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A Wish Come True

Page 3

by Shawn Lane

  “Answered?” I was vaguely aware I was staring at him, but couldn’t seem to make myself stop. At least I wasn’t drooling. A definite plus.

  “How’d your first evening go?” Sebastian made his way to the big, plush white sofa that took up most of the front room, and patted the cushion next to him in invitation.

  “Great,” I muttered as I sat. “White furniture. That’s a disaster for a slob like me.”

  Sebastian chuckled. “You don’t look like a slob.”

  “You’d be surprised,” I said dryly. “I had a great evening actually. Missed you at the producers’ presentation, though. Dee-Dee and Derek were there.”

  He nodded. “Couldn’t make it. I was doing an interview for People.”

  “Wow. Big shot.”

  “Hardly. I heard it went well from Dee-Dee.”

  “After that, Jack and I went to the Gold Ticket dinner thing.”

  “Right. I knew that was tonight. Good?”

  “It was fun, yeah.” I watched him play with his brandy, swirling the glass in his hand over and over and over. “Are you close with the others in the cast?” I tried not to wince, thinking it sounded a bit like one of those questions fans ask at a question-and-answer session.

  “I’m pretty good friends with Dee-Dee.”

  “Not Derek?”

  That little lift of the corners of his mouth was back and so were the dimples. “We’re more like frenemies.”


  “Are you a Five groupie, Marty?”

  I felt myself grow hot. “Well, not a groupie or anything.”

  Sebastian laughed. “He’s cute. I can see it. And open about his sexuality.”

  There was something in his tone.

  “You aren’t, are you?”

  His expression turned serious. “I don’t make a habit of publicizing it either way, but I admit most of the time I’m seen at events it’s with a woman on my arm.”

  I nodded. “You dated that actress from that popular television series for a while. Ginger something.”

  “Ginger Stevens,” he supplied for me. “Yes. We were pretty serious there for a while.”

  “Not just publicity?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “Truth is, so-called celebrity relationships never last that long. It’s especially bad when both are actors. It adds an element of ego I think that works against it.”

  “And now?”


  “Are you dating anyone?”

  “No, Marty. Do you think I’d invite you up here like this if I was?”

  “I’m not really up on celebrity behavior.”

  “I’m not just a celebrity to you, though. We were friends once. Weren’t we?”

  “Pen pal friends, yeah.” I smiled. “A lot has changed for you.”

  “And for you, Marty. You’re some hot college professor now. The stuff of fantasies.”

  “Or pornos,” I joked.

  “Now you’ve gone and put definite images in my head.” He took his first sip of his brandy since he poured it. “You are really hot. And I don’t think there’s any point in pretending we don’t both know why I asked you up here.”

  I licked my suddenly dry lips. “You do get right to the point. Do you prefer Sebastian or Spencer? Privately, I mean.”

  “Sebastian. I left Spencer behind.” He put his glass on the coffee table in front of the sofa and got to his feet. He held out his hand for me to grasp, then pulled me up. “Come on.”

  Sebastian led me to the bedroom on the right and I had a moment where both the alcohol and the idea that I was about to go to bed with Sebastian Lookinland had my head swimming.

  I barely glanced at the room—it was large—with an even larger bed and a bathroom off to the left that I was pretty sure on close inspection would be larger than half my house.

  But both of us were interested in the bed at that moment and nothing else. He went to a suitcase he had propped up on one of those folding suitcase stands all hotels had and removed a bottle of lube and a strip of condom packages.

  “You come prepared,” I couldn’t help saying.

  “Well.” He shrugged. “Does it bother you?”

  Sebastian owed me nothing. And anyway, I was benefitting from it, wasn’t I?

  “No. The only thing I want to know, am I fucking you or are you fucking me?” My lips curved in an anticipatory smile. “What is your preference?”

  “My wish is your command?”

  “I’d love to command you.”

  Sebastian blinked rapidly and I noticed his pupils grow wider, taking up more of the startling blue. Oh, somebody was interested in that, apparently.

  His tongue traced along his plump bottom lip. “Clothes?”

