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Running from Romeo

Page 46

by Diane Mannino

  “I am, right this second.” I say, as I pull off my sweatpants. “I just had to wrap Logan’s gift.”

  “Okay, but hurry up. Josh will be here any minute and I’m sure the birthday boy is eager to see you.” She smiles as she refills my glass.

  The warm water feels good on my face especially since I haven’t slept much the last couple weeks. I could sit in the shower and let the soothing water run down my face for hours but I need to get moving. I quickly shave my legs and wash my hair. When I get out of the shower, I throw on my robe and blow-dry my hair.

  My hair falls smoothly down my shoulders. It’s not often when I think I’m having a good hair day and fortunately tonight is one of them. I dab on some lip gloss, black mascara and a little eyeliner.

  Then I head to my closet. I bought a dress that was on sale at Victoria’s Secret just for tonight. It’s a dark red blouson dress with a low v-neck and cutouts at the shoulders. I slip it on over my head. After I fasten my two Tiffany’s necklaces from Logan around my neck, I quickly step into my black ankle boots, drink the last sip of champagne from my glass and head down the stairs.

  Bryn whistles at me when I get to the bottom of the stairs, normally it wouldn’t faze me but Josh is standing by her side. I feel my face redden.

  “Wow, Emilia.” Bryn grins from ear to ear.

  “You think this dress is okay?” I ask.

  “You look gorgeous.” She smiles.

  “Hi, Josh.” I look towards him.

  “Hey. You want a refill or are you two ready to go?” He asks.

  “I think we should get going.” Bryn says. I nod in agreement.

  WE HEAD UP THE ELEVATOR to Logan’s sixth floor condo. Bryn is standing in the middle of Josh and I with her arms draped over us. She’s already quite tipsy but she’s in such a jovial mood it’s hard to tell if she’s buzzed on life, alcohol or both.

  When the elevator reaches the top floor we make our way out with Bryn still wrapped around both of us.

  “This is my favorite kind of sandwich.” She giggles and stumbles, slightly.

  “What?” I ask and glance at Josh.

  “Maybe you should slow down on the drinking, hon.” He says.

  “You don’t get it? My favorite sandwich…my best friend and my boyfriend. I like being stuck in the middle of you two.” She laughs.

  I giggle at her.

  “You think they’ll have shots here? Maybe we could do some of those yummy orgasms and blowjobs?” She laughs.

  “You like those, don’t you, babe?” Josh smiles.

  We’re at the end of the corridor and we can hear the music blaring inside. It’s “Too Close” by Alex Clare. Maybe I should have had a couple more glasses of champagne so I’d be as relaxed and giddy as Bryn. Bryn knocks on the door, hard.

  It’s not until the third knock when a leggy blonde in a tight black sheath dress answers the door. When she swings the door open her pearly white grin is quickly replaced by a cool scowl.

  “Oh.” She says rudely, her eyes looking down on us in a snotty way. She quickly turns on her stilettos, leaving the three of us standing in the entrance.

  “Guess she was expecting someone else.” I say, casually. I have the I-won’t-let-anyone-ruin-my-evening attitude.

  Bryn, on the other hand, isn’t in such a free-and-easy mood.

  “What a bitch.” She hisses as she steps into the room. Josh and I follow a step behind her.

  The music is pulsating off the walls and there’s a decent sized crowd. There are more than I expected but I guess I didn’t really give the size of the party much thought. Lights are dim, a few lit candles scattered about on tables.

  “Not too shabby,” Bryn shouts as she scopes the interior of the contemporary condo.

  I glance around the room, trying to find Logan. He is nowhere in sight, but instead I find Sebastian. My eyes lock with his. For a brief moment, he looks at me dispassionately and then returns his attention to the three blondes that surround him on the L-shaped couch. They are all focused on the lines of white powder on the glass coffee table.

  When I look away from Sebastian, my attention is caught by long, sleek black hair. Her back is to me as she slithers, seductively to Alex Clare’s melancholy ballad, but I know immediately who it is. I stare at her sexually charged dance and in a moment realize she is giving someone a lap dance. My stomach has a sinking feeling. She shifts her body, throwing her head and that’s when I see Logan sitting in the chair beneath her.

