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Jennifer's Choice

Page 16

by Erin Osborne

  Grave tells us that they’ll take it back to Renegade, and the three men from Satan’s Anarchy leave the room. They need to get back, and Slim will fill Renegade in on anything we discuss about the problem on our end of things.

  “Now, for our next topic of business before Gage’s men take off for home. We still have no leads on Snake’s Revenge. They’ve gone into hidin’, and I know that they’re plannin’ shit. I don’t know why they’ve made us a target unless they want our territory. This club has come out of nowhere, and no one I know has heard of them before.

  “Hell, I called down into Mexico and up to Canada. No one knows a fuckin’ thing. Fox, Tech, and Hawk can’t find shit out about them. Wild Kings are here because we have business with them, and our clubs are friends. Hell, family since Tank and Maddie are married. Anyone think of anythin’ that might help us smoke them out?”

  We all sit around the table in silence. It’s hard to know how to smoke them out when we don’t know what they want. The only thing I can think of is plan a run that’s fake and see if they hit us again. We’ve already vetoed that idea because it leaves the club short on men, and women aren’t protected the way they should be. If it weren’t for that, we’d probably already have done it.

  “The only thing is tryin’ to get them to attack a run again,” I say, knowing that he’ll hear me out. “We’d have to make sure the women and kids are out of town, but that leads to closin’ shit down, and Jennifer losin’ time at school. I honestly have no idea what we can do to smoke them out and make them fuck up.”

  “We’ll keep thinkin’ and lookin’ for them. They will make a mistake, and we’ll be there to capitalize on it when they do. Guys, thank you for comin’ down. Tell Gage that we’ll be in touch. Tech, keep doin’ your thing?” Slim asks before dismissing the men from the Wild Kings MC.

  We wait until the room clears out and it’s just us left in the meeting room. There’s business that we need to talk about that doesn’t concern any of the other clubs that were here. Slim will always accept the help when it’s needed, but the rebuild and our club financials are just that; our business.

  “Okay. The garage is just about done. Hound will have the equipment in to get installed in the next few weeks. We’re not doin’ anythin’ grand or over-the-top for openin’ it up. Not until we figure out what’s goin’ on with these dumb fucks. Other than that, we need to talk about the rebuild of Allure. I want a club back up and runnin’ as soon as possible.

  “The insurance check should be in within the next few weeks, and then we can figure it all out. There are only four girls comin’ back when we reopen. The rest of them have found other work, and won’t leave to risk bein’ blown to pieces. When we get close to openin’, we’ll have to audition more girls. Who do we want on construction?” Slim asks, opening the floor up to us.

  “I say we bring in Renegade’s guys. We know we can trust them, and that they’ll do the work we want as quick as they can,” Boy Scout says from beside me.

  “Good idea. I’ll call him about it tomorrow. I know they have shit goin’ down right now. It was a shock to see any of his guys here, but we’ll get it figured out. Who wants to audition the girls when it’s time for that?” he asks, looking at the hands shooting up around the table.

  The only ones that don’t raise their hands are Boy Scout, Killer, Playboy, Fox, and myself. Surprisingly, Stryker doesn’t raise his hand either. I didn’t know he was talking to anyone, or even thinking about seeing someone. Not my business I guess.

  Anyway, the rest of the meeting we go over financials and any other shit the guys bring to the table. Including the ride that Satan’s Anarchy is going to be having for Callie. She wants to keep her grandma’s memory alive and ensure that the tradition she started of providing kids in domestic violence situations with a Christmas. We’ll be going on it to show our support for a good cause.

  Slim adjourns the meeting and we all file out. Most of the guys belly up to the bar even though it’s not noon yet. The rest of us sit at the tables and wait for our breakfast. We can smell it coming from the kitchen, and my stomach growls in anticipation of whatever is cooking right now. I’ll get Jennifer and Wade when we get our plates and make sure that they have theirs sitting here waiting for them when they get out here.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  IT’S BEEN A few weeks since my birthday. I still tear up at the party that Kim threw me. She’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had. Everyone that was there, whether they knew me or not, got me something. I have no clue how I’m going to repay her or show my appreciation to everyone.

