Book Read Free

Running from Romeo

Page 45

by Diane Mannino

  “It was good. I got to spend a lot of time with my dad. I went surfing for the first time and then Logan surprised me and showed up at the house on Friday. That’s about everything in a nutshell.” I say as I take a sip of water.

  “Then you drove back with Logan yesterday?” She asks, suspiciously.

  “I did and you drove back with Josh?”

  “Okay. This is silly. What’s up Emilia? You can’t hide anything from your best friend and I know you are trying to. Please tell me. Maybe I can help?”

  I shrug. There’s no reason not to be honest with Bryn. I just don’t want to dump my troubles on her the second I see her. I might as well spill the beans.

  “After Logan dropped me off, he had to go to the airport to pickup Sebastian. He was supposed to call and then come back here but I never heard from him.”

  “I’m sure he has a good reason. Did you try calling him?” She asks.

  “No. I didn’t want to bother him.”

  “Don’t be silly, Emilia. Just call him.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” I smile and give her a quick hug before heading upstairs.

  When I return to my bedroom, I find my laptop on my bed. I usually turn it off and close the lid but I guess because of my lack of sleep I left it open. I quickly realize I have a message in my inbox. It’s from Logan.

  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Apology

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 8:15am

  To: Emilia King


  I’m sorry for not calling you last night and for making you worry. I tried calling you this morning but you are probably running or maybe surfing ; )

  Sebastian’s flight was delayed and then we went out and I lost track of the time.

  I’ll take you up on that rain check any time. I know you are trying to study so I will try and stay away from you which won’t be easy.



  His email doesn’t alleviate my angst. Although most of it sounds like Logan, it’s very unlike him to lose track of time. Besides, it’s not like he lost track of a couple hours, he lost track of an entire night. I quickly write up a reply.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Your talk

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:12am

  To: Logan Prescott


  I’m relieved to hear you are okay.

  I hope your talk went well with Sebastian.



  P.S.-I went for a run but might try my hand at surfing again later in the week.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Second Chances

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:14am

  To: Emilia King


  Sebastian wanted to clear the air so in that respect the talk went well. I know firsthand that people make mistakes and we all need second chances.

  Incidentally, he apologized for the way he has treated you. He also would like to extend an invitation for you to join us on December 7. Although I was a bit reluctant to let him throw me a birthday party, I acquiesced but on only one condition. You have to agree to come. It’s the last day of finals so no excuses about having to go to the library.

  You are more than welcome to bring Bryn and who ever else you would like to invite.

  I would rather spend the evening alone with you but Sebastian was quite persistent.

  Besides, I really only want one thing for my birthday and that’s you. I plan on leaving early and taking you with me to Montecito.



  P.S. – You better not surf without me. I think you know why.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Birthday?

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:18am

  To: Logan Prescott


  I wouldn’t miss celebrating your birthday. I feel funny I didn’t know it was coming up. Are you turning twenty-two? You are right we do need to get to know each other better.

  I’m glad you are happy with the way your talk went with Sebastian.

  I believe in second chances as well. But that being said I’m not sure I would trust him as far as I could throw him. I hope you prove me wrong.



  P.S. – I’ll let you know if I decide to surf but I think the only surfing I’ll be doing is on the internet.

  I’m up to my neck in studying and papers.


  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Your Birthday?

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:21am

  To: Emilia King


  We do need to get to know each other better in more ways than one. I look forward to doing just that very soon.

  I’m actually turning twenty-three. My errant behavior led to many missed classes amongst other things.



  P.S. – If you have trouble sleeping, don’t hesitate to call. It was you who said I was the best medicine.


  From: Emilia King

  Subject: Not until April

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:24am

  To: Logan Prescott


  Any other suggestions for a gift for a guy who has it all?




  From: Logan Prescott

  Subject: Gives me time to plan

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:26am

  To: Emilia King


  Just you, baby.

  Good luck with your studying and papers. I will do my best to keep away from you so you can focus on your work.




  From: Emilia King

  Subject: You already have me

  Date: Sunday, November 25, 2012 9:29am

  To: Logan Prescott


  Good luck to you too.

  I look forward to getting to know you better on your birthday.



  I’ll have to come up with something to give Logan for his birthday and already a couple things come to mind. It’s something silly but I’m pretty certain he’ll like it or at least get a good laugh out of it. I close out of my email and start to focus on my studies.


  “HAPPY LAST DAY of Finals,” Bryn beams as she throws herself on the bed beside me.

  “It seems like yesterday when you said, ‘Happy First Day of School.’” I giggle at the memory.

  “I know, right? This semester has flown by.” Bryn rolls on her side, propping her elbow so her head rests on her hand.

