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Jennifer's Choice

Page 15

by Erin Osborne

  It gives them a job while ensuring that we can protect them while they work for the club. Slim would rather have all the ol’ ladies working for us versus working for outside businesses.

  “Hound, where you want me?” I ask after parking my bike with the rest of the guys and heading over to where the man in charge is.

  “Wood. Help Hitter finish framin’ the back wall. It’s the last wall so that we can put all four sides together,” he answers, turning his attention back to the blueprints in his hand.

  The rest of the day is spent making sure that we end up framing the garage, marking out where the rest of the components will be, and then marking out where the warehouse will be outback.

  Hound got pissed halfway through the day because there’s no back room here. We’ve essentially got nowhere to hold any parts instead of having to go to the parts store every single day for what we need. We may not keep a lot here, but we want to be able to make sure that we have the most common parts in stock daily.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Boy Scout

  IT’S J’S BIRTHDAY, and we woke up early to make her breakfast in bed. Wade is helping us. Well, really he’s sitting in his highchair playing with his toys after eating his own breakfast of toast and eggs. Wood and I are making her pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She’s got her coffee and a glass of orange juice. I even found some flowers when I went to the store this morning.

  “You got the present?” Wood asks, placing the plate on the tray we found in the back of a cupboard. Who knew we even had it.

  “Yep. Wade’s gonna carry it in,” I answer, cleaning him up so we can go wake our girl up.

  Once we have everything, the three of us make our way into the bedroom to see J still passed out. We may have worn her ass out last night, and again this morning. I place Wade on the bed as he climbs up to his mom’s face. Wood and I stand back and watch as he gets close enough to place a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

  “Mama. Mama,” he says, placing his little hand on her cheek as she begins to stir.

  “Baby boy,” she responds, her voice low and filled with sleep.

  “Happy birthday, Spitfire,” Wood says, stepping closer to the bed.

  “Happy birthday, baby,” I repeat, rounding the bed and getting in on the other side to take Wade from in front of her.

  “Thank you! What’s all this?” she asks, sitting up further in bed and looking between us.

  “It’s breakfast in bed and your gift,” I respond, trying not to laugh as her eyes widen in shock.

  J’s hair is all over the place from sleep and Wood and I digging our fingers into it. Her tank top is almost below her tits from moving around in her sleep, and she’s never looked better. She takes the tray from Wood and places it over her legs. Wade tries to grab the food off her plate and we all laugh as he manages to snag a piece of her pancake before she pours syrup on it. He’s so cute.

  “We got a full day planned. First, we’re goin’ to the lake to have some fun in the water. Then we’ll drop Wade off with Trin at the clubhouse so that we can go for a ride; just the three of us. When we get back, we’ll pick him up after we get ready for tonight. Sound good?” I ask.

  “That really is a full day. It sounds amazing. Thank you both so much!” she answers, digging into her food while we go take quick showers and then get Wade ready while J is getting ready for the day.

  Wood also talked to Kim about the final preparations for J’s party and was told that some of the guys from Satan’s Anarchy are here too. I know they wanted to meet up about a few things, but we didn’t think they’d bring it to her party. Hopefully they’ll wait to take care of business until tomorrow. But, I don’t know when they plan on going home.

  Trin is helping out the girls now so that in a few hours she can take Wade and spend the rest of the afternoon with him. She’s really proven that she’s more than a house bunny the last few months. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of two things happened with her-the first being that she becomes an ol’ lady and the second being that she leaves the club altogether. That’s not what today’s about though.

  “I’m ready,” J says, walking in the living room where we’re sitting down.

  We’ve had a blast at the lake. Wade has made sure to keep us entertained with his faces as the cool water hits his warm little body. For a while, we played in the sand which could have been a big mistake considering that sand gets in every single nook and cranny on a body.

