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Driving Layne

Page 12

by Renea Porter

  This diner is not the one we normally come to. It’s more of a hole in the wall type of place, like a mom and pop restaurant. The hostess leads us to a booth in the middle and hands us each a menu. My stomach growls as I inhale the aroma of the food wafting through the place. Then I remember getting sick last night, so I need some food in my belly. The waitress greets us, and I order breakfast immediately.

  “Hungry?” Layne laughs after I order a huge breakfast.

  “Very,” I tell him animatedly. “As you can tell by how much I just ordered.”

  “I love a girl that can eat, and you can eat.”

  I throw a light shove his way, and he chuckles, showing off his dimples. A little while later, our food arrives and my stomach grumbles at it. I try to eat as slowly as possible so I don’t get sick from shoving it down my throat so fast.

  “I can’t believe you actually ate all that,” Layne says as we walk out to the car later.

  “It was good. We need to go there more often for breakfast,” I say with a grin.

  “Oh, so you are planning for futures breakfasts now?”

  “Well, I’m just stating the obvious; that place is good. Thanks for taking me.”

  “Oh hey, I was wondering if you would be interested in meeting my family. I know this is new for us, so you can say no. It’s just that I haven’t been home in a while and I would love for you to come along. Plus, it’s my little niece’s birthday and I think she would love you,” he asks.

  He pulls into my dorm complex and parks. I’m taken aback by this. I hadn’t realized his parents lived a little distance away. I would like to go. Is that wrong of me? Am I being selfish for wanting to be introduced to them? I’d love to meet the people that made Layne the man he is.

  “Sure! I’d love to go.”

  “Great! I’m excited for you to meet everyone. I’ll call you later, or you can come over after the final,” he says


  It’s Friday and I just found out I passed the final I had studied with Chase on, In celebration, I’m listening to music and dancing around my room while I’m packing for my weekend away with Layne where I’ll be meeting his family. My nerves are shot thinking about it. What if they don’t like me?

  “You do know that Layne has never ever taken a girl home, right?” Renee says as she helps me pack.

  “Um, I kinda figured it’s a big deal, that’s why I’m so nervous.”

  “Well this is a big deal, and his parents’ are real chill. They will love you,” she beams.

  I continue throwing an insane amount of clothes in my bag a girl has to have options: dressy, casual, sexy, and who knows what else.

  “You really should have better organization skills, Amber,” Renee jokes.

  “That is the farthest thing from my mind right now. He will be here any minute,” I tell her. As if right on cue, there is a knock on the door and Renee rushes to answer.

  “Hey Renee.” She leans up to hug Layne as his eyes meet mine as I’m sitting on the floor with my clothes scattered everywhere.

  “We’re only going for a few days; your whole wardrobe is really not necessary.” He chuckles at how pathetic I look. “I’m not taking you home so they can see your wardrobe, so just throw some clothes in and let’s go.” He motions with his hand.

  Hurriedly, I throw in my leggings and jeans, and a few tops and two pairs of shoes.

  Renee hugs me good-bye, wiggling her eyebrows at me. “Have fun.”

  “I so suck at being a best friend. We’ll have another girls’ day when I get back,” I promise as I walk out the door with Layne’s hand wrapped around mine. He takes my bag and throws it in the trunk. Then he opens the door for me, and I slide inside. “You don’t have to always open the door for me,” I tell him.

  “That’s what guys do for their girlfriends isn’t it?” he asks as we head out toward the highway.

  Oh god, did he just call me his girlfriend? I was afraid of this.

  “And yes, I called you my girlfriend. Let’s just call it like it is,” he says. “Besides, how would I introduce you to my parents’?”

  “You’re right. And neither one of us is seeing other people so why not?” I tell him, smiling. “How far do your parents live?”

  “They live two hours away, and it seems traffic is light, so we will be there in no time.” He pulls my hand and holds it in his lap while he drives with his other one. It’s been a few days since we last had sex, and I’m trying to control myself around him, but every time he flashes those dimples my way, my heart melts a little and my cheeks flush.

