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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 5

by Jackie McMahon

  Stupid, stupid, stupid! I cursed myself, banging my head onto the pillows. How could I be such an ass? Honestly, what did I expect? I knew exactly what I was doing and in some point in time none of this is going to matter. It’s not his fault that he doesn’t care and it’s also not his fault that I’m too weak. He could walk in this very instant and I would have sex with him all over again. Even though I knew it didn’t mean anything to him as it would mean to me. I wouldn’t have the willpower to stop him yet again because I wanted him that much. How pathetic I sound. The saddest part about all of this is I still can’t find it in my heart to regret what we did. It was that special, well to me at least. A tear escaped the corner of my eye and I quickly wiped it away in disgust for myself. I got out of bed wondering how I was going to live under the same roof with him and pretend nothing happened between us.

  I have to prove to myself that I’m strong and that I’m not some woman he can just screw around with. With that a silent cold war began, Dennis and I never sat together or did anything together unless Carmella or someone else was present. Even as everyone did something together we were always different to each other, sometimes even avoiding each other altogether. We never said anything more to each other than “hello” and “goodbye.” It made me feel so depressed. Sometimes he would come home late, looking like he just ran twenty miles and on other nights he didn’t come back at all. Those nights were torture to me because I knew very well what he was doing and my stomach turned at the thought of him with another woman.

  I even started dressing a little sexier with tighter jeans and tops, mini dresses and high heels, playing dress up made me feel slightly good about myself but he didn’t even spare me a second glance which made me feel a little disappointed. It has been about a week since I’ve been kidnapped and now with everything going on between us I was more than ready to go back to my old life. When will he let me go? Let him go and this silly fantasy I had too. I was in my room when I heard familiar voices downstairs. Of course curiosity always gets the best of me so I crept down the hallway. No one ever came here, well not after I came here. I quickly checked my appearance. I look decent. I was wearing a black and silver mini dress that flowed from the waist and down to my thighs. I matched it with silver platform heels. At least I looked like I belonged here, maybe that’s why Dennis bought me all of this, so that if anyone came here I would look like I belonged. I snorted to myself, I could never belong here.

  I almost screamed as I came down the stairs and seen who was sitting the living room. It was the guys from OneRepublic, my favorite band. Ryan, Zach, Drew, Brent and Eddie were all greeted by Dennis. They looked like long time friends. Now I was sure this place is driving me crazy. They all looked up at me and I had the pleasure of watching six pairs of eyes bulge out of their heads including Dennis. I thought I heard Ryan whistle under his breath as I approached them. Don’t fall, I said to myself. Don’t make a fool of yourself Angie, relax and breathe.

  “Oh my gosh, OneRepublic!” I said nonchalantly while avoiding Dennis. I could feel his blue eyes burning a hole into my body. “I’m a huge fan of yours, I’ve always been for long time now,” I said as I shook all of their hands.

  “Are you now?” Drew asked.

  “Definitely, it’s great to finally meet all of you. I’m Angelina by the way but you can call me Angie,” I said smiling.

  “It’s great to meet you too Angie,” Ryan chimed. “Um, wow you look great,” he said while clearing his throat.

  “Hands off bro, this one is mine,” Drew warned as I blushed. I couldn’t believe Drew Brown was flirting with me. Suddenly Dennis cleared his throat from behind us.

  “Let’s get down to business,” he said calmly, but it sounded a little forced. “Excuse us Angelina?” He turned to me with his blue gorgeous eyes looking fierce.

  “No, she should join us, would you Angie?” Drew asked. Ha! At least someone around here wants my company.

  “I would love to,” I said as Drew smiled widely at me. Dennis looked furious.

  “Very well then,” Dennis said stiffly. He led us to the living room and we all took our seats; I took the recliner chair, crossing my legs.

  “I’ve never seen you here before Angie, what’s your relationship to Dennis?” Zach asked and I froze. In the corner of my eye I saw Dennis tense up.

  “She’s my girlfriend,” Dennis quickly replied. And for a second we all sat there in shocked silence, me included. Before the guys could look at me I had to control my expression not wanting to blow our cover. “I recently asked her to move in with me,” he lied so well even I was convinced that it was true.

  “Well I’m sorry man for trying to make a move on your girl,” Drew said.

  “Hell dude, I’m glad you finally got yourself one,” Ryan gestured then turned to Drew. “Pay up bro, you lost the bet,” he murmured.

  “What bet?” I managed to ask as my heart was doing somersaults in my chest.

  “If Dennis ever got a girlfriend and of course Drew bet against it, I knew it would take a very special girl but we didn’t know when it would happen,” Ryan laughed. “Congratulations, you were able to tame Dennis here, something most women tried and failed and what most of us thought was nearly impossible,” he added to Drew who frowned and gave him a hundred dollar bill. I have no words for what I just heard.

  “Thanks, I guess. Oh, I just remembered I had to help Carmella out with something,” I lied. I had to go somewhere else so I could hyperventilate peacefully and in private.

  “Aw, you’re leaving?” Zach asked.

  “Yeah unfortunately, but it was awesome meeting you guys and I love your music,” I said.