  Wood provided some laughter as he danced around and tried to get the sand out of his shorts without providing everyone at the beach a show. He tripped over toys that were in the sand, got more sand down his shorts, and finally went running into the lake to try to get the situation taken care of. I’m sure that he ended up pulling his shorts down underwater where no one could see.

  There were a few times that I thought we were gonna have to pound some asses into the sand when men wouldn’t take their eyes off J. She’s wearing a red bikini that shows way too much skin. Naturally, she attracted unwanted attention from the men that were around us.

  Wood tried to cover her up which only led to her pushing him away from her and running into the water with Wade toddling behind her. She dove under the water and when she stood back up, every man’s wet dream was standing before us. Water was dripping down her body, and I wanted to lick every single drop off her.

  There’s a little restaurant where we bought lunch and ate in a grassy area just past the beach. We talked and laughed while Wade tried to figure out what was going on. Finally, we pulled the gift bag out since she never opened it while we were at home. She pulls the first box out and opens it.

  Nestled in the box is a charm bracelet we already started filling with charms for her. There’s a ‘B’, ‘T’, and ‘W’ for the three of us. Then there’s a motorcycle charm. I picked out an angel because that’s what she is to us, and Wood picked out a Phoenix because she’s been to hell and is bouncing back stronger than ever. We also picked out a book because of her classes.

  There’s another box in the bag that I pull out and hand to her. We picked out a necklace that has a dainty chain. The charm on the end of the necklace says ‘Mom’. Instead of having an ‘o’ in mom, it’s a heart with a diamond in the center. It’s silver, and matches the wedding set she’s wearing.

  I watch as the tears flow down her face; not giving a shit that we’re in public and she’s showing what she truly feels. She gets up and wraps each of us in a hug, giving us a kiss and thanking us for the gifts we got her. I can’t wait until she sees the load of gifts that the girls went out and bought her. We all know she’s not materialistic but everyone wanted to make sure she had what she needed and a few things that reminded them of her.

  Chapter Thirty


  THE GUYS HAVE been acting weird since we dropped Wade off at the clubhouse and took off on a ride. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I decided to just enjoy the ride. They took me out of town and along country roads so there wasn’t a lot of traffic. I’ve only been on their bikes a few times and I’m still getting used to it. Don’t get me wrong; I love riding with them I’m just nervous about it with a lot of cars around.

  I love being able to feel the wind in my hair and have my man in my arms. Everything flying by us seems to have more detail. The sense of freedom I feel when I’m wrapped around Wood or Boy Scout and we’re riding down the road is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. Too soon, we’re turning around and heading home. The only time we stop is so that I can get off Boy Scout’s bike and hop on the back of Woods.

  Each man rides like his bike is an extension of him. They handle the road and traffic like they’ve been on a bike from birth. I suppose in Wood’s case that’s the truth. The only difference is that Wood seems to take all sorts of alternate routes, and shows me things I probably never would have seen otherwise. It’s not like I go out exploring on my own; or even have the time to.

  As soon as we pull in the driveway, Wood tells me
to hop off and go take a shower. I do as he’s asked because I know that soon we’ll be picking Wade up so that we can head off on our next adventure. I’m told to dress in a pair of jeans so we can ride the bikes to the clubhouse, but to bring a skirt or pair of shorts to change into because having Wade means that we’ll have to take the SUV from there.

  I just start washing my hair when the shower door opens and Boy Scout steps in behind me. He pours the shampoo in his palms before massaging it into my scalp. Leaning into his touch, I moan out. His hands are magic, and I could stay in here all night as long as he never stops. Boy Scout chuckles at me and continues working his magic fingers. Damn, I wonder if there’s time…

  “Keep that up and we’ll be late babe,” he says, turning me so that he can get the back of my head before rinsing the suds away.

  “That’s a bad thing?” I ask, trying to move in closer to his body.

  “It is when we have plans tonight. Trust me, this is killin’ me to have your body all wet and slick and there’s nothin’ I can do about it. Wood will be done with his shower soon and then we’re out of here,” he responds, filling his hands with conditioner after making sure all the shampoo is rinsed out.

