Make-Believe Marriage

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Make-Believe Marriage Page 12

by Ferreira, Dill

  - I'm not going to be able to control myself much longer, Amanda – he said touching her with his cock. - I want you so much. His eyes shining from desire pointed to the clouds.

  - Then come to me Tony. - Her voice full of desire made him laugh with joy.

  - Do you want it, Amanda? - he asked feeling the warmth running between her legs.

  – I want to, Tony. I want you to take me. - The sentence he needed was spoken. There was no turning back. He would have the woman he loved at that moment.

  - Mommy, Mommy! - the child’s voice awoke them.

  Did you hear? - Amanda asked taking her hands off his hair.

  - Yes I did. - He replied staying away against his will. His body hurt so badly it took a few seconds for him to get back together.

  - What was it my love? - asked Amanda entering the child's room followed by Tony.

  - I had a bad dream Mama - said the child. - Can I get in bed with you? - Amanda looked at Tony who consented.

  The little one cuddled between the two and slept leaving both disturbed by the sweet memories. Sleeping had become an almost impossible task for Amanda. She insisted on remembering the burning kisses and caresses that they had exchanged. The way he touched her and kissed her, just like her body reacted to him, was startling her. Where did that desire between them come from? She had never noticed it before.

  Tony looked at the woman asleep on the other end of the bed. She had given herself so naturally that made her even more charming and passionate. There was much love in that woman, he would just have to remain patient as ever.

  The weekend arrived cold, icy as the end of the night during which they almost made love to each other. The two talked, but nothing was said on the matter. When Amanda was having coffee he came in.

  - What led you to wake up so early? - She asked that since she could not sleep she went to the kitchen to wait for the coffee to be ready.

  - I'll walk a little. - He said with a light smile. - I'll have to take a trip that I have been postponing and will return in two days. If you need to talk to me call me - Tony informed picking up a piece of toast.

  - All right. - She said wondering why the unexpected trip. - Will you be having lunch at home? – she asked.

  No. I must go in the morning. - Amanda consented and they continued to have breakfast in silence.

  In the farewell he touched Amanda's face lovingly giving her a light kiss on the mouth.

  - Take care. Will be back soon. - The tender voice in which he spoke urged her to ask him to stay. But she said nothing. That absence could help them.

  - Take care you too. - Amanda felt slight longing getting hold of her.

  At work, even if she tried, Amanda could not hide from her assistant who realized that something had happened.

  - I knew it! You have a lot to live, friend. Enjoy this moment and stop worrying about tomorrow; who can guarantee what will come? - Amanda was thoughtful with her friend’s comment.

  - But this was not supposed to happen, Carol. I'm afraid it's just a fetish and this might hurt one of us. In every relationship that ends, one of the two always comes out more injured.

  - If this happens, my dear, all you need to do is just look ahead and go on with life. We all stumble; what we cannot do is avoid falling forever. - The girl was maturing, confirmed Amanda.

  - I will try to absorb what you said - promised Amanda wishing a fraction of the adventurous instinct of her employee.

  During the two days that followed, though, Amanda had been unsuccessful in trying to be more open to opportunities. The memory of time together and the risk that she might be in throwing herself into this adventure was tormenting her. The ringing of the bell took her away from her nightmares. When she opened the door, she seemed surprised.

  – How are you, Amanda? –Breno greeted her standing before her.

  – Fine, thanks, and you? – She returned the greetings politely.

  – I’m fine. I came to visit my son’s new house and see him. – said Breno ironically.

  – You know he’s at school now. – she criticized.

  - I said I wanted to see him, but I did not say it would have to be now. -His self-confidence and coldness somewhat warned her. Breno came in and Amanda chose to leave the door half-open, in case she needed to call the gardener who was outside.

  - Cozy home. I don't remember you liking to live in houses – he said.

  - I never had anything against houses. I preferred apartments because my son and I were always alone since he was born. -Amanda said sure he understood the message.

  - I could give you a house better than this one, you know? -Amanda doubted what she had heard.

  – We are fine here. No need to worry. -He came closer and forced her to look in his eyes.

  - It was not clear to you that I want our life back. What must I do to convince you?– Breno grabbed her preventing her to escape from the kiss.

  - Let go of my wife! -ordered Tony behind them at the door. As Amanda knew, Breno was a coward, but she believed he would react negatively to that order, but when she turned she saw so much hatred in Tony’s eyes that she knew then that her ex-husband wouldn't dare.

  - I was just leaving. See you Amanda, we’ll talk another time. -He had to pass by Tony and made it quickly.

  - I can explain what you saw here. -Amanda was sure that from the position he was, he might not have seen correctly.

  - No need.– He said coldly.– I ask only that you do not make a fool of me and if you still like him, tell me. -The request came out like a plea.

  - It is not what you're thinking. He kissed me, it is true, but I did not kiss him back, I assure you. - She said.

