She was on one hand quite demanding and knew quite well how to get attention but at the same time she was the sweetest child. While it took her a couple of weeks before she began to sleep through the night. Okay maybe not through the entire night, but enough of it that Amadeus and I considered that she slept through the night. Neither of us minded her waking us at four thirty, five in the morning. Nor did we mind that she took one last feeding around midnight. We were simply relishing being a family, something that had been a long time coming.

  Grace reveled in being the doting grandmother and was a huge help. With Peter back out on the concert tour road, we didn’t see as much of him. However, after a few weeks, Grace managed to find reasons to take some time off to meet up with him. Amadeus and I thought it sweet and we had become the mouthpiece to Anne and Damien. They were quite curious about their mother’s new love life and knew that questioning her fell upon deaf ears.


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