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QECS – Quantum Entanglement Communication System
Races – There are three races aboard Dadr’Ba Mi’Nr’s Ute’s D’En’s. They are genetically designed for a particular purpose and were mandated for certain jobs until the equal job rights rebellion demanding and winning allowance for the medical modification to Bios
Resistance sign – is to rub against the cheek as if to wipe away a tear
Religion – From the CA’s point of view religion is formed to keep the masses quiescent and to think correctly; focused on faith and belief in Dadr’Ba’s mission to reach O’M, and superficial spiritual and bodily gains. Religious items are in every home. Religious services are “highly encouraged.”
Resistance – The resistance movement originated shortly after the Touch of God. Nearly all miners are members of the resistance. Few U’Te’s are members, and very few D’En’s are members of the resistance.
Robots – are plentiful, but none is humanoid. They resemble automated machines except soldiers.
Reset – orgasm, climax
Retirement – Although not in Dadr’Ba tradition a terribly sad event, there had been a lot of stress; although everyone goes through it eventually it’s still a very personal, profound event. Knowing your parents as not only as loving parents, but also as adult friends for over 100 years makes for a very close and mature relationship.
Society and the community have evolved to make the passing of one’s parents as smooth as possible. Retirees can settle their affairs during their five-week “retirement” and don’t need an executor to settle their affairs.
Retirement Ceremony – Death ceremony - Funerals are mostly private affairs. With such long lives people of a community of tens of thousands, people know people.
During retirement family and friends say goodbye to the people leaving. Never is there any attempt to get the deceased to change their minds. Once the decision is made and retirement has been applied for and approved there is no turning back. There is some apprehension, but the attitude is overall positive because it is believed that they will be returning. Because what has made them special in many ways has as already been passed on to their children and during the ceremony, as they pass they will pass their psychic imprint on to their children who is then expected to pass it on to their children, their grandchildren. In this way, their seed is passed to the grandchildren.
The ceremony date and time and place is a prearranged and is a private affair. There are two areas, one for the parents that are passing and their children and a second area for the witnesses, usually some distance away or in an adjoining room.
Sensitive words – censored by CA, philosophy, alien, O’Mi
Se’Ro’Bs – sounds like “say-row-bus” -- ‘security robots’ a very old early model of Soldier Bot, that went feral during the ToG event.
Sex – everyone on Dadr’Ba is infertile, at least physiologically. This is as is a result of the need to create the clone’s resistant to radiation. Dadr’Ba is also a sterile environment. There is no risk of unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Dadr’Ba is a sexually open society. As a result, with long-term relationships lasting hundred to two-hundred or more years, the social mores allow for sexual relationships outside of marriage. Three way joining amongst adults is certainly possible, but to do a three-way parenting hasn’t succeeded.
Sex education – is conducted by mentors selected by the graduate. To be asked to be a mentor is a great honor and is rarely refused.
SIL – Search for Intelligent Life
SMT – Special Mining Team
Soldier – robots that are artificially intelligent, but clearly robots. They are bipedal with an extra set of arms that enable them to go down on all fours and still have arms for action and weapons use. They have eyes in the back of their heads, allowingfor360° vision are ambidextrous forwards and backward, very strong, but have a foul odor due to their energy metabolism burning fuel, rather than recycling. Soldiers have camouflaged skin information from the eyes feed into scale-like plates that can change colors to match the surroundings.
Spirit – online, monitor friend
Superstitions – are common, but mostly among the lower classes and lower educated. Mi’Nrs have many superstitions; U’Te’s have few in comparison.
Supply Shuttles – rarely operate in a pure remote control operation mode, there are spots scattered around Dadr’Ba that wireless remote control is unreliable and the autonomous systems, though good could be subject to interference, especially something as large as the shuttle carrying several tons of equipment and supplies. The autonomous system plugged into the shuttle sensors, controls and limiters have proven to be far more capable rather than a remotely operated or even on board person at the controls.
