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What God Has For Me

Page 9

by Pat Simmons

  And that should have made her feel better, but it just made Halcyon hesitant about entering another relationship. “True, I agree that Scott was the problem. I thought I had closure when I walked away and didn’t hound him for anything, including child support. My window of opportunity for any more closure is gone. I’m not going to run after him now that he is married to ask, ‘Why did you marry her instead of me,’ and release the ‘baby mama drama’ mantra.”

  “You’ve got a point.” Desi took a sip from her glass of milk. “So where does my brother-in-law fit into this.”

  “I don’t know how much patience he has as I recover from something I thought I had already recovered from.” Halcyon twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “Honestly, I can’t believe my reaction. In hindsight, I wondered ‘Who was that woman?’”

  Desi shrugged, wiped her mouth and grabbed her plate. “Well, until you hurt enough from not being with Zach who loves you, then you’ll hurt every time you see the jerk who didn’t love you. You’ll ruin your life.”

  Halcyon dissected each word her baby sister had said. “Where did you get all of these pearls of wisdom?”

  Walking to the sink, Desi laid her plate inside, then turned and kissed Halcyon on the forehead. “God gave it to me. When you go through something, grow a gray strand, and pray like crazy, you walk away with life lessons.”

  “I have learned a few of those.”

  Grabbing her keys, her sister lifted the strap of her purse off the back of the chair. “Well, I better get home to my husband. And you could have one of those, too, if you would toss all your cares on Him for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7. That was my golden text of the Bible when I was going through. Now, I have passed the baton to you.” Desi kissed her again and walked out the kitchen to get MJ.

  At the end of the week, Halcyon wanted to turn in her resignation. The professional relationship Zachary was subjecting her to was driving her crazy. Her children, however, were recipients of his undivided attention and love. Halcyon missed that warmth, but wasn’t she the one who pulled away first—albeit slightly?

  The other associates noticed the tension between them, too, but only Paisley was bold enough to ask about it as Halcyon was packing up her and the children’s things to go home.

  Knocking on her door, Paisley walked in without waiting for an invitation or taking note of the evidence that she was about to leave. Halcyon’s purse on her shoulder and Ashanti’s tiny backpack hung loosely on her back. “Is everything okay between you and Zachary? I noticed you two seemed kind of distant.”

  Halcyon didn’t hide her irritation by rolling her eyes. She placed one hand on her hip and was about to act ugly when the Lord seemed to extract the harsh words ready to fire from her mouth, reminding her of James 3:8-10, which she had read that morning: But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith we bless God, even the Father; and therewith we curse men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

  Instead of saying, mind your own business and stay out of mine, Halcyon smiled until it felt genuine. “I appreciate your concern for me, Paisley, but we’re trusting the Lord to work everything out for our good. I can’t tell you where it is in the Bible or quote it word for word, but for those who love God, all things work together for good. See, it will be all right.”

  Paisley turned down her lip in disappointment. Evidently that wasn’t the scoop she wanted to hear. “Well, pray on.” Without another word, she waved and walked out of the office.

  Halcyon turned off the light and ushered the children down the hallway. She couldn’t help but smile. Hmm. Resisting the devil by mentioning Jesus’ name, really does make the devil flee. Yay.

  Chapter 14

  On Sunday, Halcyon slid into the pew next to Zachary. She knelt, prayed and took her seat as the praise team was warming up. “Hi,” her voice was soft.

  “You look pretty.” Zachary smiled. “Always do. Where are my sidekicks?”

  “I enrolled them in children’s church today.” Halcyon stared at him. He was one fine man, the perfect package.

  Then she looked away toward the praise team and tapped her foot to an old gospel artist, Byron Cage, favorite, “We Love You.”

  Zachary watched her body language when he should have been focusing on the service. She seemed nervous as she fumbled with her fingers. He reached for her hand and squeezed it. When she glanced at him, Zachary smiled. “We’re more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Everything will be okay.”