  Like I needed to be told twice. And he was already ahead of me since he wasn’t wearing a shirt. I quickly made us even, then reached for the fastenings of my jeans.

  Soon, Sebastian stood in nothing but his birthday suit and I stopped to stare at his round buttocks when he bent over the bed to pull the sheets down to the end of the mattress. “Were you commando?”

  He chuckled and glanced at me over his shoulder. “Yeah. Wasn’t going anywhere else tonight.”

  My mouth went dry as I studied so much golden naked skin. No tan lines…anywhere. “You, uh, do a lot sunbathing?”

  “Some. Pants, Marty. I want to get the party started.”

  And hell, did he! His cock, thick and long, jutted out between his tan, muscular thighs. Already a pearl of pre-cum had appeared on the tip.

  “Do I seriously have to rip those off you or what?” Sebastian gestured to my jeans. I’d gotten them open but still hadn’t taken them off.

  “Uh. Sorry.” I sat on the edge of the bed and toed off my shoes, then shimmied out of my pants and boxer briefs. My dick was happy to be free and pointing toward Sebastian, who now stood before me, right between my legs.

  “Gorgeous,” he murmured. He pulled off my glasses. “You won’t need these.”

  He reached over—a long stretch—and set them on the end table next to the bed.

  I placed my hands on either side of him, resting on his slim hipbones. “So…command. Are you into that sort of thing?”

  “Some of it. I like spanking. I like to be ordered around and held down. A little biting. Nothing more than that, though.”

  I nodded. It all sounded great to me. Especially since I was a biter. Not so much a spanker, though, but if that’s what he wanted, I could get into it. “Do you think you need a safe word?”

  Sebastian shook his head with a slight smile curving those sensual lips. “Not unless you think you’ll get out of control.”

  “Never,” I assured him. My gaze had drifted down from his face to the erection pointing prominently at me. “You on the bed, on your back, arms stretched above your head.”

  He scrambled to do just as I said, and I noticed the flare of his nostrils as he splayed himself on the mattress for me. He bent his knees, spreading his legs, giving me the perfect view of his pink hole.

  I knelt on the bed, trying to decide if I wanted to go straight for his cock or rim him first. Some guys didn’t go for rimming and I wasn’t sure how Sebastian would feel about it, so I went for his cock, bending down to take his length into my mouth.

  He tasted clean, freshly showered. As I drew him in farther, he let out a low moan. I closed my eyes, savoring the whole experience, as I deep-throated him. He lifted off the mattress then, his gasps louder.

  Should I make him come in my mouth or while I was fucking him? My own cock twitched, reminding me it was being neglected and it made the decision for me.

  I released his dick with an indelicate slurp and reached for a condom. I tore open the foil and rolled it on.

  “Hurry.” His eyes were pleading, his legs spread wide for my intrusion. He tossed the lube at me and I caught it one-handed. I slicked myself before turning to his hole, which I thoroughly greased with first two, then three fingers.

g up his legs to wrap them around my waist, I pushed inside him. He was tighter than I was prepared for and I had to pause at the ring of muscle while his body adjusted, loosened, and allowed me to breach. A ragged breath escaped his lips.

  “All right?”

  “Fine. Talk later, fuck now.”

  I almost said something about me being the one in charge but he shifted his hip just then, pulling me in deeper, and I lost all ability for coherent thought.

  I pounded hard and fast into him, but he easily matched my rhythm, pushing up to meet every thrust. He was no complacent bottom. He was as strong as me, all lean muscle, and as he met my thrusts, he very nearly dislodged me.

  Toppy bottom.

  “Stroke yourself,” I ordered.

  His slid one of his arms down from above his head and wrapped his fist around his weeping dick. The sight of his long, elegant fingers sliding across the ridge of his cock was too much. I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and slammed into him again and again until I couldn’t hold back the orgasm that overtook me.

  I leaned back just a little, not pulling out yet, as I watched his cock spurt across his stomach and pelvis.

  Then I withdrew and plopped down beside him, both of us on our backs, panting.

