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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 6

by Jackie McMahon

  “I doubt that,” I replied. “You see I live here now, so the question is who are you?”

  “You didn’t tell her about me Den?”

  “No,” Dennis replied.

  “I’m Alana. A long time friend of Dennis’s,” she said.

  “Ah, a friend with benefits? Or a friend looking for benefits?” I asked as I heard Dennis laugh, Alana gave him a scornful look then she turned her attention back at me.

  “And who the hell are you?” She asked clearly irritated about the whole situation.

  “I’m Angelina, his girlfriend,” I boldly stated.

  She staggered back as if I slapped her. I have never been in a fight before, I always avoided getting into one but I will fight for Dennis even though he didn’t feel the same for me as I did for him. She looked back at Dennis now.

  “You have a girlfriend? This is your girlfriend?” She asked as Dennis slowly nodded.

  “I asked her to move in with me just recently,” he said.

  “I’m sorry Alana,” I said.

  “Don’t you sorry me you little bitch,” she hissed at me.

  “Watch it Alana,” Dennis warned her.

  “Dennis, stop this. You never had a girlfriend; it’s always been you and me. We’re supposed to be together. We were made for each other,” she persisted. I think I just throw up in my mouth a little at how desperate she sounded. She didn’t want or love Dennis. She just wanted what Dennis could buy for her. She was nothing but a gold-digging whore. “She’s just a phase Dennis, soon enough you’ll get sick of her shit. You don’t love her, do you?” She asked. Dennis looked at me the same way he always looked at me. Once again I was hypnotized by his blue eyes searching my eyes for some answers. Alana gasped and we both turned to look at her. “No, it can’t be,” she mumbled to herself. “You do love her.” Dennis still didn’t say anything. “Of all the women that have tried to touch that stone you call a heart, all of them failed. It was all for her, wasn’t it? Then again I always knew this would eventually happen someday. Of course if you were going to fall in love, it was going to be with a female version of yourself. I just never thought she existed,” she said with a slightly sad tone. What was she saying? Me? A female version of Dennis? Yeah right! She must have me mistaken for someone else. She walked up to me so we were face to face. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable around here if I was you. He may think he loves you now but I know him all too well and trust me sweetie, very soon you will be out of here so fast that your pretty little head will spin.”

  “You may think you know him Alana but you don’t. You only see what you want to see. I know women like you, spoiled little rich bitch of a girl who always got what she wanted, always wanting to increase her little trust fund. You don’t give a rat’s ass about Dennis. You only care about how he can provide for you,” I said to her and out of nowhere a felt her hand slap me across my face. Dennis shoved her away from me. He clearly looked angry now at what she did to me. “I hope that makes you feel better about yourself now. I really do,” I said while holding my face where she slapped me.

  “You arrogant little bitch, I’ve known him my whole life and you think you care more about him?” She hissed.

  “Yes,” I replied. I could feel Dennis glance at me, I wanted to look back at him but I had to stay focused on Alana. “Quite frankly Alana, I don’t care what you have to say. So I think it’s best if you just leave,” I said turning to get the door for her. I was so ready to be over with this bullshit.

  “You’re not going to let her kick me out, are you Dennis?” She asked.

  “Goodbye Alana,” Dennis replied quickly.

  “If I walk out this door Dennis, I’m never coming back. It’s either me or her?” She said as she practically shouted at him. Jeez, did she have to throw an ultimatum at him? I guess she’s pretty desperate then.

  “Her,” Dennis said a little too quickly.

  “Fine. The hell with the both of you,” she stopped in front of me and gave me a ‘this isn’t over’ look then stormed out. I closed the door then walked back to the living room. Dennis followed as he leaned up against the wall facing me. He started laughing, I don’t know why but I joined him.

  “You’re welcome,” I said as I sat on the couch where they were only a few minutes ago.

  “So, we only play the girlfriend card on your terms?” He asked with a smile.


  “I’m actually disappointed that you interrupted us,” he said.

