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Make-Believe Marriage

Page 14

by Ferreira, Dill

  – There is still time, Amanda. It only depends on you. – He added with a calm and self-confident voice.

  – We shall talk inside Breno. – She said turning to the attorney who resumed the subject they were debating.

  They were summoned and during all questioning that the judge made to the father, she saw a man that reminded nothing of the man she had lived with. He behaved like a caring and worried father about the child. Amanda did not make use of low tactics with Breno, but her arguments were sufficient to provide her with the final custody. As she expected, the judge knew Breno’s family and did not want to issue his final judgment affirming that a social assistant would be visiting the house where the child lived, as well as the father’s house, and then provide a final sentence. On the way out, Breno tried to talk to her, but when he saw Tony approaching, he skidded away.

  – How was it, honey? – He asked, embracing her.

  – It is all in my favor; yet, the judge preferred to decide after a social assistant visits our house and Lucas’s father’s house. – Tony picked up a folder she had in her hands and took it with him to facilitate walking together.

  – It is a normal attitude when it comes to the well-being of a child. It shall certainly be favorable to you. – He said kissing her forehead.

  - The lawyer said it is won already, but we should wait for a response until who knows when, troubled. - She said hugging him.

  They said goodbye to the lawyer and went home together. That night, like the previous ones, Tony did not reach out to her, he was aware that she would not feel like it. He would let her decide when it would be time for the two of them.

  For Amanda's joy, the social worker really went to visit her home the following week. Both she and her son had gone through some questioning including about Tony. The social worker asked questions and looked satisfied with the results she had obtained. After the visit Amanda called Tony informing him.

  - She would not tell me openly that I will have custody, but gave me evidence that this will be her conclusion – she said cheerful.

  - I was sure of that Amanda. - His words gave her even more courage. - How about celebrating by traveling with me? - He invited.

  - When you get home we will talk about it – she said lovingly. That weekend the child would stay with his father which could make the trip possible.

  The following days were a relief to her. Everything returned to normal and sometimes she and Tony exchanged caresses. They were beginning to understand each other as man and woman giving a new direction to Amanda’s uncertainties. One night, after taking Amanda’s son to his room in Tony's arms, they talked until early dawn about plans that a few weeks ago she was not even thinking about. When they did not make love, they slept embraced as every harmonious couple should do.

  As they had planned, they took the plane on Saturday morning. It was a small aircraft that a friend of Tony’s had loaned him. Due to the agitation of the week, as soon as Amanda settled down, she fell asleep. During the travel time Tony watched her constantly. His life was empty and grey before she appeared. All his time was devoted to work, there was no room for trifles. Now he counted every hour of the day he passed away wishing he could go home and see her, smell her. Falling in love with her when she sought his eyes during meals or when they watched a movie together. He could not imagine how good it was getting home and finding a smiling child greeting him. Stuck in his thoughts, Tony did not notice when she woke up.

  - Do we still have a long way to go? - she wondered stretching.

  No. We'll be there soon. You seem to be very tired or is it my impression? - He wanted to know, so he would not insist on staying long at the party, that evening.

  - After sleeping so much I cannot say I'm tired. - She joked.

  - I'm glad that we will go off a little from our destination. I want you to see something that I consider one of the most beautiful images. - Amanda saw the enthusiasm of a child in his eyes. Soon afterwards, Tony invited her to the window, so she would see what he wanted to show her.

  - Look Amanda – he said, pointing ahead. - There is what I wanted to show you. The famous Rio-Niterói bridge. Isn’t it gorgeous!? – he exclaimed enthusiastically.

  - It is really wonderful, but it is sort of scary to see so much water around a concrete road. - She said while flying over the bridge. - Seeing live like that, it is even longer than it is perceived in the books and on the internet - he said.

  - It is true, seeing it like that is that you realize its extent. This bridge is 13.29 km long. - Amanda was startled by the information. - Its construction was not that simple, although it seems that everything went well because it is right there, majestic. It started in 1969 and it should have been completed in three years, but there were several setbacks, such as changes in the construction company, and the bridge was only inaugurated on March 4, 1974 and is among the largest bridges in the world. - "He sounded like a tour guide," Amanda thought smiling to hear Antônio's explanation.

  - It seems that it floats cutting through all this expanse of water. - She added impressed at what she saw.

  - Guanabara Bay collaborates a lot for all this beauty. And to think they even discussed about the possible construction of an underground tunnel. There are people who certainly would prefer that. Many say they avoid going from one city to another for fear of driving through this great extension of a bridge over the water and it may fall. - He amused himself by making the comment.

  - I think I’d feel the same. Imagine a car down there, the only thing you see for a long way on the sides is a multitude of water. - She confessed. - But it's still very beautiful. - Amanda saw boats passing under the bridge coming and going with their cargoes from various places.

  - It is man's wisdom working on his behalf - he finished.

  - Said the best tour guide I've ever had. - She remarked smiling.

  - It does me good to see you smiling so. - He said looking at her intently.

  - Thank you! I will try to smile more often. - Amanda commented accepting his hand over hers.

