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Right Now (The Seduced Series)

Page 7

by Jackie McMahon

  “Well good morning to you too,” she said quietly.

  I brushed her wet hair out of her face while staring into her beautiful brown eyes, warm and hazy from the pleasure we just shared with one another. She stared back at me but there was something wrong, she looked… troubled.

  “Did I do something wrong?” I asked letting go of her.

  “No, I just can’t do this.”

  “I don’t understand,” I didn’t know what she was trying to tell me, I thought everything was okay between us.

  “Listen, the sex I can deal with Dennis, but the cuddling and hugging. It throws us… I mean me off. Physically, I want you so much that I don’t think it’s even healthy. I don’t think I can ever refuse you, as you can tell. You said you were my prisoner but in all truth, it’s the other way around. I’m ok with that. I just don’t want it to get emotional, because when it’s all over I will be the one hurting,” she said in a sad tone.

  I was shocked at the direction this was leading towards. I just don’t understand what she was trying to say me? Didn’t she want to be with me? Was I wrong and she honestly didn’t feel the way I felt about her?

  “Don’t you want to be with me?” I asked.

  “Of course I do, more than anything,” she murmured. I tried to reach out to her but she backed up against the shower wall shaking her head. “I can’t allow myself to get emotionally attached to you. I’m sorry. I know I’m being an ass when I say it to you but I can’t let myself get hurt again. You’re an amazing guy Dennis, and it would be all too easy for me to fall for you. If I do I’m scared that you’ll end up…”

  “Leaving.” I finished for her. Now I understand, she doubted my feelings and she didn’t trust me enough not to break her heart.

  “Yeah,” she said while looking down. She turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Leaving me stunned in the shower.

  “Did you ever think that I want to be with you too, that I feel the same way about you?” I asked wrapping a towel around myself.

  “Be honest with me, I can take it. There is no future for us?” She said as if she were in pain. “I want to get marry and have kids Dennis. I’m not saying you should throw everything away for me. Honestly, do you see yourself ever settling down?” She asked. All I could do was stare at her. That was a low blow. Did I want to give her those things? Yes of course, but somehow she knew that I would back out or run from her. I was lost. She had me second-guessing myself on what I wanted and needed. “I didn’t think so,” she said sadly as she left the bathroom.

  “Wait! What do you mean by being hurt?” I asked stopping her in the doorway.

  “My heart, I suffered so much heartache in the past. I don’t think I will be able to move on if that happens again,” she said as she left me in the bathroom.

  So it’s like that. I lost her before I even had her. And that’s the story of my life. Something must have happened to her that she didn’t tell me. Why was she so scared of me? I opened up to her and she just shot me down. Great, I have to get ready for work now. Today is going to be a long day.

  Chapter Seven

  I watched as Dennis sped away in his Lamborghini down the estate’s driveway. Please drive safely I said to myself. He always drove like a maniac but then again fast cars should not be in guy like his reach. Who in the hell goes to work in freaking Lamborghini? One of the richest men alive named Dennis Evers. I don’t like to think about Dennis’s wealth. Material things have never been much of importance to me. The only importance to me is him.

  I said some pretty harsh stuff to him this morning but I only did that to protect him and me. I wish I could turn back the clock. This morning was great. I woke up feeling on top of the world while watching him sleep until the thought settled into my head while I was in the shower. I couldn’t believe he really wanted me like he did. Then I remembered Alana’s words, ‘He may think he loves you now but I know him all too well and trust me sweetie, very soon you will be out of here so fast that your pretty little head will spin.’ She was right, what Dennis felt for me was just lust. Soon he would get over me then what would happen to me? I would be yet another woman that got side swiped by a man who didn’t know what he really wanted. I wasn’t having that. I’ve had my fair share of heartbreaks.