  “I didn’t interrupt anything. From what I saw, I saved you.”

  “Oh really? And you know that how?” He teased.

  “She was forcing herself onto you and you were clearly not interested.”

  “Touché,” he said while smiling. At least we were having a nice conversation for once, teasing one another instead of fighting and wanting to rip each other’s throats out. It felt nice for a change. “Are you ok?” He asked referring to Alana’s bitch slap. He sauntered up to me and used the back of his hand to caress my face where I was slapped. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as his hand made contact with my skin.

  “I’m fine,” I whispered. It was totally unfair and unhealthy for him to have this much power over me and my body.

  “Did I seem interested when you kissed me?” He murmured.

  “I wouldn’t know,” I said truthfully.

  “You have no idea do you?” He whispered.

  “No idea of what?” I asked confused.

  “Forget it,” he said while shaking his head. “I’ll be in my study if you need me,” he turned and walked away leaving me feeling helpless. All I could do was to stare at him as he left.

  Chapter Six

  I’ve spent most of my time in my study doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, trying to figure out what just happened between Alana and Angelina. I can’t get over how a girl I have been trying to avoid my whole life ended all in one day. I laughed to myself; the look on Alana’s face at some of the things Angelina was saying to her was priceless. It was just weird that Angelina could see plain as day that I wasn’t interested in Alana but be so completely blind to the fact of how much I needed and wanted her. Okay, maybe that it my fault for being so cold towards her for the past week or so, but I only did it in a useless attempt to get her out of my system. She expressed no warmth towards me, while driving me crazy every second of day. I tried to stay away from her and not stare at her unless I had too. I couldn’t help it though. I didn’t want her to think I was obsessed with her. I smiled to myself.

  She was in every thought I had. I couldn’t get her out of my head no matter how much I tried to avoid it. Now, I feel like my whole world is seemingly revolving around her. I had to be honest with myself that my feelings for her went deeper than lust. I had to come to reality that Alana was right. I was in love with Angelina. I took a deep breath; it felt good to admit it to myself, like a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I always thought I was incapable of loving someone. For me, staying distant was always a better option. It was a way of protecting myself. But to be honest, I fell in love with her from the moment her picture appeared on Colin’s computer monitor. I was just too blind to realize it. Now the question is, where do I go from here? Things between us are torn at the moment. I’d be lucky if she ever wanted anything to do with me. Did she care for me too? Well, she mentioned it in front of Alana. But then again it could have been an act? I couldn’t really be sure.

  Do I love her? Yes. Do I want to be with her? Yes. Would I put a ring on her finger? Without doubt yes. But what kind of life could I truly offer her? What kind of boyfriend or husband could I be to her? I was a CIA agent for fucks sake! My world was too dangerous for her. I was too dangerous for her and if any of my enemies were to learn about her. They would try to use that against me. I shuddered at the thought. Already one of them had started plotting something but then again she was never mine when this all started. I would never forgive myself if she got hurt. And if I told her the
truth on why she had to stay here with me? Would she still want to be with me? I had so many questions with no answers. I gave up when glanced at the clock, it was already midnight.

  I can’t believe I lost track of time, thinking about her nonetheless. Everyone is asleep now, and I needed a hard drink to take the edge off. I was hardly ever stressed to the point where I needed alcohol to calm my nerves. I hated the way it tasted and especially the effect that it made me feel. I’m always sharp and clear-headed but one drink won’t hurt. I went up to my bedroom and changed into pajama bottoms and a white T-shirt. I made my way downstairs to the kitchen and pulled out a glass and a bottle of whiskey from the cabinets. I never touched this stuff before, it was a gift from someone from one of my birthdays. I guess there’s a first time for everything…

  I took my third sip when I heard soft footsteps come down the stairs and then stop. I didn’t need to look to know it was her. I could feel her like I felt the wind. Damn it, I was really being tested now. When I looked up at her, I froze at the sight of her. She wore a black satin nightgown; it was short and showing off her long sexy legs. I swallowed hard as I tore my eyes away from her. It felt like my eyes would burn in their sockets from the sight of her like this but I also don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.