  We arrive right around dinner time. We pull into the driveway, and he comes around to my side to take my hand into his, while offering me a smile. He walks in the door, announcing our arrival. His mom rushes over to hug us both.

  “You must be Amber,” she beams. “I’m Cassandra, but you can call me Cass. This here is my husband Lee,” she introduces. Lee is wheel chair bound and I bend down to offer a hug. “We are so excited our boy brought a girl home,” she gushes. She introduces me to Layne’s younger brother Chandler, and little sister, Madison. They seem excited to have us here. “Dinner will be ready shortly. I’m sure Layne can show you to his room,” she finishes with a nod for her son.

  The house is beautiful. All the walls are painted a beautiful dark beige color and it looks like his mom collects things of the sea. She has sea shells, lighthouses, and other sea things all around. “I’ll just go grab our bags,” Layne says, leaving me feeling nervous without him next to me.

  “Are you hungry, Amber? Cass makes a mean baked ziti,” Lee says, easing the tension.

  “Yes; Italian is my favorite.” I nervously brush my bangs to the side.

  Layne appears with our bags in tow. He tugs on my arm to lead me up the stairs, and I just offer his dad a smile and wave. We walk up the stairs and round to corner is Layne’s room. It looks like a typical teenage boys room. “The bed is a full size, but we can make it work,” he winks, and then pulls me into him. I kiss him and press my tongue into his mouth. He wraps his arms around my waist, holding me in place. “I think we better get downstairs before I let you molest me.” He chuckles.

  “I can’t help it.” We both laugh as he takes my hand into his and we head downstairs. “So, you’re family seems nice,” I tell him.

  “I hope you two are hungry,” his mom says as we enter the kitchen. Everything is stainless steel, and the counters are marbled. “You can sit anywhere you’d like,” she motions.

  Layne holds out a chair for me. And Layne’s dad, Lee, pulls his wheelchair to one end of the table while his mom takes the other end and his siblings are seated across from us.

  “So, Amber, tell us a little about yourself,” Lee says. .

  Layne rubs his hand on my back, and I take a deep breath. “Um, I’m in college for business. I just passed one of my finals, and your son here is crazy,” I say, and they laugh at my comment. “Really, there is not much to tell except that I’m from a small town in Texas where everyone knows everyone, I have an older sister and my parents are still together, and we live on a ranch.”

  “We are glad to have you here. And we’re especially thankful that you took care of Layne when he had his accident. Of course his uncle insisted we didn’t need to come down. So I made Layne promise to visit when he was better. Again, thanks,” she said gratefully.

  “Oh, it was no trouble. Of course, I had help,” I say.

  “Nonetheless, we appreciate you taking care of him,” she says.

  Layne’s brother and sister ask him questions about the accident. After the meal I offer to help with the dishes, but Cass insists on doing it. But I wouldn’t mind the company, while the boys go in the garage to mess with their boy toys,” he says with a chuckle. “I can at least clear the table while you get everything else ready,” I tell her, insisting on helping somehow.

  “Sounds good. You know, Layne has never brought a girl home.”

  “Ever?” I ask.

; “Like never ever. You should feel special. He must really, really like you to bring you round here,” she beams. “Ever since his dad got hurt, and we almost lost him, I think Layne wanted to keep people at arm’s length, for fear of losing them.”

  “I think I understand him a little better now that you say that. He did tell me about the accident, but didn’t go into too much detail. I know it’s a sore subject for him to talk about,” I tell her. “But I really like your son, too. It took a while for me to come around to the idea,” I say, wondering if I’m divulging too much information.

  “Well, he is making it quite clear he is fond of you, my dear. And I can see why.”

  “Awe, thanks.” I smile, handing her the last dish to put in the dishwater. I am pleased that she likes me and we are hitting it off so well.

  Later that day Layne and I go for a drive and he shows me where he went to school, and where he had his first kiss, and where his dad had his accident. He took me to all the important places to him.

  He pulls into a deserted are where there is nothing around us for for miles. “And this was my secret make out spot,” he says with a mischievous smile.