  “Thank you.” Halcyon closed her eyes and when she opened them, they were glazed over. “I’ve missed you so much,” she mouthed.

  “I’m here, babe. I’m here. I need to be sure, and you need to be sure about us. That is the only way we’ll work… permanently.” When the praisers asked everyone to stand, Zachary pulled Halcyon to her feet. Then he stretched out his arms and began to worship God, praying for deliverance.

  Soon, the worship service ended, and the pastor stood at the podium to deliver the morning sermon. Zachary snuck one more glance at Halcyon, who appeared relaxed.

  Pastor Reed greeted the congregation and welcomed the guests. “Praise the Lord, everybody! A while back, I preached that without a test, there is no testimony. And God let me know in my spirit that the saints are really going through some rough trials, whether it’s a job, children, marriage, or finances. Whatever it is, be encouraged, go through with faith in God, hang in there, and look straight ahead. Keep your eyes focused on the prize.”

  Every word of encouragement seemed to pump Zachary’s spiritual heart faster, so much so that he didn’t realize he had scooted to the edge of his seat as if to capture the next words that would spill out of his pastor’s mouth. But the sermon ended too soon to his disappointment.

  “Let me close today by referring you to the last book in the Bible. The Word of God is full of promises. Revelation outlines seven of those promises to overcomers in chapters two, three and twelve. Refresh your mind with these assurances when you become discouraged or impatient.”

  Pastor Reed closed his Bible and extended the call for discipleship. “I know some things are easier said than done, which is why I’m asking you to come to the altar, repent of your sins, as the Bible says, and be baptized in the name of Jesus, as the Bible says and He will fill you with his Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, as the Bible says. That is how you have the strength to overcome….”

  The service continued to be charged as seven souls requested the baptism in Jesus’ name and before Pastor Reed had proclaimed the benediction, two of them—both men—came out of the water with the Holy Ghost, displaying the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Another wave of praise spread throughout the sanctuary.

  “Feel better?” Zachary captured Halcyon’s hands in his at the close of the service. She looked better than when she first walked in.


  “You know I’m praying and rooting for you to be an overcomer in your heart and mind. I’ve waited five plus years for you…” And it’s killing me, he didn’t say, but struggled to say, “I’ll continue to give you space until you come to me and tell me you’re over the hurt from Scott and the uncertainty about me—us,” he said, hugging her. “But you’ve got to come to me, Bridget,” he added, then turned her over to Granny Rose and Mrs. Holland for their hugs.

  Lord, please don’t let her take too much longer. I am beyond patience.


  Halcyon didn’t want Zachary to let her go—not physically or in his heart. The message hit home. She knew she loved him in a way she didn’t think possible toward her “big brother.” Lord, I want to be that overcomer so that the bitterness against Scott is gone from my heart. Please help me, because I don’t want to lose Zachary, but I can’t give him my whole heart not yet.

  Chapter 15

  Zachary had never felt worse. As a matter of fact,
the pain wasn’t easing. He barely made it inside Michael’s electronic showroom when he practically collapsed in a nearby chair. Not one to make a scene, Zachary felt he just needed to rest a few minutes and catch his breath, but then he realized that was the source of his pain. It seemed like breathing was causing his pain to magnify.

  “Mr. Bishop, you don’t look too well,” an associate fussed over him. “I’m going to get your brother.”

  Closing his eyes, Zachary measured his breath, so as not to inhale too deeply. What was wrong with him anyway? He couldn’t remember the last time he was sick. He moaned. His brain was hurting thinking about being ill. He figured he’d better go home and get in bed. What if he was contagious or dying or…

  “Hey, man. What’s wrong?” Michael’s voice seemed to echo around him and cause more pain.

  Zachary opened one eye and tried to focus. Forget it. That took too much effort.

  “You look terrible, and I hope whatever you’ve got, I don’t catch it.” When Michael touched his shoulder, he pulled his hand back. “Zach, I think you’re sick. You’re burning hot.”