  As they prepared to go to the party he concluded that she was doing what she had said. Her smile was radiant. Tony hoped his presence was part of the joy she seemed to feel. Amanda positively changed each new week. She was more willing and open to their relationship. It was obvious that she did not feel the same as him, but it appeared that it would be a matter of time, and he was hoping to see.

  - I'll call from the front desk and ask them to call a car to take us. - Tony left the room letting her more comfortable to get ready. Taking advantage of her husband's absence she perfumed her lap and the other parts of the body where he might want to touch her after the party. That night Amanda was willing to reset the time and that he respected with great affection. Evidence said that the custody of the child was guaranteed; now, she could take better care of her love life, their relationship.

  Tony was in the room when she came in.

  - You look beautiful - He paid her a compliment looking at her from head to toe. How not to be a little jealous of that beautiful woman?

  Amanda wore a beautiful black silk dress going just below the knee, with high-heeled silver sandals, matching her accessories. The hair fall over her shoulders like silk, smooth on top and with large curls on the ends. There was a fine beauty parlor in the building and Amanda used it to look better.

  - Thank you! - She said. -You're not so bad yourself – she said laughing. The blue suit with salmon tie gave him the appearance of a god. -You didn't have to save words for him and Amanda did not.

  - Thanks for the kindness. He joked offering his arm. – Let’s go now my wife. - He said narrowing her in his arms and went on together as any couple in love.

  When they arrived they were taken to a table that was reserved for two. Everything seemed to have been thoroughly organized. After having a drink that was served, Amanda got up to go to the toilet to retouch her makeup. She would have to be vigilant, all the women present were highly beautiful,
and she didn't want to look badly in the presence of her husband. When she returned, she saw a beautiful blonde talking to Tony. For the first time, she felt a little jealous of him.

  - Julia, this is my wife I told you about – he introduced her, so Amanda came over holding his arm.

  - Nice to meet you, Amanda. I was already sure that this boy would grow old a confirmed bachelor. - she joked. - When I heard he had gotten married I hardly believed it. Amanda liked the woman when she noticed there was only a nice friendship between them.

  - I thought it would be a waste to let him grow old alone. -Amanda said and the two laughed together. Tony narrowed her in his arms and nothing else mattered to Amanda but that contact.

  – I’m really happy for you. If you will excuse me, I need to get back to my husband who returned from his call. – The beautiful woman left after saying goodbye to them.

  – Why did you have to squeeze my arm when you returned and saw her here? – he asked curious.

  – I didn’t squeeze it. Maybe I was cold. – She defended herself.

  – Do you want something to drink to warm you up? – He could not believe what she had said.

  Amanda accepted the drink. She was not used to alcoholic beverages, but knew of its importance in making people less shy and she wanted to be less timid that evening. Her idea was to show him how much she yearned for him and how big was the desire she felt to be loved by him. For several times, when they had offered them drinks, she accepted making Tony worried about how much alcohol she was taking in.

  – Amanda maybe you should stop drinking. I believe you are long past your limit. – he said touching her hand on the table tenderly.

  – Let me finish this and we’ll stop. – she said embarrassed.

  – Do you want to dance a little before we leave? – invited Tony.

  – Sure. – she nodded stretching her hand.

  The dance floor was crowded. Like them, a lot of couples stood up to go dancing to the happy rhythm of the 70’s. Tony grabbed her by the waist and swept her from one side to the other, while they danced cheerfully to the sound of “Macho Man”, by group Village People. For a few minutes, fun took over both of them, but Amanda started feeling dizzy. When Tony noticed her sudden change, he couldn’t help getting worried.

  – What happened Amanda? – he asked, holding her by the waist.

  – I think the drinks went to my head. – She answered embracing him by the neck.

  – Let’s sit down for a while. – Tony grabbed her hand and led her to the table.

  – Do you want to go to the hotel? It’s late already and not too many things will happen as of now, except for a bunch of dizzy people like you. – She laughed at his remark and agreed on leaving.

  Tony helped her get in the car and asked the driver to take them back to the hotel. When they arrived there, she looked better.

  – Alcohol seems to have leveled down, where it belongs – he scolded.

  – I think so too. – Amanda looked at him all sweet. – Take me to the bathroom! – she begged throwing herself into his arms.

  Tony helped her get undressed and was excited at what he’d seen. Amanda was wearing red underwear, with lace, and seemed like the Goddess of Passion right there in front of him. Although the vision was magnificent, he was determined not to give in, helping all the way. Amanda went to the bathroom and he sat there for a few minutes until getting a drink that would soothe him a little. When Amanda returned from her bath, she hydrated and put on the clothes she had separated for the trip. When she appeared in the room, Tony looked at her astounded.

  – Feel better? – He asked observing her naked skin under the fine cloth. Amanda came slowly and stood before him dropping her see-through nightgown on the floor. Tony put the drink on the table and got up.

  – One should not torture anyone at that level if you are not willing to reward the prisoner. – She heard him say, laughingly, bending toward him. Tony pulled her into his arms, kissing her hard. He wished to have endless days and nights. He would have his reward now.