  It was nice to see Darcy and the girls and I hope that once my schedule calms down in a few months I’ll be able to relax and spend some time with them. That’s if all the shit within the club settles down too.

  The last day or two I’ve felt very run down, and I just want to stay in bed. Between Wade, school, and work that’s not a reality for me. So, I suck it up and push through every day. I know the guys are getting worried because they’ve made more than one comment about me being run down and that I need to slow down for a while.

  I basically went from not doing anything to having a full plate overnight. It’s been non-stop for months, and it’s finally catching up and taking a toll on my body. I just have to hold out about another five months and then I’ll be free. At least from schooling. Then I’ll just have to concentrate on Wade, my men, and Phantom.

  This morning, the guys left early to head out and get things ready for an upcoming run. I fell back asleep until I heard Wade moving around in his crib. As soon as I stood up to go get him, I had to run to the bathroom. There isn’t anything in my stomach to get rid of, but I continuously dry heave. Before I can stand up and try to go take care of my son, I feel the heat of one of my men at my back. It’s Wood based on the smell that wraps around me.

  “Spitfire, what’s wrong?” he asks, concern lacing his voice while he grabs a washcloth and wets it before placing it in my hand.

  “I don’t know. I guess that I’m getting sicker than I thought. Literally, I just stood up to go get Wade and had to run in here,” I tell him, standing up and moving over to the sink so I can brush my teeth.

  “You go back to bed. I’ll take care of Wade, and make sure they know you won’t be at class or work tonight,” he tells me, going to walk out of the bathroom so I can’t argue with him.

  Honestly, right now climbing back in bed feels like a great idea. So, I do what Wood demands and climb back under the covers. Instantly, I’m asleep.

  Waking up, I realize that I slept the day away. I can hear Wood and Boy Scout talking from somewhere in the house. I get up slowly and make my way to the bathroom to take care of business before looking in to see Wade already asleep. He’s tucked in with his little thumb in his mouth; not a care in the world as I tiptoe back out.

  Walking down to the kitchen, I see my men sitting at the table. As I get a glass of water, and Boy Scout gets up and places a kiss on my temple. He makes some soup as I take my seat and wait for the food.

  I feel a lot better than I did this morning, and I really want to eat more than soup. But, I’m not going to take any chances. Tomorrow is a new day and I want to go back to school and work. It doesn’t help that I hate being sick and that it stops me from doing what I need to do during the time I’m laid up. That’s why I’ve never taken any time off. I never had that chance before now. Wood just swooped in and took over; demanding I go to bed and get some rest.

  “Feel any better?” he asks, putting his arm around my chair as Boy Scout sets a bowl of steaming chicken noodle soup in front of me.

  “A little bit. I still feel run down, but I don’t feel like I’m going to be sick again,” I answer, taking my first bite of soup.

  “Still want you home restin’ tomorrow. Boy Scout’s gonna stay home and watch Wade while you rest,” he tells me like I have no input in the decision being made for me.

  “I’m going back to
school tomorrow. And then I’m going to work,” I tell them both. “You can go about your business, and Kim will be here for Wade.”

  “Not happenin’. You need to rest before you get even sicker than you were this mornin’. Never seen you look so pale as I did today,” Wood tells me. I know that they’re trying to make sure that I rest and that I’m taken care of. But, it’s something that I’m not used to.

  “We’ll see. I’m gonna eat and go back to bed,” I say, keeping my head down so I miss Wood pulling out his phone and messaging someone.

  It doesn’t take me long to finish off the soup and my water. I grab another bottle of water out of the fridge and carry it to the room with me. It’s not long before my men follow me. They surround me in their arms.

  I wake up before them in the morning. Once again, I rush to the bathroom to get sick. Wood comes in again and makes sure that I get back in bed to rest. Boy Scout gets up as soon as he hears Wade stirring so that he can get him changed and fed breakfast.