  “Just how many ho’s did you bring here?” I ask, not sure if I really want to know. I’m sure he had his share.

  “Does it matter? I want you to be the last one I bring here,” he says, grinning at me.

  What is a girl to say to that? I swoon before Layne, I thought swooning was only something that happened in Romance novels, but now I know it can really in real life. I lean into him, giving into the desire that has been yearning in me all day. All I want in this moment is his hands and mouth on me. It doesn’t take long before the windows are fogged.

  Chapter Twenty

  I wake up the next morning to a cool breeze blowing in the window and Layne has his body wrapped around mine. His bed is a full size, which gives us just enough room.

  “You look so sexy and peaceful when you sleep. I think you are secretly trying to steal my heart,” he whispers in my ear. His hot breath sends a shiver down my neck.

  “Damn, my secret is out.” I turn into him.

  “Well, I smell breakfast so we should get up now before mom comes up here demanding our presence,” he says, pulling me up with him.

  I get dressed, throwing on a pair of leggings and a long shirt and we get downstairs in time for me to offer to help set the table.

  “You’re a guest in this house. You don’t need to offer help. Just have a seat, dear. Layne, get the girl some coffee,” she orders.

  “I am, I am.” He shrugs away from her. “You’re so bossy sometimes,” he jokes; chuckling when she tries to whack him with the spatula she was using to stir the pancake batter.

  At the table, we all chat, and have a few laughs in between bites. “Well, you’ll get to meet some other family members today at Delilah’s birthday. She’s six years old and a doll,” his mom says.

  Layne and I make a run to the toy store and buy his niece some play dough. We figured that was a safe gift. Play dough doesn’t make too much of a mess, and we got her a baby doll as well. “Are you close to your older brother?” I ask as we checkout.

  “We used to be. I mean, he’s eight years older than me, so it’s not like we were close in age like Chandler and Madison. They are fourteen and sixteen so they are a lot closer with each other than Colton and I.”

  We split the cost of her gifts and make the drive to his older brother’s place. He places his hand on my knee and electricity shoots through my body. He awakens every cell in my body and I feel more alive than ever, and right now my sickness doesn’t exist. I thought about bringing it up, but this weekend is not the weekend to do it. About ten minutes later, we pull up to the house. It’s a ranch style home with rose bushes lined in the front. The spacious front yard makes it look like a home that one would see in a magazine. All of a sudden I’m nervous.

  We walk in and Layne says, “Is there a birthday girl in the house?”

  “Uncle Layne is here.” A little girl she runs and hugs his legs. He picks her up, kissing her cheek. Her blonde hair is in pigtails, and she is a cutie. “Is she your girlfriend?” She points, asking bluntly.

  “Yes she is. Her name is Amber” he says. “You’re getting too big to pick up, girl,” he tells her as he continues carrying her. He will make a great dad one day, and the thought pains me as a lump forms in my throat. Will I even be able to become a mom?

  “Amber, this is Delilah,” he introduces.

  “Nice to meet you,” I tell her, and she turns away bashfully.

  “Uncle Layne is here,” she announces to the room. He puts her down, but she latches onto his hand. I can tell she adores her uncle, and she isn’t the only one. He introduces everyone to me and I get lots of hugs and handshakes. I sit by his mom, since she is familiar to me and I won’t be as uncomfortable.

  “Mommy, can I open it?” Delilah asks about the gift from Layne and me.

  “Okay, but the rest have to wait until after dinner,” her mom says, shaking her long blonde hair at her daughter’s eagerness. She smiles, showing off practically perfect teeth, and I can see where the birthday girl gets her gorgeous looks.

  We all watch as Delilah tears into the gift bag and pulls out her gift. “Play dough and a baby doll!” she screams and runs over to hug Layne and me. “Thank you!”

  “You’re welcome,” Layne and I say in unison.

