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Tudor Rubato

Page 11

by Jamie Salisbury

  Then one day, things changed with the blink of an eye.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Amadeus and I had been enjoying a quiet rainy day on the farm, Grace had gone off to spend a couple of days with Peter, Elizabeth was fast asleep. Life was good.

  I was looking over a list of potential musicians with Amadeus, who wanted to audition for Amadeus’ new Tudor Rose band. Yes, he was going to bring Tudor Rose back. But this version of Tudor Rose would solely be as his back-up band. He was the headliner, not the band.

  He opened an email and as he sat and read he began to cackle. I turned and looked over at him, sitting in a large buttery soft leather chair laughing like a fool.

  “What in god’s name is so funny?”

  “You are not going to believe this Zara.” He was immediately overcome by laughter once again.


  “Seems four of my former band mates have heard I’m auditioning for spots in Tudor Rose and they want to open a dialogue with me about it. Can you believe that?”

  “Let me see,” I replied curiously as I stood up and padded over toward him. I sat on the arm of the chair and peered over at his laptop screen. “Well, at least the bad apple didn’t include himself.”

  “No, he didn’t. I think he knows he burnt any bridges with me. What do you think, Zara? Put your manager hat on.”

  “They were good. Ya’ll were together for years, no question about any of that.”

  “No, we go back since we were kids. What’s your hold back? I can tell you’re not one hundred percent convinced.”

  “I say write them back. Tell them you’re interested in hearing any proposal they might have. Let’s see what sort of response you get first.”

  “Okay, why don’t you write it love. You’re so good at that sort of thing. Then what?”

  “Then, if you like what you hear, or rather read I’d set up a meeting, on your terms. They come to you. The discussions are held here.”

  “On the farm?”

  “If you don’t feel comfortable doing them here on the farm, we’ll choose somewhere else. We could even do them in London for that matter. I’m sure we could use a conference room at Peter’s offices.”

  “I’d rather do that, Zara. This is our home, our sanctity. I don’t want to bring all that here.”

  “That’s fine and I totally agree with you.”

  “Then what?”

  “We meet and see what they have to say, see how sincere they really are. And Amadeus?”

  “What love?”

  “We do a contract with anyone you hire, not just them. Anyone. It includes a confidentiality clause. One that states among other things, that they are not allowed to discuss the internal workings with the press or anyone else. They need to know up front that you are in charge, that this is your show, you’re the attraction. I’m sure Peter can direct us to his legal team on that.”

  “I agree after the last time. What if they hesitate?”

  “End of discussion. Simple as that.”

  “I knew there was some reason I loved you besides the fact you’re a wonderful mother and wife.”

  “And Amadeus?”

  He groaned, knowing I’m sure what was coming next.

  “I’m back on board for this. After last time, I don’t intend to sit back and allow strangers to manage your career.”

  “I figured as much, and I’m in total agreement. We’re just going to have to decide how, now that we have Elizabeth.”

  “I know and we will. Now why don’t you bring that lap top into the kitchen. I’ll write your reply and we can have some lunch.”

  I sat down in front of the keyboard and re-read the message. Then I began to write, first off (in Amadeus’ voice of course) telling them how good it was to hear from them. After that I briefly made mention of their part in Tudor Rose, should they want to pursue, and the contract. I left it with if they were still interested to do so with a reply.

  Amadeus read what I had written and hit the send button.


  So here we are three weeks later, in London. Amadeus, Grace, Elizabeth and myself. Rather than overwhelm Peter, I found the lot of us a small suite at a hotel not too far from Peter’s offices. Within walking distance as I have become determined to get some of the pregnancy/baby fat off, and the walk is quite lovely.

  Amadeus and I met with four of his former band-mates. Mike Anderson, drummer extraordinaire, Chris Schmidt, one of Amadeus’ two lead guitarists, Manfred aka Manny Norton, keyboards and Bob Morris who had played keyboards and then some. The only person missing was Johnny Roberts, the other lead guitarist; the one who had been such an ass the night Amadeus was poisoned.

  All of the boys had known each other since childhood. They’d played together, gone to school together. Manny however, was a British import. Amadeus had picked him up a few years prior on one of Tudor Rose’s European tours. He was not only a spectacular musician, he was a wonderful person. Amadeus and I had always adored him and his wife Carole.

  After all the greetings and niceties everyone sat down at the conference table to begin a conversation. So far all the emails, Skype calls and regular phone calls had been upbeat and positive. The boys seemed as though they were truly sorry for what had transpired in Seattle that fateful night.

  At Amadeus’ request, I headed up the meeting. He was afraid he would get side tracked and knew I would keep everything on point and business like, because that’s what this was-a business meeting.

  “I hope you boys can understand Amadeus being a little gun shy after what happened in Seattle. In fact to this day, we’re still not one hundred percent we know exactly what happened.”

  “The whole thing was crazy Zara,” Manny began.

  “I know, and Amadeus and I have decided that it’s in the past and that it’s old news. But! That being said you all have to understand why Amadeus wants things to be handled on a more professional and businesslike level. It will benefit all of us if we are to move forward and pursue this.”