TaC-B, – Tracking and Communications Button, an upgradeable Tracking and Communications device with connections linked to the central nervous system, capable of providing sight sound and some sensory communications. It is somewhat difficult to remove/replace.
T’Bm – “Tee-Bum” Tunnel boring machine
T’Bm Me’K – “Tee-Bum mech” TBM Mechanic
TE – Temporal Entanglement
Ti’Ro – sounds like “tea row” a beginner or novice
ToG, Touch of God, was a massive Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) that struck Dadr’Ba about half way through their journey. It is the official religion of Dadr’Ba and speaks of an afterlife, being returned to God or an all-knowing holy collective, but most people have greater faith in an afterlife through their progeny, their offspring, by teaching them, programming them, imprinting them, sharing of themselves so that they, in a significant way live on through their children and grandchildren.
Touch of God Ceremony – marks graduation from school, the start of vocation and adulthood. At age twenty-five. There’s a group graduation ceremony where each sector conducts a ceremony televised across all of Dadr’Batypically about250 graduates they received academic recognition, and their apprenticeship assignments are announced, followed by the Church-run Touch of God Ceremony.
Torino scale – a Near-Earth Object Hazard Index, zero = no risk, ten = a collision is certain
To’Ta – sounds like “tow-tah” teenager
TTP – Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
Tulong – name of the PRC’s comet/asteroid deflection system
Tween – someone between graduation and an established career
U’Ne – sounds like “you knee” -- Pre bio-mod, or not male, not female
Up’Lndr – Up lander Name Mi’Nr’s have given to anyone that lives/works at or above zone 2, Nu’Tn
Up’Ln – sounds like “up Lynn” Up land, term Mi’Nr’s use to describe all those that live and work above the Mining zones.
U’Te – sounds like “you tee” short for utility, the term is in popular use even among U’Te’s. However, U’Te’s don’t like to be called U’Te’s by non-U’Te’s, contrasted by the miners that have a certain pride in being called miners.
U’Tl – sounds like “you till” Utility vehicle use at mining camps
Van der Waals forces -- intermolecular forces of attraction and repulsion at molecular distances.
Virtual world’s – Dadr’Ba has an extensive computer network with many virtual world areas for online entertainment. The resistance takes advantage of these to create virtual safe houses that are protected from eavesdropping and available for meetings with members from all over Dadr’Ba.
Vr’Chm – sounds like “ver chum” Virtual O’M the CA-controlled simulation of O’M used to introduce O’M to the people of Dadr’Ba and to assess how the people adapt to their new O’M world. Vr’Chm is played/operated/monitored in real time; they do collect metrics about what goes on to gauge the people’s reactions to the situation the CA pushes on them but doesn’t have a playback available.
Vacation – fo
r every ten shifts worked crewmembers get one shift vacation, no weekends, and one holiday off, workload permitting and upon supervisor’s/CA discretion. Crewmembers can “bank” 100shifts tradable, sellable and200 shifts parenting, non-tradable use or lose.
Waste processing – is Top Secret. It’s quietly assumed that no publicity is made to the fact that the people on Dadr’Ba are in a real way eating their processed waste, processed textured and flavored but still... Nothing gets wasted on a starship
Work Schedule – for every ten shifts worked crewmembers get one shift vacation, no weekends, and one holiday off, workload permitting and upon supervisor’s/CA discretion
Yng’Gr – sounds like “younger” second born child most closely bonded with parents
Ym’Cha’s – sounds like “Yum-Cha” Tea shop chain, there is one in Nu’Tn of each sector
Zone One – the core of the ship where the engine, engineering, and power production zone.
Zone two – the habitable zone, most comfortable for people.
Zone three – the fuel zone.
Zone four – the death zone, near the hull and the edge of space.
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[1] Sounds like Kirt.
[2] Sounds like Home, means home.
[3] Sounds like Suzie.
[4] Sounds like Dah-Dur-Bah, or Daw-Der-Baw, means gift of God number two.
