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The Return of Jake Slater

Page 4

by Zavo

  After several minutes of silence he spoke.

  “I’m sorry to see you come to such an end, Jake. I didn’t want to believe it, but Seth showed me the telegrams he got from his brother, James. It states that you murdered a man to protect Ben, and that you tried to gun down Rawlins in the process. It went on to state that you helped Ben escape from this very cell.”

  “You have to believe me, Nathaniel, that’s not how events unfolded. Ben escaped from this cell when Rawlins tried to seduce him. I was at the hotel down the street when it happened. I set out in pursuit of Ben, eventually tracking him to Silverton. Unbeknownst to me, Rawlins was trailing us. He caught up with us in Silverton. Rawlins shot and killed Bart Jensen. After that, he shot me twice and left me for dead. Those are the facts, Nathaniel. Whatever he put in his telegrams to his brother are lies. He was an evil man, and his brother is just like him. You know what kind of man I am, Nathaniel.”

  For a moment, I thought I saw doubt flash across Nathaniel’s face. But any hope he would even believe my version of the story was quickly dashed by his next words.

  “Men change, Jake. Especially under difficult circumstances. We’ve both seen it happen often enough in our line of work. The ranger’s murder by Ben stirred up a lot of hatred for him in this town. Your association with him has pretty much done the same. There are several rangers in town this very minute who would love nothing more than to bust in here and string you up. They see you as a traitor to your profession. You of all people know what lengths they will go to protect their own.”

  “Has the gallows already been decided for me, Nathaniel? Have I already been tried and convicted in the minds of the townsfolk?”

  For just a moment, I saw his old love for me on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

  “I know love can do crazy things to a man, Jake. Look at the guy in the cell next to yours. Right now, the gallows are for him. I will say a prayer they won’t be for you as well.”

  His words were without conviction.

  “Try to get some rest, Jake.”

  He glanced once more at the sleeping giant in the next cell. Without another word, he turned and disappeared down the hall. I retrieved the tin plate and returned to my cot. I slowly made my way through the rough biscuits and beans, chewing methodically and not really tasting anything. When I was done, I threw the tin plate on the floor. It bounced once and skidded till it hit the set of bars that the two cells shared with a loud clang. The figure on the other cot did not even stir. With nothing else to do, I more closely studied the figure in the next cell. He was indeed a tall one. He was dressed completely in black. With his broad back still to me, I was unable to discern any features.

  I gave up my inspection. I placed my back against the wall and listened to the sounds of the gallows being built. Again, I ran over in my mind the events that had brought me to this. Only a few months ago I had been a hard-working Texas Ranger. I had left Abilene in pursuit of a simple outlaw. Well, maybe not so simple because he was accused of killing a fellow ranger. Now I was in jail in the very town I’d set out from. I was accused of helping a killer to elude the law. On top of that, I was the main suspect in the murder of Sheriff Rawlins.

  A deep voice spoke my name, making me jump. At first, I wasn’t sure where it came from. I thought I was losing my mind. Just like those mountain men you heard tell of who have been alone for too long. The voice spoke again.

  “I can tell you’re watching me, Jake.”

  I realized it was the man in the other cell. He was still lying with his back to me. I was startled that he knew my name. I realized he must have overheard my conversation with Nathaniel. Suddenly, in one swift, graceful movement, he rose from the cot and turned to face me. He was at least six inches taller than me. He was as black as night. He was broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip. His black, homespun shirt hugged the muscles in his arms in addition to those that made up his massive chest and stomach. His legs were equally as muscular and encased in black denim.

  On his large feet were black, dusty boots. He hooked his thumbs in his belt loops and stared at me. His face was impassive. His lips were full and inviting. His nose large and broad. His eyes were dark brown and full of intelligence and an animal lust that I immediately responded to. He sensed it and a smile lit up his face.

  “Howdy, Jake. It is Jake, correct? I was pretty sure I heard you called that by your myriad of visitors. You sure are the popular boy at the dance, aren’t you?”

  Despite the circumstances, I found myself laughing at his remark. He joined me. His laughter was deep and throaty and raised gooseflesh on my arms.

