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Make-Believe Marriage

Page 15

by Ferreira, Dill

  Amanda woke up to the sound of the shower. Nothing like getting awaken to the sound of love nearby. Soon Tony came out with a beautiful face.

  - I'm glad you woke up. - He said. - I would wake you, but I felt pity on you. You looked like an angel sleeping.

  - Angels do not need to work and I need to go to the store today. I have been leaving everything up to Carol, soon she will make me hire another assistant or ask for a raise. - The second option was already going through my head for weeks.

  - So get up and take a bath, there is still time for us to have breakfast together.

  Tony gave her a light kiss and left her alone in the room. Like a lazy cat Amanda went to take her bath. They had breakfast and went to work together leaving instructions not to wake up their son, so that he could rest to go to school in the afternoon. The night before, the child took long to fall asleep due to the chit-chat with his mom and Tony. When Amanda went into the store her employee greeted her with a huge smile.

  - No need to tell me anything. I see it in your eyes. - Amanda heard Carol talk, hugging her and smiling.

  - Thanks for pulling my ears. - Amanda thanked picking up her friend’s hand in hers.

  - Even if I had not done it, it would happen. You were made for each other - said Carol radiant with what she saw.

  – You helped a lot. I won’t ever forget it. – Amanda told her about the trip without too many details. – I want to take the opportunity and inform that next month, I’ll give you a well deserved raise.

  – Finally. Amen! – said the girl, smiling.

  After the news was told, both started the week’s work after the analyses of the clothes at hand. Carol had chosen the new collection and Amanda thought it would be fair not to give her opinion. She knew what she was doing quite well, and this had always been clear for the employer and friend.

  As Breno had not shown up at the store for them to talk, Amanda didn’t care thinking that it would certainly be another one of his foolishness. Later, Tony called her saying he would be going home earlier and invited her to come along. Amanda arrived at the agreed time, meeting him at the pool, taking a dip.

  – This way, we are going to starve. None of us wants to work anymore. – She kidded coming close to the edge of the pool.

  - Put on a bikini and come over here – She obeyed and came back ready. When she threw herself into the water, he came near her with quick strokes, grabbing her by the waist.

  – I just had to make love to you here in the pool again, did you know that? – he said visibly aroused.

  – So, that was it. I – naïve – thought you wanted my company after half a day at work. – she pretended to be upset. – You only want to satiate your body. – She was held on the edge of the pool.

  – Right now, you are totally right, but as soon as I make love to you, and I am renewed, you can give me some advice about a project. – She heard looking at him ironically.

  – Since when do I know the first thing about architecture? – She hugged him by holding him with her legs and offering herself to lovemaking. Tony pulled her bikini to the side and penetrated her with a moan of satisfaction.

  – I have been waiting for you to surrender and now I must catch up. Both smiled and after a quick swim, they left the water, in fact renewed with a smile in the body and soul.

  That day, they made love two more times before going to sleep.

  – Tony I have forgotten to say that there will be a small gathering at Sheila’s house. A very dear friend from a long time – said Amanda, when they met for lunch at home.

  – We’ll be there, my love. – Tony called her this way quite often. Amanda, however, did not do the same. He was sure of her feelings for him and that it was quite huge, so he didn’t mind. At the right time, this would happen.

  Her friend received them with gladness and left them with a couple of friends. The conversation became quite pleasant and Amanda only noticed the awkward presence when she looked at the corner and saw Breno observing them. Tony looked upset, but said nothing.

  – Looks like stalling. – that was the only comment he made as soon as he greeted them and left.

  They turned their attention to the couple at the table when a drunkard came by and dropped his drink on Tony’s pants. Losing his patience, he stood up and told the man everything was all right.

  – I’m going to the toilet and see what I can do – he said leaving. – Then, the couple went dancing leaving Amanda alone. Taking advantage of the situation, Breno came by for one more try.

  – You’re alone Amanda. – She noticed that he had something to do with that accident.

  – I’m not alone Breno, my husband will be back soon – she said drily.

  – What husband? That moron who thinks he is the best man in the world? – He seemed to have drunk more than he should.

  – You are confusing my husband with my ex – she said sharply.

  – Besides, I don’t want and will not intend to be here listening to you talk about Tony. – She said standing up. Breno pulled her down making her lose her balance and fall into his arms. Taking advantage of the situation, he kissed her. Out of balance, she struggled to get rid of him. Scared, she looked for her husband in the lounge, without success. My God! She looked at the door and saw Tony observing them with icy-cold eyes. Blinded by shame and imagining what he would be thinking, Amanda went toward him, her heart beating fast.

  – Let’s go home. – He said coldly. Amanda did not insist on giving any explanations. She would do so when they arrived home.

  When Tony parked the car in the garage, he got out of the car saying nothing, went inside the house and into the bedroom. Amanda followed him not understanding what was going on. Tony went up to the closet and opened the doors starting to remove his clothes.

  – Tony. What are you doing? – She asked not believing her eyes.

  – I’m getting out of this game, Amanda. I’m leaving. – His hands trembled when he picked up his clothes. He looked very angry.

  – No Tony! You cannot do that to me – she begged coming near him.