[5] Though not all of it is fused.
[6] Sounds like Two-Tan.
[7] Sounds like Lee-Tah or Lea-Taw.
[8] Tu’Tan’s Father’s name sounds like Aw-Tow or Ah-Toe.
[9] Tu’Tan’s Mother, name sounds like Baw-Nee, Bah-Knee, and Bonnie.
[10] P’Ko sounds Pee-Ko or Pea-Kow. Male names customarily end with o or u and sometimes n; female names normally end in a, e or i. Though P’Ko had not yet chosen a gender, nor would he for twenty-five years Tu’Tan and Le’Ta already thought of P’Ko as a he.
[11] There is also a protected almost hard wired autonomic portion that controls maintenance functions like heartrate and respiration.
[12] Dadr’Ba society honors ancestor’s very highly, due to a couple's decision to retire being decided in no small measure at a time to ensure maximum chance of passing their imprint, their psychic genes to their grandchild and achieving in a small way an afterlife.
[13] All the crew aboard Dadr’Ba are survivors or descendants of the survivors of the Touch of God event, a massive Gamma Ray Burst striking Dadr’Ba half way through their voyage killing the majority of the crew and wounding or maiming the rest. It also marked the birth of Dadr’Ba’s official religion.
[14] Parental time off is earned in excess of normal vacation hours, reluctantly authorized by the CA because parents are raising a future crew member that will work, on average, over two hundred years toward the goal shared by all crew members, to take Dadr’Ba to their new home.
[15] A loosely defined term meaning, something that the CA doesn’t understand and can’t be explained. Touched births include births with suspected latent memories.
[16] Ba rhymes with Pa, meaning Dad or father.
[17] Sounds like Linda.
[18] Sounds like Saw-Tow.
[19] Sounds like and means younger, the youngest and second born to a couple and with the strongest psychic ties the parents.
[20] Sounds like Tea-Bum or Tee-Bim, what Dadr’Ba’s call T’Bm’s or Tunnel Boring Machines.
[21] Sounds like Ol-Tin a shortened form of Old Town. Each sector has an Ol’Tn.
[22] Sounds like Ore-Gin, shortened form of origin, the name Dadr’Ba has for the world they came from. The real name was in the Touch of God and since banned by the CA.
[23] Sounds like and means Miner, one who works in mines.
[24] Sounds like Say-Row-Bus.
[25] Sounds like “You Tee” or “U T”
[26] Sounds like “Dee in”
[27] All crew members get a small allowance of ration credits they can use what food, clothing, and incidentals this is the only pay they get. Most people use their credits for food, spices, cheap cosmetic surgery or entertainment. It's also possible to gain incentive pay and bonus paid credits
[28] Central Authority Security Service.
[29] Bio-mods are not authorized until coming-of-age at twenty-five.
[30] Sounds like Bow-Bah.
[31] Sounds like Koh-Kaw or Kow-Kah, a pre-teen child.
[32] Sounds like Tow-Tah.
[33] Beyond tolerating innocent questions by children the CA has outlawed Philosophy for adults.
[34] Sounds like New-Ton, variation of New-Town. Each sector has a Nu’Tn.
[35] Up’Lndrs, sounds like Up-Landers, the Mi’Nr's name for the U’T’s and the D’En’s who live a soft life in zone two.
[36] From childhood kids are allowed to assume whatever sexual orientation they like and often switch back and forth, experimenting especially in the Ko’ka years, usually settling down in the To’Ta years. The fact that the physical equipment doesn't get installed until after the Touch of God Initiation Ceremony after graduation doesn’t stop kids from gender experimentation.
[37] Sounds like you-knee, without sexual organs.
[38] Sounds like purr.
[39] Sounds like Tack-Bee, Tracking and Communications Button.
[40] Sounds like Ray-chill, Rachel.