  “Yes, it’s Jake.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name’s Ezekiel.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Ezekiel.”

  Without further preamble, he began slowly stroking his crotch, all the while never taking his eyes from mine. I watched, mesmerized, as the swelling there grew from the ministrations of his hand. My mouth dropped open in amazement at the size of the lump as it increased. It was almost bursting through the denim. It appeared as if a third appendage was hidden there.

  “Do you like what you see so far, Jake?”

  “Are my eyes deceiving me, Ezekiel?”

  My voice was barely above a whisper.

  “No,” was his reply.

  Still maintaining eye contact, he began undoing the buttons of his denims. He pulled the flaps open and pulled up his shirt, revealing his thick stomach. His white drawers stood out in stark contrast to his dark skin. When he pushed his pants down to his muscular knees, I gaped at the thick member struggling to be released from his drawers. He stroked it several times, running his thumb over the fat cockhead. It was the size of a small apple. After a few more strokes, he slid his drawers down a bit, keeping his cock hidden but revealing a veritable forest of thick, black, wiry crotch hair. I longed to bury my nose in it and inhale deeply of the scent of this handsome giant.

  He slid his drawers down to join his denims. His enormous pole slapped hard against his belly. The fat head deposited a long strand of his early juice. It was the biggest cock I had ever seen, and I was no stranger to dick. It was long and thick, the head a slightly lighter color than the thick shaft. His balls were enormous, the size of hen’s eggs in their black skin sac. He smiled when he saw my look of amazement. He spit into his hand, coated the thick shaft, and began stroking himself slowly. I couldn’t take my eyes from his enormous prick.

  “It’s yours if you want it, Jake. If you can handle it, that is!”

  “I can handle it, Ezekiel. I do want it. Your cock may be my last!”

  I crossed the cell and knelt in front of the giant, as if in supplication. I reached through the bars and grabbed his cock in my right hand. It was warm and heavy to my touch. His thick, musky odor filled my nostrils. I inhaled deeply several times, letting the effluvia invade my senses. I ran my fingers through his black crotch hair before burying my nose in them. Ezekiel stepped closer to the bars. He pressed tightly against them and thrust his cock through one of the openings. I licked the fat cockhead. A tiny drop of clear fluid appeared in his piss slit. I lapped it up and took the head into my mouth, sucking softly on it. Ezekiel moaned his appreciation. He reached through the bars and placed his right hand on the back of my head.

  He gripped the bars with his left to steady himself. I released the large crown and turned my attention to the thick shaft. I ran my tongue along its underside and swirled it over the fat knob once more. I grabbed the bars with both hands and swallowed as much of his dick as I could. The head barged past the back of my throat and deep down my gullet. When I could take no more, there was still enough left outside my mouth to wrap my hand around. I relaxed and breathed softly through my nose, letting my throat adjust to the large intruder.

  “Jerk it as you suck it, Jake.”

  I could only nod my head in affirmation.

  I began sawing on his huge cock. It felt like I was trying to swallow a
good-sized tree limb. Saliva was running freely from my mouth as I sucked for all I was worth. With my left hand, I jerked the portion of his dick I couldn’t swallow. With my right, I kneaded his large bag of balls. Ezekiel kept up a steady series of low moans and soft words of encouragement. I was soon lost in the taste of him and the sounds of my ministrations. A good ten minutes must have passed, and my jaw was beginning to ache. All at once, I felt his balls tighten to the base of his cock.

  “I’m gonna blow, Jake!”

  Ezekiel stepped back till his cockhead was resting just inside my mouth. I was not prepared for the flood that followed. He had enough semen for two men. I was barely able to keep up with the deluge. It didn’t seem like it was going to end. When the last drop had been deposited, Ezekiel withdrew his cock and wiped the fat head on my cheek. I licked the shaft clean.

  “You sure do know how to please a man, Jake. That was right nice. No one’s ever been able to swallow all of my seed. If you sit tight for a few minutes, and are up for it, I’ll be ready to go again. I’d like to be inside that sweet ass of yours.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Ezekiel.”

  He pulled his drawers and pants up but left his shirt off. He returned to his cot and sat down facing me.