  Everyone agreed, nodding their head and grunting like men do. Amadeus was seated to my right and had remained quiet throughout the conversation.

  “It does not mean that I don’t trust any of you. I just think at this stage in my career and after what happened I need to be a little more cautious. That means being professional,” Amadeus added. I watched him as he raked his hand through his hair before sitting back in his chair again. He was trying to determine the boys reaction.

  I picked up a stack of folders and started walking around the table, giving each one of them a folder.

  “This is a copy of a contract the attorneys have drawn up. It’s a pretty standard industry contract so don’t think there are a lot of hidden or far-fetched things in it, because there’s not. Look it over, discuss it among yourselves, if that’s what you want to do and if everyone is in agreement we can meet back here tomorrow morning.”

  Amadeus sat forward in his chair looking down the table at everyone. “If any of you decide you don’t want to do this, I’ll understand. If you all decide this isn’t what you want I’ll understand. We’ve all known each other for a hell of a long time so I am hoping we can be men about this and move forward.”

  “Hey A,” Chris spoke up. “Any ideas as to who you want as the second lead? Or are you thinking only one?”

  “Chris, that’s totally open for discussion. I hadn’t made a decision. Tudor Rose has always had two lead guitarists. That’s part of our image. Like I said I’m open to discussion about it.”

  That broke the ice and the boys started immediately discussing possibilities. I knew right then things would be okay. At least I prayed they would be. As always I was over protective where Amadeus was concerned.

  Finally I brought the discussion back to the actual reason for all of us being there. I went over the proposed tour schedule and subsequent studio time. If they were going to be on board for this they needed to know that things would be happening in the UK and not Sea
ttle. No one had a problem with any of it, another good sign.

  Feigning previous commitments, Amadeus and I gracefully declined dinner with them, agreeing to meet up the following morning at the scheduled time. If everyone was in agreement and were willing to sign the contracts then we would take everyone out for a celebratory dinner.

  But before the boys left, Amadeus had to proudly show off pictures of his baby daughter, to which he got the typical male slaps on the shoulder and back. Men, what was it about them and their primal behavior?

  We arrived back at our suite to find Grace putting Elizabeth down for a nap. She had just eaten and had fallen asleep soon afterwards. Grace and I had been surprised when we found Elizabeth took to a bottle as well as she did the breast. Seems where there was food, Elizabeth would take it, anyway she could get it.

  I was starving and knew Amadeus had to be also, but Grace had anticipated we would be and had ordered lunch for us all. All of a sudden the smell hit me and I found myself at the table making myself a plate of fruit, chicken salad and delicious bread. I sat down at the table, placed my plate down in front of me and went in search of something to drink. Finding a bottle of water I returned to find Amadeus seated next to my spot. I sat down next to him grinning.

  “I can’t believe how well that went, can you?”

  “Yeah, but then Johnny always was a bit of the ringleader among them. So now they’ve had lots of time to think about how badly they screwed up and they want to make amends.”

  “You think you can trust them?”

  “Yeah Zara, I do. Without Johnny and Artie in their midst I think Tudor Rose will be just fine.”

  Grace approached us. She looked ready for an outing. “Since you two don’t have anything planned this afternoon, you wouldn’t mind if I went out for a while, would you?”

  “No of course not Grace.” Knowing Peter wasn’t in town I quietly wondered where she might be off to, but she quickly told us.

  “Your father’s sister Beatrice is in town for the day. Henry had some business to attend to, so she and I are going to meet and shop for a while. Perhaps take tea somewhere.”

  “You going to tell her about you and Peter?” Amadeus asked, a smug grin crossed his face as he eyed his mother.

  “Yes, I am young man, not that it’s any of your business,” she teased. “I thought it best if I do before she reads about it in one of those dreadful rags.”

  “I’m surprised the news hasn’t already broken, Mother. It’s not like you and Peter have been trying to keep things secret.”

  “Well, Peter’s publicist has been doing a marvelous job fending off any questions. The only thing I understand has gotten out was when Elizabeth was born. There were some photos taken of us as we left the hospital.”

  “Uh oh,” Amadeus teased.

  “Peter’s people were able to brush it off as merely the two of us at the birth of your daughter.”

  “But you know the paparazzi Grace, that won’t last forever. And I hope Peter has prepped you as well as he can for what could happen,” I added. I was concerned for Grace. She had never had much to do with the press before, even with three famous sons. Now however, she was having a relationship with one of the most famous men in the world. The paparazzi would have a field day. Unless…

  “You know Grace,” I added, “how about if I talk with Peter and his publicist about this. I may have a solution that will solve a lot of this.”

  “Well certainly you can Zara. What do you have in mind?”

  “Peter has a great rapport with the press, always has. Let me talk to him first, but I’m thinking perhaps if the two of you sort of came out together and Peter issued a brief statement, well I think it would save you from being harassed.”