  He is almost unrecognizable. His hair is disheveled; his eyes are hooded with dark circles around them. He looks lost. I stand frozen, staring at the disturbing scene. Seraphina slinks around him, kissing his neck. Then she slowly brushes her body against him as she moves down his legs. Kneeling on the floor in front of him, she pushes his knees apart. His hands rest on her shoulders as she slowly starts to unbutton and pull his zipper down on his jeans.

  Everything happens in slow motion. The birthday gift slips from my hand, dropping to the floor as I feel my throat tighten. Fighting back the tears I feel surfacing in my eyes, the color drains from my face. I can’t cry, not here, not now. Suddenly, Bryn is at my side.

  “What’s wrong, Emilia?” She asks but her mouth quickly drops open when she follows my line of vision.

  “Fucking asshole.” She shouts.

  “Let’s get out of here.” She says towards Josh as she tugs my arm.

  That’s when Logan looks up and sees me. His eyes widen as he stands, pulling up his pants and pushing Seraphina out of his way. She stumbles to the floor.

  “Emilia.” He shouts.

  I stand frozen, feeling sick and nauseated as he moves towards me. Bryn immediately steps in front of me, blocking him.

  “Stay the fuck away from her.” She hisses with her hands on her hips.

  Logan blinks at her. I don’t think he should mess with Bryn at this moment. She’s pissed!

  “This is between Emilia and I. It’s none of your business.” He snaps back as he tries to move around her, to get to me.

  Bryn quickly turns to Josh.

  “Get Emilia out of here. Now.” She orders.

  I feel dizzy. The music continues with it’s relentless pounding and everything, everyone around me blurs. Bryn and Logan continue to exchange heated words. Seraphina saunters over to Logan, draping her arm around him. She whispers something in his ear, but Logan glares at her and promptly throws her arm off of him. Rolling her eyes, she stomps off.

  This night is so fucked up. Perhaps this could have all been avoided if I had stopped by this morning after my phone call. I knew he wasn’t right but I let it go. Would it have made any difference? If I had been able to divert him this morning, would this all still have been inevitable? Maybe it’s better I see him for who he really is now rather than later?

  Josh is at my side, gently pulling me towards the door. I blink back the tears from my eyes. I have to get out of here, away from this mess.

  “Let me explain, Emilia.” I hear Logan call out.

  “There’s nothing to explain, asshole.” Bryn snarls.

  As Josh and I head into the corridor, the last thing I hear is Bryn shouting, “Fuck off!”

  We are making our way down the long hall when my tears really start to flow. And to think I was going to have sex with him tonight. Oh, I can’t bear to think about it. I took baby steps and look where it has left me. I knew he was trouble. The minute he started partying that slippery slope was imminent. There’s no doubt that bad habits die-hard.

  But it’s my biggest fear that came to light tonight. I never thought I’d walk in on him being willingly seduced by Seraphina. I know the unforgettable sight will take a long time to erase from my mind. Besides, if we hadn’t walked in at that moment, who knows what else may have transpired? I shake my head at the thought of friends with benefits. Oh, I feel sick.

  Josh and I are waiting in silence by the elevator. I am so caught up in my thoughts, not worrying about the awkwardness of this situa
tion. I know Josh as Bryn’s boyfriend but that’s all, but at this moment I appreciate his company, even if it’s been unwittingly thrust upon him.

  The door at the end of the hall slams shut followed by Bryn and Logan’s loud voices. Bryn is cold, angry, while Logan’s voice is pleading, desperate.

  “So help me, Logan.” Bryn warns as she hurries towards us. Logan follows her.

  “Please, Emilia.” He says when he sees me by the elevator.

  Bryn turns in her boots, facing him with her back towards us.

  “Damn it, Logan. Leave her alone. One more step and I’ll call the cops.” She holds up her phone. “Bust you and all your fucked up friends.” She threatens.

  I don’t know if it’s his sad, lost, lonely look or the thought that I won’t see him for the next month. I am struck with the feeling that we need to clear the air.

  “Bryn, it’s okay.” I say, softly as I move towards her.

  “You want to talk to this douche bag?” She asks.

  “Just give me a minute.” I murmur.