  – I can’t!? You were kissing that bastard. All I did for you was in vain, Amanda. – He had hostility in his tone of voice. – The love I gave you was not enough. You will never stop seeing me as a friend and that is final. – Amanda did not want to believe that was happening. His eyes were red. Tony was controlling himself not to let emotion take over him.

  – Don’t say that, love. It was not in vain. – She said it tenderly. – I don’t want Breno. I want you, Antônio. – He had to believe what she said.

  – Did you just find that out? – he asked blind with fury letting a tear drop and hurting Amanda. – I don’t think so. – He picked up the suitcases and left the room. Amanda was in tears.

  – Wait Tony! Let’s talk, there are a few things I need to tell you. – She would not lose the man who had brought her back to life; she needed to say how much she loved him and wanted to spend the rest of her life beside him. She would say it now or never more.

  – Stop it Amanda. You don’t have to say anything you don’t feel. You never said what was in your head, no need to do it now. – She tried to reach him, but her legs trembled too much. – I will try to understand that you couldn’t love me the way I needed to be loved. Go on with your life and as soon as you feel better, leave the house. No need to hurry. – He finally spoke with his voice filled with emotion.

  Amanda started to go down the stairs, running to reach him. With her eyes blurred from the tears, she tripped and fell off the stairs.

  – Amanda! – She shouted in terror seeing her fall from behind him. Tony dropped his suitcases and went to help her. Kneeling down quickly, he removed the hair that covered her desperate face. – My love, are you all right? – In anguish, she picked up the hand he offered.

  – Promise me you’ll never leave me. – She asked. – I love you and don’t want to lose you – confessed Amanda lying close to him.

  Tony was so
worried analyzing her body, searching for fractures and injuries that he seemed not to hear what she had said.

  – Don’t leave me Antônio, not now that I found how much I love you. – She said one more time in good and loud tone of voice. – Tears dropped from Amanda’s eyes not allowing her to see him well.

  – You, what? – He asked not believing what he had heard.

  – I love you darling, very much. – She repeated, fearlessly.

  – Did you need to bump your head to find out that you love me? – He joked relieved.

  – No. I already knew, but when I thought I could lose you, I saw it was time to tell you. – She looked deep into his eyes waiting for him to change his mind and did not leave her.

  – Falling from the stairs? What a great moment to reveal your feelings. – He laughed, but his voice relayed concern in seeing her fallen.

  – I got desperate to see that you had believed in that scene forged by Breno. I lost balance and he took advantage of the situation to kiss me. This had already happened before and you believed once again. – While Tony helped her get up, she wouldn’t stop talking. – Only a mad woman would not love a man like you Tony and I do not think I am crazy yet. – She said smiling.

  – I’m sorry darling – he apologized. – If something happened to you, I don’t know what I would do. I would kill that guy. – He said picking her up after making sure she had not suffered any injury.

  – My love, there are only two men in this world that I will always love for the rest of my life and you know you are one of them.


  It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The three were happy by the edge of a lake. Amanda watched her son and Tony playing football, they looked like father and son. In fact, it had been a long time that Amanda did not see Breno. The hearing had happened and as it was to be expected she got full custody of the child. Breno did not seem to feel disappointed at the news, confirming that his only goal was to have Amanda back; yet, she allowed him to see his son whenever he wanted, imposing no schedules. Her intention was to encourage the father to participate in the child's growth.

  He, however, remained indifferent, although he visited him regularly picking him up at school on weekends. She knew that parental figure would not last long and also knew that her son thought the same way, although he was still small. Better that way. She thought. Lucas did not have to suffer all over again and now they were now happy with the family that Breno unwittingly helped form.

  Amanda felt immensely accomplished, mainly because her family promised to grow a little more. She and Tony had applied to adopt a child. According to the assistant they could soon receive a beautiful girl they had known when they decided to visit children for adoption. They were delighted with her since the very first time and soon she too would be part of them.

  Smiling, Amanda got out of the towel and went to join the players who received her with great joy, because they needed a goalkeeper.

  The end



  Threatened by her ex-husband, who used their son in an attempt to resume their failed marriage, Amanda decided to opt for a relationship based on appearances.

  Living a pretend was not in her plans; however, she was led to such a situation. Amanda’s intention was to stay away from her former husband and return to her ordinary life with her son with no great illusions or suffering, but as fate had it, her heart was aroused again, presenting her with a great dilemma: make that relationship with Antônio real or ignore that new feeling until the end of the agreement!

  Now who would protect her from that new feeling? How could she stay away from the arms she had just found herself yearning for?

  Would Amanda be able to keep immune to that god who was constantly testing her with his virility?

  On the Author


  Dill Ferreira is Brazilian, Born in Caiapônia in the State of Goiás, on July 11.

  Writer of novel and children’s genres, Dill Ferreira has 05 published pieces of work. Writing is one of the greatest pleasures of the writer, who uses her free time to improve her writing and reading. Passionate for romantic movies and music, she usually gets her inspiration from these passions to create her stories.

  NEO Academic from the Academy of Letters of Goiás. Dill Ferreira is Graduated in Business Administration, married and has one child.



  Twitter: @dillfferreira







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