  A week pasted after that morning that I told him how I felt about us. I love him, which is why I had to say what I said. I’m scared of having my heart ripped out of my chest and to be stomped on. Feeling pain and heartache is one of the worst feelings to ever have and I know that from experience. One day when he can home from work he cornered me in the kitchen and wanted us to start over. He said I hurt him from the words that I spat at him but then again he has hurt me for being so cold and distant in the beginning, which he apologized for. I told him, if you want to be with me, we need to set up some rules about our relationship, which he agreed to.

  Ever since then, Dennis and I couldn’t keep our hands off each other. Sometimes he would show up out of nowhere and start kissing me and touching me. I couldn’t say no, his touch sent chills throughout my body. I can’t lie, sometimes I would entice him, like taking his shirt off when he was busy working in his study. He never stopped me from doing it, whatever he was doing no matter how important it was he always made time for me. I tried not to fall for Dennis but being so intimate with him was a very thin line to cross. The fact that he is an unbelievably good in bed didn’t help the situation at all. I offered my body to him, it’s not like I had a choice. It was his; he owned it from that very first night. But one thing I couldn’t let him have was my heart. If he dropped it, there would be nothing left to mend back together. Once I tried to tease him about getting me pregnant with all the touchy feely that was going on between us. And too my surprise he seemed unfazed which worried me? Does he really want to be with me? Right now, I have pushed the thought to the back of my head. I don’t need my head to be clouded up with false intentions.

  This afternoon he took me out for some fun away from the estate. We went to a local mall to walk around. He held my hand and caressed the outside of my hand with his thumb as we walked through the mall. Just that little touch sent shivers up my spine. I tried to not to think about his touch but it was hard. So to distract myself I glanced at the store window displays just to keep my mind off his touch. He noticed me looking, so at every store we pasted by he offered to buy me something. It was a nice thought but I didn’t need him to buy me anything, I had everything I could possibly have and more… I had him and that’s all I needed.

  “Let me take you out tonight, dancing maybe?” He asked as we walked back to the car.

  “Um, okay.”

  “Great, we’ll head back home and change,” he said with some excitement in his voice.


  We parked outside of a nightclub by the name of Club Cache that’s located in the city. I hope what I’m wearing is suitable. I have on a tight white tank top with a short black mini skirt and white woven band Prada sandals. Dennis says I look fine but I feel out of place. He gets out of the car and walks around to my side and opens the door for me.

  “Come on,” he says as he takes my hand and helps me out of the low-seated Aston Martin.

  He leads me into the club that had a Latin theme to it. There was a live band playing some really catchy tunes even though they sang in a language that was foreign to me. I mostly loved the intimacy of the setting. Dennis led me to the dance floor and brought me to the furthest end of the club where it was less crowded. He pulled me into his arms and we started dancing. Dennis was a great dancer and I was suddenly glad I didn’t have two left feet. We dance and dance and dance until the band started to play a slow, sexy Latin song. Dennis pulled me closer to him.

  “Angelina, do you know the rumba?” He whispered in my ear.

  “I can’t say I do,” I replied. I’ve been told that I’m a good dancer but I have not attempted anything like that. I’ve only seen it be performed by professionals on TV. And I knew it was a very
sexy dance.

  “Follow my lead,” he said placing his hands on my hips forcing my hips to sway to the rhythm as he pulled them closer to his.

  His hand travelled to the back of my neck and down my spine, leaving a sweet burning sensation in its path. I stifled a gasp at the sudden wave of desire that hit me. The sexual tension between us seemed to grow more and more as the music played on, the music was starting to lull to a hypnotic sound in the background. With every passing beat and lyric our bodies got closer, our moves became sexier and our breathing became a bit shallow. No one seemed to notice us, probably due to the fact that it was darker and less crowded where we were. Our dancing would have definitely drawn some attention to others.

  His lips were inches from my neck. His hand went a little bit up my skirt grabbing my thigh as he lifted my leg up to his hip. I shifted my hands from his shoulders to lock them around his neck, carefully pulling his head down to me. We both froze and he immediately let go of my leg and I unhooked my arms from around his neck and we both took a step back. We knew that if we continued we’d end up causing a scene and we wouldn’t be able to help ourselves. I stared into Dennis’s lust filled eyes, I don’t know what my own eyes showed but I could very much feel the burning need of him literally choking me. We didn’t need words to know that our fun time here was now over.