  “Well this is a little weird. I’m sorry I didn’t think anyone would be down here,” she said.

  “Couldn’t sleep?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I came down to get something to drink. You?”

  I nodded as she went to the fridge and grabbed herself a bottle of water. As she bent down to grab the water I stole another look at her. She was truly a Goddess, pure and perfect. She turned to leave and I couldn’t let her just go like that. I was craving for her company… what am I saying, I was craving to touch her.

  “Don’t go,” I said and she froze. She turned back to look at me like she didn’t hear what I said. “Join me?” She thought about for a second and then came to sit in the chair that was next to me. We sat in silence for a while, enjoying nothing but each other’s presence, which was better than the whiskey. “Do you know that I hate alcohol?” She looked at me in confusion. “I don’t like it, I only drink hoping it will relax me,” I said pushing the glass away. “It doesn’t do it for me.”

  “I’m sure it’s not easy being you,” she said.

  “That’s the least of my problems,” I replied while staring at her soft lips.

  “What are your problems then Dennis?”

  “You,” I said truthfully as her eyes grew wide from my response.


  “Yes,” I said while lifting my hand to her soft cheek. “And how much I want you right now,” I added as I touched her lips with my thumb.

  “Dennis,” she whispered breathlessly.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a dick for the past week. I was only trying to distant myself from you. I can’t and I know that I never will,” I said sliding my hand down her neck. “I was disgusted with myself for being so weak and having my way with you that night. But now I can see why I acted that way. You could just wave your hand and I would be on my knees, like I was your prisoner of your witchcraft,” I said.

  “What you’re feeling is lust. Nothing more,” she said as her breathing labored as she looked up at me. Her brown eyes sparkled with the same desire I felt. “It’s not just about that anymore with me.”

  “Angelina, do you really think I’d do this if I didn’t feel something for you?” I asked.

  She paused and then slowly shook her head. That’s all I needed for her. I slowly brought my lips down to hers; kissing her like it was the last time I’ll ever see her again. At first she didn’t respond to my kiss. I almost stopped until I heard her moan. Just the sound of her doing that drove me wild. And yet again, I found myself at mercy of this beautiful girl in front of me. She gasped as I slid my lips to her chin and down her neck to her shoulder, sliding the nightgowns straps out of my way. Damn, she smelled amazing, like vanilla and strawberries.

  “Dennis,” she said breathlessly between gasps. “Please don’t do this, you’ve been drinking.”

  “See that’s the thing, I’m sober. Besides I would never do this if I weren’t. It wouldn’t be fair to you,” I said bringing my lips back to hers and this time she kissed me back, letting my tongue penetrate in her mouth, meeting me halfway with the same level of intensity and desire as I had.

  This woman will be the death of me, I thought to myself as she wrapped her long sexy legs around my waist. I let my hands travel to her delectable ass and grind myself into her. Without second guessing myself and what I was doing, I carried her like this back up the stairs and into my bedroom. I quickly laid her on the bed while still kissing her soft lips. Her hands caressed my lower back. It felt amazing to be touched by her like this, I needed to be inside of her. I slid her gown and lace panties off, while taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of her sexy body. I worshipped every inch of her with my lips, tongue and hands, kissing her, touching her and tasting her pleasure that she had for me. She was my drug and she encouraged me to have another taste of her with every moan that escaped passed her lips.

  “I want you Angelina, I need you for the rest of my life,” I whispered into her ear.