[41] The one time in a person’s life the CA authorizes a fixed amount of credits for bio-mods including sexual assignment, which is usually enough for a male or female bio-mod, but not both.
[42] Sounds like Ler-Ling, rhymes with learning and yearling, an apprentice to a sexual mentor.
[43] Sounds like Pre-ah-pee.
[44] Sounds like Tee-Rez-Oh.
[45] Sounds like Pan-Jew, his nickname or familiar name is Pan.
[46] Sounds like eee-Tack-EM, enhanced Tracking and Communications Module
[47] Sounds like New-Wah.
[48] Sounds like Tack-Bee.
[49] Found on all clothes and uniforms, that allow for easy tracking by the overhead surveillance system. The surveillance system won’t flag the obscured shoulder hash as a problem as long as he stayed out of trouble and didn’t draw attention to himself.
[50] Ol’Tn was built over by Nu’Tn sometime after the ToG Event.
[51] Sounds like and means Depot, a space ship junk yard.
[52] Having mileage taken away from family standing.
[53] Sounds like Me-Kah.
[54] Sounds like Coo-Ma.
[55] Sounds like Lew-Gus.
[56] Sounds like Vass-Two.
[57] Sounds like Chin-Gee.
[58] Sounds like ill, stands for intelligent life.
[59] Later she learned that they weren’t “qualified” for the new security protocol her program was now under, so they were ‘moved’ to different jobs but remained under surveillance.
[60] Sounds like Homies.
[61] actually just a name for one of the Central Councils roles, the members are the same.
[62] Sounds like Ton, rhymes with Tom.
[63] Sounds like Zee-She.
[64] Sounds like Zing-Toe.
[65] Sound like Ver-Chome, rhymes with Birch-Home.
[66] Dadr’Ba has other online environments dedicated to entertainment that doesn’t have the same rule, P’Ko had tried some of them, found them interesting and engaging for a while but wasn’t able to maintain the interest.
[67] Sounds like Yum-Cha it is a Tea House chain.
[68] Sounds like Hungry Boar.
[69] Birthing and Retirement is a private affair especially in the Mi’Nr community which is handled in special chapel annexes beneath the Churches accessible from Ol’Tn.
[70] Sounds like you-till, short for utility.
[71] Sounds like Jumper.
[72] Sounds like Gee-Yah.
[73] Tso’Lo sounds like Solo.
[74] Sounds like Chee-Yo.<
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[75] Sounds like Cha-bow.
[76] Sounds like Ping-Yee.
[77] Sounds like Lew-Lee.
[78] Dr’T - a derogatory slang term for a Mi’Nr, sounds like dirty.
[79] Sounds like Kur, shortened form or worker, name used by D’En’s for Mi’Nr’s and U’Te’s
[80] Sounds like super, short for superintendent.
[81] Sounds like and means Foreigner.
[82] Sounds like She-Pee-Poh.
[83] the lower elevators are not large enough to accommodate the supply shuttle
[84] Sounds like Lori
[85] Sounds like Vee-Lynn or Vee-Lin.
[86] Sounds like Ann-Jah.
[87] Sounds like Darcy or Dar’Zee.
[88] T’Bm’s don’t stop for lunch, but rather the crew splits up, allowing for part of the crew to eat while the other part keeps the T’Bm running.
[89] Sexual relations outside the bounds of that recorded and documented in official Church and CA records.
[90] The label used to name a person unable to find a mate and therefore fated not to have children.
[91] Sounds like Knee-Tow
[92] Sounds like Angie, Ann-Gee
[93] The “Most Valuable Runner” Sounds like Emm-Ver rhymes with Denver.
[94] P’Ko’s pack lost this title despite the lengthy pursuit of P’Ko and his pack at the end the race, because they had lost too much pursuit time earlier in the race when P’Ko was having trouble transitioning from running to scampering on all fours and the other teams skipped P’Ko’s team several times in the rotation. Their sacrifice allowed P’Ko the time and practice to get used to the new environment and awkward pace.