  We eat pizza, Delilah’s favorite, according to her father, Layne’s brother and then cake follows soon after. When I first met Colton, there was no mistaking the resemblance between him and Layne. And even Layne’s older brother, he has the same caramel colored eyes, and the same shade of brown hair, they obviously get from their dad, Lee. Then we all watch as Delilah rips into each present and each one is exciting to her. Her excitement is contagious and she starts to warm up to me insisting I play, play dough with her.

  When we all stand to leave the party and the family waves us off. Afterwards everyone is exhausted and just about crash at the house. I make a trip to the bathroom and Colton stops me, “My brother hasn’t been happy in a long time. I’m glad he met you.” He smiles brightly at me before turning down the hall, not waiting on my response.

  His comment makes me smile.

  Layne and I both fall asleep quickly from all the fun and excitement of the day. He wraps his strong arms around me and I feel safe, like nothing will come between us; not even my sickness as I try to wish it away, hoping that having the disease is just a nightmare.

  During the night, I wake drenched in sweat, and I know what is coming. So I try to climb out of his bed unnoticed and I make it to the restroom in time. The house is completely quiet, and I pray no one hears me getting sick. A second wave comes and it hurts my stomach so bad. I will my shaky legs to stand and grab a washcloth to wipe my face clean. I creep back to his room and slip into bed, and he groggily wraps his arms around me once more. A tear streams down my face and I try to think of the day’s events to take my mind off of it.

  The next morning, Layne nuzzles in my neck and whispers that he loves me. I pretend to be asleep a little longer, not letting him know that I heard him. But I did and wish he hadn’t said those three little words. I shuffle lazily in his arms, finally waking up. “Hey sleepy head,” he says.

  “Morning,” I say. I never say good morning, it’s always just Morning. I take a quick shower before we head downstairs. I meet Layne and the rest of the family downstairs. The food invades my senses, causing my stomach to growl at the smell of it. I’m starving, I think even the thought of food nauseates me. Lucky for me she has a whole smorgasbord laid out and I have a little bit of everything. I ignore the nausea and focus on the hunger pains as I shove food into my mouth.

  “As you can tell, Amber likes to eat,” Layne jokes, making his mom laugh.

  “Well, we like a girl that can eat,” she says.

  “That’s what I said,” Layne replies.

  “We should probably get moving,”
Layne says after breakfast.

  “Oh, I hate to see you guys go, but you have school. But you are more than welcome here anytime,” Cass says, hugging me while Layne puts our bags in the car. We continue hugging everyone good-bye and they see us off as we pull out of the driveway.

  “I liked your family; they are great,” I say as we head toward the highway.

  “They loved you, as you could tell,” he says, flashing his pearly white grin.

  “Well. They were very hospitable and I had fun. Thanks for taking me,” I say with a nod.

  For most of the ride home, we are silent. It’s not an uncomfortable silence; it’s a silence where you just don’t need to talk to know what the other is thinking, almost. However, my stomach is hurting today, so I’m thinking I might lie around the dorm the rest of the day. Renee and I could use some girl time.

  It being Sunday, traffic is light and we make it home early afternoon. “Are you sure it’s okay that I spend the day with Renee?” I ask.

  “I’m sure. I need to go check in at the garage and see how the work is coming along on the other car,” he says, pulling in front of the dorm. He grabs my bag for me and walks me to the door. I kiss him, letting my lips linger on his. He hands my bag over and we agree to get together tomorrow for lunch before I head inside.

  “Yay! My bestie’s back!” Renee rushes over to hug me. “Did you have fun? Are his parents chill, or what?” she asks eagerly. “They loved you, I’m sure.” She sits on her bed while I unpack my bag and throw the dirty clothes in the hamper.

  “Yes, they were sweet, and I think I won them over with my sense of my humor.” I laugh. “Layne showed me around town, and it was a lot of fun,” I tell her. “Are you free to spend the day with your bestie, or do you have other plans?” I

  “I’m a free bird today. Wanna get our nails done? It seems like it’s been forever since we last went.”

  “Sounds good. Then can we stop at the store so I can get some food. I just want to come back and lay around and veg, or we could just grab some Chinese food. Plus, my stomach is not feeling the best,” I tell her.


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