  You do not need to explain anything to me, but you must respect me like I respect you in every way. – The statement was ambiguous and Amanda was surprised. Tony was face to face with her. His grief was visible. -Don't make me an idiot of me – he said taking her arm lightly.– I accepted to help you get rid of Lucas’s father and I don't want you to meet, not in that way because it would be time wasted and I'm not willing to do that.

  - I didn’t invite him to come here. -Amanda couldn't control the pain to see the man who had helped her so was suffering. -Tony, he came without any invitation, believe me.

  - All right – he finished moving away quickly. Amanda started crying and that made him suffer too much. In the hope of undoing the misunderstanding she approached him again.

  - Please stay away. -He begged. She did not obey the request and approached touching his face.

  - Maybe we should try at least once. -Tony seemed immensely upset and the fear Amanda was feeling of losing him left her distressed. Without thinking about the consequences Amanda kissed him. Surprised by her reaction, Tony was paralyzed. She had kissed him and not him, as it was usual. Amanda stroke the back of his head and pulled him to her. Tony held her and received the soft and tasty kiss that he so craved for. He loved her and couldn't stand to see her in the arms of another. Feeling stronger Amanda stuck her fingernails gently on his back giving him goose bumps.

  - Don't do this to me Amanda – he pleaded in her ear. -I won’t be able to stop from here – he warned before losing his mind. Amanda stuck her body to his in response. Thirsty for her, Tony took her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom where they continued the pleasurable act of love. Tony touched lightly on her intimate parts under the dress and was delighted to see how this excited her. With the touch, she lifted her body offering herself to him who quickly took her dress off stroking the beautiful naked breasts. With his mouth he sucked each nipple, listening to a song that he had dreamed of hearing from Amanda's lips. The moaning was constant, while she bit her lip to hold back the scream that stubbornly refused to come out.

  - I wanted so much to have you, Amanda. - He penetrated her deeply then.

  - Tony! -Amanda pronounced his name with a trembling voice of desire. -Love me baby. Make me yours, please. -With the body on fire she arrested him on her lap full of desire t
o be exploited by the eager mouth of the man she stubbornly saw only as a friend. The force of the passion was such that Amanda got rid of the fear discovering that she wanted that man as she had never wanted another. Eager to taste that pleasure she crossed her legs around him and pulled him into her. The cry of pleasure he emitted turned her on too much. Tony had her with fury, wilderness and gentleness at the same time. A seasoning that made Amanda crazy, leading her to compulsive crying. Scared he rose quickly.

  - Did I hurt you? – he asked looking at her from to top to bottom. -Forgive me I couldn't control myself. I want you so much it hurts – he confessed worried. Amanda couldn't speak at all, which led him to misinterpret her cries. -You regretted. You don't want to ruin our friendship. Is that it? – He said with his suffered voice leaving the bed.

  - No, Tony. Wait. -She pleaded. He left her with love growing in her body.

  Amanda returned from her bath still feeling Tony's hands on her body. She could not understand yet the origin of that feeling for Tony. Where was it kept and why only now did it come out that way making her lose the ground? She needed to understand what was going on, because her body compulsively craved for his tenderness.

  Chapter VIII

  Amanda waited for her son at the school gate when Breno approached.

  – What are you doing here? – She asked seeing the expression of victory on his face. He had no idea that his childish attitude aroused to a new feeling.

  – I want to see my son and invite him to spend the weekend with me. – Amanda did not like what she heard at all.

  – Did you decide to play the role of a father? – she asked less harshly thinking about the involuntary help he had given her hours ago at home.

  – From father and husband, if you want. – He said laughing. – Because, from what I noticed, your marriage won’t last.

  – I am not interested in your opinion, Breno. Know that your thoughtless actions may generate wonderful situations. – He seemed less confident after the remark. Breno was going to say something when he saw his child approaching, so he was quiet. The child was visibly surprised at seeing his parents together.

  – You father wanted to see you, honey – said Amanda noticing the confusion in his eyes.

  – I came to invite you to spend the weekend with me – said Breno smiling. The boy looked at his mother questioningly.

  – If you want to, son – she answered.

  – OK, I’ll go. – He replied without any excitement. On the way back home, the boy was quiet, which worried Amanda.

  – Is there anything you want to say, son? – she asked.

  – No! – he replied.

  – When you feel like saying anything, I am here. – She said respecting her son’s silence.

  When Amanda arrived home, she left her son in his bedroom for him to take a shower and went to hers. When she went in, the memory of the two on the sheet came back. Tony’s body over hers, proving all his excitement and confirming what her crazy friend and assistant said, Tony wished her as she had discovered she wanted him too. Amanda caressed the sheet with her thoughts far away, when Tony called her.

  – Amanda! – he exclaimed, startling her. – Can we talk? – he asked.

  – Of course – she answered coming back from her thoughts.

  – Sônia took Lucas for a ride, so we can be alone for a while. – He informed coming into the bedroom.