  “Is it hot in here?” he asked.

  “Pretty hot.”

  Sebastian nodded. “I’ll put on the air.”

  But he didn’t move.

  I wasn’t a guy for one-night stands or anything, especially with famous actors, so I wasn’t sure of the protocol. Should I get up and leave?

  “I can turn it on for you on my way out, if you’d like.”

  He turned his head in my direction. “Here’s your hat, what’s your hurry?”

  I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant. “I just figured you might expect me to take a hike.”

  “You have quite the opinion of me, Marty.”

  “I don’t have a lot of experience with this kind of thing.”

  He sat up. “And I do?”

  “Don’t you? I mean, being an actor and all.”

  “We’re not all sluts flitting from lover to lover to lover.”

  “The magazines—”

  “Are full of shit.” Sebastian laughed. “Seriously, Marty. I want you to stay. I’ll put on the AC.”

  “Yeah?” I probably sounded more hopeful than I wanted to. But, well.

  “Yeah.” He got out of bed and I watched his perfect ass as he headed for the bathroom.

  Chapter 6

  After a very satisfying morning shower—Sebastian gave a great blowjob—he ordered room service for breakfast. I’d had occasion to order room service before but it never arrived as fast as the breakfast he’d ordered for us. Celebrity perks, I supposed.

  The coffee he poured me from one of those fancy silver carafes was amazing.

  “What’s your first thing at the convention this morning?” he asked.

  “I think Jack has us going to a presentation of the special-effects guys at nine.” A quick re-check of my watch showed it was seven-thirty. I had texted Jack before the shower to let him know I had spent the night with Sebastian. His response had been, I figured. Details.

  “I’ve got a meeting around that time. Then photo-ops at eleven. Any chance I’ll see you and Jack for those?”

  “I’d been thinking about it, but I haven’t actually bought the tickets for any photo-ops. I’ll go check them out when I’m downstairs.”

  “I figured you’d plan ahead.”

  “Normally, yeah,” I admitted. “Prices were a little high, so I wasn’t sure.”

  “If you and Jack want to, you can just take a selfie with me from your phone and post it online. I don’t care.”

  “Yeah? Jack would love that.”

  Sebastian smirked. “Just Jack, huh?”

  “Well, I would, too. Can I ask you something personal?”

  He drank from a little china cup that looked really tiny in his big hands. “Considering everything we’ve already done, yeah, go for it.”

  “You mentioned changing your name from Spencer even before acting. Would you share the reason?”

  “Family,” Sebastian said. “They didn’t like my choices in life. My bisexuality, my wanting to act. Just about anything. High school was just awful at home.”

  “Is that why you stopped writing me?”

  He nodded. “Uh-huh. There was some physical abuse. I needed to get out of there. I left, changed my name, for a while, really, my identity. Things have calmed down since then. Thankfully.”

  “You had a rough time.”

  “No more than others, I guess. And certainly that’s not the case now.” He gestured to the room around us.

  I had to laugh. “Yeah, point taken.” I drained my cup and stood. “Now I am going to get out of your hair. I need to get ready for the day, and you, too.”

  He rose also and walked me to the door of his hotel suite.

  “I hope to see you later today during the convention. But if not then, tonight for dinner?”

  “Might be a late one. Not sure exactly what Jack has on our schedule. How about you?” I found myself ridiculously pleased Sebastian wanted to see me again. Even if this weekend would be all we had, I didn’t want to give up that chance.

  “I should be done with everything by eight. So, why don’t you let me know? I can have dinner served up here. Bring Jack if you want.” He laughed when he saw my expression. “Just for dinner. He can go back to your room after.”

  He leaned forward and grabbed the back of my neck. His lips crushed mine in a toe-curling kiss. Then it was over.

  Sebastian smiled. “See you later.”

  * * * *

  Jack hadn’t had breakfast, so we went to the café at the hotel and I had coffee while he pretty much scarfed down a plate of scrambled eggs, sausage, and potatoes.

  “So?” He waved his fork at me.

  “You really want details?” I asked, surprised.