  “What are you in for, Jake?”

  “It’s a long story, Ezekiel, and a complete misunderstanding. But there’s no one still alive who can vouch for any of my actions. I’m going to go in front of the judge as soon as he arrives tomorrow morning.”

  “My fate’s already been decided, Jake. I never even got to see a judge. That gallows out there is for me. All for simply loving a cattleman’s son over in Juarez, across the border in Chihuahua, Mexico.”

  “How’d you end up in Abilene?”

  “Michael and I met several months ago in a saloon in Juarez. It was love at first sight. But his father, Don Sanchez, objected not only to our affections, but also to the color of my skin. He barred me from their ranch. He has several large pieces of property in Mexico, one of which he was going to deed to Michael. However, the stipulation was that Michael marry a local girl, settle down, and raise a family. This all changed when I entered the picture. I told Michael it was best that I head back across the border. I would remain close enough so we could see each other often. Without his father knowing, of course.

  “But somehow his father got wind of our plan and became enraged. Michael had given me a horse as a gift when we parted. When his father discovered this, he claimed I stole it and reported me to the local authority in Mexico. However, he apparently had bigger matters to attend to and didn’t even search for me. Don Sanchez was livid.

  “A piece I forgot to mention is that Don Sanchez has several friends who are Texas Rangers. He used his influence and had a cadre of rangers arrest me for horse thieving. You know horse stealing is still a hanging crime in this state, Jake. They didn’t need a judge to decide that. One of the rangers insisted they take me back to Abilene rather than string me up where they found me. Now it’s all nice and legal.”

  “I truly feel bad for you, Ezekiel. You’re having the same run of bad luck I am.”

  “Now, what’s your story, Jake?”

  I quickly related to Ezekiel the events that had transpired over the past several months. For some reason, I omitted nothing, somehow knowing deep in my gut I could trust this giant. Somehow, I was also sure he would believe me. I ended with the accusations Seth Rawlins had charged me with earlier. Ezekiel was silent for at least a minute before letting out a long, drawn-out whistle.

  “Wow, that story is sorrier than mine. You have my sympathies as well, Jake. The biggest thing we have in common is that we both are jailed for the sake of love.”

  Ezekiel returned to his cot and spread out once more. I leaned back against the wall, once more lost in my own thoughts.

  With both Ben and Sheriff Rawlins dead, there was no way I could prove my innocence. With Ben dead, what did I have to live for? But was it a certainty that the second body found with Sheriff Rawlins was Ben? Seth had said both bodies were banged up very badly, with Rawlins only being recognizable by his pistols. Could someone else have been with Rawlins? If so, what had happened to Ben? Seth had also said the bodies had been brought into town just this morning. I needed to escape, and very soon. Once I did, I would go and examine Ben’s remains.

  After that, I would start a new life somewhere. I knew I could no longer remain in the States. I would be hunted till my dying days. I had to get out of the country, and Mexico seemed to be the logical choice. I was thinking about my freedom when I realized someone was standing outside my cell. It was Seth Rawlins. I stared at him in cold silence.

  “I just wanted to let you know, Slater, that the circuit judge has arrived. We just had several drinks together in the saloon. You see, he’s an old friend of the family. He was not happy to hear what I had to tell him. He is going to find you guilty tomorrow morning, and you will hang right after that bastard over there.”

  He indicated Ezekiel with a jerk of his thumb.

  “Oh, one more thing before I leave. I didn’t share all of the telegrams with Nathaniel. The ones where James told me what truly happened. We devised the story I told Nathaniel just in case things didn’t go according to his plan. Unfortunately for you, those telegrams were burned in a fire. In my father’s fireplace, to be exact. I would do anything to save the reputation of my brother and our family, Slater. Anything!”

  Without another word, he turned and left.

  “He’s a real bad sort, ain’t he, Jake?”

  “He is indeed, Ezekiel. He’s apparently not worried about letting you know of his devious actions to frame me. I guess he figures both our fates are sealed.”

  “Even if I did tell the sheriff, Jake, he wouldn’t believe me.”

  I knew he was right. I also knew that tomorrow I was going to die.

  “I’m ready for you again, Jake.”

