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The Secret Life of Words

Page 51

by Henry Hitchings

  Germanic languages

  Germany: influence on Coleridge; science and learning

  Gibbon, Edward; Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

  Gilbert, Humphrey

  Gildas: De Excidio Britanniae

  Gillette, King: The Human Drift

  Gilmour, David: The Ruling Caste

  Gilpin, William

  Giraud, Nicolo

  Gladstone, William Ewart

  Glazkov, Nikolai


  Goddard, H. H.

  Godspeed (ship)

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goidelic languages

  Goitein, Shelomo

  Gold Coast

  Gosson, Stephen: Playes Confuted in Five Actions

  Gould, Robert

  Gower, John; Confessio Amantis

  Grand Tour

  Grant, Anthony

  Great Exhibition (London)

  Greek language: influence; prefixes and suffixes; words

  Green, John

  Greenblatt, Stephen

  Greene, Robert

  Gregory I (the Great), Pope

  Gregory XV, Pope

  Grenada: invasion (1983)

  Grenville, Sir Richard

  Grimm, Jacob

  Guaraní languages

  Guevara, Che

  Guiccioli, Contessa

  Guinea (West Africa)

  Gullah creole

  Gutenberg, Johannes

  Guthrum, King of the East Angles

  Guugu Yimidhirr language (Australia)


  Habits of Good Society, The

  Haeckel, Ernst

  Hakluyt, Richard; Principall Navigations; Voyages

  Halfpenny, William

  Ham, son of Noah

  Hamilton, Alexander

  Hanoverian dynasty

  Harbin, Robert: Paper Magic

  Hardy, Thomas; A Pair of Blue Eyes

  Harold Godwinsson, King of England

  Harriot, Thomas; Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia

  Harris, James

  Harris, Rolf

  Harrison, William: The Description of England

  Harvey, Gabriel

  Hasan i Sabbah



  hawking terms

  Hawkins, John

  Hawkins, William

  Hay, John

  Hearn, Lafcadio

  Hebrew language: borrowings from

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

  Heidegger, Martin

  Hemans, Felicia: ‘Superstition and Revelation’

  Hemingway, Ernest; Death in the Afternoon

  Henriette-Marie, Queen of Charles II

  Henry I, King of England

  Henry II, King of England

  Henry III, King of England

  Henry IV, King of England (Henry of Lancaster)

  Henry V, King of England

  Henry VII, King of England

  Henry VIII, King of England

  Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal

  Henryson, Robert

  heraldic terms

  Herbert, Frank: Dune novels

  Herbert, Sir Thomas: Travels


  Herschel, Sir John

  Heywood, Thomas: An Apology for Actors

  Higden, Ranulph; Polychronicon

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Hoby, Thomas

  Hoccleve, Thomas

  Hodgson, William: Errors in the Use of English

  Hogarth, William

  Hong Kong

  Hoobler, Dorothy and Thomas

  Hooke, Robert: Micrographia

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley

  Horace: Ars Poetica

  Hotten, John Camden

  Hubbard, L. Ron

  Hudson, Kenneth

  Huggins, William

  Hughes, Geoffrey

  Hughes, Robert


  Hume, David

  Humphrey of Toron

  Humphries, Barry

  Hundred Years War (1337-1453)

  Hungarian language

  hunting terms

  Huxley, Aldous

  Huxley, Thomas Henry

  Huygens, Christiaan

  Huysmans, Joris-Karl: À Rebours

  Ibn Wahab

  Ibrahim, Badr al-Din: dictionary

  Illustrated London News

  immigration: effect on Britain

  Independence, American Declaration of (1776)

  India: British rule in; English language in; English trade and relations with; food; scholars’ interest in languages; Western interest in; words from

  Indian languages: influence in Britain

  Indian Mutiny (1857-8)

  Indo-European languages

  Indo-Iranian languages

  Indo-Pacific languages


  industrial revolution

  inflexional endings

  Ingrams, Davy

  Inkhorn controversy, the


  Inuit languages and culture

  Ireland: English language in

  Irving, Washington; Astoria

  Isabella, Queen of Spain

  Isabella of Angoulême, Queen of King John

  Isidore of Seville, St

  Islam see Muslims

  Israel, Jonathan

  Italian: as epithet

  Italian language: borrowings from

  Italic languages

  Italy: influence in England; Renaissance; unification


  James I, King of England (James VI of Scotland); ‘A Counterblaste to Tobacco’

  James II, King of England

  James, Henry

  James, Lawrence

  Jameson, Fredric


  Japan: European acquaintance with; exclusiveness; modernization; in Second World War; USA opens up; as world power

  Japanese language: borrowings from; borrowings from other languages; isolation

  Jardine, Lisa

  Jardine Matheson (company)


  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jennings, Francis




  Jevons, William Stanley: The Coal Question

  Jewett, Sarah Orne

  Jews: status in Spain; see also Hebrew language; Yiddish language

  Johanssen, Wilhelm

  John, King of England

  Johnson, Robert

  Johnson, Samuel: on advertisement; on Chesterfield; on Dryden; Fanny Burney meets; and Hester Thrale’s marriage to Piozzi; linguistic principles; on luxury; Noah Webster disparages; on Shakespeare’s punning; uses word ‘duvet’; on word ‘glen’; A Dictionary of the English Language; revised; Irene

