Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 12

by Diane Mannino

  Mrs. Sutton ignores him. This is serious business to her. “You could also do a front kick to the groin. It probably wouldn’t take the guy down, especially if he’s big but it’ll at least give you a bit of time to get out of there.” She pauses then adds, “So that’s everything in a nutshell. Any questions?”

  Mr. Sutton interrupts before I can respond. “You really want to know the best self defense tip?”

  “Yes.” I say.

  Mr. Sutton rests his hands on my shoulders and with his eyes burning into mine says, “Run – run fast.”

  I can’t help but squirm under his intense gaze. “Um. Okay, Thanks.”

  Mrs. Sutton teasingly hits him. “Jeez, Sam. You don’t have to scare her.” She then turns her attention towards me.

  “Don’t worry, honey. We hope to God you never are in a situation where you have to defend yourself.” She gives me a reassuring hug.

  I try and muster a smile. “I know,” I say.

  “I think you’re the one causing her needless worry. Why did this all come up anyway?” Mr. Sutton asks.

  “Our Emilia has a bunch of guys vying for her attention.” She smiles.

  “Oh, please. That’s a bit of an exaggeration.” I can’t hide my sarcasm.

  “Not from what I witnessed today.” Mrs. Sutton winks and smiles at me. She must notice the time on the wall clock because she then says, “Why don’t you take off? It’s already after five and it sounds like you have a busy night planned with those two hotties.”

  Mr. Sutton rolls his eyes. “Hotties?” He teases.

  I giggle. “Okay. Thanks again for the entertaining lesson. I really do appreciate it.”

  “Any time, Emilia. You know we’re always here for you.” She warmly smiles.

  I start to make my way out of the store when Mr. and Mrs. Sutton shout out in unison, “Bye, sweetie.”

  Boy, they have been married a long time.

  Moments later, I’m home and ready for my run that got disrupted from my sleepover. I smile at the welcoming thought of last night. I throw on my running clothes and put on my iPod. Snow Patrol’s “Called Out in the Dark” blasting in my ears, I run hard and fast with thoughts of jugular attacks, eye gouging, and quick, hard kicks to the groin.

  It’s like we just can’t help ourselves,

  Cause we don’t know how to back down,

  We were called out to the streets,

  We were called out into the towns,

  And how the heaven’s opened up,

  Like arms of dazzling gold,

  With our rain washed histories,

  Well they do not need to be told,

  Show me now,

  Show me the arms aloft,

  Every eye trained on a different star,

  This magic,

  This drunken semaphore,

  And I

  We are listening,

  And we’re not blind,

  This is your life,

  This is your time

  I was called out in the dark,

  By a choir of beautiful cheats,

  Now it’s the kids took back the parks,

  You and I were left with the streets,

  Show me now,

  Show me the arms aloft,

  Every eye trained on a different star,

  This magic, this drunken semaphore

  We are listening and we’re not blind,

  This is your life, this is your time,

  We are listening and we’re not blind,

  This is your life, this is your time

  I don’t know how long I run, but I go until I’m drenched in sweat and my mind is clear. The sky is just starting to get dark when I head up the front path of our house.

  Bryn is standing at the sink, slicing a lime when I walk in the door. She’s wearing a boysenberry-colored dolman sweatshirt and dark denim skinny jeans. Her hair is pulled back in a loose braid that falls over her right shoulder.

  She turns to me. “I see you’re ready to go out.” She teases. “Jeez, you’re never that sweaty. Did you run to L.A. and back?” She laughs.

  “I had a good run.” I smile. “Very therapeutic.”

  “Well, how about a cranberry-vodka? They are also very therapeutic.” She beams.

  “I’d love one. Thanks. Were we planning on going to Soho’s tonight?”

  “Yes. Tyler’s band is playing. Did I mention that?” Bryn asks.

  “I think so and then Tyler stopped by the store today and asked if we were coming.” Bryn hands me a glass of the faded red liquid.

