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The Return of Jake Slater

Page 3

by Zavo

  Earlier that morning, Nathanial had shot two large jackrabbits. As it was close to noon, and I was hungry and thirsty, I suggested we stop to eat. Nathaniel readily agreed. We found a small stream with a good-sized pool. Nathaniel soon had a small fire started and was roasting the strips of meat. I led our horses to the stream to drink. It had been a dusty and dirty ride. As I ate the seared meat, the thought of a quick dip in the pool seemed just the tonic I needed. When I had finished eating, I turned to Nathaniel.

  “I’m going to take a quick bath before we ride on. I smell like a goat.”

  “That sounds like a great idea, Jake. I’ll join you.”

  I grabbed a bar of the lye soap I always carried in my saddlebags, and we quickly stripped out of our clothes and walked into the pool. The water was cold, but it felt wonderful on my tired, aching feet. As we waded further I could not help but admire Nathaniel’s body. His chest, stomach, arms, and legs were well-muscled and covered in a forest of light blond hair. His cock was thick and long, the head encased in its sheath of flesh. It flopped enticingly from side to side as he moved further into the pool a few steps ahead of me.

  When I joined him, I quickly lathered myself with the bar of soap. I handed it to Nathaniel and ducked beneath the surface to rinse off. After another dunking, I sat on the sandy bottom of the pool. The icy water reached my chest. It was amazingly invigorating, but numbingly so. Nathaniel was similarly immersed beside me. When I could stand the cold water no longer, I got up and waded back to the grassy bank. Nathaniel was close on my heels. We lay down in the sun to dry off before getting dressed. My balls, which had disappeared inside their secret hiding place when the cold hit them, happily reappeared.

  Nathaniel was soon dozing contentedly beside me. I watched in fascination as his cock slowly grew hard. It was finally standing fully erect and throbbing enticingly only a few feet away. His balls hung low between his legs in their heavy sac of flesh. He must have been having a very good dream, I thought to myself. As I watched, mesmerized, Nathaniel suddenly spoke, startling me.

  “If you’re that fascinated with it, why don’t you come over for a closer look? It won’t bite you!”

  When our eyes met, there was a knowing smile on his face.

  I rolled onto my right side, my thigh touching his. A wave of incredible sensations washed over me. His scent filled my nostrils.

  “You can touch it if you’d like.”

  I placed two fingers on the thick shaft. It was warm and pulsing to my touch. Nathaniel sighed contentedly. I replaced the two fingers with my hand, just below the fat head. His hairy chest was beginning to rise and fall more rapidly.

  “That feels nice, Jake. Will you give it a few strokes? It’s always better if someone else does it for me.”

  “I can do better than that, Nathaniel.”

  Without further explanation, I bent and swirled my tongue over his cockhead. He moaned softly and thrust his hips toward me. I paused a moment and, as we made eye contact, I asked him softly, “Shall I continue?”

  His smile was replaced by a look of earnestness and pure lust.

  “Yes. Please.”

  Without releasing his dick from my hand, I crawled over and positioned myself between his legs. I knelt over his crotch till the head of his cock was only inches from my mouth. I bent down further and stuck my nose in his thick patch of crotch hair and inhaled deeply. The odor was intoxicating. I inhaled the luscious scent before grabbing his stiffer again in my right hand. I began running my tongue once more over the fat crown in slow, lazy circles.

  Nathaniel moaned softly. I swirled my tongue a final time, then slowly engulfed the head, followed by the entire thick shaft. When the fat knob hit the back of my throat, I relaxed my throat muscles and swallowed him to the thick root. He grunted and muttered, “Christ.”

  I held his fat pole in my mouth, softly sucking on it for several seconds before slowly sawing back to the knob. I swirled my tongue over it once more and began slow bobs on his stiffer, running my tongue along the shaft on each downward swipe. After a dozen or so saws, Nathaniel’s grunts and moans began coming in waves. He placed his hand on the back of my head and began pumping his hips steadily, helping to drive his cock home. I grabbed his balls in my left hand and began squeezing them somewhat roughly. My world narrowed to Nathaniel’s dick in my mouth, his hefty ball sac, and the aromas wafting from his crotch. He suddenly cried out, “I’m going to shoot!”