  To help things along, I grab my body wash and loofah. As I wash my body, I feel Boy Scouts hands dip down my back and grab a handful of my ass. “You keep that up and we’re gonna be late for sure.”

  He rinses the conditioner of out my hair before I rinse the rest of my body off. Once he’s done, I get out before things get out of hand. I know that if I rub my hands on his body right now that we’ll be fucking and I’m eager to see what’s next on the agenda for my birthday.

  Since losing my mom, I’ve never celebrated a single one. The guys asked me when it was soon after they found me on the streets, and never brought it up again. Last year, I sat alone with my son and stayed out of sight from everyone. They didn’t push and for that I’m thankful. But, it was right after the attack I suffered at the hands of an old client, so I’m sure that had something to do with it.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I notice that the parking lot is filled to capacity with cars and bikes. What the hell is going on? I keep my question to myself as my mind turns to getting Wade, and making sure he’s in his pajamas before we head out. Wood and Boy Scout are behind me as I open the door and step through.

  “Happy birthday!” is yelled by an extremely filled common room.

  I stop dead in my tracks as I take in the room. There’s a banner above the bar saying ‘Happy Birthday’ while every member, house bunny, and girl from the club stand in clusters around the room. There are a few guys here that I’ve never seen before along with the club I first met when my men found me in Dander Falls. Tears fill my eyes as Kim makes a beeline directly for me and wraps me in her arms.

  “Those better be happy tears,” she whispers so that no one else can hear her.

  “They are. No one has ever done this for me. Not even when my mom was alive,” I answer as Wood and Boy Scout wrap their arms around me. “This is why we had to shower and get dressed before leaving?”

  “Yeah Spitfire. Kim wanted to do this for you and we weren’t gonna take that away. You deserve this,” Wood answers, kissing me before making his way to the bar for a drink.

  “Where’s Wade?” I ask, looking around the room for my son.

  “He’s in your room with Trinity. She’s watching him tonight,” Kim answers, pulling me into the crowd so that I can mingle and see friends that I haven’t in a long time.

  Harley and Riley are the first ones over to me. They each wrap their arms around me and wish me a happy birthday before pulling me over to Darcy. She’s sitting on the couch with one of her kids under a blanket. Damn, if they keep popping babies out, their family will be able to start its own sports team.

  “Hey Jennifer,” Darcy says looking up at me. “Happy birthday.”

  “Hey. You had another baby?” I ask, not trying to be rude, but wanting to meet the newest addition to the family when they’re done eating.

  “Yep. This little guy is Christopher. He’s almost four months old now,” she answers, lifting the blanket a little bit when he starts to squirm underneath it.

  I turn my attention away as she puts her clothes back in place and begins to burp the little guy. He’s got a headful of dark hair and startling blue eyes. There’s no way I can even begin to tell who his dad is and I wouldn’t want to guess either. The little bit that I’ve interacted with Crash, Darcy, and Trojan has shown me that to them it doesn’t matter. Each one of their children is loved and cared for by the three of them.

  “How are things going with Wood and Boy Scout?” she asks, letting me know I can talk to her if I need to.

  “It’s going good. Better than I thought actually,” I answer honestly as Wood drops off a drink before saying a quick hello to Darcy.

  “Oh yeah?” she asks.

  “Yeah. I mean, I’m still confused about things and how it’s all supposed to work, but I just take it a day at a time and don’t worry as much,” I tell her.

  “What things confuse you?” Darcy asks, genuinely interested in knowing.

  “Well, what happens if I get pregnant. I mean, it’s not like we use anything and we have sex all the time? Who signs the birth certificate and things? I guess I really only know that I love the way they make me feel and that they’re amazing with Wade,” I tell her, taking a pull from my beer.