  Straining, Zachary forced both eyes open. “Thanks for your diagnosis. I think I’m going to head home and call a real doctor in the morning.” After two attempts, Zachary was able to stand with Michael’s and an employee’s assistance. How embarrassing. The pain punched his gut to the point where he had to ease back into the chair.

  “Mr. Bishop,” the employee said, getting both of their attention. “I mean, Michael, I think you need to take your brother to urgent care.”

  Zachary was too weak to protest as Michael gave the woman instructions. Jingling his keys, which seemed to ring in Zachary’s ear, he let his brother slowly guide him out to his car.

  Once he was strapped in, Zachary closed his eyes. He was about to throw up as his brother drove off. Before Michael could make it to a light, he pulled over, just in time for Zachary to relieve his stomach of what appeared to be this morning’s breakfast, yesterday’s dinner and possibly yesterday’s lunch too.”

  “Ugh,” Michael said. “I’m taking you to MoBap’s emergency room.”

  Zachary didn’t argue as a sharp pain seemed to stab him in the side. He didn’t want to go, but when he felt another punch to his gut, he asked how close they were to the hospital.

  “Close,” was all Michael would say as Zachary prayed that he would pass out as a solution to numb the pain.

  It seemed like forever, but they finally arrived and Zachary was guided into a wheel chair and wheeled into the hospital. That’s when everything went black.

  Opening his eyes, Zachary studied his unfamiliar surroundings. He turned his head from the left to the right before spying a nurse in a cubicle area. ? Lying flat on his back, he was wrapped in a cocoon of sheets and felt strapped to a gurney. “What happened to me?” His voice was too weak to make a sound above a whisper.

  When he moaned, the nurse looked his way, then stood and took her time coming to his side. “Welcome back, Mr. Bishop.” She smiled, but at the moment, Zachary didn’t feel happy enough to smile back. He felt like someone had drugged him.

  “What happened”—he paused to conserve his strength.—“to me?”

  “Your appendix ruptured. That was the source of the pain your family member told us you were having.” She patted his arm.

  Okay, so I didn’t die. Zachary’s heavy lids drifted closed. He returned to that peaceful place where the pain was gone.

  What was going on? Someone was shaking him. No, his bed was moving and whoever was doing the driving didn’t slow down for the curves. Zachary was more alert this time when he opened his eyes. The nurse he saw before was nowhere in sight. Coming into view were Michael and Desi, smiling as he was rolled into a hospital room. His two male drivers parked him alongside a narrow bed, then heaved him from one bed to the other. They pulled the rails up on both sides and left.

  “You had us scared, big bro,” Michael said. Desi nodded.

  “I’ve never experienced a pain like that before in my life!” Zachary eyed the IV stand and wondered if it could get him a shot of pain relief. He was sore and aching, so he might as well get a head start.

  Minutes later, Mrs. Holland, Granny Rose, Tracey and Halcyon flooded his room. Concern was etched on all their faces. Everyone seemed to fade to the background as Halcyon’s beautiful face shone with clarity. She had been crying.

  Granny Rose was the first to speak… or rather fuss, “Don’t you ever scare us like that again. You had me praying the minute Desi called me.”

  “I missed a meal to get here,” Tracey teased.

  The last thing on Zachary’s mind was food after the nausea and the pain he had experienced most of the day.

  “Looks like you’re going to need a nursemaid for a couple of days,” Mrs. Holland stated as she hovered over him. “I would suggest a bland diet—”

  “Please, let’s not talk about food.” Zachary held up his hands. “I’m getting nauseous just hearing about it.”

  “Okay, sweetie. That’s understandable.” Mrs. Holland rubbed his foot.

  “I’ll do it,” Halcyon volunteered. “I can work from your home.” She came closer as the family seemed to part a path for her. Sitting gently on the edge of his bed, she took his hand and squeezed it.

  “Then I accept. There is no way I’m going to turn down the services of a pretty nurse.”

  Zachary’s doctor entered his room and introduced himself. After checking on Zachary and addressing his concerns, the doctor fielded questions from the family, which gave Zachary more than enough information for his recovery.