  Silently I turned and walked out of the club with him quietly following behind me. I could feel his gaze burning holes right through me, but I couldn’t turn around. That would shatter both our self-control. We rode back to the estate still in silence, the heat and tension in the air between us didn’t help, it just only seemed to heighten with every passing minute. Neither one of us has spoken a word since we abruptly ended our dance. I couldn’t even look at him. If I did, my arms and legs would be around him in that very instant.

  We made it back to the estate. He parked the car back inside the garage and turned it off. He glanced at me and I could feel his eyes on me. I looked up and into his eyes and he was already making love to me with his eyes, normally when he gave me that look and I would drop my gaze and blush. But this time I couldn’t, he had me in a trance. I couldn’t look away. We entered the estate and I walked straight up the stairs and into my room. I didn’t even realize he was right behind me, I was trying to give us some space but the second he was in my room he closed the door and we devoured each other.

  He crushed his lips to mine, kissing them with a new bewildering edge of passion and lust. My lips parted with a moan as his tongue sampled a taste of my mouth. I urgently took off his shirt throwing it to the floor as he resumed kissing me, tasting me desire I had for him. His hands grabbed my thighs lifting them up to his hips with ease as I locked my legs around him. He backed me up against the wall, barely letting me breathe. He tore at my tank top and slid it away from me. I didn’t even care that he just destroyed my clothes with his bare hands; my pussy hummed with anticipation. I gasped for air as his lips moved to my neck and shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, I’m being less of a gentleman but you’re driving me wild,” he murmured against my neck.

  I probably would have let out a giggle and blushed, but how could I when I couldn’t get any air into my lungs. He laid me on the bed quickly removing the rest of my already torn clothes. How can one man’s hands feel so electric against my skin? How can his tongue feel like heaven on my most imitate body parts? Dennis showed me great passion and some tenderness when making love to me but I had the sense that he was always holding back. But not this time around, I loved this new slightly rough and urgent way he loved me and my body. He always made everything about me; for once I wanted him to take as much of me as he wanted and boy did he ever!

  He fucked me faster and deeper than ever before, taking my body to a higher limit. He turned me over so that I was on my knees as he took me from behind. I gripped the sheets as he shoved every inch of him into me in one thrust. I felt his balls slap against my ass at the steady pace of his punishing rhythm. I moaned from the feel of him taking me further than ever before. He quickly pulled out of me and slip his cock into my ass, he groaned toward his release as I cried out from mine own.

  Dennis had a sexual appetite like no other when aroused. Every time we would catch our breath, he would touch me and immediately it would ignite desire in me as well, making love all over again and again and again. Surprisingly I was able to keep up with him, as I wanted him just as badly as he wanted me. My wanting to love and pleasure him always made me willing and uninhibited.

  “Whoa” I exclaimed trying to catch my breath after the most intensive orgasm that I ever had.

  I heard Dennis laugh breathlessly t my remark. I then realized that my whole body was shaking. Ah, another after effect to sleeping with Dennis. Mind spinning, toe curling and now I can check off shaking like a leaf as well, great!

  “You’re trembling my love,” Dennis said wrapping the blanket and his arms around me.

  “Yeah and whose fault is that?” I muttered and he laughed. “This is embarrassing,” I mumbled and he kissed my shoulder.

  “No it’s natural,” he stated and I shook my head.

  “This is not natural.”

  “You’re right it’s not, sex can’t possibly be that good,” he said and I nodded while yawning. “Sleep my love, before I take you again. I don’t want to tire you out to much.”

  “It’s a little too late for that,” I teased.

  I closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.


  I woke up with Dennis in my bed this morning. I looked at him and seen he was still sleeping so I decided to get up and slip into the shower.