  “One more and we’re out in the real world. Kind of a scary thought.” I murmur.

  “Emilia, you have nothing to be scared about. I’m so proud of how you’ve really come out of your shell, or maybe I should say library, these last few months.”

  “No doubt because I had the best teacher.” I grin at her.

  “Well, that goes without saying.” She smiles and pauses for a beat. “So, we’ll have some cocktails to celebrate the end of exams before we head to Logan’s tonight?”

  “Sure. But I probably won’t be back here until about five. Does that work?”

  “Why so late? I thought your exam was earlier today.”

  “It is, but Professor Meyer emailed me last night. She wants me to come by her room at four.” I say matter-of-factly.

  “That’s weird. She teaches your Shakespeare class, right?” She asks.

  “I’m impressed you remembered, Bryn.”

  “Only because you mention her all the time. I know she’s your favorite. Why does she want to see you?”

  “No idea…makes me a little nervous. Maybe I bombed my final?”

  “I’m sure.” Bryn rolls her eyes. “
By the way, what did you get Mr. Moneybags for his birthday?”

  “You’re looking at it.” I smile, shyly.

  “Really?” She says with a mixture of excitement and disbelief.

  “Well, I have a couple small, silly gifts, but I suppose I’m the main one.” I feel myself blush.

  Bryn stares at me as if she’s lost in her thoughts.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, confused by her silence.

  She shakes her head. “Sorry. It’s nothing. I’m excited for you but are you sure you’re ready?”

  “I love him, Bryn. So yes.”

  She smiles, sweetly at me. “Did you tell him what you’ve gone through?”

  “Pretty much.” I say, softly.

  Her brow creases. “Pretty much?”

  “The time feels right, Bryn. Please stop worrying. I’ll be fine.”

  “He better treat you right. You promise me you’ll text me and let me know you’re okay? Otherwise I’m going to worry about you all night.”

  “I promise on one condition.” I say, seriously.

  “Of course, anything.”

  “If you promise to not worry about me tonight and have fun.”

  “That’s actually two conditions.” She smiles for the first time since we started talking about my birthday present to Logan.

  I giggle. “You’re right. Okay promise on those two conditions?”

  “Yes. I promise.” Bryn smiles.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to call the birthday boy before I head to my exam.”

  “You’re kicking your best friend out?” She says, dramatically as she pulls herself up from my bed.

  I smile and nod at her.

  She heads out of my bedroom but at the last minute leans backs in my room and says, “Cocktails at five, don’t be late.” She beams.

  I glance at my clock. I have just enough time to quickly call Logan before I need to get to class for my last exam. Grabbing my phone, I quickly call him.

  It rings a few times before he picks it up.

  “Hi.” He sounds tired like I just woke him.

  “Happy Birthday!” I say, cheerfully.

  “Thanks. I miss you, baby.” He says, quietly.

  “I miss you, too. Are you okay?” I ask, confused by his tone.

  “Yes. Why?”

  “You just sound funny.” I can’t quite put my finger on it but something isn’t right.

  “Funny?” He murmurs.

  “Is everything okay with Sebastian and tonight?”


  “How did your exams go? Are you done?” I ask, trying to figure out what’s going on with him.

  “Good. I had my last one yesterday so already started the celebration. Why don’t you come over and join me?” He whispers.

  Oh no. And, that’s when I figure out what’s wrong with him. He’s wasted that’s why he sounds so groggy.

  “Are you by yourself?” I ask with a nervous pit in my stomach.

  “Sebastian is here. Can you come over now?”

  Of course, Sebastian is there. Why did he give him a second chance?

  “I’ll be there later. I have to go take an exam right now.”

  “Oh. Okay. Good luck.” He breathes.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you soon.” Jeez I wish I could go over there now and get him away from Sebastian. Well, maybe I should cut him some slack. He did just finish finals and it is his birthday.

  “See you soon, baby.” He whispers and then hangs up.

  IT’S LATE AFTERNOON when I finish my World Literature exam. As much as I’d like to run to Logan and give him his birthday present, I have to wait. I wonder if he and Sebastian are still celebrating or if they took a break. I’m hoping the latter or else, Logan will be too hammered to receive his gift from me. I’m certain he’ll end up just passing out if he ends up partying all day. I’d love to be a fly on the wall and see what those two are up to.

  But I don’t have time to think about it any more. I need to get to Professor Meyer’s room. I have no idea why she asked me to meet her. Oh well, I guess I will find out shortly.

  When I get to her room, I hear voices inside and I hesitate to knock. I peek inside the window on the door and see that she’s talking to a man. I can only see his back. He’s in an ill-fitted dark grey suit that’s too big in the arms and too short and small in the legs. Professor Meyer catches my eye, smiles and waves me to enter.