  - I have the impression that like me you must also be wondering what happened here today. I believe that because of the wanting at which we are and that has contributed to these events and I want to make it very clear that I did not plan it and if you want to terminate our agreement here, I’ll respect your decision, whatever it is. -He declared causing Amanda to realize that he was confused.

  -Don't blame it all on you. I also participated and if there is any one to blame, then the two of us are to blame.

  -I want you to know that at no time I wanted to take advantage of the situation. It happened and I couldn't help it. - He looked at her deeply, as if he was looking for something inside her.

  - I know that Tony. - She said feeling impotent before his decision to believe that everything had been caused by the need of both of them. Amanda remained silent and perceiving the tumult in her eyes Tony moved away to leave her with her thoughts, thus he could also review his own.

  They left things go on until they were ready to settle such question.

  Chapter IX

  On Friday Amanda left her son at school and went home. That day there was not a lot for her to do at the store, thus she preferred to be alone for a bit. She decided to rest; she picked a flowery bikini that Tony had bought and went to the pool. She spread a towel on the floor and lay down to sunbathe. Feeling very hot, she went into the water staying there for a few moments and returned to the towel after spreading some more of her sun screen. Tired, she fell asleep briefly waking up startled by a huge shadow above her. Protecting the face from the sun she saw Tony’s tired face.

  - You look tired. - She said what she thought.

  - I had a stressful day and decided to come back home earlier – he said taking off his jacket.

  - Then get in the water, it will help a lot, it worked for me. - Amanda said.

  - I'll take your suggestion. I'll be right back. – When he left, Amanda threw herself into the water to calm down her heart. She had not felt her heart pounding so fast for some time and now her heart raced just by being next to him. Now, when everything needed to be as natural as possible, things changed in her life, especially in her body.

  When he returned, Tony was wearing blue shorts with a white striped shirt on the sides. His body was fully in shape – even too much in shape, from her point of view. Amanda analyzed it as she had never done before. “He must have chosen those shorts on purpose”, she thought. It was difficult not to look that way. Tony placed his wristwatch on the stretcher and turned to her.

  – It looks like we had the same Idea. – He said as he plunged into the pool throwing water all over the place. With quick strokes, he came close to her.

  – What do you mean? – asked Amanda surprised at the remark. Would she have thought out loud and Tony heard her foolish comments? She was not that crazy!

  - We both thought of coming to the pool today.– He replied. Amanda smiled relieved.

  - Ah! It's true. -Less tense, she began to swim slowly to get some distance and let herself go floating on the water. Tony stayed where he was watching her. When Amanda realized he wasn't moving, she turned and stood upright.

  - Any problem at work? - She wanted to know.

  No. Just a lot of work. I'm going to have to be two of me to complete some projects because I have something important in mind and I will need to speed up the ones in process of completion. And with your store, how are things? -He always observed closely when she needed something.

  – Today we didn't have a lot to do, I left Carol taking care of things and came back home – she said. Tony went to her side and they stood leaning on the side of the pool looking at each other.

  - Do you think we're confusing things?– She asked realizing that she would be kissed immediately.

  - I do not know. – He said standing in front of her. -Want to find out? -Tony grabbed her between his arms and they remained firm at the edge beside her body to keep her from getting out.

  - Tony! – she said pleadingly.

  – I love hearing you call me that with your hoarse voice, you know? -Amanda sighed deeply and accepted the kiss she received. Embraced to him they kissed passionately. They could feel their bodies shaping each other in unique magic. Tony took her by the waist and lifted Amanda off the ground surrounding the pool.

  -You're driving me mad. – He spoke when he felt her legs circumvent his back.

  - What is it, Tony? – she asked feeling his hands caressing her buttocks. They kissed again while Tony undid her bra knot.

  - I want to love you here. – He said removing the piece leaving her breasts

  - Someone may come in, Tony. - She knew they would be alone for a long time, but was afraid of something. Maybe herself. He gently kissed her belly and climbed up to get between her breasts. As soon as he sucked one of them, Amanda stuck her fingers in his hair while he was on fire with the warm tongue going around her sensitive and eager skin for more. Feeling that he wouldn't put up with it any longer, Amanda descended slowly into the water where they joined their passionate mouths. Into the water he removed her bikini while Amanda involved him again with her legs. Then Tony penetrated her gently all the way.

  – I confess I wanted exactly that when I thought I'd come back home, but I had no idea I would be this lucky. -Amanda kissed him then feeling the pressure of the back and forth of hungry bodies. They made love slowly, wishing that moment would not end.

  - My love I will not be able to hold out much longer. We need to stop or I will come here in the pool.

  - Enjoy - in view of the request he pumped her for a few more seconds and gushed the nectar inside her. Embraced, they remained in the same location until they recovered.

  - The pool needs to be emptied. - Amanda said when he pulled away.

  – I will see about that now. Tony kissed her and as soon as she left and went inside the house with the top of the bikini in hands, he started the process feeling the most accomplished of men.

  They took their baths and when she reached the kitchen Tony was already there sipping his coffee.


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