  “You mean he asked if you were coming?” She teases.

  I take a sip of the drink. It’s cool and refreshing. “I’m going to jump in the shower.”

  “You in a hurry to see Tyler?” She smiles.

  “Um. No. Just in a hurry to go out. I can’t stay out late tonight.” I say as I start to head up the stairs. “I have a big meet tomorrow.”

  Soho is packed with mostly college students when we arrive. Tyler and his band are setting up on the small stage. It doesn’t take long for Josh to spot us. When he does he moves towards us and wraps himself around Bryn. He gives her a long, passionate kiss. I feel my face redden and I quickly look away from their PDA.

  “Hi, beautiful.” I hear him whisper in her ear.

  “Hey, baby.” She whispers back.

  I start to inch away from their overly amorous affections. I have no desire being a third wheel when Bryn tugs my arm to keep me within arm’s length.

  “Josh is going to get us some drinks. What would you like?” She says in my direction.

  “I’ll just have a beer. Thanks, Josh.” I smile.

  Bryn and I make our way to the side of the bar. It’s a full house so seats are hard to come by. We decide to lean against the wall while we wait.

  “You seem very happy to see Josh.” I tease.

  She giggles. When Josh approaches us he’s carrying a pitcher full of beer and three mugs. I am the third wheel. We each take a clear plastic mug and Josh fills them with beer.

  Josh and Bryn are in their own world – gazing into each other’s eyes. I can’t help but wonder if Logan is going to show up. He didn’t sound too enthusiastic about it but with him you never know.

  Tyler’s band starts to play and the noise level increases tenfold.

  “Downward Spiral” is a three-member band that consists of a bass guitarist, a drummer and Tyler who is a vocalist and guitarist. Tyler is in his element.

  He not only sounds good but he knows how to perform and get the audience amped up. It’s standing room only and there are several overly eager girls vying for his attention. I can’t help but smile.

  The moment the band takes a break Tyler makes his way over to us.

  “You want a beer?” Josh asks Tyler.

  “No. I’m good.”

  “You sound great.” Josh says. His arm is wrapped around Bryn’s waist. Bryn nods in agreement and smiles.

  “Yes. You guys are really good.” I smile.

  “Thanks.” He says in a modest tone.

  “You have quite the fan club.” I tease as I throw my hand in the direction of several ogling admirers.

  “Well, I guess it’s just that rock star thing.” He shrugs.

  I can’t help but think what a good guy he is. He’s cute, nice, and talented. He’s got that big brother quality to him. At least that’s how I see him. I gaze in the direction of a group of girls that are staring at him, trying to catch his eye. They definitely see him in a different light.

  “Yes. There is something about rock stars.” Bryn chimes in.

  “You think I should start my own band?” Josh teases.

  Bryn giggles.

  “Time to get back to work. See you later.” Tyler smiles.

  I watch the love-struck girls slightly tremble as he walks by them. Some even attempt to brush up against him just to get his attention. Jeez, girls can be so pushy.

  I promised myself that I’d be home by midnight. I don’t co
unt on getting a good night’s sleep but I do need to try and rest before tomorrow’s meet.

  Tyler’s band is in the middle of a set when I lean towards Bryn to let her know I’m going to head to the bathroom and then home.

  “Okay. Let me know when you are ready to go and we’ll leave too.” Bryn says.

  “Don’t be silly. I can get home by myself.” I say.

  “I know it’s a short walk but no girl should be out walking by themselves late at night.” I can’t help but think of my earlier self-defense lesson with the Suttons.

  I giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” She asks.

  “Nothing. I’ll tell you another time.” I smile. “Alright, I’ll be right back.”

  I head out of the bathroom when I run into Sebastian. His brown eyes flash and look black. His mouth creeps up into a smile and he smells of cigarette smoke and alcohol.

  “This is a nice surprise.” He slurs as he leans back on the wall behind him.

  “You okay?” I ask.