  “Well, they don’t have to be graphic or anything. How easy was it for him to talk you into bed?”

  “Easy. Come on, Jack. I’m not naïve. I’d guessed that’s what the invitation was about in the first place.”

  “Me, too. Is that it or are you going to see him again?”

  “Yeah, tonight. After the convention stuff. Dinner in his room. You can come if you want.”

  Jack shook his head. “I appreciate it. But you don’t need a third wheel.”

  “Jack, it’s not like that.”

  “It’s exactly like that.”

  “This isn’t an ordinary guy, though. How often do you get to dine with a famous actor in his posh hotel room?”

  “Not often,” Jack admitted. “But, Marty, this is your thing. And I’m happy about it for you. I don’t want to get in the way. I’d feel weird.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “I am.”

  “I feel bad, though. I mean, we came to the convention together. Shouldn’t we be spending our time doing stuff?”

  “You’re spending the day with me. It’s fine.”

  I sighed. “Okay.”

  Later, we stopped by the photo-ops desk to purchase our tickets. We both ended up buying individual photos with Dee-Dee Cabot, Derek DeLong, and Sebastian Lookinland. Then Jack talked me into getting the one that included all three of them plus two other members of the cast that had appeared only in the most recent movie.

  “That was a damn fortune,” I muttered, clutching my tickets and receipt.

  “Memories are a good thing to have, Marty.”

  I felt a slight tinge of sadness, thinking of having memories of my time with Sebastian. There was a reason I didn’t do one-night stands or casual flings.

  “You’re being awfully philosophical and sentimental.”

  Jack shrugged. “How much do we really do together anymore? When we were kids, sure, we spent a lot of time riding bikes, playing games. But as adults? We live our own lives. See each other on holidays, every few weeks in the summer
. This is nice.” He smiled. “Isn’t it?”

  He was getting me all choked up. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that to a gay man.” I sniffed.

  Jack laughed and punched my arm. “Come on. It’s time for the special-effects thing.”

  * * * *

  Our photo with Derek DeLong was first and I couldn’t help but notice as we stood in line waiting for our turn that he wasn’t particularly friendly. We’d also been informed that he wouldn’t touch any fan. No handshaking, no arms around shoulders. Just stand next to him and smile and be on your way. It was a bit off-putting.

  Jack, of course, took it in stride. “Yeah, I’ve heard some of these celebs can be really picky about shit.”

  There was my philosopher brother for you.

  When it was our turn, Derek barely even smiled, though he was polite. It was over in less than thirty seconds. And weirdly, though I had been looking forward to meeting him the most when we’d planned the trip, I didn’t even care.

  Dee-Dee Cabot had been lovely when it was our turn with her. She greeted everyone warmly. She had stood between me and Jack, her arms around both of our waists. Jack grinned a bit like a love-struck fan, but really, it had been very pleasant after our cold photo with Derek.

  Finally it was time for our photo with Sebastian. I took the opportunity in line to watch his interaction with everyone and felt a warmth in my stomach and chest the whole time. He smiled a lot. Spent a few minutes talking with everyone. And he’d even worn his captain’s uniform from the movies, whereas the others had been in street clothes. Each fan that walked away had a little bit of stars in their eyes.

  Sebastian grinned when Jack and I walked over. “Well, well. This is a surprise. Nice to see you again, Jack.”

  “You too, Mr. Lookinland.”

  “Call me Sebastian. Are you coming to dinner tonight?”

  Jack hesitated. I could tell he actually wanted to come along. So I answered for him. “He’ll be there. We both will.”

  Jack smiled as he glanced at me, then we got in our pose for the photographer who was beginning to get antsy. He did have a line to deal with.

  Sebastian placed his right hand on Jack’s shoulder and rested his left hand on the center of my back as he stood between us. Somehow his hand on my back seemed very intimate.

  We said goodbye to Sebastian and finally left the photo-op area. Our cast photo wasn’t until the following day and Jack wanted to go see the question-and-answer happening next with some of the movies’ villains. So far it had been a really great day with my brother.


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