  “Everything will work out in time. You’re still learning, and getting to know one another as far as being with two men goes. You’ve known these men for well over a year now, and they’ve never once made you feel stupid or childish. If you want to know these things, sit down and talk to them about it. When you do have questions, call me or Sky, and we’ll help you work it all out so you’re ready to talk to them. Trust me, we’ve been where you are and we’ll help you through it,” Darcy explains, holding her son up to Crash.

  “Thank you,” I tell her, letting the little family spend some time together while I go mingle and find my men.

  The rest of the night is spent talking and laughing, drinking and dancing. House bunnies come out and start fucking with the men. I keep a close eye on my men to make sure that they’re left alone. With the drinks I’ve had tonight, I’ll hurt a bitch and not even think twice about it. Some of my gifts have been opened but I’m too drunk right now to appreciate what I’ve been given, so I think the rest will have to wait until tomorrow.

  “Spitfire, you ready to head to bed?” Wood asks, walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist before pulling me back against his hard chest.

  “Yeah. Trin needs to come out and have some fun. Take me to bed,” I say, grabbing onto Boy Scout and dragging him along with us.

  The three of us make it to our room and open it to find Trinity reading quietly in a chair in the corner of the room. I thank her for watching Wade, and tell her to go have some fun before I push my men on the bed and begin a little strip tease just for them. By the time I’m done, I’ll make sure that they have their way with me.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  WAKING UP IN the room at the clubhouse, my head is foggy and it takes me a minute to remember last night. Kim threw Jennifer the surprise party, and other guys ended up showing up to help celebrate. The night got wild, and I knew that it was time to take our girl to bed. She blew our minds with the striptease she performed for us and then told us that we could do whatever we wanted to her. Since the night that we both took her, she’s been a lot more open about what we try and what she wants to try.

  “Church in ten,” Boy Scout says, walking out of the bathroom. “Let them sleep, and we’ll post Alex outside the room so no one tries to get in while we’re gone.”

  I nod my head and stand up, being careful not to wake my wife up. Throwing on the first set of clothes I find, we make our way out of the room and to the meeting room. It’s packed to capacity with Grave, Ink, and Hawk here from Satan’s Anarchy, a
nd a few of the guys still here from the Wild Kings. Boy Scout and I take our seat just before the doors close and Slim slams the gavel against the table.

  “Alright fuckers, Grave is gonna share some information Renegade sent him to deliver, and then we’ll get on to the Snake fucks,” he grumbles out, knowing that we’re all tired as fuck and most of us are hungover too.

  “Renegade had a sit-down with Crazy. He’s the National President of the Scavengers. He claims not to know a thing about what went down with Callie and everythin’ those stupid fucks did. We’re believin’ him for now because we can’t afford to go to war. If we find out that he’s lyin’, he’ll be a dead motherfucker and he knows it,” Grave says, standing up next to Slim so he can see the entire room.

  “We’re gonna be helpin’ them transport drugs and guns from them to their buyers. They want to transport girls too, but we said no. They’ll be movin’ shit through our territory before movin’ on. Just want us to help if needed. Renegade wants to know if they get close to you if you can lend a hand when needed.”

  “He’s promisin’ not to run girls?” Slim asks, sitting back in his chair. “And what’s he payin’ your crew for goin’ through your territory and for support?”

  “He’s payin’ more than any other club we’ve dealt with in the past by almost fifty percent. And for the protection, we get ten percent of their payout,” Grave answers, stepping back and giving Slim the floor again.

  “Anyone got anythin’ to say?” he asks us.

  “The only thing I want to ensure is that they won’t be tryin’ to sneak the girls through at one point or another,” I say, knowing that none of us are down with that shit.

  No one else says anything so Slim calls it to a vote to help out the national charter of the Scavengers MC. We vote in favor to help with the knowledge that if we find out there’s a single girl being transported, we’ll take matters into our own hands whether we can afford to go to war or not.


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