  As I’m lying in bed, a thought strikes me causing me to sit straight up. I’m trying to figure out when my last period was when Boy Scout comes in the room and sits down on the bed next to me.

  “You okay, baby?” he asks, pushing my hair back from my face.

  “Yeah. I’m going to go to the pharmacy and grab some medicine real quick. Are you good here with Wade?” I ask, rushing to stand up and get away from him.

  “Of course, I am. Do you want me to take you?” he asks, watching me fly around the room trying to find my purse.

  “No. I’ll be fine,” I say, finally finding my purse and making my way out to the SUV.

  Alex nods his head at me while straddling his bike. He’s going to be following me to the pharmacy and back. Hopefully he doesn’t walk in behind me because I won’t be able to buy what I need to buy if he does.

  We pull up to the pharmacy a few minutes later and I watch as Alex remains planted on his bike. He’s facing the entrance and I know that he’s going to stay there so he can see me enter and exit the building.

  As I walk up and down the aisles, I finally find the pregnancy tests in the back. It’s been a while since I’ve needed one of these and there are so many more choices than what I had almost three years ago.

  Feeling like someone is watching me, I quickly grab two different tests before making my way to the aisle that holds pain and fever medicine. That way I can put the tests in my purse and have a bag with the medicine in it. There’s no point in even bringing up the subject of having a baby if I don’t even know I’m pregnant yet. I can have an idea of it, but that doesn’t mean anything until I take a test.

  I make my purchase and walk out to the SUV. Alex is nowhere to be found as my steps quicken. Since I already have the keys in my hand, I hit the unlock button so that all I have to do is open the door and jump in. My heart is beating out of my chest with the knowledge that Alex would just disappear like he did. He’s never once done this to me before, and I’ve been here over a year now. Something had to spook him, one of the guys called him off which is doubtful, or he saw someone and took off after them.

  As soon as I slam the door shut, I turn around and make sure that no one else is in here with me before I lock the doors and call Boy Scout. It seems to take forever as I frantically look around for Alex or any sign of one of the other guys. Finally, he answers and I can feel the first of the tears sliding down my face and landing on the steering wheel and in my lap.

  “Alex is gone. I came back out and his bike is gone. What do I do?” I ask, barely taking a breath to explain everything to him.

  “What do you mean he’s gone? He shouldn’t have fuckin’ left you at all!” Boy Scout roars through the phone. I can hear the tension and anger rolling off of him.

  “What do you want me to do? I don’t know what happened to him. I didn’t think to call his phone, I just got in the SUV and locked the doors before calling you,” I tell him, continuing to look around for anything out of normal or any clue that will tell me where the hell Alex is.

  “Get home J. Come straight here while I’m on the phone with you,” he tells me as I start the vehicle and pull away from the curb.

  Boy Scout talks to me the entire way home. I keep an eye on my rearview mirror to make sure that no one is following me. By the time I get home, Wood, Slim, Killer, and Fox are all standing outside the house. Wood runs over to me as I park the SUV and turn the engine off. He flings the door open so hard that I’m surprised it doesn’t fly off of the hinges.

  Unfastening my seat belt, Wood pulls me into his arms as I try to stuff the bag from the pharmacy into my purse. Unfortunately, it gets stuck in my haste and the contents spill to the ground. Trying to crouch down before anyone notices what’s lying on the ground, I end up colliding heads with Wood who goes to bend down and pick the contents up at the same time. I grab my head as Wood pauses in his movements. He glances back up at me and then back at the ground.

  “Are you serious?” he asks, bending down to pick the boxes and medicine up finally. “You think there’s a chance?”

  “Yeah. I didn’t want to tell either one of you until I took a test. So, it’s my fault that Alex is missing,” I tell him, sitting back down on the driver’s side seat.

  “Not your fault. We still can’t get him, but we’ll find him and bring him home. Let’s get you inside the house, yeah?” he asks, hiding my purchases away before leading me up to the house. “Kim’s inside so we can head out and look for Alex. Will you be alright?”