  I rose to the fat knob once more and held it in my mouth, right as the first blob of his spooge hit the roof of my mouth. I quickly swallowed it as more and more of the sticky stuff spewed forth. When Nathaniel was spent, I released his cock.

  “That was nice, Jake. And much appreciated. We should get back on the trail before we lose those men. Also, you’ve got one coming from me.”

  We finally caught up with the outlaws that night. They were crossing the Rio Grande to lose themselves in the rugged Mexican landscape. They had not surrendered quietly. There had been a quick but bloody gunfight. When it was over four of the six thieves were floating dead down the river. We escorted the remaining two back to El Paso. Once they were safely incarcerated, Nathaniel and I ventured to the nearest saloon. We enjoyed much whiskey and a fine steak dinner. We both had rooms upstairs and, after dinner, true to his word, Nathaniel was busy sucking my cock.

  That was the beginning of our two-year relationship. It had been a very satisfying and almost magical time. He was the one to end it. I had been stunned when he had done so. His excuse was that he was too young to settle down so quickly. He knew that I was more than ready to start my life with a good man. After my initial heartbreak, and a good period of drinking, we had managed to remain friends. We had continued to work together up to a few months before I had left Abilene in pursuit of Ben.

  As these thoughts slowly revolved in my mind, Nathaniel stepped past his desk and held out his hand. As I took it in mine, I gave him a good once-over. What I saw was still pleasing to the eye. He was now clean-shaven, and looked younger without his mustache. A handkerchief was tied around his neck. He was dressed in a light blue homespun shirt, black cotton pants, and a brown hat with matching boots. He also wore a brown leather vest on which his silver star was pinned. As we shook hands he looked me over thoroughly as well. However, I could sense that something was off here. Even though we had broken up, I had expected him to be a little more affectionate in his greeting. Nathaniel stepped back around his desk and sat down heavily in his chair. He waved to the one across from him.

  “Have a seat, Jake. What brings you to Abilene?”

  I sat down, a sudden dread slowing creeping through me.

  “It’s good to see you again, Nathaniel. I hadn’t heard you left the Rangers to become a sheriff.”

  He didn’t reply immediately, and I became acutely aware of a nervousness about him that I hadn’t noticed before. He was actually fidgeting in his chair.

  “It’s good to see you as well, Jake. I’m still with the Rangers. I’m just filling in here till we finish investigating the death of Sheriff Rawlins. Speaking of Rawlins, I received a telegram a few weeks ago from him stating that you were dead. Shot twice in Silverton in a gunfight. I’m overjoyed to see you are still alive. However, I must say our reunion is not under the best of circumstances.”

  I felt a tightening in my chest at his statement.

  “What do you mean by that, Nathaniel?”

  There were only two men still alive who had been present at the shooting in Silverton. The feeling of dread intensified. That is, if Ben was not the second body discovered.

  Without warning, a Colt appeared in his hand. The barrel was pointed at my chest. Startled, I started to rise, but his cold command of “don’t move” set me immediately back in my chair.

  “I hate like hell to do this, Jake. But until I get to the bottom of this, I’m going to have to lock you up.”

  “What’s going on, Nathaniel? Lock me up for what?”

  Despite my false
bravado, I knew that my cover had been blown.

  “A man came to Abilene a few days ago, Jake. He was looking for his brother. Yesterday morning, he found him a few miles outside of town. Dead. That man was Sheriff Rawlins. A second body, as yet unidentified, was found within a mile of the Sheriff.”

  At the mention of that name, my heart sank in my chest.

  Nathaniel turned toward the cells.

  “You can show yourself now, Sheriff. I have Jake Slater. We can hear his side of the story now.”

  I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Suddenly, a man appeared and stood behind Nathaniel. A low moan of disbelief escaped me when I looked into the eyes of Sheriff Rawlins.

  Chapter Two


  Upon closer inspection, I realized it wasn’t Rawlins. It had to be a brother. The man placed both hands on his hips and continued to stare me down. His face was a mask of hate. I was startled when I realized that the hate was directed at me.