  She moaned in pleasure at my words and her back arched as I rubbed my hand over her perky nipples. My hands traveled to her hips, caressing her body just before I entered her slick wet pussy. I took my time with her while teasing her, only sticking the tip of my cock inside her. She grabbed the sheets as she moaned asking for more, her begging sent me over the top as I slid my cock inside of her, taking every inch of me. With every thrust I took she moaned my name. The first time was great but now… it was completely mind-blowing. She let out a faint scream and I groaned as we both came together. Our breathing was labored and my head was spinning. I’d never fucked like this before with other women, it didn’t mean anything but with her it felt right. I realized that it was like this because our feelings for each other went deeper than just sex; that our lovemaking was just purely extraordinary and meaningful. I fucked her again as she scratched my back with her fingernails; just once was not enough to satisfy my need for her. I’m not sure how long but when we finally finished she lay on top of me and nuzzled her head on my chest while I rubbed her back and fell asleep almost instantly. I last thing I thought I heard her whisper was, “I love you,” but her voice was too low for me to be sure. I closed my eyes too, happier than I’ve ever been in years, holding the woman that I saw growing old with.

  I woke up to an empty bed. Normally I was first get up and be ready for work. It felt wrong, why did she leave? As I got up I noticed her nightgown still lying on the floor and grinned to myself as I remembered last night. I check the clock and realized that it was still early. Then I heard the sound of the shower running so I quickly threw on my pajama bottoms and headed into the bathroom. I crept into the bathroom and leaned against the bathroom tiles, watching Angelina through the steamed sliding shower doors. She hummed a soft melody while standing underneath the showerhead with both hands on the wall in front of her. I watched the water cascaded down her dark hair and trickle down her delicious body; she looked like a mystical goddess. I shrugged out of my pajama pants and walked towards the shower opening the doors, she didn’t turn around when I got in with her but she did stop humming. I swept her hair to the side, stroking her shoulders. I leaned down and kissed her neck.

  “Don’t stop on my account,” I whispered as she let out a breathless giggle.

  “You’re a tad bit distracting.”

  My hands went from her waist and glided to her stomach, loving the silky feel of her skin underneath my hands. I moved my hands up further to cup the enticing swell of her breasts, stroking her nipples as they hardening from my touch. She moaned softly as I gently twisted them.

  “You are insatiable,” she whispered, her voice giving no indication that she disapproved my touch.

  “I can’t help mysel
f. What you do to me, its mind boggling,” I whispered against her neck.

  Even after a night of relentless passion with her, the moment I saw her in the shower my desire was reignited again. She turned around and I took her mouth, she parted them with sigh. I thrust my tongue into her mouth, passionately dueling hers. My God, why did she have to taste so good? If she were a drug I would have been in rehab. I tore my lips away from hers as I kissed her neck. My hands moved along the smooth curve of her spine to her perfect hips, lifting her against the wall. She wrapped her legs around my hips as I kissed her again until she gasped for air. My finger slipped into her heated slick folds as she let out a soft moan from the pleasure. I slipped another finger into her, taking her mouth again. I felt her body tense with anticipated pleasure, then release. She pulled her lips away crying out her orgasm.

  “Angelina,” I groaned against her shoulder but her response to me was heaven sent. I wanted to take my time with her like I did last night but the soft moan that escaped past her lips made it impossible. I was crazed with the need for her and I’ve barely even touched her.

  “I need you,” she breathed shattering whatever self-control I had left.

  She threw her head back biting down on her lower lip when I entered her. I groaned as I felt her pussy stretch, welcoming me in. She then rested her head against my shoulder panting and moaning as I moved, pushing her into the shower wall. With every deep thrust she would whisper my name, just like last night. Those sexy little noises drove me crazy. She tightened around me and I knew she was near as I drove harder and faster and deeper and she gasped.

  “Come on me baby,” I said huskily as she faintly screamed her release out.

  I rubbed my knuckles against her taut nipples while gently nibbling her soft skin at her neck; she had another orgasm and then shivered from pleasure over-load. Satisfied, I let out my own release. The warm water washed away our perspiration as I slowly pulled out of her. My desire for her was not even a little sated, but then again there was the bed and the couch… I set her down and she swayed a little so I held her waist to steady her, she let out a small giggle.


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