  “Hi, Emilia.” Professor Meyer smiles at me, as she gently rubs her very large, protruding belly.

  “Hi Professor Meyer. How are you feeling?” I ask. The man in the dark suit turns and I can feel his eyes on me as I look at Professor Meyer.

  “I’m hanging in there. Just about ready to pop.” She smiles as she hands me what looks to be my final exam. “Congratulations, Emilia. You got the best grade in the class…one hundred percent.”

  “Thank you.” I smile as I take the exam from her hand. I glance at the man beside her. He nods his head at me. He’s probably in his forties but it’s hard to tell. His dark hair looks like he just colored it with one of those at-home kits because I can see some of the dark dye around his ears. He watches me with intense green eyes.

  “You’re probably wondering why I wanted to see you?” Professor Meyer smiles.

  I nod and smile sweetly at her.

  “I wanted to introduce you to Professor Milton.” She touches his arm.

  We shake hands. His palm is so sweaty, but I resist wiping my hand off on my jeans.

  “This is Emilia.” Professor Meyer continues the introductions.

  “Nice to meet you, Emilia. Professor Meyer speaks very highly of you.”

  I blink, nervously for some reason towards Professor Meyer.

  “Well, the feeling is mutual.” I smile towards Professor Meyer. “She’s an amazing teacher.”

  “Thank you, Emilia. Professor Milton will be filling in for me while I’m on maternity leave next semester. He’s new to the school and I thought it would be helpful for him to have someone as an aide in this class. You are the first person that came to mind. Do you think you’re up to the challenge?”

  I’m sincerely flattered and finally start to relax.

  “Oh, of course. I’m happy to help.” I smile.

  “That’s great.” Professor Milton chimes in. “I’m sure I’ll be fine but sometimes I might need help with grading or other things that might come up. You’re okay with that?”

  “Sure. Sounds great.”

  “Great. Well, thanks Emilia.” Professor Meyer smiles.

  “Really nice to meet you.” Professor Milton puts his hand out to shake mine again. I reluctantly shake it.

  “Nice to meet you too.” I say. Then I turn to Professor Meyer and give her a quick hug.

  “Good luck with everything. I hope you have a quick, painless delivery and a happy, healthy baby.”

  She laughs. “So do I. Thanks, Emilia and thanks for your help next semester.”

  BRYN IS IN FULL PARTY MODE when I return to the house. It finally hits me I finished my last exam. All my hard work and studying the last couple weeks is done. It’s time to celebrate. And, not only that but tonight is the night I will give myself to Logan. I feel a nervous feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  “You’re finally back!” Bryn says, excitedly as she turns and sees me. She looks her typical gorgeous self in her tight jeans, dark purple tunic and black boots.

  “You look beautiful.” I smile at her. I’m wearing frumpy black sweatpants and a Billabong sweatshirt.

  “I got champagne.” She beams. “Let me pour you a glass and then you can go and get gorgeous.”

  “What did Meyer want to see you about?” She asks as she opens the bottle of champagne.

  “She wanted me to meet her substitute and she asked if I could help him as an aide.”

  “That has it’s possibilities…is he hot?” She teases.

  I giggle and shake my head.

  “That’s a shame.” She murmu
rs as she hands me a glass.

  “To the end of finals and,” She clears her throat, dramatically, “And to the end of other things.”

  We clink our glasses and drink.

  “What other things?” I play dumb. I know she’s referring to my virginity.

  She ignores me. “Take your drink with you and go get ready. We have some serious celebrating to do.”

  When I get to my bedroom I sip the champagne and turn on my iPod. Matt Nathanson’s “Run” comes on and I’m reminded of our first night we spent in Montecito. We’ve really come a long way since then even though it’s just been over two months.

  Before I get into the shower, I grab an empty box from my closet. Placing it on my bed, I take out my bag of silly gifts and place them in the box. They are a bit absurd. Isn’t it the thought that counts? I add to the box a Mr. Zog’s Original Sex Wax black t-shirt, some bars of Mr. Zog’s Sex Wax, and last but not least the feather duster from my French Maid’s costume. I wrap it all up and then write on a card.


  Here’s to many more wonderful memories with you.

  Happy Birthday!



  I put the card in an envelope and tie it to the top of the box. I admire my wrapping.

  Maybe I should have looked for something for him at Tiffany’s? Well, there’s always Christmas and at least it looks good. It’s not in a Tiffany blue box but my wrapping isn’t too shabby.

  At that moment, Bryn peeks in my room with the bottle of champagne in her hand.

  “You haven’t even gotten in the shower yet?” She scolds.


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