  “Like you really care.”

  I can see this is going nowhere. “I’ll see you later, Sebastian.”

  “Can I just ask you one question?”

  Curiosity gets the best of me and I turn to face him. “Sure.”

  “What are you up to with Logan?” He asks.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me. I know you two have gone out a couple times.” He stumbles as he steps closer to me and then leans back against the wall to regain his balance.

  “And this is your business because…?”

  “Because he’s my friend and I’m looking out for his best interests.” He smirks.

  “I think Logan is a big boy and can figure out what’s best for himself without your help.” I hiss.

  “Do you?” He moves closer until he’s just inches from my face. The stench of booze and tobacco fills me with revulsion and I slowly retreat. The image of Mrs. Sutton demonstrating the Jugular Notch Back-off move flashes into my head but I refrain.

  “Get away from me.” I seethe.

  “You are nothing but a poor frigid bitch.” He mumbles.

  “Is that what this is about? I’m not rich enough for you and your stamp of approval?” I can feel my blood boiling.

  “I could care less about Logan’s money and you really need to grow up.” I’ve had enough and I turn to make my quick escape.

  “You know he only cares about fucking you? When you see him why don’t you ask him where he is tonight?” He furiously shouts at me.

  Suddenly I am nauseated and panicked. I hurriedly squeeze through the crowded bar. I need to get away from everyone, everything. When I step out of the bar I notice that the weather has changed drastically from earlier in the evening. The warm autumnal air is now cool, bone-chillingly cool.

  The sky is pitch black, just a sliver of the moon. I pull my jacket tight around me to keep me from shivering and I quickly rush home. It’s when I’m about two blocks from our house that I sense someone is behind me.

  That’s when I really take off. I run fast and it’s so cold that I can see my breath. When I get to the front door, I open it and slam it shut.

  I’m resting against the back of the door, trying to steady myself when I hear a soft knock.

  “Emilia, it’s me.” Bryn says.

  I slowly exhale and realize I was holding my breath. I turn the knob to let her in.

  A wide-eyed Bryn says, “Shit. Are you okay?”

  I throw my arms around her and hug her tight. We are frozen for a moment.

  “I am now.” I whisper.

  “I was waiting for you to come back from the bathroom. I thought it was taking you a long time but I just figured there was the usual long line. Next thing I know you are running out of the bar. What happened?” Her eyes are full of worry.

  “Sebastian…” But before I can say more Bryn interrupts me.

  “That asshole better not have laid a finger on you.” She fumes.

  “Not really, he just grabbed my arm.”

  Bryn turns on her heels and heads towards the door.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “I’m going to find that little prick and have a little chat with him.” She hisses.

  “Bryn, please don’t.” I step in front of her to block her from leaving the house.

  “Please, don’t leave.” I plead.

  She visually melts when she looks at my desperate eyes. Her shoulders relax and she slowly exhales.

  “Oh, okay. But honestly I’d feel a whole lot better if you’d let me go find that shithead.” She pauses and then says, “What the hell is his problem?”

  “He wants me to stay away from Logan.”

  She rolls her eyes up to the ceiling. “Are you kidding me? Why? I’m sure he gave you his expert opinion on that. This I want to hear.” She says with sharp sarcasm.

  “Sebastian thinks I’m a gold digger.” I burst into laughter.

  “Seriously? That’s what he said?”

  “Not those exact words but close enough.” I giggle.

  “You think it’s funny?” She says with confusion.

  “I didn’t, not at the time. But now that I rehash his idiotic rant I do. Me, a gold digger?” I stifle a laugh.

  “Yes. It is ridiculous but I can’t find the humor in it. I always knew that guy was a jerk but I didn’t realize he was such an asshole. Is that all he said?”

  “He also said Logan is only interested in fucking me.” I say in a serious tone.

  “Nice.” Bryn says and shakes her head with annoyance. “That mother fucker is on my shit list.”