  “Yeah. I’ll take the test and let you guys know when you get back. Please be careful,” I say, leaning up to kiss him as Boy Scout comes out the door.

  “You okay?” he asks, pulling me into his arms once Wood releases me.

  “I’m okay. I just want to know what happened,” I reply leaning up to give him a kiss on the lips.

  The men leave and I walk into the living room. Kim is sitting on the couch and Wade is sitting in front of her playing with his motorcycles. She looks up when I stop in the doorway and a small smile makes her lips turn up.

  I hold up the bag in my hand to let her know that I’ll be back. Making my way to the bathroom in our bedroom, I take a deep breath and take the tests that will change our lives forever. I’m not even sure if the guys are ready for a new baby to join our family.

  I sit in the bedroom and wait for the minutes to pass so I can look at the results. Finally, after what seems like years instead of mere minutes, I walk in the bathroom and check the results of both tests. They’re positive. In shock, I plop my ass down on the toilet and sit there. I’m still sitting there when Kim comes in to check on me. She looks down at my hands and see both tests.

  “Congratulations!” she says, pulling me up and giving me a hug. “Are you happy about this?”

  “I am. I’m not sure the guys will be, but I definitely am,” I tell her honestly. “Hopefully they’re not gone long so I can let them know.”

  We walk back out to the living room and spend the next few hours with Wade. Kim puts a movie on and I can’t even pay attention to it. Not only do I have thoughts running through my head about being pregnant, I’m worried about Alex.

  I’m worried about the guys that are out searching for him. We all know that something is going on with the club. Women and kids wouldn’t have someone on us constantly if everything were fine. I don’t know the details; and I don’t want to. My only hope right now is that Alex is found, and they all come back in one piece.

  Finally, we hear the rumble of bikes pulling up to the house. I run to the front door and wait on the porch for my men to get off their bikes and walk up to me. Wood nods his head to let me know that they found Alex. From the smile on his face, I can only guess that he’s okay and back at the clubhouse since I don’t see him here. Boy Scout and Wood make it up on the porch and I wrap my arms around both of them.

  “I’m pregnant,” I say, not wanting to wait a second to tell them.

  “Yeah?” Boy Scout asks, pulling
back to look at me as Wood untangles his arms from us.

  “Yes,” I say as Boy Scout picks me up and twirls me around on the porch.

  Kim and Wade’s laughter stops the mini celebration as Fox walks past us and through the door. They give us a private moment to soak in the excitement that I’m pregnant. My men seem to be happy that we’re adding to the family which makes my excitement ratchet up even higher.

  “Come on. We’ll hang out with them for a while and then celebrate on our own later on,” Wood says, giving me a deep kiss before we head in the house.

  “Alex is okay?” I ask, wanting to make sure that he’s good.

  “Yeah. He’s good. We sent him to the clubhouse to get a few drinks,” Boy Scout says, following us inside and shutting the door behind him.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Boy Scout

  WHEN ALEX TOOK off on J yesterday, I was pissed. I had no clue what would make him leave her like that when he knows he’s supposed to be her shadow. Turns out, he saw one of the guys from Snake’s Revenge and followed him. He knew that we were looking for them and saw his opportunity. Unfortunately, there wasn’t time to let anyone know or make sure that his brother got there to follow J back home.

  As soon as the guy went into an abandoned house, he called in for back-up. I can’t blame him because he didn’t know how many guys were in the house or anything else. We got to him and surrounded the house. Turns out the guy he followed was the only one in the house. It was where he went to get high and fuck his whores. We got him just before he did whatever drug he was about to do and took him with us.

  Now, we’re all at the clubhouse waiting on Slim so that we can torture this motherfucker and find out where the rest of them are. And what the fuck they want with our club. So, we’re all sitting around the common room while he finishes up whatever business he had to take care of. If it didn’t have to do with the garage and rebuilding Allure, he’d already be out here.


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