  Ezekiel’s pants were bunched at his ankles. He was once again gripping the bars of our joined cells. His horse cock was poking into my cell enticingly.

  “Get that ass of yours over here!”

  What the hell, I thought. What better way to spend my last hours on this earth. If they caught us, so what. What could they do, kill us?

  Without a word, I joined Ezekiel at the bars, unbuttoning my denims as I approached him. When we were face-to-face, he pressed his face against the bars. I did the same, and he kissed me deeply. He tasted of tobacco and whiskey. I turned my back to him and dropped my pants and drawers. I reached behind me, gripped the bars, and bent over as far as I was able. Ezekiel began kneading the cheeks of my ass. He gripped them and gently pried them apart, exposing my secret spot. Suddenly, his tongue was working its way along my crack. He swirled it around my tender hole, teasing it again and again before diving in to hit the spot dead center. I moaned softly and pushed my ass back against his tongue as Ezekiel continued to lap at the tender opening. His tongue was gone as suddenly as it had appeared. I heard him spit several times and after that, he was spreading the wetness around my hole. When he was done he inserted a large finger inside me and worked it around. Apparently satisfied with his work, he withdrew his finger and replaced it with the head of his cock. I felt it pushing urgently against my hole.

  “Please take it slow, Ezekiel.”

  “I will, Jake.”

  I let out a long, low moan when the large knob popped through. Ezekiel paused, and once again, kneaded the cheeks of my ass.

  “Relax, Jake. Just let it slide in.”

  I tried to relax as the giant began pushing his pole deep inside me. As each inch penetrated me, it felt like my asshole was on fire. Ezekiel paused several times to allow my chute to adjust to the large intruder. After a final pause, I felt his crotch hair brushing against the cheeks of my ass. The fat knob was buried deep in my hole. As waves of sensation swept through me, I realized my arms were about to go limp.

  “Hold me up, Ezekiel.”

a word, he grabbed me firmly by the hips. I released my arms and tried to catch my breath.

  “Are you okay, Jake?”

  “I think so.”

  The last came out sounding like a long, low moan.

  “I’ll take it nice and slow.”

  As he slowly withdrew it felt as if my insides were being pulled out of me. Ezekiel kept just the head in me, and then slid into me once more. After several more pumps, the pain began to subside. It was replaced by the usual overwhelming pleasure. It was then that I realized I had been moaning continuously. I realized I was in danger of alerting Nathaniel and Roy, and Seth if he was still around. I took my hat off and bit down on the brim, muffling the noise. Meanwhile, Ezekiel continued to enter me in long, slow, easy strokes. After several minutes, he increased his pace and the tempo of his moans increased as well. It was clear he was quickly nearing his release. He sank deep within me once more and held his cock inside me.

  “Here it comes, Jake!”

  His powerful fingers dug into my thighs as his seed filled me. When he was spent, he withdrew slowly. I felt some of his spooge slide down the back of my leg. He slapped my right ass cheek affectionately.

  “Well, Jake Slater. I can honestly say I will die a satisfied man in the morning. That was just what old Ezekiel needed!”

  “Glad I could be of service, Ezekiel. I just hope I can stand up straight when the time comes.”

  I pulled up my pants and drawers and returned to my cot. My ass was good and sore from the pounding it had just received. Ezekiel lay on his cot, facing me. I was deep in thought when a movement outside my cell caught my eye. It was Deputy Higgins. He unlocked and opened the cell door and stepped inside. He bent to pick up the plate from where it had landed, apparently not realizing his proximity to Ezekiel. What happened next occurred so swiftly I wasn’t even sure I had seen it.

  With cat-like grace, Ezekiel rose from his cot soundlessly. He sneaked up to the young deputy and, as Higgins straightened, reached through the bars and locked his arms around the deputy’s neck. I rose and quickly kicked out with my left foot, catching Higgins in the balls. Ezekiel relaxed his stranglehold, and Higgins dropped to the floor. A swift kick to the jaw laid him out cold. I quickly gagged him and grabbed the ring of keys at his belt. I also grabbed both of his pistols. I freed Ezekiel and handed him one of the guns.


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