  “Where are you going?” He asked. Damn it, I thought he was still asleep.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” I said and he frowned.


  “No, you know the rules Dennis.”

  “Screw the rules,” he said as he sat up and grabbed my waist pulling me back down onto the bed with him. His arms wrapped around me. “You’re not going anywhere, so stop trying to push me away from you.”

  “Damn you and your muscles,” I said as he started to laugh. For that one moment I let myself enjoy being in his arms like this. I wouldn’t mind if we stayed like that forever.

  “Let me into your head,” he said taking me by surprise. “Just this one time, please.”


  “Come on,” he rolled off of me and let me sit up. “There’s something you’re not telling me and I want to know.”

  “Well I’m pretty sure there are lots of things that you’re not telling me either,” I said.

  “Something else happened in Virginia. There’s another reason why you left that you’re not telling me?” He asked. His blue eyes searching my mine for something, I was shocked as to how he could tell.

  “Even if there was, why should I tell you?”

  “Because I care more than you think I do.” Maybe telling him will answer some of his questions about me.

  “Fine,” I said as I leaned my back up against the headboard. I was going to need the support if I was going to go down memory lane. I took a deep breath and finally told him what bothered me so much. “After Rick died, I was miserable. So my sister suggested that I needed to enter the dating scene again. It took me sometime but maybe after a year or so I meet this guy in college, his name was Taylor. We dated throughout the last years of college; he was sweet, loving and fun to be around. I started to catch feelings for him,” I said looking down. “But we had problems, who doesn’t, right?” Dennis moved next to me and wraps his arms around me. “We were happy, or at least I thought we were. We started to grow apart once we finished college. I got a job in a crappy retail store so that I could save money to move out of my mom’s house. So I couldn’t see him as much as I used to… well as I wanted to.” I let a little giggle escape past my lips as I thought about the many times we fought about me working so much and me not tending to his needs. “I thought I surpassed my depression about
Rick until a close friend of mine past away from a car accident. So that started my depression once again and I kept pushing Taylor further and further away. Then one day, after work I came home and walked up to my room, my room had two ways to get in, through the house and up the second floor balcony stairs that was outside and because I was barely home to satisfy his needs he found someone that could. I caught him cheating on me with this girl that was a co called friend but also was known to whore herself around town and in my bed with my man,” I said flatly.

  I heard Dennis take in sharp breath of air, I turned and looked at him and his eyes were full of anger and anguish and now somewhat fully understanding why I have been pushing him away. But what I didn’t tell him was that I didn’t love Taylor, I just thought I did. But with Dennis, I don’t think I can see myself not being able to live without him and with that thought, it scares me to death.

  “I told him that we were over right there on the spot. It hurt but I didn’t have it in me to fight either one of them, it just wasn’t worth it. They both deceived me in a time where I needed him the most. I thought I loved Taylor but I didn’t, I guess that’s why letting him go wasn’t so bad. It only hurt because he did my dirty in my own home. How could someone be so cold?”

  “Was he the reason why you left?” I shook my head no at him.

  “Coming here was an already done deal,” I didn’t realize I was crying until Dennis wiped away a lone tear off my face. “You see Dennis, that’s why I’m a mess. You don’t want to deal with this kind of shit. Trust me,” I said while morosely shaking my head.

  “I’m already dealing with it,” he teased while grinning at me.

  I couldn’t help but smirk back at him, he was putting up with my shit and I couldn’t get why? Before I knew what I was doing I reached over and stroked the side of his face. For that split second he looked surprised but relaxed to my touch. I withdrew my hand and he caught it, shaking his head for me not to stop. I got closer to him, running my hands through his black unruly hair, then lightly touching his nose and running my fingers over his mouth. It felt so good to touch him this way. I don’t think there is an exceptionally handsome and masculine man as him. My hands shifted to his neck, then to his muscular shoulders, arms and chest. I heard a slight moan escape from his lips but he remained still as I kept exploring his perfect body. I slowly leaned in and planted a soft wet kiss on his neck.


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