  The next morning, Zachary was discharged and placed in Halcyon’s care to take him home. Michael had given his mother-in-law his spare house key, so Mrs. Holland and Granny Rose could let themselves in to cook and clean. Zachary couldn’t recall what condition he had left his bachelor pad in, but he wasn’t messy by nature, so he hoped everything was acceptable.

  “How are my sidekicks?” His throat was still scratchy as he got into his SUV with her behind the wheel.

  Halcyon smiled. “Relieved that you’re okay, and Ashanti refuses to read her books until she sees you. She slept in the bed with me last night, crying for her daddy, and she wasn’t talking about Scott.”

  “That’s love.” Zachary tried to chuckle, but it hurt, so he settled for a nod.

  The ride back to his home was anything but smooth. It had nothing to do with Halcyon’s driving or his vehicle needing shocks. It seemed like his entire body was tender and he felt the slightest road imperfections.

  As his SUV rounded the corner, he saw an unfamiliar sight in the distance. “Wow, I’m not used to all this attention. Balloons?” They were swinging from stings tied to his mailbox.

  “And the children made you get well cards, so get used to it, because you are about to get pampered, Mr. Bishop.”

  “Hmm. I am so liking the sound of that.” He grinned, then grunted when Halcyon rolled over a speed bump in the street.


  Halcyon loved him. It took her a while…no, an emergency to realize her heart was taking too long to mend and she was ready to move forward. And she planned to nurse him back to health with all the love she had, so they could grow as a couple.

  When she pulled up to Zachary’s driveway and honked, Michael came out the door to help Zachary in the house while Halcyon trailed with his bag of belongings. The screams of “Welcome Back!” greeted him as the garage door to the kitchen opened.

  Besides Halcyon’s mom and Granny Rose, all the children were there. Tracey’s two boys, little MJ and hers too. The relief on her daughter’s face as soon as she saw Zachary was heartwarming. Halcyon had felt the same way when she saw him lying in that hospital bed.

  When it looked as if her daughter was making a beeline to Zachary, Halcyon stepped in the line of fire. “Ashanti, what did I tell you? He can’t pick you up right now. He needs to get his rest and build up his strength.”

already strong. Daddy picks me and Jonathan up at the same time.” Ashanti stopped in her footsteps. Folding her arms, she pouted, clearly not happy with the restrictions. Too bad. Halcyon needed Zachary fully restored to good health.

  “Can I read Daddy a bedtime story?”

  The family wasn’t surprised by Ashanti’s insistence on calling Zachary daddy. He really was the only father figure she would have a lasting memory. So Halcyon stopped trying to reason with her. No other man would have that honor.

  “You sure can, princess,” Zachary answered, then winked at Ashanti.

  “Baby, welcome home,” Granny Rose said and gave him a light hug. “Do you want to lie down?”

  Zachary nodded. “A nap sounds good.”

  Ashanti returned with her book and Zachary reached for her hand. Halcyon could tell the effort was painful, but he entertained her child.

  She would definitely be multi-tasking for a while. While her mother kept an eye on Ashanti and Granny Rose kept hers on the boys while spoiling MJ, Halcyon went into Zachary’s home office off the kitchen and worked on new accounts. As the office manager, Halcyon wanted to make sure that his businesses ran smoothly.

  Halcyon hadn’t realized she had been holed up at the computer for hours until everyone announced they were leaving.

  “I’m going to take Jonathan with me,” her mother said.

  “What about Ashanti?” Halcyon frowned and walked into the living room where Zachary was asleep in the recliner. Ashanti was on the sofa next to him. Her tiny hand was latched on to one of Zachary’s fingers.

  “Let her be, baby. She needs him as much as you.” Her mother planted a kiss on her cheek, then left.

  After seeing them off, Halcyon returned to the living room doorway and watched them sleep. Yes, she wanted happily ever after with one man—Zachary—and God had spared her from making a bigger mistake.


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