  “Does that mean we are invited to the wedding?” Drew smirked.

  And here I thought nothing could shock me anymore, I was sadly mistaken. Dennis looked at me, I couldn’t really tell the emotion that was in his eyes; it was so careful, concealed even. I saw red in an instant; these guys were talking about me doing things I knew I could never do. Tame him? Ha, that’s a real joke even talking about being invited to the wedding, yeah right that will never happen.

  “Of course you are,” I tried to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. “Actually I think you should perform when we take our first dance as husband and wife. What do you think of that honey?” I smirked then turned my gaze back towards Dennis.

  “Yes that would be great,” he replied much to my surprise but the sarcasm was nowhere to be heard in his voice.

  “It’s settled then!” I said excitedly as I clapped my hands together. I think I deserve an academy award for this excellent performance.

  “Awesome. We’d be honored,” Zach replied.

  I turned to leave and muttered a goodbye over my shoulder to everyone. As I made my way out of the living room, I gave myself a huge pat on the back. I’m so proud of myself, I gave myself some credit for being so strong. But why was my heart breaking into a million pieces at two of the simplest words, girlfriend and wedding. I made my down the first floor’s hallway, for a moment I leaned against the wall for support. I’ve never been so exhausted in all my life. I couldn’t even tell if it was physical or emotional. My heart was racing as I tried to make sense of what just happened back there.

  “Angelina? Are you ok?” It was Amber, another one of Dennis’s employees who also lived in the estate on the far west side.

  “Yeah, I just felt a little woozy. I’m fine now. Hey let’s go bowling, I challenge you to a game. Are you up to it?” I asked her while grinning. I wanted… check that, I needed a distraction to get my mind off of Dennis and the whole ‘girlfriend’ thing.

  “Um, I don’t know,” she said reluctantly.

  “Oh come on,” I begged as I grab her arm and started walking her towards the game room.

  I didn’t see the need for a game room only because he never came in here, but then again it’s a family estate so he probably spent lots of time here as a kid. I let my mind wander back to the cute boy I saw in the picture in his stu
dy, he looks the same except now he’s an unbelievably handsome man. I saw something in that little boy’s eyes that I see looking at him now, something happened to him and I knew he wasn’t going to tell me. Amber turned on the radio as a noisy pop song poured out of the speakers and flooded the game room, distracting me from thoughts. The music is not my style but I don’t care it has a good beat to groove to so I started to dance.

  “Ok you go first,” Amber said.

  “Okay,” I grabbed a bowling ball from the ball rack, aimed and chuck the ball down at the pins, nailing my first strike. “In heals none the less,” I added with pride. Amber laughed and clapped.

  “Nice shot!” She said as she grabbed a ball.

  Amber is a blonde haired girl with hazel eyes, she’s very pretty. I think she’s about my age but at times she seems younger than me. We often enjoyed each other’s company besides that she was easy to talk to and I liked that about her. I clapped my hands as she also nailed a strike. She curtseyed then bowed and we both started to laugh. I was losing track of time as we made bet after bet; challenging each other. I was having so much fun and oblivious to the stress from earlier. Out of nowhere the music suddenly stops so I turned to see what happened. I saw Dennis saunter towards us.

  “Hey, turn the music back on,” I said with a little irritation in my voice. I know it was childish of me to say that but I was tired of caring what he thought about me.

  “Excuse us for minute Amber,” he said in a firm but calm voice.

  My heart started to pound, oh crap! I panicked, why should I be afraid of him? I didn’t do anything wrong.

  “No stay Amber,” I called back to her over my shoulder. “We didn’t finish our game. What do you want Dennis?” I asked. Now we’re having a full-blown stare down, eye to eye. He then looked away bringing his gaze back towards Amber.

  “I um…just remembered that I um…have some laundry to do. I’ll catch up with you later Angie,” she said quickly as she darted out of the game room. Ugh! Why did everyone have to give him his way all the time? Then I remembered yes they do, myself included for agreeing to stay here.

  “Are you purposely trying to make my life miserable?” I asked in an angry tone.

  I didn’t wait for his answer. I didn’t want to hear what he had to say, I walked right past him. Just before I walked out of the room I felt his strong hand grab my arm. I froze as my heart started to pound out of my chest. His touch always made me feel weak but this time I had a little willpower. I yanked my arm out of his grasp, like his hand burned me. Truth to be told, it did. His touch alone was enough to set my skin on fire and make me want him but not this time. Hurt flickered in his eyes for a second then anger soon took over and replaced it.

  “What the fuck was that?” He shouted at me barely containing his rage.

  At first I didn’t get what he was referring to and then it hit me, my academy award winning performance. I don’t understand why he is so angry though? I thought I helped him.

  “It’s called improvising and you’re welcome,” I said as I took a few steps back.

  “Yeah well, it was a little over the top with the whole, ‘I’m your biggest fan’ shit. That was totally uncalled for. They came here to discuss business. Not to flirt with you,” he added.

  I was beyond shocked, that’s what this was all about? That’s why he came down here, to fight with me.