  “Anyone ever tell you that you have quite the potty mouth when you are angry.” I giggle.

  “You think?” Bryn finally lets go of her rage and we both are in a fit of giggles.

  Bryn and I talk no more of Sebastian but his words haunt me. I am thoroughly exhausted when I crawl in my antiqued copper iron bed. The chilly air seeps through my tightly shut windows making the gauzy draperies flutter up and down.

  I pull my cream-colored duvet up to my chin trying to keep the draft out. I turn my back away from the window and towards the wall, my eyelids are so heavy, but I hardly sleep. It’s hard to believe that it was just last night that I slept comfortably in Logan’s arms. That seems so long ago. It all made sort of sense before. We agreed to try and to take things slow. But now I just don’t know. Maybe Sebastian is right and I’m not good enough for Logan? Sebastian thinks Logan is only interested in having sex with me. Could he be right? And, his final cryptic words that he spewed out at me. I take a deep breath and struggle with thoughts that are crashing like stormy waves in a dark, black sea.


  THE RED GLOWING NUMBERS flash five thirteen on my alarm clock that sits on my nightstand. It’s very quiet, only a smidge of dull light from outside seeps through the curtains. I lay with one arm draped across my pillow and the other across my eyes. I roll on my side and press my face into a cool spot on my pillow. It soothes my tired, dreary eyes. The previous night and Sebastian’s unwelcome tirade are still too vivid in my mind. I kick my feet off the bed and slowly drag myself up. That’s when I realize my head is throbbing and I moan.

  Making my way to the bathroom, I splash some refreshingly cold water on my face. I find a bottle of Tylenol Extra-Strength and pop four in my mouth, washing them down with a handful of water from the faucet. After I squeeze a few drops of Visine in my eyes, I make my way back to bed and fall back onto the soft mattress.

  I roll over and grab my laptop from where I left it on the floor. I power it up and find that I have two emails.

  From: Anthony King

  Subject: How’s everything?

  Date: Saturday, October 13, 2012 9:33pm

  To: Emilia King

  Hi Emilia,

  It’s Saturday night and I’m thinking of you. Hope you are out enjoying your last year of college. Nothing new to report here. I think you have a big meet tomorrow so
good luck to you, even though you you don’t need luck.

  I love you,


  I immediately hit “reply” and write a response focusing on my studies and not my exasperating social life.

  From: Emilia King

  Subject: How’s everything?

  Date: Sunday, October 14, 2012 5:35am

  To: Anthony King

  Hi Dad,

  Thanks for your email. Everything is fine here. I’m enjoying my classes and my last year. My favorite teacher is Professor Meyer. I have her for Advanced Shakespeare but unfortunately only for one semester because she’s pregnant and goes on maternity leave.

  I can always use luck so thanks!!

  I love you more,


  My second email is from Logan…this should be interesting.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Missed you

  Date: Sunday, October 14, 2012 2:12am

  To: Emilia King

  Hey baby,

  I was hoping to see you at Soho. Good luck today, even though you probably don’t need it.


  There are two things that I know from his email. The first is that Sebastian obviously didn’t say anything to him about seeing me. And second, why does everyone think that I don’t need luck? Everyone can use some luck.

  I don’t know why but I’m mad at Logan. I know he didn’t do anything or I’m not aware of him doing anything wrong but I’m still mad. I decide not to reply. I don’t know what to say to him. Maybe I should forward his email to Sebastian and he can help fill in the blanks.

  I decide to kill the next couple of hours before I have to get to the track by re-reading “Jane Eyre.” It’s always been one of my favorite books and it’s been a couple years since I read it. Rolling over on my stomach, I reach for the well-worn book off the bottom shelf on my nightstand.

  The book feels soft with creases in the spine and a strangely pleasing musty basement smell to it. Some might find it odd that I prefer old books instead of new ones, but it’s the truth. Old books are like cherished friends. I open the flimsy cover and on the inside I see my mom’s name written in her loopy cursive.


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