  “Good idea, Zara,” Amadeus replied. “But Mother, we aren’t rushing this are we? Your relationship with Peter is as serious as you’ve led us to believe, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, yes it is Amadeus. And Zara, talk to Peter. I think that’s a wonderful idea you have.” She looked down at her watch, then back at us. “I’d better go. Beatrice hates to be kept waiting you know.”

  “Okay, have a wonderful time Grace.”

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine.”

  “I never thought you wouldn’t be, Amadeus.”

  Once she left the room, I started to eat. I noticed Amadeus was picking. He got up and went over to the bar and found himself a beer. He offered me one, but I shook my head, even though I had been told a beer wasn’t so awful when a woman breastfed.

  Once I finished lunch I got on the phone with Peter to discuss my idea of he and Grace going public regarding their relationship. Surprisingly, he had been thinking of something along the same lines as me, only for a tad bit different reason. I know I had to have looked shocked when I sat down across from Amadeus who was now sitting in one of the large chairs in the sitting area of the suite, holding Elizabeth. He can’t seem to get enough of her as he’s constantly getting her out of her bed and holding her, watching her.

  Peter had asked me not to say anything to anyone since he had not had a chance to discuss the matter with Grace.

  “Is everything okay? Peter agreed with you about making some sort of announcement didn’t he?”

  “Yes, he was in total agreement and he’s going to have his people get right on it. He’s going to sit down and discuss things with your mother. He’s planning to fly her to wherever he’s going to be this weekend for a couple of days to do so.”

  “Zara, you didn’t answer my question. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, of course everything is okay. Why wouldn’t it be, and you shouldn’t be getting her up and holding her like that all the time A. You’re going to get her so spoiled that once you do go on the road I’m going to be left with a screaming baby who wants to be held all the time. And only by her absent daddy.”

  “I know, that’s what I’m counting on.” He grinned as he looked down at his sleeping daughter.

  “I thought you had something else in mind for our afternoon?”

  “Hmmm, I do, but perhaps we should wait until later. It’d be our luck Mother and Aunt Beatrice would show up unannounced.” He grinned his boyish little grin he liked to use when he wanted to act all sweet and innocent.

  “You’re so right that would just be our luck or little miss here would decide to wake up.”

  Amadeus and I had not made love since she had been born. Not for lack of trying either. Something always seemed to get in the way. Privacy now or lack of it seemed to be the main contention. But I guess it was obvious by our need of sleep now that we were new parents, and loving every minute of it.

  The next day we were due to meet once more with Amadeus’ former Tudor Rose band mates to see if they were truly interested in being a part of the new, resurrected Tudor Rose. The meeting had been deliberately planned for late morning. The idea behind it was simple. If the boys came back either with their contracts signed or wanted to sign a contract but had concerns there would be a photo op immediately after said meeting. In other words Tudor Rose would be alive in all regards except for a soon to be found second lead guitarist.

  Anticipating that there might be some legal questions or issues, I had lined up one of Peter’s legal team to sit in on the meeting. This way he could answer any questions or concerns anyone might have.

  All four of the boys walked into the conference room and sat down. They placed their folders on the table in front of themselves. After ironing out a couple of matters of concern to them, an agreement was reached and Peter’s attorney promised to have the contracts reworked and in front of them before we left for lunch.

  While we waited for that, I suggested taking the opportunity for the photo shoot, which Peter’s daughter, Linda was prepared to do. Once Linda and I were satisfied with the images, I took the boys on a brief tour of Peter’s facility, showing them the studio where hopefully, they’d soon be recording some new Tudor Rose material.

  By the end of the day, Amadeus and I
returned to our hotel suite happy but exhausted. In one month’s time Amadeus’ band mates would come to Edinburgh to rehearse. They would also hold auditions for the missing guitarist. Amadeus looked as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

  Grace was staying on in London to leave in a few days to meet up with Peter. Amadeus, Elizabeth and I would be headed back to the farm by ourselves. I was personally looking forward to it. Not that I didn’t love having Grace around to help me, but I was looking forward to the three of us bonding as a family unit. I was looking even more forward to Amadeus and me reconnecting.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It was late, quite late when Amadeus, Elizabeth and I finally got settled back in. I returned downstairs to join Amadeus after putting Elizabeth down after her feeding. I found him in the kitchen pouring himself a Guinness, which he offered me. I gratefully accepted the glass from him and took a long refreshing swallow. He grabbed another out of the refrigerator and poured it into a clean glass for himself, watching me the entire time with those dark brown eyes.

  “What?” I asked as I wiped the foam I knew was outlining my mouth.

  “Nothing,” he smirked. Do you realize this is the first time since before Elizabeth was born that you and I have been completely alone. No one in the house except you, me, and Elizabeth.”

  “Yes, that thought had occurred to me, Mr. Tudor. What do you intend to do about it?”

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll think of something shortly.” He ran one of his hands through his thick brown hair, a sensual, if not naughty look crossed his face.

  “I’m sure you will. Now if you don’t mind, my feet are killing me. Let’s go sit down for a bit.”


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