  Jolas, Eugene

  Jones, Hugh

  Jones, Sir William

  Jonson, Ben: on Shakespeare’s ‘small Latine and lesse Greeke’; words; Bartholomew Fair; Eastward Ho (with Marston and Chapman); The English Grammar; Every Man in his Humour; The Poetaster; Timber, or Discoveries; Volpone

  Josselyn, John: New England’s Rarities

  joual patois (Canada)

  Jourdain, John


  Joyce, James: Finnegans Wake

  Judt, Tony

  Jung, Carl Gustav

  Kaempfer, Engelbert: History of Japan

  Kanagawa, Treaty of (1854)

  Kant, Immanuel

  Keats, John

  Keay, John

  Kepler, Johannes

  Kerouac, Jack: The Dharma Bums

  Kersey, John

  Kettering, Charles

  Kettner, Auguste: Book of the Table

  Khan, Ghulam Husain

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  Khwarizimi, Muhammad ibn Musa al-

  Kilkenny, Statute of (1366)

  Kinglake, A. W.

  Kipling, Rudyard; Kim

  Kirby, Jack

  Kirke, Edward

  Knapp, Peggy

  La Bruyère, Jean de


  Lanchester, John: The Debt to Pleasure

  Landino, Cristoforo

  Lane, Ralph

  Langland, William; Piers Plowman

  language: character and structure; diversity and mutual incomprehension; families and groups; guide books

  La Reynière, Alexandre de

  las Casas, Bartolomé de

  Lascelles, Richard: A Compleat Journey Through Italy

  Lass, Roger

  Latin language: borrowings from; as language of government; Lydgate and; in official letters; in Old English; persists after Roman departure; prefixes; tags; university teaching in; words in Germanic languages

  Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury

  law: in England; French language in England

  Lawrence, D. H.; Lady Chatterley’s Lover

  Layamon: Brut (poem)

  Le Corbusier (Charles-Edouard Jeanneret): Vers une architecture

  Lee, Bruce

  Lee, Stan

  Leeuwenhoek, Antony van

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Lenin, Vladimir I.

  Lerer, Seth

  Leroy, Louis

  L’Estrange, Hamon; The Reign of King Charles

  Levant: trade with England

  Levant Company

  Lever, Ralph

  Lewis, C. S.

  Lewis, Meriwether, and William Clark

  Lincoln, Abraham


  Lipps, Theodor

  literacy: levels of

  Livingstone, David

  loan words: acceptance; in other languages

  Locke, John; An Essay Concerning Human Understanding

  Lockyer, Charles

  London, Great Fire (1666)

  London Company

  London Stock Exchange

  Louis XIV, King of France


  Lowth, Robert: A Short Introduction to the English Language

  Lumsden, Harry

  Lusignan, Hugh de

  Luther, Martin

  luxury goods

  Lydgate, John

  Lyell, Sir Charles: Principles of Geology

  Lyte, Henry: Herball

  McArthur, Tom


  Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron

  Machiavelli, Niccolò: Il principe

  Mackenzie, Henry: The Man of the World

  McLuhan, Marshall

  McWhorter, John

  Madison, James

  Magellan, Ferdinand

  Magna Carta

  Magyar language

  Makin, Bathsua

  Malay language

  Malory, Thomas: Le Morte d’Arthur

  Maltby, Richard


  Mandarin language: English influences in

  Mandeville, Sir John; The Travels

  manners (social)

  Manteo (Native American)


  Mappa Mundi (Hereford)

  Markham, Gervase: The English Housewife

  Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of

  Marlowe, Christopher: Dr Faustus; Edward II

  Marryat, Frederick

  Marston, John: Eastward Ho (with Jonson and Chapman); Histriomastix; The Insatiate Countess

  Martineau, Harriet

  Marvell, Andrew: ‘The Character of Holland’

  Marx, Karl; The Communist Manifesto (with Engels)


  Mary I (Tudor), Queen of England

  Mary II (Stuart), Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland

  Mary, Queen of Scots


  Massachusetts Bay Colony

  Massachusetts Spy

  Massialot, François: Le Cuisinier roial et bourgeois

  Massinger, Philip: The Unnatural Combat

  Materazzi, Marco

  Matteis, Nicola

  May, Robert: The Accomplisht Cook

  Mayflower (ship)

  medical terms

  Medici, Catherine de’, Queen of France

  medicines: quack

  Mediterranean: English trade in

  Mège-Mouriès, Hippolyte

  Meirelles, Fernando

  Melville, Herman

  Mencken, H. L.