  “Well for your information, I am a big fan of their music and just in case you weren’t looking, Drew was the one flirting with me. I think the last time I checked; not being able to flirt with hot guys was not part of our little deal. What’s it to you anyway, huh? I think I’m allowed to flirt with whomever I please and I’m pretty sure I don’t need your permission to do so, you don’t own me. I’m not one of your staff members you go to and boss around.” He just stood there glaring at me. “He liked me, didn’t he? Admit it,” I asked smiling at the thought, well at least someone wanted me. “Maybe I should call him when I get out of this prison sentence that I’m in. I’m sure he would love to take me out and show me a good time,” I giggled.

  “You will not!” He shouted. He towered over me, my face inches from his chest. I’m surprised I didn’t stagger backwards from the angered sound in his voice. I lifted my chin up bravely, even though my insides were trembling from the angered tone in his voice. Be strong Angie, I thought to myself, be strong.

  “Oh no? And by chance who’s going to stop me?” I asked trying to keep the tremble out of my voice. For a moment I thought he was going to say something but he just laugh.

  “No one, you’re right. What you do doesn’t concern me, I was merely protecting you. You’re free to do whatever you want, like you said I don’t own you,” he said in a detached tone.

  He turned and left the game room. I should be happy, I won the argument but at what cost? In frustration, I pick up a bowling ball and chucked it down the lane in anger. No one said I wanted to go on a date with Drew, or anyone else for that matter. Shit! I didn’t even mean to give him the wrong idea. I just wanted Dennis and I knew in the back of my mind I could never have him. I tried to not to be upset, I’m tired of falling apart whenever we talk? As I walked out of the room I kept my head high, I’m not going to let him get the best of me.


  I found myself hiding in my bedroom, again. For almost a week now, I’ve been avoiding any unnecessary confrontations with Dennis. I also thought to myself that maybe I’m being a coward about the whole situation. From the balcony, the view of the estate’s backyard was breathtaking. I was still waiting to wake up from this crazy dream. Everything about this place and its people seemed unreal to me. After all the drama that’s happened between Dennis and I, my feelings for him have only intensified day after day after day. It’s beyond lust anymore, I was truly falling for him and I didn’t understand why? Every time we were around each other we would fight about meaningless things.

  But the simplest things he did on a daily basis drove me absolutely crazy, like the way he licked his lips, the way he looked when getting out of the pool as the water beaded down his body, the way he smiled, walked, talked…oh, I could on all day. Yeah I guess I do have it bad for him, well in a physical kind of way. Watching the way he interacted with everyone around here, he has this confidence about him that makes me want him even more. I guess that comes with being rich and successful. It only adds to his sex appeal. I rolled my eyes, as if he needed it with his good looks. I also noted that everyone in the estate treated him with love and respect. I was the only one who was being immature and childish towards him. I couldn’t be nice to him; he would know that I was infatuated with him, so it was easier to pretend that I had no interest in him only to help my own self through this mess. A knock came at the door, distracting me from my thoughts of Dennis. I slowly got up to open it. When I opened the door to see who it was, it was Carmella and she looked slightly irritated.

  “Can I tidy up a little?” She asked.

  “Um sure,” I said letting her in. I was not used to people doing this kind of stuff for me. It made me feel weird and even useless. I started to walk back to the balcony, when Carmella suddenly slumped onto the bed, I panic and rushed over to her side. “Carmella, are you ok?” I asked.

  “I’m fine, I just been feeling a little dizzy and I have a massive headache,” she said as she raised her hand at me. “Could you be a darling and get me some aspirin? It’s in the kitchen, on the counter.”

  “Of course,” I said rushing out of my room.

  As I got downstairs I heard voices coming from the living room. I listened carefully and it was Dennis and a woman? I turned toward the living room and I seen Dennis kissing this woman. This woman had platinum blonde hair, was tall but petite, well a little too skinny for me but she was beautiful looking. She looked like a supermodel you saw on the covers of magazines at the grocery stores checkout counters. I felt a stab of pain and jealousy as I stood there and watched them. Was she his girlfriend? It couldn’t be…that w
ould mean that he cheated on her with me. I let out a heavy sigh, it didn’t matter anymore. She had what I wanted.

  They didn’t seem to notice my presence, so I really started to look at them. Dennis was not kissing her back. In fact he was trying to push her away and she refused to let him go. Just standing here and witnessing this made something in the back of my head snap. I probably would have walked away if Dennis was kissing her, but that bitch was practically throwing herself at him when he clearly didn’t want her back in return. Oh the irony, I thought to myself but I still couldn’t let this happen. Somehow I was more than happy to interrupt them. I loudly cleared my throat as the blonde released him to look at me. At first she looked stunned to see me and then her expression turned to amusement.

  “Oh sorry sweetie, I didn’t hear you come in. Just got a little distracted,” she said while smiling.

  “Yeah, I bet you would’ve if you didn’t force yourself upon a man who is clearly not into you,”

  I said with a slight humor in my voice. Her brown eyes bulged out of her head in shock from what I just said to her, she looked at Dennis then back at me.

  “How dare you speak to me like that?” She said as she started to get up off the couch. “You better watch it little lady or else I will have him throw you out on your ass!”


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