  “Jake, this is Seth Rawlins. He’s James Rawlins’s twin brother. He’s the sheriff in El Paso.”

  James. I had never known Rawlins’s first name. A “pleased to meet you” seemed out of the question, given the circumstances.

  “When’s the last time you saw Sheriff Rawlins, Jake?”

  I knew the best thing at this moment was to tell the truth. Or as much of it as I deemed suitable. My bad feeling about this situation was increasing steadily. I gave Nathaniel a brief account of what had transpired with Sheriff Rawlins. I omitted most of the events that had transpired between Ben and me. When I finished, Nathaniel shuffled his feet nervously, as if he were reluctant to pursue this. Perchance his reticence was based on our past relationship.

  “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on here, Nathaniel.”

  He set his pistol on the desk when Seth suddenly took over the conversation.

  “That’s a nice story, Slater,” Seth interrupted. But you left out a few of the important details.”

  The look Nathaniel shot him, of which the man remained oblivious, told me what Nathaniel thought of this sheriff. I remembered that Nathaniel had always been a good judge of character. Seth continued, unmindful of the glances Nathaniel was shooting him.

  “James wired me when he reached Silverton. In the telegram he indicated he was pursuing you for helping Ben Masters break out of the jail in Abilene. Ben was wanted for killing a Texas Ranger. You believed he was innocent. He wrote that he had cornered Ben in Silverton. You were killed during the ensuing gunfight. He was riding back to Abilene with Ben to have him hang for murder, and would be arriving within two weeks. But he never showed up. I waited a few more days before riding out in search of him. As you know, there aren’t that many trails that lead to Abilene. I found his body two days later. There was a bullet hole in his forehead”

  “There was a second body about a mile from his. I took it to be this Ben Masters fellow. But both bodies were banged up pretty bad. It was evident they had been caught in a flash flood. What remained had not yet been picked clean so I was able to identify James by his guns: He wears a pair of Colts with his initials engraved in the pearl inlaid handles. I returned yesterday with both bodies. I had no clues as to who might have wanted my brother dead. Being a lawman, I’m sure the list was extensive. Could be Ben turned the tables on James and both died in the ensuing fight. Or, another outlaw could have killed both men. Then, you arrived in town. I’m guessing you knew Ben was alive and being brought back here to hang. Was your plan to free him a second time and exact revenge on my brother?”

  When Seth stopped speaking, he looked at me expectantly. A mad light seemed to gleam in his hard eyes.

  I had no immediate answer for him. My mind was reeling with the news that Ben was dead. After all we had been through, to have him killed in a flash flood seemed more than tragic. Now Seth Rawlins was stating that I had killed his brother for revenge. It seemed my run of bad luck was nowhere near running out.

  “Did you find my brother, only to have him shoot Ben before you got the drop on him? So you killed my brother to avenge your lover?”

  I was finally able to find my voice.

  “Well, Rawlins, that’s not exactly how it happened. I just arrived in Abilene this morning. I came by train, and here’s my ticket stub to prove it.”

  I placed the piece of paper on the desk, which Nathaniel promptly picked up to examine. Seth, however, was not interested in any evidence. His mind was already made up.

  “Sheriff Rawlins pursued Ben and me with a vengeance. In the end, he killed an innocent man, Bart Jensen, and shot me and left me for dead. I have the scars to prove it.”

  “That’s a load of bullshit, Slater,” Seth roared, while at the same time coming around the desk to loom over me. His hand reached for his gun. Thankfully, Nathaniel grabbed him by the arm and was able to restrain him.

  “Seth, now calm down before someone gets hurt. It’s up to the circuit judge to decide Jake’s guilt or innocence. He won’t be in town for another day or two.”

  Nathaniel released Rawlins who shook himself angrily and moved over to stand by the stove. Nathaniel turned back to me. I didn’t like the look on his face. Nathaniel was holding his pistol again, and it was once more aimed at my midsection.