  “A minute.” Bryn gazes into my eyes.

  Then she glares in Logan’s direction before walking towards Josh, leaving Logan and I alone towards the middle of the hallway.

  “You really fucked up.” I say, quietly, matter-of-factly.

  “I know. I’m sorry, baby.” He whispers. He sounds so sad.

  “Why?” I whisper. He gently caresses my cheek, wiping away my falling tears.

  “I screwed up. It won’t happen again.” He blinks and I wonder how he can speak so coherently after excessive drinking or drugs or whatever he’s been doing.

  “You’re right. It won’t happen again.” I snap.

  “Please, baby. I need you.” He blinks at me.

  “Perhaps it’s Seraphina you need?” I hiss.

  “I don’t need her or want her. You are the one that turned my world around. Can’t you give us a chance?”

  “I gave you a chance and look where that’s left us. You may have thought you could give up that lifestyle but you can’t and I can’t be a part of it.”

  “I don’t want to lose you.” He gently wraps his arms around me.

  Behind me, I hear Bryn intentionally clear her throat, loudly. I look towards her, gesturing with my hand for more time.

  “I don’t want to lose you either but I just can’t do this. I can’t. It’s just too painful.” I whisper.

  “You mean the world to me. I love you, Emilia.” He breathes as we gaze into each other’s eyes. He caresses my cheek and gently lifts my chin as he softly kisses my tear-stained lips.

  “You don’t…you can’t…this would never have happened.” I shake my head, sadly as I unfasten the Tiffany’s infinity necklace.

  “Please, baby.” His eyes are wide, pleading.

  “I can’t.” I say as my tears continue to flow. I reach for his hand and place the necklace into his palm.

  “No. It was a gift. It belongs to you.”

  “I can’t keep it. Would you like the locket too?” I ask, trying to hide my anguish.

  “I don’t want either.” He frowns as he tries to take my hand and put the infinity necklace back into it.

  “Logan, no. I can’t.” I say as I clasp my hands around his so that he keeps the necklace.

  “Please. I need you…you said you wouldn’t run from me.” His voice is low, despairing.

  “I thought I needed you too. Please don’t make this harder than it already is. Good-bye, Logan.” I say, quietly as I turn and make my way down the hall towards Bryn and Josh.

  Logan follows me, pleading with me.

  My knees feel weak as I walk down the hall. I see Bryn whisper something to Josh and then she comes towards me.

  “Go with Josh. I’ll be down in a minute.” She gives me a quick hug.

  I reach Josh and as we wait for the elevator, I see Bryn walk to meet Logan.

  “Shit, Logan. Haven’t you done enough? Leave. Her. Alone. Don’t you think she’s suffered enough?” Her words are quiet, but I can still make out what she’s saying.

  “She lost her mom, she was raped and now the first guy she finally opens up to and you pull this shit. And to think she was planning on having sex with you tonight.”

  Logan stares at her, no doubt shocked by her harsh assessment of this evening’s events. Why did Bryn need to be so forthcoming? I can’t entirely blame her. I did tell her I told Logan about my past. I just didn’t tell him all the details.

  The fact I was raped, instead of molested was something I didn’t feel completely comfortable sharing with him. He looks in my direction, I suppose wondering why I wasn’t completely honest with him. But would that have made any difference? Would tonight have ended up differently had I been honest with him? I doubt it. For the first time tonight Logan is left speechless.

  At that moment the elevator doors open, Josh and I hurry inside. I’m desperate to get away, far away from the pain. My stomach is in knots. I’m dazed, disoriented…the pain is too much. Bryn quickly joins us and the last thing I see before the elevator doors close is Logan’s lost, distraught look, mirroring my own inner misery. Bryn wraps her arms around me and that’s when I really let it go. I sob, uncontrollably. I can’t help but see the irony in it…I know all I want to do is run…run from Logan, run from this heartbreak.

  About the Author

  Photo by Alex Kruk

  DIANE MANNINO graduated from University of Maryland, College Park with a degree in English Literature. She is a former writer for Museum and Arts Washington and Star Magazine as well as several television shows, including, Inside Edition, American Journal, and E! News Daily. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two beautiful daughters. This is her first novel and she is currently working on the sequel to it.




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