  Mendoza, Gonzalez de

  Mesmer, Anton


  Michelangelo Buonarroti

  Michelet, Jules

  middle classes

  Middle English

  Middleton, Thomas: Women Beware Women

  military terms: modern; under Normans

  Mill, James: The History of British India

  Milton, John; Areopagitica; Paradise Lost

  missionaries (Christian): in China; in India

  Mitford, Nancy

  Modern English (Early Modern English)



  Moluccas, the

  Monardes, Nicolas

  Montagné, Prosper

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley

  Montaigne, Michel de

  Montemayor, Jorge de: Diana

  Montgolfier brothers (balloonists)


  Moor, Edward: Hindu Pantheon

  Moore, Francis; Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa

  Moore, John: Mordaunt

  Moore, Thomas; Lalla Rookh

  More, Sir Thomas

  Moreau, Gustave

  Morier, James: The Adventures of Hajji Baba

  Morris, William

  Morrison, Jim

  Moryson, Fynes


  Moxon, Elizabeth: English Housewifery

  Mugglestone, Lynda

  Mughal Empire

  Muhammad the Prophet

  Mulcaster, Richard

  Mundy, Peter

  Münster, Sebastian: Cosmographia

  Murray, James

  Muscovy Company

  music: Afro-American; popular; word borrowings

  Muslims and Islam; see also Arabic language

  Nabokov, Vladimir: Bend Sinister; Lolita; Pnin

  Nahuatl language

  Nanking, Treaty of (1842)

  Nantes, Edict of: revoked (1685)

  Nature (magazine)

  nautical terms

  Neisser, Albert

  Nelson, Horatio, Viscount

  Netherlands (Low Countries): overseas trade; Spanish in; see also Dutch, the


  New England

  New Guinea

  New Zealand

  Newman, John Henry, Cardinal

  Newton, Sir Isaac; Opticks; Principia Mathematica

  Nicholas, Thomas: The Pedigree of the English People

  Nicot, Jean

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nonsense of Common-Sense (magazine)

  Norman Conquest

  Normandy: seized by Philip Augustus


  Norse language

  Norse literature

  North-West Passage

  Northern Homilies

  Norwegian language: in USA; words from

  novel: rise of

  Nusair, Musa Ibn

  O’Brien, Robert: This is San Francisco


  Old English language

  Oliphant, Kington

  Omai (Tahitian)

  online language

  opium trade

  Opium War, Second (1856-60)

  Orderic Vitalis

  Ormulum, The

  Orwell, George; Burmese Days; ‘Politics and the English Language’; ‘Shooting an Elephant’

  Ostler, Nicholas; Empires of the Word

  Oswald, Archbishop of York

  Ottoman Empire: ends (1922)

  Ovid; Metamorphoses

  Owen, Sir Richard

  Owenson, Sydney (Lady Morgan): The Missionary

  Oxford English Dictionary (OED): compiled; definitio

  Ozick, Cynthia

  Palacios Rubios, Juan López de

  Palsgrave, John: Lesclaircissement de la langue francoyse


  Paoli, Pasquale

  paper: manaufacture

  Park, Mungo: Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa

  Park, Roswell: A Hand-Book for American Travellers

  Parke, Robert

  Parsons, Talcott

  Pascal, Blaise

  Pater, Walter: Studies in the History of the Renaissance

  Paterson, Don

  Paynell, Thomas

  Peel, Sir Robert

  Pegolotti, Balduccio

  Peking, Convention of (1860)

  Peninsular War (1808-14)

  Pepys, Samuel

  Percy, Thomas: Miscellaneous Pieces Relating to the Chinese; Reliques of Ancient English Poetry

  Pérez, Antonio

  Perry, Commodore Matthew

  Persian language and culture


  Peter of Cluny: The Abominable Heresy or Sect of the Saracens

  Petrarch, Francesco


  Philip II, King of Spain

  Philip Augustus, King of France


  Phillips, Edward

  Phillips, Melanie

  Phipps, Constantine, 2nd Baron Mulgrave



  pidgin English

  Pikestaff, Peter

  Pilgrim Fathers

  Piozzi, Gabriel


  Piso, Willem

  Pius V, Pope

  Pizarro, Francisco

  place names

  Plassey, battle of (1757)

  Plath, Sylvia

  Pliny the Elder

  Pocahontas (Matoaka)

  Pococke, Edward: Specimen Historiae Arabum

  Pococke, Richard: Description of the East

  Poitiers, battle of (1356)

  Polish language

  politics: language

  Polo, Marco

  Pomaine, Edouard

  Ponce de Leon, Jean

  Pondicherry, India

  Pontoppidan, Erich: Natural History of Norway

  Pope, Alexander: Dunciad; The Rape of the Lock

  Portugal: colonization of South Africa; early relations with Japan; failed invasion of Morocco (1578); in India and Far East; loan-words from; overseas trade

  potatoes: introduced into Europe


  Practical Guide series (travel books)

  Preston, Thomas: A Dictionary of Daily Blunders

  Price, Owen: The Vocal Organ

  Pricke of Conscience, The (attrib. Richard Rolle)

  Pring, Martin




  Provisions of Oxford


  publishing see books and publishing

  Purchas, Samuel

  Puritans, Puritanism

  Puttenham, George: The Arte of English Poesie

  Qian Long, Emperor of China


  Quarterly Review

  Quebec, Canada


  Rabelais, François

  Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford

  Raleigh, Sir Walter


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