  – Make me yours, love. – She pleaded feeling the hot mouth on her breasts. – Make me happy like only you can. – she asked trembling.

  You drive me crazy you know? - He confessed touching the naked body in front of him. The soft and fragrant skin quickly excited him and made him hunger for her.

  - I intend to continue this punishment for a long time to come. - She said digging her nails into his hair. Tony made her experience positions she had never heard of. Every move they shared, she discovered new sensations, new pleasures. Everything was so natural between them that Amanda could not imagine living without it from then on.

  - Never in my life have I felt so much pleasure. - Her statement encouraged him even more. Tony hugged her strongly to make sure that everything was indeed real. Having Amanda in his arms so completely and beautiful still bewildered him.

  - Let's try many things together, dear, I promise. - He put her on his lap and made love slowly. The touch of manly hands covering her waist and thighs left her in complete ecstasy. Delighted she skirted his back coming and going to the back of his neck pulling him to her. Insatiable, they made love until exploding together in a moan of pleasure.

  Amanda woke up the next day with light kisses on the cheek. - smiling she hid herself under the sheets. Tony had taken her to bed without noticing after falling asleep.

  - Have I ever told you how beautiful you are ?! - He asked just for the kicks of it.

  - Not that I remember. - Amanda replied, hugging him.

  - I thought you were beautiful since the first time I saw you at the school gate. - he confessed.

  - And then you designed a preposterous plan to conquer me, right? - she joked.

  - Perhaps I have really done that without realizing it. Did I do my planning well? - he asked.

  - Perfectly fine. - She touched his cheek caressing the most beautiful and true face she had ever seen. “He was achieving his goal, she was falling in love with him," she thought cheerfully.

  - Let’s go to the bathroom and outline new body strategies. - She invited smiling maliciously.

  - Right now. - Tony caught her in his arms and they went together.

  Chapter XII

  When they were returning home Tony realized how different Amanda was. She smiled easily and gave him plenty of affection. She was reborn for love and soon would blossom altogether. He increasingly believed that fact.

  Tony saw the city in the distance and his heart was fearful. He did not know how Amanda would react when she returned to normal life. His insecurity softened as he looked at her and there were the same sweet and fiery eyes he had seen in the hotel.

  On the way to Aeroporto General Leite de Castro to the neighborhood where they lived, Amanda watched him several times behind the wheel, Tony looked tense, something was bothering him. Could she be the cause or would he be reviewing his actions and planned to make changes in his life that maybe not included her as before. As soon as they arrived she let herself be carried away for the peace of returning home and left the fears aside.

  - Mom, Tony - said the boy to see them coming.

  - How are you big boy? - Tony kissed him on the face lifting him in his arms. Amanda hugged the two of them and also kissed the child.

  - Did you have fun with your father? – asked Amanda.

  - Yes, he took me to the farm and I saw many animals. - "Breno had discovered how to please the little one" thought Amanda. - Dad asked you to call him when you arrived. - Amanda looked discreetly at Tony, he seemed not to care about the news, something positive for their relationship. Mainly because Breno could prepare something if he knew he would be jealous of her with her ex-husband.

  - I'll call later. I need to take a shower now. - She said helping Tony take the luggage into the house.

  They were gathered in the living room after dinner, Amanda and Tony talked about the trip, the little Lucas was already asleep on the couch.

  - I'll tak
e the boy to bed. He's uncomfortable there. - Tony got up and picked up the child taking him to the bedroom. When he returned Amanda was on the phone with Breno.

  - Yes he gave me the message. - She was saying as he came in. - It may be tomorrow, I'll be waiting. - She hung up the phone and went to sit beside her husband.

  - Any problem? - Tony asked sitting down again.

  - I don’t think so. Breno wants to talk to me personally tomorrow. - She said looking embarrassed at him. It was still hard for her to accept that she had put him in that story with her ex-husband that seemed endless.

  - If you need anything, tell me. - Amanda heard snuggling against him and Tony held her bringing her to him.

  - The more I think of the good you have done and does for Lucas and me, I feel less deserving of all this. - Amanda spoke feeling the embrace getting tighter and smiled inwardly.

  - At no time have I ever wished to give up what I committed to and I have received back at even greater proportion than expected. Now I know that doing good does have a guaranteed return. - He spoke hoarsely. Amanda could see the excitement in his voice.

  - Even if I thank him every day of my life, yet I will be in debt with him. - She thought stroking his chest. - I like you very much Tony. I have been surprising myself how good this feeling has done me good. - Tony touched her lips to silent her. He did not need to hear a lot. He saw her progress and that was enough.

  - Let’s go to our room. - He invited. Amanda accepted with outstretched hands and went to her love nest.

  In the bedroom he undressed her displaying the beloved body he so desired. Amanda wanted to do the same and pulled his shirt. When she knelt down to take his trousers she brushed her lips on his soft skin causing a slight groan from him. After removing the piece, she returned to the position and covered his penis with her mouth feeling all the excitement of the gentle and sweet man whom she had the good fortune to come into her life. Tony stroke her hair amazed with the attitude of that woman. His beautiful Goddess had not put limits on their lovemaking. He was bewitched forever.


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