  “I only have your word on the shootings, Jake. Honestly, with the role you allegedly played in Ben’s escape, your word alone will not hold a lot of weight. The evidence Seth brings to the table, specifically the telegraphs from his brother, is mighty powerful. I have no choice but to place you under arrest. If, as I’m inclined to believe, Ben was the one that shot Rawlins before the flood struck, you won’t be charged with his murder. But you will need to face charges for helping Ben escape jail and eluding the law. He was a wanted murderer, Jake. He killed one of our own. I don’t have to tell you what you’re facing.”

  That last bit was said with a touch of scorn that I had never been on the receiving end of from Nathaniel.

  “Ben didn’t murder that ranger, Nathaniel. And I didn’t shoot Rawlins either. You have to believe me. You know what kind of man I am.”

  My admonition fell on deaf ears.

  “I know the man you once were, Jake. Let’s go.”

  Brooking no further protests, and at gunpoint, Nathaniel shepherded me back to the holding area. There were the two cells I remembered. Ironically, I was placed in the one that had housed Ben. The second one was occupied. I couldn’t make out any features because the man’s back was to me. But he was quite large. His feet were hanging over the end of the bunk. I sat on the bunk and Nathaniel tossed me a blanket.

  “You’re in luck, Jake. The circuit court judge should be arriving in town tomorrow. That means we can have a speedy trial and hopefully clear up this mess. But, again, I have to tell you, Rawlins made a mess of your name over this Ben Masters incident. It’s going to be tough to placate Seth. He was very close to his brother, and outright blames you for his death.”

  “Do you think I killed James Rawlins, Nathaniel?”

  “It doesn’t matter what I think, Jake. It’s up to the judge now.”

  I made no reply. When I heard the cell door clank shut and the key turn in the lock, it seemed to spell my fate. With no other recourse, and with no wish to wake up my new neighbor to engage in idle conversation, I lay on the cot, facing the wall.

  How had things gotten this far out of whack? I thought I had found the love of my life, only to lose him to someone who was sworn to uphold justice. Now here I sat, a man sworn to uphold the law, still on the wrong side of it. Ben was dead. That had yet to sink in. I was most likely going to be found guilty of murder. Everything was too much to think about right now. I closed my eyes and decided to try to get some shut-eye. Maybe I would have a revelation while I slept.

  I was awakened by a pounding that I quickly identified as coming from outside my cell. Daylight still streamed through the small window above my cot. The occupant of the adjoining cell was still fast asleep. His steady snores reverberated wit
hin the quiet interior of the jail. No noise came from the outer office. The pounding came again, louder this time. I stood on the cot to see what was being built. A renewed panic gripped me when I saw that a gallows was being constructed in the alley next to the jail. It was either for me or the prisoner in the next cell. Most likely it was for both of us. I wondered when or even if Nathaniel would be back to visit me. Would he offer me words of hope or some hint of salvation?

  I heard footsteps coming down the hallway toward the cells. I looked up, hoping it was Nathaniel. I was disappointed to see Deputy Higgins. He eyed me warily, even though we were separated by steel bars and he was armed. I couldn’t mistake the look of pure hatred on his face. He seemed to have something on his mind. However, he remained silent as we stared at one another across the cell. I was in no mood to start a conversation with him. He stood there a moment longer in silence, his eyes boring into mine. Finally, still without a word, he turned and walked away. He returned several minutes later with a tin plate of biscuits and beans. He held the plate in his left hand while with his right he used the key to unlock my cell door. He nudged it open with his boot and replaced the key with his gun.

  “Enjoy your last meal, Slater,” Higgins snarled. “You won’t be eating tomorrow morning before they hang you for murder. If it was up to me, I wouldn’t have fed you at all. You traitor!”

  He set the plate on the floor just inside the door, then turned and left the cell. A few minutes later, he returned with an identical plate which he placed on the floor in the other cell. Still, the figure did not move. Higgins gave me a final look of hatred as he disappeared down the hall. It was quite evident I had already been tried and convicted in his mind as well as the mind of Seth Rawlins.

  I retrieved the plate and began eating. I was startled when a second person materialized without a sound outside my cell. It was Nathaniel, his handsome face saddened with his regret for me. I ignored him and continued eating.


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